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Closed 8 years ago.
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Below is method declaration has been used in one of our interfaces to read entity from Azure table storage.
QueryEntity method is not having any variable associated with Func<IQueryable<TElement> parameter.
How does it work?
bool QueryEntity(string tableName, string partitionKey, out List<TElement> retrievedEntity,
out string errorMessage,Expression<Func<TElement, bool>> filter = null,
IOrderedQueryable<TElement>> orderBy = null);
It is the type given to the orderBy argument. It is split across two lines.. hence your confusion. Put it on one line and it becomes:
Func<IQueryable<TElement>, IOrderedQueryable<TElement>> orderBy = null
A Func<T1, T2> delegate. It also has a default value of null.. so if you don't supply it when calling the function.. it is inferred to be null.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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The thing is I need to pass a random variable to optional parameter. Anyone? :)
Something like this:
static void Creature(string optionalParam = randomVariable) {}
Optional parameters are compile time constants, so you can't have a random (runtime generated) value as an optional parameter value.
What you could do, as #madreflection eludes to, is create 2 overloaded methods: one that will accept the randomValue you pass it and second one without that parameter that generates a Random number and then calls the first overload, passing that random value along. Make sense?
You can only do this with overloads
class Foo
static Random rng = new Random();
static string RandomString()=> $"A{rng.Next(0,1000)}";
static void Creature() => Creature(RandomString())
static void Creature(string argument) {}
You can do the below with [optional] keyword.
by default optionalParam value will be Null if you do not pass anything else it will hold the passing value.
I hope it will clear about optional parameter.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I wanted to compare the int[] StyleIds to string S_StyleId.
but I dont know how to do it..
var cs = optionalEquipments.FirstOrDefault(
d => d.StyleIds.Any(s=>s.ToString == c.S_StyleId);
I wanted to get and compare the styleId
ToString is a method,
You need to change
Any(s=>s.ToString == c.S_StyleId);
Any(s=>s.ToString() == c.S_StyleId);
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an encoded query string and have decoded it using the function HttpUtility.UrlDecode(urlEncodedQueryString). It decodes fine and I get the result as:
pagesize=5&morekey=morekey&last_updated=2018-11-30 10:06:09.203&queryfilter=filter
How can I get the value of the last_updated decoded query string (i.e 2018-11-30 10:06:09.203) so that I can parse it to a DateTime and use it for my further implementation?
I tried with this code but it only returns null.
string decodedQueryString = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(urlEncodedQueryString);
var parameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(decodedQueryString);
lastUpdatedDateUtc = DateTime.Parse(parameters["last_updated="]);
I want the lastUpdatedDateUtc values as 2018-11-30 10:06:09.203
lastUpdatedDateUtc = DateTime.Parse(parameters["last_updated="]);
lastUpdatedDateUtc = DateTime.Parse(parameters["last_updated"]);
The = isn't supposed to be in the parameter name
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to call a method (BeginCommand) from another class. The method is using an interface(IAudioRecorder) and has a parameter (recorder). My class is RecorderViewModel.
public void BeginCommand(IAudioRecorder recorder)
beginRecordingCommand = new RelayCommand(BeginRecording, () => recorder.RecordingState == RecordingState.Stopped || recorder.RecordingState == RecordingState.Monitoring);
Over in my other class here is how I'm trying to call it:
var audiorecorder = new AudioRecorder();
var recordviewmodel = new RecorderViewModel(audiorecorder);
If I remove the interface and parameter (IAudioRecorder recorder) from the BeginCommand method it will work, but how do I call it with the interface/parameter. It's telling me there is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter... I'm not sure what parameters to use.
It's hard to tell (with your description) what's going on here, however I suspect you may just be able to do the following:
Assuming audiorecorder implements the IAudioRecorder Interface.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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This may not be doable. I'm using reflection to iterate over an object's properties. One of those object's properties could be a Dictionary of which I do not know in advance either T type.
Dictionary<T, T2>
I need to be able to cast this to something I can iterate over to get all the values. Something like this, but this doesn't work.
var listTypeItems = (IDictionary>)containingObject;
Dictionary<TKey,TValue> implements IDictionary, which allows you to get the values in a non-statically typed way.
Try cast to IDictionary.
You can iterate on it and get DictionaryEntry that contains both Key and Value.
I had a syntax error in my code. > inside the parenthesis shown above. My bad.