I have lots of code like this:
var feed = new DataFeed(host, port);
feed.OnConnected += (conn) =>
feed.BeginLogin(user, pass);
feed.OnReady += (f) =>
//Now I'm ready to do stuff.
As you can see, I use the usual way of doing async operations. how do I change this code to use async await? Preferably something like this:
public async void InitConnection()
await feed.BeginConnect();
await feed.BeginLogin(user, pass);
//Now I'm ready
You can use TaskCompletionSource<T> to wrap your EAP (event-based async pattern) into Tasks. It's not clear how you handle errors and cancel operations in your DataFeed class, so you will need to modify this code and add error handling (sample):
private Task ConnectAsync(DataFeed feed)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
feed.OnConnected += _ => tcs.TrySetResult(null);
return tcs.Task;
private Task LoginAsync(DataFeed feed, string user, string password)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
feed.OnReady += _ => tcs.TrySetResult(null);
feed.BeginLogin(user, pass);
return tcs.Task;
Now you can use these methods:
public async void InitConnection()
var feed = new DataFeed(host, port);
await ConnectAsync(feed);
await LoadAsync(feed, user, pass);
//Now I'm ready
Note - you can move these async methods to DataFeed class. But if you can modify DataFeed, then better use TaskFactory.FromAsync to wrap APM API to Tasks.
Unfortunately there is no non-generic TaskCompletionSource which would return non-generic Task so, usually workaround is usage of Task<object>.
You need to change your DataFeed class to support that. You'll just have to use the task asynchronous pattern in there. That means that all the asynchronous methods in DataFeed have to return a Task (or some Task<T>), and they should be named ConnectAsync (for example).
Now, with Socket, this isn't entirely easy, because the XXXAsync methods on Socket aren't actually awaitable! The easiest way is to simply use TcpClient and TcpListener respectivelly (provided you're using TCP):
public async Task<bool> LoginAsync(TcpClient client, ...)
var stream = client.GetStream();
await stream.WriteAsync(...);
// Make sure you read all that you need, and ideally no more. This is where
// TCP can get very tricky...
var bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buf, ...);
return CheckTheLoginResponse(buf);
and then just use it from the outside:
await client.ConnectAsync(...);
if (!(await LoginAsync(client, ...))) throw new UnauthorizedException(...);
// We're logged in
This is just sample code, I assume you're actually able to write decent TCP code to start with. If you do, writing it asynchronously using await isn't really much harder. Just make sure you're always awaiting some asynchronous I/O operation.
If you want to do the same using just Socket, you will probably have to use Task.FromAsync, which provides a wrapper around the BeginXXX / EndXXX methods - very handy.
Since we expect to be reading frequently, and for us to often be reading when data is already available to be consumed, should SendLoopAsync return ValueTask rather than Task, so that we can make it allocation-free?
// Caller
_ = Task.Factory.StartNew(_ => SendLoopAsync(cancellationToken), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, cancellationToken);
// Method
private async ValueTask SendLoopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (await _outputChannel.Reader.WaitToReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
while (_outputChannel.Reader.TryRead(out var message))
using (await _mutex.LockAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
await _clientWebSocket.SendAsync(message.Data.AsMemory(), message.MessageType, true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
No, there is no value at the SendLoopAsync returning a ValueTask instead of Task. This method is invoked only once in your code. The impact of avoiding a single allocation of a tiny object is practically zero. You should consider using ValueTasks for asynchronous methods that are invoked repeatedly in loops, especially in hot paths. That's not the case in the example presented in the question.
As a side note, invoking asynchronous methods with the Task.Factory.StartNew+TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning combination is pointless. The new Thread that is going to be created, will have a very short life. It's gonna be terminated immediately when the code reaches the first await of an incomplete awaitable inside the async method. Also you are getting back a nested Task<Task>, which is tricky to handle. Using Task.Run is preferable. You can read here the reasons why.
Also be aware that the Nito.AsyncEx.AsyncLock class is not optimized for memory-efficiency. Lots of allocations are happening every time the lock is acquired. If you want a low-allocation synchronization primitive that can be acquired asynchronously, your best bet currently is probably to use a Channel<object> instance, initialized with a single null value: retrieve the value to enter, store it back to release.
The idiomatic way to use channels doesn't need locks, semaphores or Task.Factory.StartNew. The typical way to use a channel is to have a method that accepts just a ChannelReader as input. If the method wants to use a Channel as output, it should create it itself and only return a ChannelReader that can be passed to other methods. By owning the channel the method knows when it can be closed.
In the questions case, the code is simple enough though. A simple await foreach should be enough:
private async ValueTask SendLoopAsync(ChannelReader<Message> reader,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await foreach (var msg in reader.ReadAllAsync(cancellationToken))
await _clientWebSocket.SendAsync(message.Data.AsMemory(),
true, cancellationToken);
This method doesn't need an external Task.Run or Task.Factory.New to work. To run it, just call it and store its task somewhere, but not discarded:
public MyWorker(ChannelReader<Message> reader,CancellationToken token)
This way, once the input channel completes, the code can await for _loopTask to finish processing any pending messages.
Any blocking code should run inside it with Task.Run(), eg
private async ValueTask SendLoopAsync(ChannelReader<Message> reader,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await foreach (var msg in reader.ReadAllAsync(cancellationToken))
var new_msg=await Task.Run(()=>SomeHeavyWork(msg),cancellationToken);
await _clientWebSocket.SendAsync(message.Data.AsMemory(),
true, cancellationToken);
Concurrent Workers
This method could be used to start multiple concurrent workers too :
var tasks=Enumerable.Range(0,dop).Select(_=>SendLoopAsync(reader,token));
await _loopTask;
In .NET 6, Parallel.ForEachAsync can be used to process multiple messages with less code:
private async ValueTask SendLoopAsync(ChannelReader<Message> reader,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var options=new ParallelOptions {
var input=reader.ReadAllAsync(cancellationToken);
await Parallel.ForEachAsync(input,options,async (msg,token)=>{
var new_msg=await Task.Run(()=>SomeHeavyWork(msg),token);
await _clientWebSocket.SendAsync(message.Data.AsMemory(),
true, token);
Idiomatic Channel Producers
Instead of using a class-level channel stored in a field, create the channel inside the producer method and only return its reader. This way the producer method has control of the channel's lifecycle and can close it when it's done. That's one of the reasons a Channel can only be accessed accessed only through its Reader and Writer classes.
A method can consume a ChannelReader and return another. This allows creating methods that can be chained together into a pipeline.
A simple producer can look like this:
ChannelReader<Message> Producer(CancellationToke token)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<Message>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
_ = Task.Run(()=>{
var msg=SomeHeavyJob();
await writer.SendAsync(msg);
return channel.Reader;
When cancellation is signaled, the worker exits or an exception is thrown, the main task exists and ContinueWith calls TryComplete on the writer with any exception that may have been thrown. That's a simple non-blocking operation so it doesn't matter what thread it runs on.
A transforming method would look like this:
ChannelReader<Msg2> Transform(ChannelReader<Msg1> input,CancellationToke token)
var channel=Channel.CreateUnbounded<Msg2>();
var writer=channel.Writer;
_ = Task.Run(()=>{
await foreach(var msg1 in input.ReadAllAsync(token))
var msg2=SomeHeavyJob(msg1);
await writer.SendAsync(msg2);
return channel.Reader;
Turning those methods into static extension methods would allow chaining them one after the other :
var task=Producer()
I don't set SingleWriter because this doesn't seem to be doing anything yet. Searching for this in the .NET runtime repo on Github doesn't show any results beyond test code.
The following code gets a list of investments belonging to a customer from 3 different resources. The flow starts with a controller's call and follows the flow described below where all methods are declared as async and called with await operator.
I'm wondering if is there a problem making all methods as async. Is there any performance penalty? Is it a code smell or an anti-pattern?
I know there are things that must be waited like access url, get data from cahce, etc. But I think there are things like filling a list or sum some few values doesn't need to be async.
Below follow the code (some parts where ommited for clearness):
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
Client client = await _mediator.Send(new RecuperarInvestimentosQuery());
return Ok(cliente);
public async Task<Client> Handle(RecoverInvestimentsQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Client client;
List<Investiment> list = await _investimentBuilder.GetInvestiments();
client = new Cliente(request.Id, list);
return client;
public async Task<List<Investiment>> GetInvestiments()
ListInvestiments builder = new ListInvestiments();
await builder.BuildLists(_builder);
// here I get the List<Investiment> list already fulfilled to return to the controller
return list;
public async Task BuildLists(IBuilder builder)
Task[] tasks = new Task[] {
builder.GetFundsAsync(), //****
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Funds, Bonds and Fixed Income Services (***all 3 methods are equal, only its name vary, so I just put one of them for the sake of saving space)
public async Task GetFundsAsync()
var listOfFunds = await _FundsService.RecoverFundsAsync();
// listOfFunds will get all items from all types of investments
Recover Funds, Bonds and Fixed Incomes methods are equals too, again I just put one of them
public async Task<List<Funds>> RecoverFundsAsync()
var returnCache = await _clientCache.GetValueAsync("fundsService");
// if not in cache, so go get from url
if (returnCache == null)
string url = _configuration.GetValue<string>("Urls:Funds");
var response = await _clienteHttp.ObterDadosAsync(url);
if (response != null)
string funds = JObject.Parse(response).SelectToken("funds").ToString();
await _clienteCache.SetValueAsync("fundService", funds);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Funds>>(fundos);
return null;
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Funds>>(returnCache);
HTTP Client
public async Task<string> GetDataAsync(string Url)
using (HttpClient client = _clientFactory.CreateClient())
var response = await client.GetAsync(Url);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return null;
Cache Client
public async Task<string> GetValueAsync(string key)
IDatabase cache = Connection.GetDatabase();
RedisValue value = await cache.StringGetAsync(key);
if (value.HasValue)
return value.ToString();
return null;
Could someone give a thought about that?
Thanks in advance.
Your code looks okay for me. You are using async and await just for I/O and web access operations, and it perfectly fits for async and await purposes:
For I/O-bound code, you await an operation that returns a Task or Task inside of an async method.
For CPU-bound code, you await an operation that is started on a background thread with the Task.Run method.
Once you've used async and await, then all pieces of your code tends to become asynchronous too. This fact is described greatly in the MSDN article - Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming:
Asynchronous code reminds me of the story of a fellow who mentioned
that the world was suspended in space and was immediately challenged
by an elderly lady claiming that the world rested on the back of a
giant turtle. When the man enquired what the turtle was standing on,
the lady replied, “You’re very clever, young man, but it’s turtles all
the way down!” As you convert synchronous code to asynchronous code,
you’ll find that it works best if asynchronous code calls and is
called by other asynchronous code—all the way down (or “up,” if you
prefer). Others have also noticed the spreading behavior of
asynchronous programming and have called it “contagious” or compared
it to a zombie virus. Whether turtles or zombies, it’s definitely true
that asynchronous code tends to drive surrounding code to also be
asynchronous. This behavior is inherent in all types of asynchronous
programming, not just the new async/await keywords.
I want to call a task which itself call a async method which inturn returna bool value.
I want to do something on the basis of that outcome.
I can get the data on outcome.Result.Result but this does not look good and I wish to have the output in outcome.Result.
I can not figure it out.
Can someone please guide.
private void OnValidated(ValidatedIntergrationEvent evt)
var outcome=Task.Factory.StartNew(() => mydata.UpdateValidated());
if (outcome.Result.Result)//This work fine but I think I need something to do so that outcome.Result gives my solution.
{ }
else { }
public async Task<bool> UpdateValidated()
var result= await Mediator.Send(new ValidatedEvent(this));
return result;
public async Task<bool> Handle(ValidatedEvent notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
{ //dO WORK
// return Task.FromResult(true);
return true;
Since UpdateValidated is already asynchronous, you should just call it directly to execute it. Things like Task.Factory.StartNew or Task.Run offer a way to put synchronous tasks on a new thread so that they can run asynchronously. So you should just call it directly:
private void OnValidated(ValidatedIntergrationEvent evt)
var outcome = mydata.UpdateValidated()
// Note: this WILL block, regardless of how you call the async function
var result = outcome.Result;
You should try to avoid using .Result though, as this will block synchronous functions until the asynchronous result is ready, and may even cause deadlocks. If the OnValidated is a standard event handler, you could make it asynchronous instead and await your task:
private async void OnValidated(ValidatedIntergrationEvent evt)
var result = await mydata.UpdateValidated()
But this make this event handler fire and forget which can be dangerous. So you should really try to change your code that you are truly running asynchronously when calling asynchronous code.
Finally, note that you can force the asynchronous task onto a separate thread using Task.Run. This is useful when the asynchronous call also does a lot on the CPU:
var outcome = Task.Run(() => mydata.UpdateValidated());
This looks very similar to your Task.Factory.StartNew() call but returns only a Task<bool> instead of your Task<Task<bool>>. This is because Task.Run has an overload that explicitly allows you to call asynchronous methods which makes Task.Run just pass on the result.
I am working with the Contacts object in Windows Phone 8, calling SearchAysnc from within an async method. SearchAsync requires that a handler be subscribed to the SearchCompleted event, and delivers its results via one of the event args, which the async method requires to do its job (which includes invoking other async methods).
How do you await the asynchronous completion of an event i.e. bridge between the event pattern and the async/await pattern?
The only solution I could come up with was to use an EventWaitHandle, waiting on it within an awaited Task something like this:
using System.Threading;
async Task<string> MyMethod()
string result = null;
Contacts cons = new Contacts();
EventWaitHandle handle = new EventWaitHandle(false,EventResetMode.ManualReset);
cons.SearchCompleted += (sender,args) =>
// I do all my work on the results of the contact search in this handler
result = SomeOtherSynchronousOperation(args.Results);
// When I'm done, I release the thread which was waiting for the results
cons.SearchAsync(String.Empty, FilterKind.None, "My Contact");
// I can't block this thread (or can I?)
// So, I launch a task whose sole job is to wait
await Task.Run(()=>
// This gets released by the Contacts.SearchCompleted handler when its work is finished,
// so that MyMethod can finish up and deliver its result
await DoOtherStuffWithResult(result);
return result;
My actual solution (not exactly as shown above) does work. Although the above code doesn't precisely represent the implemented solution, (likely a compile issue or two), it should serve to express the concept and illustrate the point of my question.
It leaves me wondering if this is the only way, or anywhere close to the best practise way to await the execution of an event handler, and if not, what would be the "best practice" to do what is needed here.
Do the Windows synchronization primitives still have a place in an async/await world?
(Based on answers provided)
Would this be correct?
using Microsoft.Phone.UserData;
string ExtractWhatIWantFromResults(IEnumerable<Contact> results)
string result;
// Do my processing on the list of contacts, stuff the results into result
return string;
async Task<string> MyMethod()
Contacts cons = new Contacts();
TaskCompletionSource<string> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
cons.SearchCompleted += (sender,args) =>
cons.SearchAsync(String.Empty, FilterKind.None, "My Contact");
return tcs.Task;
TaskCompletionSource is the common way to use.
Not tested (No idea how to test without knowing your classes/methods),
Task<string> MyMethodAsync()
Contacts cons = new Contacts();
TaskCompletionSource<string> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
cons.SearchCompleted += (sender,args) =>
cons.SearchAsync(String.Empty, FilterKind.None, "My Contact");
return tcs.Task;
To bridge EAP and TAP, you should use TaskCompletionSource, as such:
public static Task<IEnumerable<Contact>> SearchTaskAsync(this Contacts contacts, string filter, FilterKind filterKind)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<Contact>>();
EventHandler<ContactsSearchEventArgs> subscription = null;
subscription = (_, e) =>
contacts.SearchCompleted -= subscription;
contacts.SearchCompleted += subscription;
contacts.SearchAsync(filter, filterKind, null);
return tcs.Task;
which you can use like this:
async Task<string> MyMethodAsync()
Contacts cons = new Contacts();
var searchResults = await cons.SearchTaskAsync(String.Empty, FilterKind.None);
string result = SomeOtherSynchronousOperation(searchResults);
await DoOtherStuffWithResult(result);
return result;
In fact, the MSDN docs for TAP are really of an unusually high quality and I strongly recommend reading through that entire section.
Do the Windows synchronization primitives still have a place in an async/await world?
Not so much, because as soon as you block a thread, you lose the benefits of asynchronous code. That said, you can emulate similar behavior using TAP-based primitives; Stephen Toub has a series of blog entries that explore this and I implemented similar primitives in my AsyncEx library.
AFAIK, all it knows is that at some point, its SetResult or SetException method is being called to complete the Task<T> exposed through its Task property.
In other words, it acts as the producer for a Task<TResult> and its completion.
I saw here the example:
If I need a way to execute a Func<T> asynchronously and have a Task<T>
to represent that operation.
public static Task<T> RunAsync<T>(Func<T> function)
if (function == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(“function”);
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
T result = function();
catch(Exception exc) { tcs.SetException(exc); }
return tcs.Task;
Which could be used if I didn’t have Task.Factory.StartNew -
But I do have Task.Factory.StartNew.
Can someone please explain by example a scenario related directly to TaskCompletionSource
and not to a hypothetical situation in which I don't have Task.Factory.StartNew?
I mostly use it when only an event based API is available (for example Windows Phone 8 sockets):
public Task<Args> SomeApiWrapper()
TaskCompletionSource<Args> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Args>();
var obj = new SomeApi();
// will get raised, when the work is done
obj.Done += (args) =>
// this will notify the caller
// of the SomeApiWrapper that
// the task just completed
// start the work
return tcs.Task;
So it's especially useful when used together with the C#5 async keyword.
In my experiences, TaskCompletionSource is great for wrapping old asynchronous patterns to the modern async/await pattern.
The most beneficial example I can think of is when working with Socket. It has the old APM and EAP patterns, but not the awaitable Task methods that TcpListener and TcpClient have.
I personally have several issues with the NetworkStream class and prefer the raw Socket. Being that I also love the async/await pattern, I made an extension class SocketExtender which creates several extension methods for Socket.
All of these methods make use of TaskCompletionSource<T> to wrap the asynchronous calls like so:
public static Task<Socket> AcceptAsync(this Socket socket)
if (socket == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("socket");
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Socket>();
socket.BeginAccept(asyncResult =>
var s = asyncResult.AsyncState as Socket;
var client = s.EndAccept(asyncResult);
catch (Exception ex)
}, socket);
return tcs.Task;
I pass the socket into the BeginAccept methods so that I get a slight performance boost out of the compiler not having to hoist the local parameter.
Then the beauty of it all:
var listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
listener.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 2610));
var client = await listener.AcceptAsync();
To me, a classic scenario for using TaskCompletionSource is when it's possible that my method won't necessarily have to do a time consuming operation. What it allows us to do is to choose the specific cases where we'd like to use a new thread.
A good example for this is when you use a cache. You can have a GetResourceAsync method, which looks in the cache for the requested resource and returns at once (without using a new thread, by using TaskCompletionSource) if the resource was found. Only if the resource wasn't found, we'd like to use a new thread and retrieve it using Task.Run().
A code example can be seen here: How to conditionally run a code asynchonously using tasks
In this blog post, Levi Botelho describes how to use the TaskCompletionSource to write an asynchronous wrapper for a Process such that you can launch it and await its termination.
public static Task RunProcessAsync(string processPath)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
var process = new Process
EnableRaisingEvents = true,
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(processPath)
RedirectStandardError = true,
UseShellExecute = false
process.Exited += (sender, args) =>
if (process.ExitCode != 0)
var errorMessage = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
tcs.SetException(new InvalidOperationException("The process did not exit correctly. " +
"The corresponding error message was: " + errorMessage));
return tcs.Task;
and its usage
await RunProcessAsync("myexecutable.exe");
It looks like no one mentioned, but I guess unit tests too can be considered real life enough.
I find TaskCompletionSource to be useful when mocking a dependency with an async method.
In actual program under test:
public interface IEntityFacade
Task<Entity> GetByIdAsync(string id);
In unit tests:
// set up mock dependency (here with NSubstitute)
TaskCompletionSource<Entity> queryTaskDriver = new TaskCompletionSource<Entity>();
IEntityFacade entityFacade = Substitute.For<IEntityFacade>();
// later on, in the "Act" phase
private void When_Task_Completes_Successfully()
// ...
private void When_Task_Gives_Error()
// ...
After all, this usage of TaskCompletionSource seems another case of "a Task object that does not execute code".
TaskCompletionSource is used to create Task objects that don't execute code.
In real world scenarios, TaskCompletionSource is ideal for I/O bound operations. This way, you get all the benefits of tasks (e.g. return values, continuations, etc) without blocking a thread for the duration of the operation. If your "function" is an I/O bound operation, it isn't recommended to block a thread using a new Task. Instead, using TaskCompletionSource, you can create a slave task to just indicate when your I/O bound operation finishes or faults.
There's a real world example with a decent explanation in this post from the "Parallel Programming with .NET" blog. You really should read it, but here's a summary anyway.
The blog post shows two implementations for:
"a factory method for creating “delayed” tasks, ones that won’t
actually be scheduled until some user-supplied timeout has occurred."
The first implementation shown is based on Task<> and has two major flaws. The second implementation post goes on to mitigate these by using TaskCompletionSource<>.
Here's that second implementation:
public static Task StartNewDelayed(int millisecondsDelay, Action action)
// Validate arguments
if (millisecondsDelay < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("millisecondsDelay");
if (action == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("action");
// Create a trigger used to start the task
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
// Start a timer that will trigger it
var timer = new Timer(
_ => tcs.SetResult(null), null, millisecondsDelay, Timeout.Infinite);
// Create and return a task that will be scheduled when the trigger fires.
return tcs.Task.ContinueWith(_ =>
This may be oversimplifying things but the TaskCompletion source allows one to await on an event. Since the tcs.SetResult is only set once the event occurs, the caller can await on the task.
Watch this video for more insights:
I real world scenario where I have used TaskCompletionSource is when implementing a download queue. In my case if the user starts 100 downloads I don't want to fire them all off at once and so instead of returning a strated task I return a task attached to TaskCompletionSource. Once the download gets completed the thread that is working the queue completes the task.
The key concept here is that I am decoupling when a client asks for a task to be started from when it actually gets started. In this case because I don't want the client to have to deal with resource management.
note that you can use async/await in .net 4 as long as you are using a C# 5 compiler (VS 2012+) see here for more details.
I've used TaskCompletionSource to run a Task until it is cancelled. In this case it's a ServiceBus subscriber that I normally want to run for as long as the application runs.
public async Task RunUntilCancellation(
CancellationToken cancellationToken,
Func<Task> onCancel)
var doneReceiving = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
async () =>
await onCancel();
doneReceiving.SetResult(true); // Signal to quit message listener
await doneReceiving.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); // Listen until quit signal is received.
The Blazor's WebAssemblyHost also uses this to prevent .NET VM stop.
await new TaskCompletionSource().Task;