Probably a few things wrong with my code here but I'm mostly having a problem with the syntax. Entry is a model for use in Entries and contains a TimeStamp for each entry. Member is a model for people who are assigned entries and contains an fk for Entry. I want to sort my list of members based off of how many entries the member has within a given period (arbitrarily chose 30 days).
A. I'm not sure that the function I created works correctly, but this is aside from the main point because I haven't really dug into it yet.
B. I cannot figure out the syntax of the Linq statement or if it's even possible.
private bool TimeCompare(DateTime TimeStamp)
DateTime bound = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
if (bound <= TimeStamp)
return true;
return false;
Member list:
public PartialViewResult List()
var query = repository.Members.OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count).Where(TimeCompare(p => p.Entry.Select(e => e.TimeStamp));
//return PartialView(repository.Members);
return PartialView(query);
the var query is my problem here and I can't seem to find a way to incorporate a boolean function into a .where statement in a linq.
To summarize I am simply trying to query all entries timestamped within the past 30 days.
I also have to emphasize the relational/fk part as that appears to be forcing the Timestamp to be IEnumerable of System.Datetime instead of simple System.Datetime.
This errors with "Cannot implicitly convert timestamp to bool" on the E.TimeStamp:
var query = repository.Members.Where(p => p.Entry.First(e => e.TimeStamp) <= past30).OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count);
This errors with Operator '<=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' and 'System.DateTime'
var query = repository.Members.Where(p => p.Entry.Select(e => e.TimeStamp) <= past30).OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count);
Syntactically correct but not semantically:
var query = repository.Members.Where(p => p.Entry.Select(e => e.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault() <= timeComparison).OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count);
The desired result is to pull all members and then sort by the number of entries they have, this pulls members with entries and then orders by the number of entries they have. Essentially the .where should somehow be nested inside of the .count.
Syntactically correct but results in a runtime error (Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: DbSortClause expressions must have a type that is order comparable.
Parameter name: key):
var query = repository.Members.OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Where(e => e.TimeStamp <= timeComparison));
Closer (as this line compiles) but it doesn't seem to be having any effect on the object. Regardless of how many entries I add for a user it doesn't change the sort order as desired (or at all).
var timeComparison = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30).Day;
var query = repository.Members.OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Select(e => e.TimeStamp.Day <= timeComparison).FirstOrDefault());
A bit of research dictates that Linq to Entities (IE: This section)
...var query = repository.Members.OrderByDescending(...
tends to really not like it if you use your own functions, since it will try to map to a SQL variant.
Try something along the lines of this, and see if it helps:
var query = repository.Members.AsEnumerable().Where(TimeCompare(p => p.Entry.Select(e => e.TimeStamp).OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count));
Edit: I should just read what you are trying to do. You want it to grab only the ones within the last X number of days, correct? I believe the following should work, but I would need to test when I get to my home computer...
public PartialViewResult List()
var timeComparison = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
var query = repository.Members.Where(p => p.Entry.Select(e => e.TimeStamp).FirstOrDefault() <= timeComparison).OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count));
//return PartialView(repository.Members);
return PartialView(query);
Edit2: This may be a lack of understanding from your code, but is e the same type as p? If so, you should be able to just reference the timestamp like so:
public PartialViewResult List()
var timeComparison = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
var query = repository.Members.Where(p => p.TimeStamp <= timeComparison).OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count));
//return PartialView(repository.Members);
return PartialView(query);
Edit3: In Edit3, I see what you are trying to do now (I believe). You're close, but OrderByDescending would need to go on the end. Try this:
var query = repository.Members
.Select(p => p.Entry.Where(e => e.TimeStamp <= timeComparison))
.OrderByDescending(p => p.Entry.Count);
Thanks for all the help Dylan but here is the final answer:
public PartialViewResult List()
var timeComparison = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30).Day;
var query = repository.Members
.OrderBy(m => m.Entry.Where(e => e.TimeStamp.Day <= timeComparison).Count());
return PartialView(query);
I'm strugling with this query, i think I'm missing something.
I have two autogenerated dbml models.
public partial class RegulatorsOrganizationView
private int regulatorOrgId;
private string regulatorOrgName;
private EntitySet<RegulatorsView> regulatorsViews;
public partial class RegulatorsView
private int regulatorId;
private string regulatorName;
I need to apply filtering by name, input string "filterText" should be a part of regulatorName
If regulator is not matching - should be filtered out from regulatorsViews
If regulatorOrganizationView have at least one match in regulatorsViews - should be included
If regulatorsViews collection of regulatorOrganizationView does not have regulators that match condition, but it's name contains filterText - it should be included.
Currently I'm loading all the matching regualatorsOrganizationViews, and do filtering on regulators down the line.
List<RegulatorOrganizationView> regOrgs = boatDataContext.RegulatorOrganizationView
.Where(r => r.RegulatorsViews.Any(ar => ar.regulatorName.ToUpper().Contains(filterText.ToUpper()))
|| r.regulatorName.ToUpper().Contains(filterText.ToUpper())
But this way I'm loading redundent Regulators only to filter them out later on.
How can I rebuild this query to load only matching regulators from starters ?
It tried to use Select() to assign regulatorOrgnization filter list of Regulators.
regulatorsOrgs = DataContext.RegulatorOrganizationViews
.Where(ro => ro.regulatorOrgName.ToUpper().Contains(filterText.ToUpper())
|| ro.RegulatorsViews.Any(r => r.regulatorName.ToUpper().Contains(filterText.ToUpper()))
.Select(ro => new RegulatorOrganizationView()
regulatorId = ro.regulatorId,
regulatorOrgName = ro.regulatorOrgName,
RegulatorsViews = ro.RegulatorsViews
.Where(r => r.regulatorName.ToUpper().Contains(filterText.ToUpper())
.Select(r => new RegulatorsView()
regulatorId = r.regulatorId,
regulatorName = r.regulatorName,
But I'm getting exception: Message="The explicit construction of the entity type 'RegulatorsOrganizationView' in a query is not allowed."
Looks like filtered Include() would be an option (like in EF) but I can't find a way to use it with Linq To SQL.
Any ideas ?
In LINQ-to-SQL it's a bit messy and not intuitive to do this. You have to use DataLoadOptions:
var opt = new DataLoadOptions();
opt.AssociateWith((RegulatorsOrganizationView v)
=> v.regulatorsViews.Where(ar => ar.regulatorName.Contains(filterText)));
opt.LoadWith((RegulatorsOrganizationView v) => => v.regulatorsViews);
DataContext.LoadOptions = opt;
var result = DataContext.RegulatorOrganizationViews
.Where(ro => ro.regulatorOrgName.Contains(filterText)
&& ro.regulatorsViews.Any());
So this says: when loading RegulatorOrganizationViews, then when their regulatorsViews are associated, make them meet the given condition.
Then it says: when when loading RegulatorOrganizationViews, also load their regulatorsViews.
The latter is like Include in Entity Framework. The former makes it behave like filtered Include, or maybe closer, a global query filter.
I removed the ToUpper calls for brevity, but you don't need them if the database collation is case-insensitive.
I have a database where I'm wanting to return a list of Clients.
These clients have a list of FamilyNames.
I started with this
var query = DbContext.Clients.Include(c => c.FamilyNames).ToList() //returns all clients, including their FamilyNames...Great.
But I want somebody to be able to search for a FamilyName, ifany results are returned, then show the clients to the user.
so I did this...
var query = DbContext.Clients.Include(c => c.FamilyNames.Where(fn => fn.familyName == textEnteredByUser)).ToList();
I tried...
var query = DbContext.Clients.Include(c => c.FamilyNames.Any(fn => fn.familyName == textEnteredByUser)).ToList();
var query = DbContext.FamilyNames.Include(c => c.Clients).where(fn => fn.familyname == textEnteredByUser.Select(c => c.Clients)).ToList();
What I would like to know (obviously!) is how I could get this to work, but I would like it if at all possible to be done in one query to the database. Even if somebody can point me in the correct direction.
Kind regards
In Linq to Entities you can navigate on properties and they will be transformed to join statements.
This will return a list of clients.
var query = DbContext.Clients.Where(c => c.FamilyNames.Any(fn => fn == textEnteredByUser)).ToList();
If you want to include all their family names with eager loading, this should work:
var query = DbContext.Clients.Where(c => c.FamilyNames.Any(fn => fn == textEnteredByUser)).Include(c => c.FamilyNames).ToList();
Here is some reference about loading related entities if something doesn't work as expected.
You can use 'Projection', basically you select just the fields you want from any level into a new object, possibly anonymous.
var query = DbContext.Clients
.Where(c => c.FamilyNames.Any(fn => fn == textEnteredByUser))
// only calls that can be converted to SQL safely here
.Select(c => new {
ClientName = c.Name,
FamilyNames = c.FamilyNames
// force the query to be materialized so we can safely do other transforms
// convert the anon class to what we need
.Select(anon => new ClientViewModel() {
ClientName = anon.ClientName,
// convert IEnumerable<string> to List<string>
FamilyNames = anon.FamilyNames.ToList()
That creates an anonymous class with just those two properties, then forces the query to run, then performs a 2nd projection into a ViewModel class.
Usually I would be selecting into a ViewModel for passing to the UI, limiting it to just the bare minimum number of fields that the UI needs. Your needs may vary.
I have an entity framework object called batch, this object has a 1 to many relationship to items.
so 1 batch has many items. and each item has many issues.
I want to filter the for batch items that have a certain issue code (x.code == issueNo).
I have written the following but Im getting this error:
items = batch.Select(b => b.Items
.Where(i => i.ItemOrganisations
.Select(o => o
.Issues.Select(x => x.Code == issueNo))));
Error 1:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>>' to 'bool'
Error 2:
Cannot convert lambda expression to delegate type 'System.Func<Ebiquity.Reputation.Neptune.Model.Item,bool>' because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type
Select extension method needs a lambda expression that returns a boolean, but the inner o.Issues.Select returns an IEnumerable of boolean to the outer Select(o => o which result in the exception you're getting.
Try using Any instead which verifies that at least one element verifies the condition:
items = batch.Select(
b => b.Items.Where(
i => i.ItemOrganisations.Any(
o => o.Issues.Any(x => x.Code == issueNo)
If I understand correctly, you're trying to select through multiple layers of enumerables. In those cases you need SelectMany which flattens out the layers, not Select. LINQ's syntax sugar is made specifically to make SelectMany easier to reason about:
var items = from item in batch.Items
from org in item.ItemOrganizations
from issue in org.Issues
where issue.Code == issueNo
select item;
The compiler translates that into something like this:
var items = batch.Items
.SelectMany(item => item.ItemOrganizations, (item, org) => new {item, org})
.SelectMany(#t =>, (#t, issue) => new {#t, issue})
.Where(#t => #t.issue.Code == issueNo)
.Select(#t => #t.#t.item);
You can always wrap this in a Distinct if you need to avoid duplicate items:
var items = (from item in batch.Items
from org in item.ItemOrganizations
from issue in org.Issues
where issue.Code == issueNo
select item).Distinct();
It's hard to tell what you're trying to do based on your code but I think you're looking for something like this;
var issue = batch.Select(b => b.Items).Select(i => i.Issues).Where(x => x.Code == issueNo).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
The above query will return the first issue where the Issues Code property is equal to issueNo. If no such issue exists it will return null.
One problem (the cause of your first error) in your query is that you're using select like it's a where clause at the end of your query. Select is used to project an argument, when you do Select(x => x.Code == issueNo) what you're doing is projecting x.Code to a bool, the value returned by that select is the result of x.Code == issueNo, it seems like you want that condition in a where clause and then you want to return the issue which satisfies it which is what my query is doing.
items = from b in batch.Include("Items")
where b.Items.Any(x=>x.Code==issueNo)
select b;
You're getting lost in lambdas. Your LINQ chains are all embedded in each other, making it harder to reason about. I'd recommend some helper functions here:
static bool HasIssueWithCode(this ItemOrganization org, int issueNo)
return org.Issues.Any(issue => issue.Code == issueNo);
static bool HasIssueWithCode(this Item items, int issueNo)
return items.ItemOrganizations.Any(org => org.HasIssueWithCode(issueNo));
Then your answer is simply and obviously
var items = batch.Items.Where(item => item.HasIssueWithCode(issueNo));
If you inline these functions, the result is the exact same as manji's (so give manji credit for the correct answer), but I think it's a bit easier to read.
I'm writing an ASP.NET Web Pages application and in it, I have a massive LINQ to Entities query. This query pulls data from a table in the database, filters it, groups the data twice, and adds extra properties to the result set. I then loop through the table, outputting the rows.
The query is quite big, sorry:
accountOrders = db.EventOrders
.Where(order => order.EventID == eventID)
.OrderBy(order => order.ProductCode)
.GroupBy(order => new { order.AccountNum, order.Exhibitor, order.Booth })
.Select(orders =>
new {
Key = orders.Key,
ProductOrders = orders
.GroupBy(order => new { order.ProductCode, order.Product, order.Price })
.Select(productOrders =>
new {
Key = productOrders.Key,
Quantity = productOrders.Sum(item => item.Quantity),
HtmlID = String.Join(",", productOrders.Select(o => (o.OrderNum + "-" + o.OrderLine))),
AssignedLines = productOrders.SelectMany(order => order.LineAssignments)
.Select(account =>
new {
Key = account.Key,
// Property to see whether a booth number should be displayed
HasBooth = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.Key.Booth),
HasAssignedDigitalLines = account.ProductOrders.Any(order => order.AssignedLines.Any(line => line.Type == "digital")),
// Dividing the orders into their respective product group
PhoneOrders = account.ProductOrders.Where(prod => ProductCodes.PHONE_CODES.Contains(prod.Key.ProductCode)),
InternetOrders = account.ProductOrders.Where(prod => ProductCodes.INTERNET_CODES.Contains(prod.Key.ProductCode)),
AdditionalOrders = account.ProductOrders.Where(prod => ProductCodes.ADDITIONAL_CODES.Contains(prod.Key.ProductCode))
I use the added properties to help style the output. For example, I use HasBooth property to check whether or not I should output the booth location in brackets beside the exhibitor name. The problem is I have to save this big query as an IEnumerable, meaning I get the error: Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type. Should I even be manipulating the query this way?
Any advice is much appreciated!
At some point, you are passing in a dynamic datatype to the method, which in turn changes the return type to simply dynamic. You can either cast the dynamic type to a type that is recognised at compile time or explicitly set the return type instead of using var.
You can read more about this issue here:
Context: EF4, C#, .NET4, SQL2008/R2
Tables/entities to repro problem:
Account (long Id, string Name, etc.)
Order (long Id, DateTime
DateToExecute, int OrderStatus, etc.)
AccountOrder (long Id, long
AccountId, long OrderId) <- Yes, one account may have many orders and, likewise, one order may be associated with many accounts.
OrderedItem (long Id, long OrderId, long
ItemId, etc) <- One order may have many items, and we want to eager-load these items (I realize this has performance/data size implications).
Pseudocode (nearly real code) that would be ideal to work:
DateTime startDateInclusive = xxxx;
DateTime stopDateExclusive = yyy;
var query = Db.Accounts.Include(a => a.AccountOrders.Select(ao => ao.Order.Ordereditems.Select(oi => oi.Item)))
.Where(account =>
account.AccountOrders.Where(ao => ao.OrderStatus != 42)
.Max(ao => ao.DateToExecute).IsBetween(startDateInclusive, stopDateExclusive))
.OrderBy(account =>
account.AccountOrders.Where(ao => ao.OrderStatus != 42)
.Max(ao => ao.DateToExecute));
var results = query.Take(5).ToList();
In English, this is looking for the next 5 accounts that have their last order to be executed within a date range. However, there are also Orders that can be cancelled, so we must exclude OrderStatus of 42 when performing that Max.
The problem revolves around this filtered Max date across many-to-many tables. An added complexity is that we need to sort by that filtered max value and we must do all of the above without breaking our eager loading (i.e. joins must be done via projection in the Where and not using a .Join). I’m not sure how to do this query without the result being 10x’s more complex than it should be. I’d hate to do the joins to filter the ao.OrderStatus/Max the DateToExecute 3 times (once for startDate, once for stopDate, and once for the sort). And clearly the IsBetween isn’t functional.
Any ideas on how to perform this query, sorted this way, in a fairly-efficient way for the generated SQL?
It may be helpful to use an anonymous type here:
DateTime startDateInclusive = xxxx;
DateTime stopDateExclusive = yyy;
var query = Db.Accounts
.Select(account => new {
Account = account,
MaxDate = account.AccountOrders.Select(ao => ao.Order).Where(o => o.OrderStatus != 42).Max(o => o.DateToExecute)
.Where(a => a.MaxDate >= startDateInclusive && a.MaxDate < stopDateExclusive)
.OrderBy(a => a.MaxDate)
.Select(a => a.Account)
.Include(a => a.AccountOrders.Select(ao => ao.Order.Ordereditems.Select(oi => oi.Item)));
var results = query.Take(5).ToList();
This is untested as I don't have any datasource to test against. But it's probably the simplest approach for what you need to do.