I need to mock an interface to call to MSMQ, is there a way I can use Moq to simulate real MSMQ scenario that there are 10 messages in the queue, I call mocked function 10 times and I can get a pre-defined object, on 11th time I should get a different return value (e.g. null)?
Moq now has an extension method called SetupSequence() in the Moq namespace which means you can define a distinct return value for each specific call.
The general idea is that that you just chain the return values you need.
In the example bellow the first call will return Joe and the second call will return Jane:
.SetupSequence(s => s.GetCustomerName(It.IsAny<int>()))
.Returns("Joe") //first call
.Returns("Jane"); //second call
Some more info here.
I sometimes use a simple counter for such scenarios:
int callCounter = 0;
var mock = new Mock<IWhatever>();
mock.Setup(a => a.SomeMethod())
.Returns(() =>
if (callCounter++ < 10)
// do something
// do something else
You can also set up a separate function to do this. You can even pass the function a parameter if you want:
_serviceMock.Setup(x => x.SomeMethod(It.IsAny<String>())).Returns((String param) => getTimesCalled(param));
I need to test the following method:
CreateOutput(IWriter writer)
// many more Write()s...
I've created a Moq'd IWriter and I want to ensure that the Write() methods are called in the right order.
I have the following test code:
var mockWriter = new Mock<IWriter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
var sequence = new MockSequence();
mockWriter.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x.Write(expectedType));
mockWriter.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x.Write(expectedId));
mockWriter.InSequence(sequence).Setup(x => x.Write(expectedSender));
However, the second call to Write() in CreateOutput() (to write the id value) throws a MockException with the message "IWriter.Write() invocation failed with mock behavior Strict. All invocations on the mock must have a corresponding setup.".
I'm also finding it hard to find any definitive, up-to-date documentation/examples of Moq sequences.
Am I doing something wrong, or can I not set up a sequence using the same method?
If not, is there an alternative I can use (preferably using Moq/NUnit)?
There is bug when using MockSequence on same mock. It definitely will be fixed in later releases of Moq library (you can also fix it manually by changing Moq.MethodCall.Matches implementation).
If you want to use Moq only, then you can verify method call order via callbacks:
int callOrder = 0;
writerMock.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedType)).Callback(() => Assert.That(callOrder++, Is.EqualTo(0)));
writerMock.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedId)).Callback(() => Assert.That(callOrder++, Is.EqualTo(1)));
writerMock.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedSender)).Callback(() => Assert.That(callOrder++, Is.EqualTo(2)));
I've managed to get the behaviour I want, but it requires downloading a 3rd-party library from http://dpwhelan.com/blog/software-development/moq-sequences/
The sequence can then be tested using the following:
var mockWriter = new Mock<IWriter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
using (Sequence.Create())
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedType)).InSequence();
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedId)).InSequence();
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedSender)).InSequence();
I've added this as an answer partly to help document this solution, but I'm still interested in whether something similar could be achieved using Moq 4.0 alone.
I'm not sure if Moq is still in development, but fixing the problem with the MockSequence, or including the moq-sequences extension in Moq would be good to see.
I wrote an extension method that will assert based on order of invocation.
public static class MockExtensions
public static void ExpectsInOrder<T>(this Mock<T> mock, params Expression<Action<T>>[] expressions) where T : class
// All closures have the same instance of sharedCallCount
var sharedCallCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < expressions.Length; i++)
// Each closure has it's own instance of expectedCallCount
var expectedCallCount = i;
() =>
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCallCount, sharedCallCount);
It works by taking advantage of the way that closures work with respect to scoped variables. Since there is only one declaration for sharedCallCount, all of the closures will have a reference to the same variable. With expectedCallCount, a new instance is instantiated each iteration of the loop (as opposed to simply using i in the closure). This way, each closure has a copy of i scoped only to itself to compare with the sharedCallCount when the expressions are invoked.
Here's a small unit test for the extension. Note that this method is called in your setup section, not your assertion section.
public class MockExtensionsTest
// Setup
var mock = new Mock<IAmAnInterface>();
x => x.MyMethod("1"),
x => x.MyMethod("2"));
// Fake the object being called in order
// Setup
var mock = new Mock<IAmAnInterface>();
x => x.MyMethod("1"),
x => x.MyMethod("2"));
// Fake the object being called out of order
Assert.Throws<AssertionException>(() => mock.Object.MyMethod("2"));
public interface IAmAnInterface
void MyMethod(string param);
The simplest solution would be using a Queue:
var expectedParameters = new Queue<string>(new[]{expectedType,expectedId,expectedSender});
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedType))
.Callback((string s) => Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameters.Dequeue(), s));
Recently, I put together two features for Moq: VerifyInSequence() and VerifyNotInSequence(). They work even with Loose Mocks. However, these are only available in a moq repository fork:
and await more comments and testing before deciding on whether they can be included in official moq releaase. However, nothing prevents you from downloading the source as ZIP, building it into a dll and giving it a try. Using these features, the sequence verification you need could be written as such:
var mockWriter = new Mock<IWriter>() { CallSequence = new LooseSequence() };
//perform the necessary calls
mockWriter.VerifyInSequence(x => x.Write(expectedType));
mockWriter.VerifyInSequence(x => x.Write(expectedId));
mockWriter.VerifyInSequence(x => x.Write(expectedSender));
(note that you can use two other sequences, depending on your needs. Loose sequence will allow any calls between the ones you want to verify. StrictSequence will not allow this and StrictAnytimeSequence is like StrictSequence (no method calls between verified calls), but allows the sequence to be preceeded by any number of arbitrary calls.
If you decide to give this experimental feature a try, please comment with your thoughts on:
I've just had a similar scenario, and inspired by the accepted answer, I've used the following approach:
var someServiceToTest = new SomeService();
var expectedCallOrder = new List<string>
var actualCallOrder = new List<string>();
var mockWriter = new Mock<IWriter>();
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write("A")).Callback(() => { actualCallOrder.Add("WriteA"); });
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write("B")).Callback(() => { actualCallOrder.Add("WriteB"); });
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write("C")).Callback(() => { actualCallOrder.Add("WriteC"); });
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCallOrder, actualCallOrder);
Moq has a little-known feature called Capture.In, which can capture arguments passed to a method. With it, you can verify call order like this:
var calls = new List<string>();
var mockWriter = new Mock<IWriter>();
mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(Capture.In(calls)));
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(calls, expectedCalls);
If you have overloads with different types, you can run the same setup for overloads too.
My scenario was methods without parameters:
public interface IWriter
void WriteA ();
void WriteB ();
void WriteC ();
So I used Invocations property on the Mock to compare what was called:
var writer = new Mock<IWriter> ();
new SUT (writer.Object).Run ();
Assert.Equal (
writer.Invocations.Select (invocation => invocation.Method.Name),
nameof (IWriter.WriteB),
nameof (IWriter.WriteA),
nameof (IWriter.WriteC),
You could also append the invocation.Arguments to check method calls with parameters.
Also the failure message is more clear than just expected 1 but was 5:
["WriteB", "WriteA", "WriteC"]
but was
["WriteA", "WriteB"]
I suspect that expectedId is not what you expect.
However i'd probably just write my own implementation of IWriter to verify in this case ... probably a lot easier (and easier to change later).
Sorry for no Moq advice directly. I love it, but haven't done this in it.
do you maybe need to add .Verify() at the end of each setup? (That really is a guess though i'm afraid).
I am late to this party but I wanted to share a solution that worked for me since it seems as though all of the referenced solutions did not work with verifying the same method call (with the same arguments) multiple times in order. In addition the referenced bug, Moq Issue #478 was closed without a solution.
The solution presented utilizes the MockObject.Invocations list to determine order and sameness.
public static void VerifyInvocations<T>(this Mock<T> mock, params Expression<Action<T>>[] expressions) where T : class
Assert.AreEqual(mock.Invocations.Count, expressions.Length,
$"Number of invocations did not match expected expressions! Actual invocations: {Environment.NewLine}" +
$"{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, mock.Invocations.Select(i => i.Method.Name))}");
for (int c = 0; c < mock.Invocations.Count; c++)
IInvocation expected = mock.Invocations[c];
MethodCallExpression actual = expressions[c].Body as MethodCallExpression;
// Verify that the same methods were invoked
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Method, actual.Method, $"Did not invoke the expected method at call {c + 1}!");
// Verify that the method was invoked with the correct arguments
.Select(arg =>
// Expressions treat the Argument property as an Expression, do this to invoke the getter and get the actual value.
UnaryExpression objectMember = Expression.Convert(arg, typeof(object));
Expression<Func<object>> getterLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(objectMember);
Func<object> objectValueGetter = getterLambda.Compile();
return objectValueGetter();
$"Did not invoke step {c + 1} method '{expected.Method.Name}' with the correct arguments! ");
I have a Dictionary that I am using to avoid writing big if statements. It maps an enum to an action. It looks like this:
var decisionMapper = new Dictionary<int, Action>
(int) ReviewStepType.StandardLetter,
() =>
(int) ReviewStepType.LetterWithComment,
() =>
(int) ReviewStepType.BespokeLetter,
() =>
(int) ReviewStepType.AssignToCaseManager,
() =>
then I call it like this in my method:
decisionMapper[(int) reviewDecisionRequest.ReviewStepType]();
My question is how can I unit test these mappings?
(I am using Nunit and c# 4.0)
How can I assert that when I call my decisionMapper - that 1 is equal to the call -caseDecisionService.ProcessSendStandardLetter(aCase).
Thanks very much.
You can't compare anonymous delegates (see this link). You have to use a little bit of reflection to check the Method property of the Action delegate. It has to match the MethodInfo of the caseDecisionService method that should be invoked. For example (You may rewrite to use a function to make code shorter):
MethodInfo methodToCall =
MethodInfo expectedMethod =
Assert.AreSame(expectedMethod, methodToCall);
I personally wouldn't bother writing a unit test which directly checks which action is invoked in each case.
Assuming this dictionary is part of a larger system, I'd write one test which goes through each of the Dictionary actions via whatever class contains the Dictionary. I want to check my code gives me outcomes I expect (the outcome of calling ProcessSendStandardLetter() or ProcessSendBespokeLetter(), for example); I'm less interested in checking exactly how it does it.
Thanks everyone for helping with this. This was what I did in the end.
I mocked the Action Service call, then invoked the dictionary's value, then called AssertWasCalled / AssertWasNotCalled. Like this:
mapper[(int) ReviewStepType.StandardLetter].Invoke();
caseDecisionService.AssertWasCalled(c => c.ProcessSendStandardLetter(aCase),
options => options.IgnoreArguments());
caseDecisionService.AssertWasNotCalled(c =>
options => options.IgnoreArguments());
caseDecisionService.AssertWasNotCalled(c =>
options => options.IgnoreArguments());
I have stubbed a method on an interface and want to see with what parameter it was called, but this method is called several times and I'd like to be able to inspect the parameter of each call. is there like a stack of the history of calls made to the stub that I can inspect?
my scenario is something like this:
myStub.AssertWasCalled(stub => stub.SomeMethod(Arg<ISomeInterface>.Matches<ISomeInterface>(p => p.Mode == Mode.SomeEnum)))
You can use GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn.
GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn returns a two dimensional array of objects so you will need to cast to get to the types you are expecting.
It works like this:
public interface IDependency {
int DoSomething(SomeComplexType someComplexType,
int someInteger);
IList<object[]> argumentsSentToDoSomething =
dependency.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(x => x.DoSomething(null, 0));
From numerous other questions on SO it is said that in order to reset the count of the number of times a method call was made on a mock object you can call BackToRecord() and then Replay().
However this does not work for me. It will reset the stubbed values but not the method call count.
So extending an example from a related question...
public interface IFoo { string GetBar(); }
public void TestRhino()
var fi = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IFoo>();
fi.Stub(x => x.GetBar()).Return("A");
Assert.AreEqual("A", fi.GetBar());
fi.AssertWasCalled(x=>x.GetBar(), x=>x.Repeat.Once());
// Switch to record to clear behaviour and then back to replay
fi.Stub(x => x.GetBar()).Return("B");
Assert.AreEqual("B", fi.GetBar());
fi.AssertWasCalled(x => x.GetBar(), x => x.Repeat.Once());
This fails on the last line with 'Expected #1, actual #2'.
Am I missing the point or does it simply not work for the method count? Is there anyway to achieve this without creating a new mock?
For reasons that I won't go into I am not able to set up expectations before making the call to GetBar().
Well, it doesn't work that way; it is an unusual use case.
Here is one alternative:
public void TestRhino()
var getBarCount = 0;
var fi = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IFoo>();
fi.Stub(x => x.GetBar()).Return("A").WhenCalled(x => getBarCount++);
Assert.AreEqual("A", fi.GetBar());
Assert.AreEqual(1, getBarCount);
// Switch to record to clear behaviour and then back to replay
getBarCount = 0;
fi.Stub(x => x.GetBar()).Return("B").WhenCalled(x => getBarCount++);
Assert.AreEqual("B", fi.GetBar());
Assert.AreEqual(1, getBarCount);