Loading many large photos into a Panel efficiently - c#

How do I load many large photos from a directory and its sub-directories in such a way as to prevent an OutOfMemoryException?
I have been using:
foreach(string file in files)
PictureBox pic = new PictureBox() { Image = Image.FromFile(file) };
which has worked until now. The photos that I need to work with now are anywhere between 15 and 40MB's each, and there could be hundreds of them.

You're attacking the garbage collector with this approach. Loading 15-40mb objects in a loop will always invite an OutOfMemoryException. This is because the objects go straight onto the large object heap, all objects > 85K do. Large objects become Gen 2 objects immediately and the memory is not automatically compacted as of .Net 4.5.1 (you request it) and will not be compacted at all in earlier versions.
Therefore even if you get away with initially loading the objects and the app keeps running, there is every chance that these objects, even when dereferenced completely, will hang around, fragmenting the large object heap. Once fragmentation occurs and for example the user closes the control to do something else for a minute or two and opens the control again, it is much more likely all the new objects will not be able to slot in to the LOH - the memory must be contiguous when allocation occurs. The GC runs collections on Gen 2 and LOH much less often for performance reasons - memcpy is used by the GC in the background and this is expensive on larger blocks of memory.
Also, the memory consumed will not be released if you have all of these images referenced from a control that is in use as well, imagine tabs. The whole idea of doing this is misconceived. Use thumbnails or load full scale images as needed by the user and be careful with the memory consumed.
Rather than telling you what you should and should not do I have decided to try to help you do it :)
I wrote a small program that operates on a directory containing 440 jpeg files with a total size of 335 megabytes. When I first ran your code I got the OutOfMemoryException and the form remained unresponsive.
Step 1
The first thing to note is if you are compiling as x86 or AnyCpu you need to change this to x64. Right click project, go to Build tab and set the target platform to x64.
This is because the amount of memory that can be addressed on a 32 bit x86 platform is limited. All .Net processes run within a virtual address space and the CLR heap size will be whatever the process is allowed by the OS and is not really within the control of the developer. However, it will allocate as much memory as is available - I am running on 64 bit Windows 8.1 so changing the target platform gives me an almost unlimited amount of memory space to use - right up to the limit of physical memory your process will be allowed.
After doing this running your code did not cause an OutOfMemoryException
Step 2
I changed the target framework to 4.5.1 from the default 4.5 in VS 2013. I did this so I could use GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode, as it is only available in 4.5.1 . I noticed that closing the form took an age because the GC was doing a crazy amount of work releasing memory. Basically I would set this at the end of the loadPics code as it will allow the large object heap to not get fragmented on the next blocking garbage collection. This will be essential for your app I believe so if possible try to use this version of the framework. You should test it on earlier versions too to see the difference when interacting with your app.
Step 3
As the app was still unresponsive I made the code run asynchronously
Step 4
As the code now runs on a separate thread to the UI thread it caused a GUI cross thread exception when accessing the form, so I had to use Invoke which posts a message back to the UI thread from the code's thread. This is because UI controls can only be accessed from a UI thread.
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
await LoadAllPics();
private async Task LoadAllPics()
IEnumerable<string> files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(#"C:\Dropbox\Photos", "*.JPG", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
await Task.Run(() =>
foreach(string file in files)
Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() =>
PictureBox pic = new PictureBox() { Image = Image.FromFile(file) };
GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;

You can try resizing the image when you are putting on the UI.
foreach(string file in files)
PictureBox pic = new PictureBox() { Image = Image.FromFile(file).resizeImage(50,50) };
public static Image resizeImage(this Image imgToResize, Size size)
return (Image)(new Bitmap(imgToResize, size));


c# ThreadPool using less threads than cores because of memory restrictions with FileSystemWatcher

I have an extensive image calculation task which uses about 1GB of memory (one calculation cycle takes about 4 seconds). I process those images automatically when they arrive in the folder using a FileSystemWatcher. When the FileSystemWatcher fires an event for a new file I queue the work in the eventhandler method with:
private void OnNewFileInDir(object source, FileSystemEventArgs evtArgs)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ProcessTheNewImage), evtArgs.FullPath);
My problem is that the program crashes on a regular basis when the files arrive quickly. In the debug window I can see that neary 3GB memory are used in that moment. When I use smaller images in order to use less memory, there are no crashes (so far).
My question: What can I do to use less (maybe just 2) threads independent of cores of my computer?
Or is my approach of using a FileSystemWatcher to cue new files to a thread pool completely stupid? I am not at all experienced with thread races or similar things.
So, furthermore: Does that look threadsafe?
Thanks a lot upfront and all the best
For completeness here is the code executed by the threads (a bit simplified for ease of reading):
private void ProcessTheNewImage(object threadFilenameInfo)
String filename = (String)threadFilenameInfo;
// Load the image
Image currentImage = Image.FromFile(filename);
//Calculate the image in an external DLL
Image currentResultImage = ImageProcessing.getResultImage(currentImage);
//Create the filename with the result infos
string saveFileName = "blahblah";
//Save the image
//dispose the images
The Threadpool has only a very limited form of resource management. It will slowly keep adding threads when the queue fills up. It is meant for relatively small (< 500 ms) jobs. There is no safety-valve to stop it from clogging up your application.
You could create a workflow for this: the watcher event pushes simple datapackets into a ConcurrentQueue and then you create 2 or more Threads (better: Tasks) to process the queue. This will allow you to tune the number of threads.

Clearing EmguCV's image buffer

I'm working on a project using EmguCV which requires capturing images from a camera and processing them, looking for certain things in the image. The processing takes up about ~.2 seconds, and is the biggest time-sink in the application so we're looking into making the capturing/processing different threads to speed up the overall process.
We've already tried the VideoCapture.ImageGrabbed event handler, and calling Retrieve, as well as setting up a threaded loop of our own calling QueryFrame and any other capturing method we can find.
Most of the threaded solutions end up causing empty images (not caught by the .IsEmpty property of the Mat, though, for some reason), which end up as images saved with 0 bytes.
After this, we tried simplifying but ran into an issue where the camera is always a few seconds behind, due to the buffer internal to the library. This leads to my question: is there a way to refresh the buffer, or clear it of memory? We cannot dispose of the capture object because of the time overhead for creating the object. Any tips about threading the capturing and processing are welcome as well, though the other suggestions I've found around this site about similar situations have not led to much success.
A brief example of the code we're using
_capture.ImageGrabbed += GrabFrames;
public void GrabFrames()
Mat image = new Mat();
ProcessThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(StartProcess));
public void StartProcess(object image)
Mat img = (Mat)image;

How to avoid ReportViewer memory leak when navigating through many reports?

I am using Visual Studio 2013 to create a WPF Desktop application that have some report generation functionalities, I have about 30 report and the user can swich from a report to another. My problem is that each time I change ReportEmbeddedResource and then call the RefreshReport() methods, the memory increases, so if the user navigate through all the 30 report my app will consume about 130 Mb! I know that I have to release the Resources after each navigation, I googled about that but didn't find an answer; Here is my code
public MainWindow() // constructor
this.reportViewer.ZoomMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ZoomMode.PageWidth;
private void InitDataSources()
//manager data source
mangerDataSource = new ReportDataSource();
mangerDataSource.Name = "ManagerDataSet";
mangerDataSource.Value = uow.Members.GetAll().
ToList().Where((s) => s.MemberType == MemmberTypes.Manager);
//adding 2 other data sources
public void RenderReport(string reportKey)
string path = "Manager";
if (reportKey.Contains("tea")) path = "Teacher";
if (reportKey.Contains("stu")) path = "Student";
reportViewer.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = string.Format(
"Printers.Reports.{0}.{1}.rdlc", path,reportKey);
Is there a way to release the old report resource after Rendering a new report?
I don't have much experience with this but it seems that the best thing you can do is to use the Safe Handles to get your reports inside a manageable wrapper and then use the Dispose method and force the Garbage Collector to collect, while suppressing the Finalizer. Note that the memory usage you see in the Taskmanager is reserved memory, not actually memory in current use; it is possible that you release the report object and the taskmanager continues to report high memory values on the executable.
The whole Disposing Method can become quite confusing so take your time and have a look here:
MSDN - Implementing a Dispose Method
MSDN - IDisposable.Dispose Method
I was having the same issue with .NET 4.5 VS 2013
I tried several things, but what finally made it work was:
Compiling the project in x64 and using LocalReport.ReleaseSandBoxAppDomain()
I got part of the solution from here: Very High Memory Usage in .NET 4.0
Problem is solved by MarkJ_KY's comment at https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/527451/ms-report-viewer-memory-leak-any-update-fix-winforms-application
It might look a little complex but it is not. The idea is to create an AppDomain, do your reporting stuff in that domain and then unload the domain. When unloading all memory are released :-)
I have used that solution which solves the problem for me.

OutOfMemoryException # WriteableBitmap # background agent

I have a Windows Phone 8 App, which uses Background agent to:
Get data from internet;
Generate image based on a User Control that uses the data from step 1 as data source;
In the User Control I have Grid & StackPanel & some Text and Image controls;
When some of the Images use local resources from the installation folder (/Assets/images/...)
One of them which I used as a background is selected by user from the phone's photo library, so I have to set the source using C# code behind.
However, when it runs under the background, it get the OutOfMemoryException, some troubleshooting so far:
When I run the process in the "front", everything works fine;
If I comment out the update progress, and create the image directly, it also works fine;
If I don't set the background image, it also works fine;
The OutOfMemoryException was thrown out during var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(480, 800);
I already shrink the image size from 1280*768 to 800*480, I think it is the bottom line for a full screen background image, isn't it?
After some research, I found out this problem occurs because it exceeded the 11 MB limitation for a Periodic Task.
I tried use the DeviceStatus.ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage to track the memory usageļ¼š
-- the limitation is 11,534,336 (bit)
-- when background agent started, even without any task in it, the memory usage turns to be 4,648,960
-- When get update from internet, it grew up to 5,079,040
-- when finished, it dropped back to 4,648,960
-- When the invoke started (to generate image from the User Control), it grew up to 8,499,200
Well, I guess that's the problem, there is little memory available for it to render the image via WriteableBitmap.
Any idea how to work out this problem?
Is there a better method to generate an image from a User Control / or anything else?
Actually the original image might only be 100 kb or around, however, when rendering by WriteableBitmap, the file size (as well as the required memory size I guess) might grew up to 1-2MB.
Or can I release the memory from anywhere?
BTW, when this Code Project article says I can use only 11MB memory in a Periodic Task;
However, this MSDN article says that I can use up to 20 MB or 25MB with Windows Phone 8 Update 3;
Which is correct? And why am I in the first situation?
Speak of the debugger, it also stated in the MSDN article:
When running under the debugger, memory and timeout restrictions are suspended.
But why would I still hit the limitation?
Well, I found something seems to be helpful, I will check on them for now, suggestions are still welcome.
The code to generate the image:
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var customBG = new ImageUserControl();
customBG.Measure(new Size(480, 800));
var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(480, 800); //Thrown the **OutOfMemoryException**
bmp.Render(customBG, null);
using (var isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
filename = "/Shared/NewBackGround.jpg";
using (var stream = isf.OpenFile(filename, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
bmp.SaveJpeg(stream, 480, 800, 0, 100);
The XAML code for the ImageUserControl:
<UserControl blabla... d:DesignHeight="800" d:DesignWidth="480">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<Image x:Name="nBackgroundSource" Stretch="UniformToFill"/>
The C# code behind the ImageUserControl:
public ImageUserControl()
public void LupdateUI()
DataInfo _dataInfo = new DataInfo();
LayoutRoot.DataContext = _dataInfo;
using (var isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (var isoFileStream = isoStore.OpenFile("/Shared/BackgroundImage.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();
nBackgroundSource.Source = bi;
catch (Exception) { }
When DataInfo is another Class within the settings page that hold data get from the internet:
public class DataInfo
public string Wind1 { get { return GetValueOrDefault<string>("Wind1", "N/A"); } set { if (AddOrUpdateValue("Wind1", value)) { Save(); } } }
public string Wind2 { get { return GetValueOrDefault<string>("Wind2", "N/A"); } set { if (AddOrUpdateValue("Wind2", value)) { Save(); } } }
If I comment out the update progress, and create the image directly, it also works fine I think you should focus on that part. It seems to indicate some memory isn't freed after the update. Make sure all the references used during the update process go out of scope before rendering the picture. Forcing a garbage collection can help too:
GC.Collect(); // Frees the memory that was used by the finalizers
Another thing to consider is that the debugger is also using a lot of memory. Do a real test by compiling your project in "Release" mode and deploying on a phone to make sure you're running out of memory.
Still, I have already been in that situation so I know it may not be enough. The point is: some libraries in the .NET Framework are loaded lazily. For instance, if your update process involves downloading some data, then the background agent will load the network libraries. Those libraries can't be unloaded and will waste some of your agent's memory. That's why, even by freeing all the memory you used during the update process, you won't reach back the same amount of free memory you had when starting the background agent. Seeing this, what I did in one of my app was to span the workload of the background agent across two executions. Basically, when the agents executes:
Check in the isolated storage if there's pending data to be processed. If not, just execute the update process and store all needed data in the isolated storage
If there is pending data (that is, in the next execution), generate the picture and clear the data
It means the picture will be generated only once every hour instead of once every 30 minutes, so use this workaround only if everything else fail.
The larger memory limit is for background audio agents, it clearly states that in the documentation. You're stuck with 11 MB, which can really be a big pain when you're trying to do something smart with pictures in the background.
480x800 adds a MB to your memory because it takes 4 bytes for every pixels, so in the end it's around 1.22MB. When compressed in JPEG, then yes - it makes sense that it's only around 100KB. But whenever you use WriteableBitmap, it gets loaded into memory.
One of the things you could try before forcing the GC.Collect as mentioned in another answer is to null things out even before they go out of scope - whether it's a BitmapImage or a WriteableBitmap. Other than that you can try removing the Image object from the Grid programmatically when you're done and setting the Source of it also to be null.
Are there any other WriteableBitmap, BitmapImage or Image objects you're not showing us?
Also, try without the debugger. I've read somewhere that it adds another 1-2MB which is a lot when you have only 11 MB. Although, if it crashes so quickly with the debugger, I wouldn't risk it even if it suddenly seams OK without the debugger. But just for testing purposes you can give it a shot.
Do you need to use the ImageUserControl? Can you try doing step by step creating Image and all the other objects, without the XAML, so you can measure memory in each and every step to see at which point it goes through the roof?

Extreme Memory Conditions Testing : How to saturate RAM?

I would like to write a small piece of program that launches threads, consumes available RAM memory in a linear fashion, until a certain level, and stops (ideally, pauses until "enough" memory is freed and continues creating threads after that, and so on.)
I tried the following, but the list.Add(new byte[]) requires contiguous RAM space and drops an OutOfMemoryException, which is NOT what I am trying to simulate.
I have a multi-threaded memory-hungry application that eats up a whole bunch of RAM GB's. All I want is to isolate/reproduce that situation in "Lab conditions" to tackle it, i.e write an adaptive mem-monitoring / thread-limiter draft. I am using x64 OS an x64 Platform.
To make it clear : The result I want to see is the Task Manager Memory Monitor going up straight due to the program.
static void Main(string[] args)
ComputerInfo ci = new ComputerInfo();
D("TOTAL PHYSICAL MEMORY : " + Math.Round(ci.TotalPhysicalMemory / Math.Pow(10,9),3) +" GB");
//########### Fill Memory ###############
var list = new List<byte[]>();
Thread FillMem= new Thread(delegate()
while (Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 < MAX_MEM_LEVEL)
list.Add(new byte[1024 * 10000]); //<- I Need to change this
//########### Show used Memory ###############
Thread MonitorMem = new Thread(delegate()
while (true)
D("PROCESS MEMORY : " + Math.Round(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 / Math.Pow(10, 6), 3) + " MB");
The question is still quite confusing; it is not clear to me what you are trying to do here and why.
If you genuinely want to be consuming physical memory -- that is, telling the operating system no, really do not use this portion of the physical RAM chip that is installed in the machine for anything other than what I say -- then I would probably use the aptly-named AllocateUserPhysicalPages function from unmanaged code.
That will then reduce the amount of physical memory that is available for other uses, forcing more virtual memory pages to go out to the page file.
Other than making all the programs running on your machine a whole lot slower, I'm not sure what you intend to accomplish by this. Can you clarify?
The thing is that with C# you can not grow more then approximately 1.2 GB of RAM on 32 bit .NET framework. You can have even 8GB of RAM on your 64 bit machine, but if the process you run was compiled for 32bit architecture, it will lead to OutOfMemoryException as soon as it reaches approx 1.2GB.
For this kind of testing I would suggest choosing other type of languages/frameworks.
A good link on subject:
If the problem that you're running into is that your process is running out of virtual memory space before the hardware is running out of physical memory space then you could just spin up a number (5 maybe?) processing with your code (and something to stop them at say 1-2 GB so they don't OOM themselves). It's probably not as good of a solution as a unmanaged call to allocate memory, but it would be easy enough to do.
