Restrict Operations On Database Through Repository - c#

I have implemented Unit of Work and Repository pattern with Entity Framework. A sample operation is shown below:
public T GetById(int id)
return _context.Set<T>().Find(id);
So if I wanted to bring a record with id 12 and only StudentName column. I cannot do that using the above method as all columns will be pulled which I could have done using Linq like below:
Student get = context.Students
.Where(s => s.Id = 12)
.Select(s => new { StudentName = Name })
Currently, I am returning an IQueryable from the repository like below to make above aforementioned scenario work:
public IQueryable<T> Query()
IQueryable<T> query = dbset;
return query;
which makes the point of having a Repository to null anyway because I cannot restrict operations on database now. I have to query like below:
Student get = _uow.Students
.Where(s => s.Id = 12)
.Select(s => new { StudentName = Name })
Any suggestions on how to improve this situation or other opinions are required please.

I would argue that you are worried about restricting operations at the wrong layer; the Repository. Assuming your Repositories are supposed to abstract away the details of your DB and Entity Framework, I think this is too low of a level to do what you want.
If you have a Repo per DB table, and a class per query result type (direct SQL/EF or DB View), it doesn't make sense to introduce another layer of abstraction here. It would be better to do this at the next layer up, or whatever is handling your transactional boundaries.
To demonstrate, here is a more concrete example:
Given a Student DB table:
TABLE Student
PK Id int
COLUMN Name string
COLUMN SecretData string
Your StudentRepo should always return instance(s) of a Student class:
public class Student
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SecretData { get; set; }
Then the layer that utilizes your repo(s) should handle your transactions (potentially across multiple repos/operations) and map its results to a Domain entity. Your domain entity can include only the fields which you want to surface. You can create specialized domain entites for each purpose you need.
public class DomainStudent
public int Id { get; private set; } // prevent attempts to change Ids on domain entities
public string Name { get; set; }
public class DomainStudentWithSecret
public int Id { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SecretData { get; set; }
And to expand on why you would want to handle this kind of mapping and transactional boundaries outside of your Repository code: these things are best left to code which can operate across many DB tables. Often you need to take the result of two separate SQL queries and map the result to a single domain entity. Or sometimes, you want to roll back a transaction (or not execute subsequent SQL) if an initial query fails. I find it best to keep the Repos/DAOs working on a single table/view/sproc (DB entity) to abstract away the details of the Db engine and have domain-layer classes handle the heavy lifting of how to make sense of the data. If you need complex SQL queries with many JOINs, consider creating a view so you can work with the data like any other table.


Using Queryable Extension to get back Foreign Key Data Value

I have my Unit of Measure which users fill in and save, they can then save a list of Unit Sizes which has its own table and is a foreign key to the Unit Of Measure. When I am fetching all the data back, the Unit Size value is coming back blank.
I have read a half dozen ways to do this and I am not comprehending them. The one that makes the most sense to me is using a Queryable extension so I am trying to go that route but my code still hasn't quite gotten there.
Here is where I am at - these are my entities:
namespace Mudman.Data.Entities
public class UnitOfMeasure : IEntityBase, IAuditBase
public string Id { get; set; }
public string TenantId { get; set; }
public virtual Tenant Tenant { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureSize> UnitSize { get; set; }
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public string CreateUserId { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }
public string UpdateUserId { get; set; }
Unit Of Measure size entity:
namespace Mudman.Data.Entities
public class UnitOfMeasureSize : IEntityBase, IAuditBase
public string Id { get; set; }
public string TenantId { get; set; }
public virtual Tenant Tenant { get; set; }
public string UnitOfMeasureId { get; set; }
public virtual UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure { get; set; }
public int UnitSize { get; set; }
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public string CreateUserId { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }
public string UpdateUserId { get; set; }
Unit Of Measure Repository including Unit Size:
namespace Mudman.Repository
public class UnitOfMeasureRepository : EntityBaseRepository<UnitOfMeasure>,
MudmanDbContext context;
public UnitOfMeasureRepository(MudmanDbContext context) : base(context)
{ this.context = context; };
public IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasure> GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(string TenantId)
var result = context.UnitOfMeasure
.Where( uom => uom.TenantId == TenantId)
.Include(uom => uom.UnitSize);
return result;
My GetAllAsync method in my service:
public Task<IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureViewModel>> GetAllAsync()
var result = _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(TenantId);
result.OrderBy(r => r.Name);
return _mapper.Map<List<UnitOfMeasure>, List<UnitOfMeasureViewModel>>(result.ToList());
AutoMapper Code:
CreateMap<UnitOfMeasure, UnitOfMeasureViewModel>().ReverseMap()
.ForMember(dest => dest.UnitSize, uos => uos.Ignore())
.ForMember(uom => uom.UnitSize, src => src.MapFrom(uom => uom.UnitSize));
There are a few issues with your attempts so far.
Firstly, your GetAllAsync looks like it wants to be an async method but you have it making entirely synchronous calls, and hasn't been marked as async. I would avoid diving into asynchronous methods until you have the fundamentals of retrieving your data down.
What we cannot see from your example is the mapping between your unit of measure entity and the view model. The entity has a one-to-many relationship between unit of measure and UnitSizes, so what gets updated depends on how the view model is laid out and configured for mapping. This is most likely the root of your problem where your view model mapping from the entity is likely relying on a convention that isn't pairing up with the data you expect.
Performance wise, this approach will run into problems as your data model grows in terms of entities and rows. The fundamental problem with using a repository like this is that a method like this:
IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasure> GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(string TenantId)
will load all data into memory and you explicitly need to include related entities, whether the consumer will want them or not, which adds to the amount of work the queries need to do and the memory required. If TenantId is for something like a multi-tenant database such as in a SaaS application with multiple tenants using a single data source, this is a good reason to adopt a Repository pattern, but I would not pass tenantIds around as parameters. Instead, have the repository accept a dependency that can validate and resolve the current TenantId from the session. This way the repository can always ensure that the current tenant rules are validated and applied for every query without worrying about where the caller might have gotten a TenantId from. (I.e accepting a TenantId from a POST request would be bad as that value could easily be tampered with)
To address performance and probably touch on what you had read about IQueryable extensions, rather than returning IEnumerable<TEntity> from a repository, you can return IQueryable<TEntity>. The advantages here are that you can still have the repository add base filtering rules like the tenantID, and allow the consumer to handle things like sorting and projection.
For example, the repository looks more like:
public class UnitOfMeasureRepository : IUnitOfMeasureRepository
private readonly MudmanDbContext _context;
private readonly ICurrentUserLocator _currentUserLocator;
public UnitOfMeasureRepository(MudmanDbContext context, ICurrentUserLocator currentUserLocator )
_context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
_currentUserLocator = currentUserLocator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("currentUserLocator");
public IQueryable<UnitOfMeasure> GetUnitsOfMeasure()
var tenantId = _currentUserLocator.CurrentUserTenantId; // Checks session for current user and retrieves a tenant ID or throws an exception. (no session, etc.)
var query = _context.UnitOfMeasure
.Where( uom => uom.TenantId == tenantId)
return query;
The changes to note here is that we do away with the base generic repository class. This was confusing as you were passing the context to a base class then setting a local context instance as well. Generic repositories with EF are a bad code smell as they lead to either very complex code, very poor performing code, or both. There is a CurrentUserLocator with the container can inject which is a simple class that can verify that a user is currently authenticated and can return their Tenant ID. From there we will return an IQueryable<UnitOfMeasure> which has a base filter for the TenantID which will allow our consumers to make up their own minds how they want to consume it. Note that we do not need to use Include for related entities, again the consumers can decide what they need.
Calling the new repository method and projecting your view models looks fairly similar to what you had. It looks like you are using Automapper, rather than using .Map() we can use .ProjectTo() with the IQueryable and Automapper can essentially build a Select() expression to pull back only the data that the view model will need. To use ProjectTo extension method we do need to provide it with the MappingConfiguration that was used to create your mapper and that will tell it how to build the ViewModel. (So rather than having a dependency of type 'Mapper' you will need one for the MapperConfiguration you set up for that mapper.)
public IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureViewModel> GetAll()
var models = _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetUnitsOfMeasure()
.OrderBy(r => r.Name)
What this does is call our repository method to get the IQueryable, which we can then append the ordering we desire, and call ProjectTo to allow Automapper to populate the view models before executing the query with ToList(). When using Select or ProjectTo we don't need to worry about using Include to eager load related data that might be mapped, these methods take care of loading data related entities if/when needed automatically.
Even in cases where we want to use a method like this to update entities with related entities, using IQueryable works there to:
public void IncrementUnitSize(string unitOfMeasureId)
var unitOfMeasure = _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetUnitsOfMeasure()
.Include(r => r.UnitSizes)
.Where(r => r.Id == unitOfMeasureId)
foreach(var unitSize in unitOfMeasure.UnitSizes)
unitSize.UnitSize += 1;
Just as an example of fetching related entities as needed, versus having a method that returns IEnumerable and needs to eager load everything just in case some caller might need it.
These methods can very easily be translated into an asyncronous method without touching the repository:
public async Task<IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureViewModel>> GetAll()
var models = await _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(TenantId)
.OrderBy(r => r.Name)
... and that is all! Just remember that async doesn't make the call faster, if anything it makes it a touch slower. What it does is make the server more responsive by allowing it to move the request handling to a background thread and free the request thread to pick up a new server request. That is great for methods that are going to take a bit of time, or are going to get called very frequently to avoid tying down all of the server request threads leading to timeouts for users waiting for a response from the server. For methods that are very fast and aren't expected to get hammered by a lot of users, async doesn't add a lot of value and you need to ensure every async call is awaited or you can end up with whacky behaviour and exceptions.

One to many relationship doesn`t retrieve data in entity framework

I`m in process of learning C# & .NET and EF (with aspnetboilerplate) and I came up with idea to create some dummy project so I can practice. But last 4 hour Im stuck with this error and hope someone here can help me.
What I create( well at least I think I create it correctly ) is 2 class called "Ingredient" and "Master"
I want to use it for categorize Ingredient with "Master" class.
For example ingredient like
Chicken breast
chicken drumstick
Both of them belong to Meat ( witch is input in "Master" database ) and here is my code
public class Ingrident : Entity
public string Name { get; set; }
public Master Master { get; set; }
public int MasterId { get; set; }
public class Master : Entity
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Ingrident> Ingridents { get; set; } = new();
public List<IngridientDto> GetIngWithParent()
var result = _ingRepository.GetAllIncluding(x => x.Master);
//Also I try this but doesn`t work
// var result = _ingRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.MasterId == x.Master.Id);
return ObjectMapper.Map<List<IngridientDto>>(result);
public class IngridientDto : EntityDto
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<MasterDto> Master { get; set; }
public int MasterId { get; set; }
public class MasterDto : EntityDto
public string Name { get; set; }
When I created ( for last practice ) M -> M relationship this approach with .getAllIncluding work but now when I have One -> Many it won`t work.
Hope someone will be able to help me or at least give me some good hint.
Have a nice day !
Straight up the examples you are probably referring to (regarding the repository etc.) are overcomplicated and for most cases, not what you'd want to implement.
The first issue I see is that while your entities are set up for a 1-to-many relationship from Master to Ingredients, your DTOs are set up from Ingredient to Masters which definitely won't map properly.
Start with the simplest thing. Get rid of the Repository and get rid of the DTOs. I'm not sure what the base class "Entity" does, but I'm guessing it exposes a common key property called "Id". For starters I'd probably ditch that as well. When it comes to primary keys there are typically two naming approaches, every table uses a PK called "Id", or each table uses a PK with the TableName suffixed with "Id". I.e. "Id" vs. "IngredientId". Personally I find the second option makes it very clear when pairing FKs and PKs given they'd have the same name.
When it comes to representing relationships through navigation properties one important detail is ensuring navigation properties are linked to their respective FK properties if present, or better, use shadow properties for the FKs.
For example with your Ingredient table, getting rid of the Entity base class:
public class Ingredient : Entity
[Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int IngredientId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int MasterId { get; set; }
public virtual Master Master { get; set; }
This example uses EF attributes to aid in telling EF how to resolve the entity properties to respective tables and columns, as well as the relationship between Ingredient and Master. EF can work much of this out by convention, but it's good to understand and apply it explicitly because eventually you will come across situations where convention doesn't work as you expect.
Identifying the (Primary)Key and indicating it is an Identity column also tells EF to expect that the database will populate the PK automatically. (Highly recommended)
On the Master side we do something similar:
public class Master : Entity
[Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int MasterId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Ingredient> Ingredients { get; set; } = new List<Ingredient>();
Again we denote the Primary Key, and for our Ingredients collection, we tell EF what property on the other side (Ingredient) it should use to associate to this Master's list of Ingredients using the InverseProperty attribute.
Attributes are just one option to set up the relationships etc. The other options are to use configuration classes that implement IEntityConfiguration<TEntity> (EF Core), or to configure them as part of the OnModelCreating event in the DbContext. That last option I would only recommend for very small projects as it can start to become a bit of a God method quickly. You can split it up into calls to various private methods, but you may as well just use IEntityConfiguration classes then.
Now when you go to fetch Ingredients with it's Master, or a Master with its Ingredients:
using (var context = new AppDbContext())
var ingredients = context.Ingredients
.Include(x => x.Master)
.Where(x => x.Master.Name.Contains("chicken"))
// or
var masters = context.Master
.Include(x => x.Ingredients)
.Where(x => x.Name.Contains("chicken"))
// ...
Repository patterns are a more advanced concept that have a few good reasons to implement, but for the most part they are not necessary and an anti-pattern within EF implementations. I consider Generic repositories to always be an anti-pattern for EF implementations. I.e. Repository<Ingredient> The main reason not to use repositories, especially Generic repositories with EF is that you are automatically increasing the complexity of your implementation and/or crippling the capabilities that EF can bring to your solution. As you see from working with your example, simply getting across an eager load through to the repository means writing in complex Expression<Func<TEntity>> parameters, and that just covers eager loading. Supporting projection, pagination, sorting, etc. adds even more boiler-plate complexity or limits your solution and performance without these capabilities that EF can provide out of the box.
Some good reasons to consider studying up on repository implementations /w EF:
Facilitate unit testing. (Repositories are easier to mock than DbContexts/DbSets)
Centralizing low-level data rules such as tenancy, soft deletes, and authorization.
Some bad (albeit very common) reasons to consider repositories:
Abstracting code from references or knowledge of the dependency on EF.
Abstracting the code so that EF could be substituted out.
Projecting to DTOs or ViewModels is an important aspect to building efficient and secure solutions with EF. It's not clear what "ObjectMapper" is, whether it is an Automapper Mapper instance or something else. I would highly recommend starting to grasp projection by using Linq's Select syntax to fill in a desired DTO from the models. The first key difference when using Projection properly is that when you project an object graph, you do not need to worry about eager loading related entities. Any related entity / property referenced in your projection (Select) will automatically be loaded as necessary. Later, if you want to leverage a tool like Automapper to help remove the clutter of Select statements, you will want to configure your mapping configuration then use Automapper's ProjectTo method rather than Map. ProjectTo works with EF's IQueryable implementation to resolve your mapping down to the SQL just like Select does, where Map would need to return everything eager loaded in order to populate related data. ProjectTo and Select can result in more efficient queries that can better take advantage of indexing than Eager Loading entire object graphs. (Less data over the wire between database and server/app) Map is still very useful such as scenarios where you want to copy values back from a DTO into a loaded entity.
Do it like this
public class Ingrident:Entity
public string Name { get; set; }
public Master Master { get; set; }
public int MasterId { get; set; }

Run linq-to-sql queries on database with changing structure

Is it possible to run Linq-to-SQL queries when underling database structure is changing from time to time (I mean database updates that happens due to business requirements and since database is shared among several apps It may be happens without announcements to me)?
Is there any way that I can connect to new database structure in Linq-to-SQL without updating the .dbml file in my source code?
If I want to run raw queries knowing that my database structure changes during time, can I use any of Linq-to-SQL benefits somehow?
Provided the structure you have in your classes match to your tables (at least covering all the fields you need) you can do that. ie: Northwind customers table have more than 4 fields in reality. Provided below 4 are still in that table this would work:
void Main()
DataContext db = new DataContext(#"server=.\SQLexpress;trusted_connection=yes;database=Northwind");
Table<Customer> Customers = db.GetTable<Customer>();
var data = Customers.Where(c => c.Country == "USA");
foreach (var customer in data)
Console.WriteLine($"{customer.CustomerID}, {customer.CompanyName}");
[Table(Name = "Customers")]
public class Customer
public string CustomerID { get; set; }
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public string ContactName { get; set; }
public string Country { get; set; }
For raw SQL, again you could use a type covering fields in select list or dynamic.
Note: For inserts, for this to work, fields that are not in your model should either accept null or have default values.

Domain models and the List / Detail page

I need some advice on the a question I have been battling with on DDD .
I have a domain model which is a aggregate root
public class Objective {
public int ObjectiveId { get; private set; }
public string ObjectiveDescription { get; private set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; private set; }
public DateTime TargetDate { get; private set; }
public DateTime? CompletedDate { get; private set; }
public int EmploymentId { get; private set; }
public List<Skill> RelatedSkills { get; private set; }
public List<Goal> RelatedGoals { get; private set; }
// few more properties.
I have 2 views one is a List View and another is a details View.
The List View has a IEnumerable which has just 3 fields
class ObjectiveListVM{
public int ObjectiveId { get; private set; }
public string ObjectiveDescription { get; private set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; private set; }
The Details view has a ObjectiveDetailViewModel which has 90 percent of the fields from the Objective domain model plus a few more.
I have a repository which gets me either a list or one objective
Objective GetById();
IEnumerable<Objective> GetList();
This is how I have implemented DDD and Repository pattern.
My question is this , my GetList query is really expensive , it only needs data from 3 columns but since my Repositories should always return domain objects , I End up returning a list the entire Objective domain object which has child lists and lots of fields.
The solution I thought of is to have another ObjectiveSummary domain model which just has a few fields and is returned by the GetList repo method. But it then breaks some other principles of DDD mainly that ObjectiveSummary is a Anemic Domain model . In fact its not really a model , its more of a DTO in my head.
This is such a common scenario that I feel I am missing something very basic in my implementation or interpretation of DDD / repository patterns .
Can some of the experts point out the mistake i have made in the implementation or highlight a way to address this problem without expensive queries ?
Note : I can thinka few ways of getting around this problem.But I am more interested in finding the correct way which does not break the principles of the architecture/pattern that I am using.
You should not query your domain model. An aggregate is always loaded in its entirety so it does not lend itself well to querying.
As soon as you think about lazy-loading you are probably not using an optimal approach. Lazy-loading is evil. Don't do it :)
What you are after is a query layer of sorts. This is directly related to CQRS. The query side only returns data. It has no behaviour and you return the most basic structure that you can. In the C# world that I am also in I use a DataRow or IEnumerable<DataRow>. If it is really complex I may opt for a DTO:
public interface IObjectiveQuery
DataRow ForList(int id);
bool Contains(string someUniqueKey);
IEnumerable<DataRow> Search(string descriptionLike, DateTime startDate);
string Description(int id);
Give it a go. I think you'll find it simplifies things immensely. Your domain should only be concerned about the command/write side of things.
One way to deal with it is to return IQueryable<Objective> from your repository instead of IEnumerable<Objective>.
public interface IObjectiveRepository
Objective GetById();
IQueryable<Objective> GetList();
It will allow you to keep the repository simple and add more logic to the queries in application/domain layer without performance loss. The following query will be executed on the db server, including the projection to ObjectiveListVM:
public IReadOnlyList<ObjectiveListVM> GetSummaryList()
return _repository
.Select(o => new ObjectiveListVM
ObjectiveId = o.ObjectiveId,
ObjectiveDescription = o.ObjectiveDescription,
StartDate = o.StartDate
You can use Automapper's Queryable extensions to make the projection to VMs easier.
return _repository

N-tier Repository POCOs - Aggregates?

Assume the following simple POCOs, Country and State:
public partial class Country
public Country()
States = new List<State>();
public virtual int CountryId { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string CountryCode { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<State> States { get; set; }
public partial class State
public virtual int StateId { get; set; }
public virtual int CountryId { get; set; }
public virtual Country Country { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Abbreviation { get; set; }
Now assume I have a simple respository that looks something like this:
public partial class CountryRepository : IDisposable
protected internal IDatabase _db;
public CountryRepository()
_db = new Database(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbConnName"]);
public IEnumerable<Country> GetAll()
return _db.Query<Country>("SELECT * FROM Countries ORDER BY Name", null);
public Country Get(object id)
return _db.SingleById(id);
public void Add(Country c)
/* ...And So On... */
Typically in my UI I do not display all of the children (states), but I do display an aggregate count. So my country list view model might look like this:
public partial class CountryListVM
public int CountryId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
public int StateCount { get; set; }
When I'm using the underlying data provider (Entity Framework, NHibernate, PetaPoco, etc) directly in my UI layer, I can easily do something like this:
IList<CountryListVM> list = db.Countries
.OrderBy(c => c.Name)
.Select(c => new CountryListVM() {
CountryId = c.CountryId,
Name = c.Name,
CountryCode = c.CountryCode,
StateCount = c.States.Count
But when I'm using a repository or service pattern, I abstract away direct access to the data layer. It seems as though my options are to:
Return the Country with a populated States collection, then map over in the UI layer. The downside to this approach is that I'm returning a lot more data than is actually needed.
Put all my view models into my Common dll library (as opposed to having them in the Models directory in my MVC app) and expand my repository to return specific view models instead of just the domain pocos. The downside to this approach is that I'm leaking UI specific stuff (MVC data validation annotations) into my previously clean POCOs.
Are there other options?
How are you handling these types of things?
It really depends on the projects architecture for what we do. Usually though.. we have services above the repositories that handle this logic for you. The service decides what repositories to use to load what data. The flow is UI -> Controller -> Service -> Repositories -> DB. The UI and/or Controllers have no knowledge of the repositories or their implementation.
Also, StateCount = c.States.Count would no doubt populate the States list anyway.. wouldn't it? I'm pretty sure it will in NHibernate (with LazyLoading causing an extra select to be sent to the DB).
One option is to separate your queries from your existing infrastructure entirely. This would be an implementation of a CQRS design. In this case, you can issue a query directly to the database using a "Thin Read Layer", bypassing your domain objects. Your existing objects and ORM are actually getting in your way, and CQRS allows you to have a "command side" that is separate and possibly a totally different set of tech to your "query side", where each is designed to do it's own job without being compromised by the requirements of the other.
Yes, I'm quite literally suggesting leaving your existing architecture alone, and perhaps using something like Dapper to do this (beware of untested code sample) directly from your MVC controllers, for example:
int count =
"select count(*) from state where countryid = #countryid",
new { countryid = 123 } );
Honestly, your question has gave me a food for thought for a couple of days. More and more I tend to think that denormalization is the correct solution.
Look, the main point of domain driven design is to let the problem domain drive your modeling decisions. Consider the country entity in the real world. A country has a list of states. However, when you want to know how many states a certain country has, you are not going over the list of the states in the encyclopedia and count them. You are more likely to look at the country's statistics and check the number of states there.
IMHO, the same behavior should be reflected in your domain model. You can have this information in the country's property, or introduce a kind of CountryStatistics object. Whatever approach you choose, it must be a part of the country aggregate. Being in the consistency boundary of the aggregate will ensure that it holds a consistent data in case of adding or removing a state.
Some other approaches:
If the states collection is not expected to change a lot, you can
allow a bit of denormalization - add "NumberOfStates" property to the
Country object. It will optimise the query, but you'll have to make
sure the extra field holds the correct information.
If you are using NHibernate, you can use ExtraLazyLoading - it will
issue another select, but won't populate the whole collection when
Count is called. More info here:
nHibernate Collection Count
