Xpath for <a></a> tag - c#

Let say this is my html code
<a class="" data-tracking-id="0_Motorola"
I used C# code to find the href value like this
var tags = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[#class='top-menu unit']
if (tags != null)
foreach (var t in tags)
var name = t.InnerText.Trim();
var url =t.Attributes["href"].Value;
I am getting url='/motorola' but I need url=/motorola?otracker=nmenu_sub_electronics_0_Motorola
its not appending text after ?,&.. Please clarify where I went wrong.

I have used HtmlAgilityPack in the past and I have previously used it like this :
var url = t.GetAttributeValue("href","");
You can try that and see if it works.


How could I get the text is inside of a span which has no ID but a class

I was testing WebBrowser, but there's no method to getElemments by class, but by tag.
I have something like this.
<div class="Justnames">
<span class="name">Georgia</span>
So i'd like to get the string "Georgia", which is inside of that span.
I tried:
Var example = Nav.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span");
But it return null, and I've no idea why.
Sorry my english and thanks a lot of the help! :)
This may help:
var elementCollection = default(HtmlElementCollection);
elementCollection = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("span");
foreach (var element in elementCollection)
if (element.OuterHtml.Contains("name"))
// we reach here, we get <span class="example"
foreach (var element in elementCollection)
if (element.GetAttribute("className") == "name")
// we reach here, we get <span class="example"
You can do this using jquery :
var test = $(".name").text();
Because you tagged "C#" and ".net" i assume you have a aspx page and try to access it from server code. To access it from server side you have to add the runat="server" tag to the span:
<span class="name" runat="server">Georgia</span>
Otherwise you only can access it from client side (JavaScript)

How to scrape a variable data from a source code?

I'm trying to scrape a link from the source code of a website that varies with every source code.
Form example:
<div align="center">
<a href="http://www10.site.com/d/the rest of the link">
<span class="button_upload green">
The next time I get the source code the http://www10 changes to any http://www + number like http://www65.
How can I scrape the exact link with the new changed number?
Edit :
Here's how i use RE MatchCollection m1 = Regex.Matches(textBox6.Text, "(href=\"http://www10)(?<td_inner>.*?)(\">)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
You mentioned in the comments that you use Regulars expressions for parsing the HTML Document. That is a the hardest way you can do this (also, generally not recommended!). Try using a HTML Parser like http://html-agility-pack.net
For HTML Agility Pack: You install it via NuGet Packeges and here is an example (posted on their website):
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
foreach(HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//a[#href]")
HtmlAttribute att = link["href"];
att.Value = FixLink(att);
It can also load string contents, not just files. You use xPath or CSS Selectors to navigate inside the document and select what you want.
How about a JS function like this, run when the page loads:
// jQuery is required!
var updateLinkUrl = function (num) {
$.each($('.button_upload.green'), function (pos, el) {
var orig = $(el).parent().prop("href");
var newurl = orig.replace("www10", "www" + num);
$(el).parent().prop("href", newurl);
$(document).ready(function () { updateLinkUrl(65); });

Parsing innertext of html

This is part of html that i am parsing
I want to get http://some.link.com/4DFR6DJ43Y/sessionid?ticket=ASDSIDFK32423421 as an output.
So far i have tried
HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();
var link = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a");
if (link != null)
... but output is null (no inner texts are found).
That's probably because the first link in your HTML document as returned by SelectSingleNode(), doesn't contains text "ticket". You can check for the target text in XPath directly , like so :
var link = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a[contains(.,'ticket')]");
if (link != null)
or using LINQ style if you like :
var link = document.DocumentNode
.FirstOrDefault(o => o.InnerText.Contains("ticket"));
if (link != null)
You provided a piece of code that won't compile because innerText is not defined. If you try this code, you'll probably get what you asked for:
HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();
var link = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a");
if (link != null)
You can use HTML Agility Pack instead of HTML Document then you can do deep parsing in HTML. for more information please see the following information.
See the following link.
How to use HTML Agility pack

get value from web page using Html Agility Pack

I am trying to get the value of the "Pool Hashrate" using the HTML Agility Pack. Right when I hit my string hash, I get Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
string url = http://p2pool.org/ltcstats.php?address
protected void Page_Load(string address)
string url = address;
HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
HtmlDocument doc = web.Load(Url);
string hash = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/html/body/div/center/div/table/tbody/tr[1]")[0].InnerText;
Assuming you're trying to access that url, of course it should fail. That url doesn't return a full document, but just a fragment of html. There is no html tag, there is no body tag, just the div. Your xpath query returns nothing and thus the null reference exception. You need to query the right thing.
When I access that url, it returns this:
<div style="margin-right: 20px;">
<h3>Personal LTC Stats</h3>
<table class='zebra-striped'>
<tr><td>Pool Hashrate: </td><td>66.896 Mh/s</td></tr>
<tr><td>Your Hashrate: </td><td>0 Mh/s</td></tr>
<tr><td>Estimated Payout: </td><td> LTC</td></tr>
Given this, if you wanted to get the Pool Hashrate, you'd use a query more like this:
In the end you need to do this:
var url = "http://p2pool.org/ltcstats.php?address";
var web = new HtmlWeb();
var doc = web.Load(url);
var xpath = "/div/center/div/table/tr[1]/td[2]";
var poolHashrate = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
if (poolHashrate != null)
var hash = poolHashrate.InnerText;
// do stuff with hash
The problem is that xpath is not finding the specified node. You can specify an id to the table or the tr in order to have a smaller xpath
Also, based on your code I assume that you're looking for a single node only, so you may want to use something like this
Another good option is using Fizzler

selecting Node does not work using HtmlAgilityPack

I am using VS2010 and using HTMLAGilityPack1.4.6 (from Net40-folder).
Following is my HTML
<div id="header">
<h2 id="hd1">
Patient Name
I am using following code in C# to access "hd1".
Please tell me correct way to do it.
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
string filePath = "E:\\file1.htm";
if (htmlDoc.DocumentNode != null)
HtmlNodeCollection _hdPatient = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h2[#id=hd1]");
// htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h2[#id='hd1']");
//_hdPatient.InnerHtml = "Patient SurName";
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Tried many permutations and combinations... I get null.
plz help.
Your problem is the way how you load data into HtmlDocument. In order to load data from file you should use Load(fileName) method. But you are using LoadHtml(htmlString) method, which treats "E:\\file1.htm" as document content. When HtmlAgilityPack tries to find h2 tags in E:\\file1.htm string, it finds nothing. Here is the correct way to load html file:
string filePath = "E:\\file1.htm";
htmlDoc.Load(filePath); // use instead of LoadHtml
Also #Simon Mourier correctly pointed that you should use SelectSingleNode method if you are trying to get single node:
// Single HtmlNode
var patient = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h2[#id='hd1'");
patient.InnerHtml = "Patient SurName";
Or if you are working with collection of nodes, then process them in a loop:
// Collection of nodes
var patients = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[#class='patient'");
foreach (var patient in patients)
patient.SetAttributeValue("style", "visibility: hidden");
You were almost there:
HtmlNode _hdPatient = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h2[#id='hd1']");
_hdPatient.InnerHtml = "Patient SurName"
