How can I optimize this bottleneck Draw call? - c#

I profiled my application (a game), and I noticed that this function is a (the!) bottleneck. In particular, this function is called a lot due to it's meaning: it draws windows of my game's skyscraper. The game is flowing horizontally so, everytime new skyscraper are generated and windows has to be drawn.
The method is simple: I load just one image of a window and then I use it like a "stencil" to draw every window, while I calculate its position on the skyscraper.
position_ is the starting position, based on top-left corner where I want to begin drawing
n_horizontal_windows_ and n_vertical_windows_ is self-explanatory and it is generated in constructor
skipped_lights_ is a matrix of bool that says if that particular light is on or off (off means don't draw the window)
delta_x is like the padding, the distance between a window and another.
w_window is the width of the window (every window has the same)
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
Vector2 tmp_pos = position_;
float default_pos_y = tmp_pos.Y;
for (int r = 0; r < n_horizontal_windows_; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < n_vertical_windows; ++c)
if (skipped_lights_[r, c])
tmp_pos.Y += delta_y_;
tmp_pos.X += delta_x_ + w_window_;
tmp_pos.Y = default_pos_y;
As you can see the position is calculated inside the loop.
Just an example of the result (as you can see I create three layers of skyscrapers):
How can I optimize this function?

You could always render each building to a texture and cache it while it's on screen. That way you only draw the windows once for each building. you will draw the entire building in one call after it's been cached, saving you from building it piece by piece every frame. It should prevent a lot of over-draw that you were getting each frame too. It will have a slight memory cost though.


Raycasting Engine with multiple layers

I will start with my situation right now.
I downloaded the raycast project from:
This is based on the tutorial from here:
After I got the project to work, played around a bit and modified some things, I'm currently stuck with adding multiple layers (based on one map per layer). I read a lot of things around the Internet but had no luck implementing that feature.
In this project:
there are multiple layers added, but that is done with slices and I can't figure out how to implement this in the Serpico project (took this because the floor/ceiling drawing works a lot better there). Textures are saved like this:
Texture2D canvas; // used to convert the buffer to a single texture to be drawn
Color[] buffer; // screen buffer with raw color data to be drawn
Color[][] rawData; // raw data of the individual external textures
// initialize graphics rendering objects
canvas = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
buffer = new Color[SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT];
rawData = new Color[NUM_TEXTURES][]; //number of Textures
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TEXTURES; i++)
rawData[i] = new Color[TEXTURE_WIDTH * TEXTURE_HEIGHT];
The buffer gets filles this way in the Wallcasting loop:
if (TEXTURE_WIDTH * texY + texX <= rawData[texNum].Length - 1)
buffer[SCREEN_WIDTH * y + x] = rawData[texNum][TEXTURE_WIDTH * texY + texX];
else //avoid crash when running into walls
buffer[SCREEN_WIDTH * y + x] = rawData[texNum][rawData[texNum].Length - 1];
and finally drawn this way:
b.Draw(canvas, new Rectangle(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), Color.White);
The code is straight from the lodev tutorial. I tried around with the variables lineHeight , texY and so on but no result. The textures just get stretched, cut off or the screen gets drawn with terrible effects.
Could someone help please? I really dispair...
Thanks a lot!
The problem is in the call in Draw() canvas.SetData<Color>(buffer);
Move this line to Update() and it will "mostly" work. Texture memory is shared between the CPU and GPU. By the time Draw() is called it is expected the textures already exist in GPU memory. Transferring data during draws causes random tearing.
The mostly comes in the nondeterministic delays between Update() and Draw() and the PCIE memory transfer.

SkiaSharp Touch Bitmap Image

In the app I'm trying to develop a key part is getting the position of where the user has touched. First I thought of using a tap gesture recognizer but after a quick google search I learned that was useless (See here for an example).
Then I believe I discovered SkiaSharp and after learning how to use it, at least somewhat, I'm still not sure how I get the proper coordinates of a touch. Here are sections of the code in my project that are relevant to the problem.
Canvas Touch Function
private void canvasView_Touch(object sender, SKTouchEventArgs e)
// Only carry on with this function if the image is already on screen.
// Use switch to get what type of action occurred.
switch (e.ActionType)
case SKTouchAction.Pressed:
// Update simply tries to draw a small square using double for loops.
m_editedBm = Update(sender);
// Refresh screen.
(sender as SKCanvasView).InvalidateSurface();
Touch Image
private void TouchImage(SKPoint point)
// Is the point in range of the canvas?
if(point.X >= m_x && point.X <= (m_editedCanvasSize.Width + m_x) &&
point.Y >= m_y && point.Y <= (m_editedCanvasSize.Height + m_y))
// Save the point for later and set the boolean to true so the algorithm can begin.
m_clickPoint = point;
m_updateAlgorithm = true;
Here I'm just seeing or TRYING to see if the point clicked was in range of the image and I made a different SkSize variable to help. Ignore the boolean, not that important.
Update function (function that attempts to draw ON the point pressed so it's the most important)
public SKBitmap Update(object sender)
// Create the default test color to replace current pixel colors in the bitmap.
SKColor color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255);
// Create a new surface with the current bitmap.
using (var surface = new SKCanvas(m_editedBm))
/* According to this: ,
the points I have to start are in Xamarin forms coordinates, but I need to translate them to SkiaSharp coordinates which are in
pixels. */
Point pt = new Point((double)m_touchPoint.X, (double)m_touchPoint.Y);
SKPoint newPoint = ConvertToPixel(pt);
// Loop over the touch point start, then go to a certain value (like x + 100) just to get a "block" that's been altered for pixels.
for (int x = (int)newPoint.X; x < (int)newPoint.X + 200.0f; ++x)
for (int y = (int)newPoint.Y; y < (int)newPoint.Y + 200.0f; ++y)
// According to the x and y, change the color.
m_editedBm.SetPixel(x, y, color);
return m_editedBm;
Here I'm THINKING that it'll start, you know, at the coordinate I pressed (and these coordinates have been confirmed to be within the range of the image thanks to the function "TouchImage". And when it does get the correct coordinates (or at least it SHOULD of done that) the square will be drawn one "line" at a time. I have a game programming background so this kind of sounds simple but I can't believe I didn't get this right the first time.
Also I have another function, it MIGHT prove worthwhile because the original image is rotated and then put on screen. Why? Well by default the image, after taking the picture, and then displayed, is rotated to the left. I had no idea why but I corrected it with the following function:
// Just rotate the image because for some reason it's titled 90 degrees to the left.
public static SKBitmap Rotate()
using (var bitmap = m_bm)
// The new ones width IS the old ones height.
var rotated = new SKBitmap(bitmap.Height, bitmap.Width);
using (var surface = new SKCanvas(rotated))
surface.Translate(rotated.Width, 0.0f);
surface.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0);
return rotated;
I'll keep reading and looking up stuff on what I'm doing wrong, but if any help is given I'm grateful.

OpenGL Creating a sphere emitter using timer in C#

I am currently using openGl and need to emit two different types of sphere from a box.
I have made the sphere into a structure and implimented two arrays - an orange and blue sphere array.
I also have a timer class.
At the moment, in the OnRenderFrame it draws however many balls there are in the array by looping through, and on the onUpdateFrame it moves all the balls in the array using a loop.
However, they are all being created simultaneously. They need to form one after another.
Here is what I have tried so far, it is in the OnLoad method:
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) //loop through - set to two for now just for testing purposes
oldTime = currentTime(); //get time now
if(oldTime < currentTime())
orangeArray[i] = new orangeBall(); //create a new ball
And this is the method to get the time:
private float currentTime()
float currentTime = mTimer.GetElapsedSeconds();
return currentTime;
However, this causes my program to crash and not even load correctly.

How do I resize sprites in a C# XNA game based on window size?

I'm making a game in C# and XNA 4.0. It uses multiple objects (such as a player character, enemies, platforms, etc.), each with their own texture and hitbox. The objects are created and drawn using code similar to the following:
class Object
Texture2D m_texture;
Rectangle m_hitbox;
public Object(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position)
m_texture = texture;
m_hitbox = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, texture.Width, texture.Height);
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, m_hitbox, Color.White);
Everything works properly, but I also want to allow the player to resize the game window. The main game class uses the following code to do so:
private void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (playerChangedWindowSize == true)
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = newHeight;
graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = newWidth;
This will inevitably cause the positions and hitboxes of the objects to become inaccurate whenever the window size is changed. Is there an easy way for me to change the positions and hitboxes based on a new window size? If the new window width was twice as big as it was before I could probably just double the width of every object's hitbox, but I'm sure that's a terrible way of doing it.
Consider normalizing your coordinate system to view space {0...1} and only apply the window dimensions scalar at the point of rendering.
View Space to Screen Space Conversion
Pseudo code for co-ordinates:
x' = x * screenResX
y' = y * screenResY
Similarly for dimensions. Let's say you have a 32x32 sprite originally designed for 1920x1080 and wish to scale so that it fits the same logical space on screen (so it doesn't appear unnaturally small):
r = 32 * screenResX' / screenResY
width' = width * r
height' = height * r
Then it won't matter what resolution the user has set.
If you are concerned over performance this may impose, then you can perform the above at screen resolution change time for a one-off computation. However you should still always keep the original viewspace {0...1}.
Collision Detection
It's arguably more efficient to perform CD on screen space coordinates
Hope this helps

Displaying moving pieces in my chess game lags, what can I do about it?

First time I ever ask a question here so correct me if I´m doing it wrong.
Picture of my chess set:
Every time I move a piece it lags for about 1 second. Every piece and tile has an Image and there is exactly 96 Images. Every time I move a piece it clears everything with black and then update the graphics.
In the early stages of the chess I didn't have any Images and used different colors instead and only a few pieces there was no noticeable lag and the piece moved in an instant.
public void updateGraphics(PaintEventArgs e, Graphics g, Bitmap frame)
g = Graphics.FromImage(frame);
e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(frame, 0, 0);
The function colorMap(g) looks like this:
private void colorMap(Graphics g)
for (int y = 0; y < SomeInts.amount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SomeInts.amount; x++)
Bundle.tile[x, y].colorBody(g, x, y);
The colorAll function executes every pieces colorBody(g) function which look like this:
public void colorBody(Graphics g)
//base.colorBody() does the following: body = new Rectangle(x * SomeInts.size + SomeInts.size / 4, y * SomeInts.size + SomeInts.size / 4, size, size);
if (team == 1)
//If its a white queen
image = Image.FromFile("textures/piece/white/queen.png");
if (team == 2)
//If its a black queen
image = Image.FromFile("textures/piece/black/queen.png");
g.DrawImage(image, body);
and finaly the function that moves the piece:
public void movePiece(MouseEventArgs e)
for (int y = 0; y < SomeInts.amount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SomeInts.amount; x++)
if (Bundle.tile[x, y].body.Contains(e.Location))
//Ignore this
for (int i = 0; i < queens.Count; i++)
Queen temp = queens.ElementAt<Queen>(i);
temp.move(x, y);
player1.move(x, y);
player2.move(x, y);
Thank you for reading all this! I could make a link to the whole program if my coding examples is not enough.
You're calling Image.FromFile in every refresh, for every image - effectively reloading every image file every time from disk.
Have you considered loading the images once, and storing the resulting Images somewhere useful? (say, an array, Image[2,6] would be adequate)
Why do you redraw the board each time? Can't you just leave the board where it is and display an image with transparent background over it? That way you have one image as a background (the board), plus 64 smaller images placed over the board in a grid and just change the image being displayed on each move.
That way, you can let windows handle the drawing...
Also, load the images of the pieces at the start of the application.
In addition to not calling Image.FromFile() inside updateGraphics() (which is definitely your biggest issue), you shouldn't be attempting to redraw the entire board every on every call to updateGraphics() - most of the time, only a small portion of the board will be invalidated.
The PaintEventArgs contains an parameter, ClipRectangle, which specifies which portion of the board needs redrawing. See if you can't figure out which tiles intersect with that rectangle, and only redraw those tiles :)
Hint: Write a function Point ScreenToTileCoords(Point) which takes a screen coordinate and returns which board-tile is at that coordinate. Then the only tiles you need to redraw are
Point upperLeftTileToBeDrawn = ScreenToTileCoords(e.ClipRectangle.Left, e.ClipRectangle.Top);
Point lowerRightTileToBeDrawn = ScreenToTileCoords(e.ClipRectangle.Right - 1, e.ClipRectangle.Bottom- 1);
Also, make sure your control is double-buffered, to avoid tearing. This is much simpler than #Steve B's link in the comments above states; assuming this is a UserControl, simply set
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
Well, what about this:
Do not clear the whole board but only those parts that need to be cleared.
Update to WPF - it moves drawing to the graphics card - and just move pieces around, in a smart way (i.e. have a control / object for every piece).
