Splitting data with inconsistent delimiters - c#

I have these data files comming in on a server that i need to split into [date time] and [value]. Most of them are delimited a single time between time and value and between date and time is a space. I already have a program processing the data with a simple split(char[]) but now found data where the delimiter is a space and i am wondering how to tackle this best.
So most files i encountered look like this:
18-06-2014 12:00:00|220.6
The delimiters vary, but i tackled that with a char[]. But today i ran into a problem on this format:
18-06-2014 12:00:00 220.6
This complicates things a little. The easy solution would be to just add a space to my split characters and when i find 3 splits combine the first two before processing?
I'm looking for a 2nd opining on this matter. Also the time format can change to something like d/m/yy and the amount of lines can run into the millions so i would like to keep it as efficient as possible.

Yes I believe the most efficient solution is to add space as a delimiter and then just combine the first two if you get three. That is going to be be more efficient than regex.

You've got a string 18-06-2014 12:00:00 220.6 where first 19 characters is a date, one character is a separation symbol and other characters is a value. So:
var test = "18-06-2014 12:00:00|220.6";
var dateString = test.Remove(19);
var val = test.Substring(20);
Added normalization:
static void Main(string[] args) {
var test = "18-06-2014 12:00:00|220.6";
var test2 = "18-6-14 12:00:00|220.6";
var test3 = "8-06-14 12:00:00|220.6";
private static string TryNormalizeImportValue(string value) {
var valueSplittedByDateSeparator = value.Split('-');
if (valueSplittedByDateSeparator.Length < 3) throw new InvalidDataException();
var normalizedDay = NormalizeImportDayValue(valueSplittedByDateSeparator[0]);
var normalizedMonth = NormalizeImportMonthValue(valueSplittedByDateSeparator[1]);
var valueYearPartSplittedByDateTimeSeparator = valueSplittedByDateSeparator[2].Split(' ');
if (valueYearPartSplittedByDateTimeSeparator.Length < 2) throw new InvalidDataException();
var normalizedYear = NormalizeImportYearValue(valueYearPartSplittedByDateTimeSeparator[0]);
var valueTimeAndValuePart = valueYearPartSplittedByDateTimeSeparator[1];
return string.Concat(normalizedDay, '-', normalizedMonth, '-', normalizedYear, ' ', valueTimeAndValuePart);
private static string NormalizeImportDayValue(string value) {
return value.Length == 2 ? value : "0" + value;
private static string NormalizeImportMonthValue(string value) {
return value.Length == 2 ? value : "0" + value;
private static string NormalizeImportYearValue(string value) {
return value.Length == 4 ? value : DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Remove(2) + value;

Well you can use this one to get the date and the value.
This will give you 2 matches
1º 18-06-2014 12:00:00
2º 220.6

This regex matches both kinds of strings, capturing the two tokens to Groups 1 and 2.
Note that we are not using \d because in .NET it can match any Unicode digits such as Thai...
The key is in the [ |] character class, which specifies your two allowable delimiters
Here is the regex:
^([0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} (?:[0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2})[ |]([0-9]{3}\.[0-9])$
In the demo, please pay attention to the capture Groups in the right pane.
Here is how to retrieve the values:
var myRegex = new Regex(#"^([0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4} (?:[0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2})[ |]([0-9]{3}\.[0-9])$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string mydate = myRegex.Match(s1).Groups[1].Value;
string myvalue = myRegex.Match(s1).Groups[1].Value;
Please let me know if you have questions

Given the provided format I'd use something like
char delimiter = ' '; //or whatever the delimiter for the specific file is, this can be set in a previous step
int index = line.LastIndexOf(delimiter);
var date = line.Remove(index);
var value = line.Substring(++index);
If there are that many lines and efficiency matters, you could obtain the delimiter once on the first line, by looping back from the end and find the first index that is not a digit or dot (or comma if the value can contain those) to determine the delimiter, and then use something such as the above.
If each line can contain a different delimiter, you could always track back to the first not value char as described above and still maintain adequate performance.
Edit: for completeness sake, to find the delimiter, you could perform the following once per file (provided that the delimiter stays consistent within the file)
char delimiter = '\0';
for (int i = line.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var c= line[i];
if (!char.IsDigit(c) && c != '.')
delimiter = c;


PigLatin how can I strip punctuation from a string? And Then add it back?

Working on program for class call pig Latin. It works for what I need for class. It ask just to type in a phase to convert. But I notice if I type a sentence with punctuation at the end it will mess up the last word translation. Trying to figure out the best way to fix this. New at programming but I would need away for it to check last character in word to check for punctuations. Remove it before translation and then add it back. Not sure how to do that. Been reading about char.IsPunctuation. Plus not sure what part of my code I would had for that check.
public static string MakePigLatin(string str)
string[] words = str.Split(' ');
str = String.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
if (words[i].Length <= 1) continue;
string pigTrans = new String(words[i].ToCharArray());
pigTrans = pigTrans.Substring(1, pigTrans.Length - 1) + pigTrans.Substring(0, 1) + "ay ";
str += pigTrans;
return str.Trim();
The following should get you strings of letters for converting while passing through any non-letter characters that follow them.
Splitter based on Splitting a string in C#
public static string MakePigLatin(string str) {
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(str, #"([a-zA-Z]*)([^a-zA-Z]*)");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(str.Length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; ++i) {
string pigTrans = matches[i].Groups[1].Captures[0].Value ?? string.Empty;
if (pigTrans.Length > 1) {
pigTrans = pigTrans.Substring(1) + pigTrans.Substring(0, 1) + "ay";
return result.ToString();
The matches variable should contain all the match collections of 2 groups. The first group will be 0 or more letters to translate followed by a second group of 0 or more non-letters to pass through. The StringBuilder should be more memory efficient than concatenating System.String values. I gave it a starting allocation of double the initial string size just to avoid having to double the allocated space. If memory is tight, maybe 1.25 or 1.5 instead of 2 would be better, but you'd probably have to convert it back to int after. I took the length calculation off your Substring call because leaving it out grabs everything to the end of the string already.

How to replace empty position with a 0 value when converting string to array in C#?

Update: July 26, 2017
I have a string inside which the values are comma separated. However for some cases it is coming double comma ,, at in a consecutive way. But when I am using using string.split(',') it's returning me a array which doesn't have a value on that index. For example
string str = "12,3,5,,6,54,127,8,,0,98,"
It's breaking down the the array this way
str2[0] = 12
str2[1] = 3
str2[2] = 5
str2[3] = ""
str2[4] = 6
str2[5] = 54
str2[6] = 127
str2[7] = 8
str2[8] = ""
str2[9] = 0
str2[10] = 98
str2[11] = ""
Look here I am getting the array with one or more empty value. So I want to put a 0 in each empty position when I am splitting the string. Here I have found something to skip the empty values
str .Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
However I did not found such a solution put a default value at empty index. I have gone through these previous Questions Q1, Q2, But these are not effective for mine. I am using C# for web application in .Net framework
Try the below code:
You can able to use IEnumerable extension method (Select) of String object.
string str = "12,3,5,,6,54,127,8,,0,98";
var strVal = str.Split(',').Select(s => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ? "0" : s);
Use the following code to replace empty string to zero
string str = "12,3,5,,6,54,127,8,,0,98";
var a= str.Split(',').Select(x=>string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)?"0":x);
While all the suggested solutions work perfectly, they are all iterating twice your input (once for the string split, once for the string replace or regex, once for the array replace).
Here is a solution iterating only once the input:
var input = "12,3,5,,6,54,127,8,,0,98";
var result = new List<int>();
var currentNumeric = string.Empty;
foreach(char c in input)
if(c == ',' && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentNumeric))
else if(c == ',')
currentNumeric = string.Empty;
currentNumeric += c;
else if(input.EndsWith(","))
You can run your string through regex to put zeros into it before going into Split:
Regex.Replace(str, "(?<=(^|,))(?=(,|$))", "0").Split(',')
The regex will insert zeros into the original string in spots when two commas are next to each other, or when a comma is detected at the beginning or at the end of the string (demo).

How to contact whole text from file into the string avoiding empty lines beetwen strings

How to get whole text from document contacted into the string. I'm trying to split text by dot: string[] words = s.Split('.'); I want take this text from text document. But if my text document contains empty lines between strings, for example:
pat said, “i’ll keep this ring.”
she displayed the silver and jade wedding ring which, in another time track,
she and joe had picked out; this
much of the alternate world she had elected to retain. he wondered what - if any - legal basis she had kept in addition. none, he hoped; wisely, however, he said nothing. better not even to ask.
result looks like this:
1. pat said ill keep this ring
2. she displayed the silver and jade wedding ring which in another time track
3. she and joe had picked out this
4. much of the alternate world she had elected to retain
5. he wondered what if any legal basis she had kept in addition
6. none he hoped wisely however he said nothing
7. better not even to ask
but desired correct output should be like this:
1. pat said ill keep this ring
2. she displayed the silver and jade wedding ring which in another time track she and joe had picked out this much of the alternate world she had elected to retain
3. he wondered what if any legal basis she had kept in addition
4. none he hoped wisely however he said nothing
5. better not even to ask
So to do this first I need to process text file content to get whole text as single string, like this:
pat said, “i’ll keep this ring.” she displayed the silver and jade wedding ring which, in another time track, she and joe had picked out; this much of the alternate world she had elected to retain. he wondered what - if any - legal basis she had kept in addition. none, he hoped; wisely, however, he said nothing. better not even to ask.
I can't to do this same way as it would be with list content for example: string concat = String.Join(" ", text.ToArray());,
I'm not sure how to contact text into string from text document
I think this is what you want:
var fileLocation = #"c:\\myfile.txt";
var stringFromFile = File.ReadAllText(fileLocation);
//replace Environment.NewLine with any new line character your file uses
var withoutNewLines = stringFromFile.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
//modify to remove any unwanted character
var withoutUglyCharacters = Regex.Replace(withoutNewLines, "[“’”,;-]", "");
var withoutTwoSpaces = withoutUglyCharacters.Replace(" ", " ");
var result = withoutTwoSpaces.Split('.').Where(i => i != "").Select(i => i.TrimStart()).ToList();
So first you read all text from your file, then you remove all unwanted characters and then split by . and return non empty items
Have you tried replacing double new-lines before splitting using a period?
static string[] GetSentences(string filePath) {
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find file { filePath }!");
var lines = string.Join("", File.ReadLines(filePath).Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)));
var sentences = Regex.Split(lines, #"\.[\s]{1,}?");
return sentences;
I haven't tested this, but it should work.
if (!File.Exists(filePath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Could not find file { filePath }!");
Throws an exception if the file could not be found. It is advisory you surround the method call with a try/catch.
var lines = string.Join("", File.ReadLines(filePath).Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)));
Creates a string, and ignores any lines which are purely whitespace or empty.
var sentences = Regex.Split(lines, #".[\s]{1,}?");
Creates a string array, where the string is split at every period and whitespace following the period.
The string "I came. I saw. I conquered" would become
I came
I saw
I conquered
Here's the method as a one-liner, if that's your style?
static string[] SplitSentences(string filePath) => File.Exists(filePath) ? Regex.Split(string.Join("", File.ReadLines(filePath).Where(line => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))), #"") : null;
I would suggest you to iterate through all characters and just check if they are in range of 'a' >= char <= 'z' or if char == ' '. If it matches the condition then add it to the newly created string else check if it is '.' character and if it is then end your line and add another one :
List<string> lines = new List<string>();
string line = string.Empty;
foreach(char c in str)
if((char.ToLower(c) >= 'a' && char.ToLower(c) <= 'z') || c == 0x20)
line += c;
else if(c == '.')
line = string.Empty;
Working online example
Or if you prefer "one-liner"s :
IEnumerable<string> lines = new string(str.Select(c => (char)(((char.ToLower(c) >= 'a' && char.ToLower(c) <= 'z') || c == 0x20) ? c : c == '.' ? '\n' : '\0')).ToArray()).Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim());
I may be wrong about this. I would think that you may not want to alter the string if you are splitting it. Example, there are double/single quote(s) (“) in part of the string. Removing them may not be desired which brings up the possibly of a question, reading a text file that contains single/double quotes (as your example data text shows) like below:
var stringFromFile = File.ReadAllText(fileLocation);
will not display those characters properly in a text box or the console because the default encoding using the ReadAllText method is UTF8. Example the single/double quotes will display (replacement characters) as diamonds in a text box on a form and will be displayed as a question mark (?) when displayed to the console. To keep the single/double quotes and have them display properly you can get the encoding for the OS’s current ANSI encoding by adding a parameter to the ReadAllText method like below:
string stringFromFile = File.ReadAllText(fileLocation, ASCIIEncoding.Default);
Below is code using a simple split method to .split the string on periods (.) Hope this helps.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string fileLocation = #"C:\YourPath\YourFile.txt";
string stringFromFile = File.ReadAllText(fileLocation, ASCIIEncoding.Default);
string bigString = stringFromFile.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
string[] result = bigString.Split('.');
int count = 1;
foreach (string s in result) {
if (s != "") {
textBox1.Text += count + ". " + s.Trim() + Environment.NewLine;
Console.WriteLine(count + ". " + s.Trim());
else {
// period at the end of the string

Check string for invalid characters? Smartest way?

I would like to check some string for invalid characters. With invalid characters I mean characters that should not be there. What characters are these? This is different, but I think thats not that importan, important is how should I do that and what is the easiest and best way (performance) to do that?
Let say I just want strings that contains 'A-Z', 'empty', '.', '$', '0-9'
So if i have a string like "HELLO STaCKOVERFLOW" => invalid, because of the 'a'.
Ok now how to do that? I could make a List<char> and put every char in it that is not allowed and check the string with this list. Maybe not a good idea, because there a lot of chars then. But I could make a list that contains all of the allowed chars right? And then? For every char in the string I have to compare the List<char>? Any smart code for this? And another question: if I would add A-Z to the List<char> I have to add 25 chars manually, but these chars are as I know 65-90 in the ASCII Table, can I add them easier? Any suggestions? Thank you
You can use a regular expression for this:
Regex r = new Regex("[^A-Z0-9.$ ]$");
if (r.IsMatch(SomeString)) {
// validation failed
To create a list of characters from A-Z or 0-9 you would use a simple loop:
for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) {
// c or c.ToString() depending on what you need
But you don't need that with the Regex - pretty much every regex engine understands the range syntax (A-Z).
I have only just written such a function, and an extended version to restrict the first and last characters when needed. The original function merely checks whether or not the string consists of valid characters only, the extended function adds two integers for the numbers of valid characters at the beginning of the list to be skipped when checking the first and last characters, in practice it simply calls the original function 3 times, in the example below it ensures that the string begins with a letter and doesn't end with an underscore.
StrChrEx(String, "_0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 11, 1));
BOOL __cdecl StrChr(CHAR* str, CHAR* chars)
for (int s = 0; str[s] != 0; s++)
int c = 0;
while (true)
if (chars[c] == 0)
return false;
else if (str[s] == chars[c])
return true;
BOOL __cdecl StrChrEx(CHAR* str, CHAR* chars, UINT excl_first, UINT excl_last)
char first[2] = {str[0], 0};
char last[2] = {str[strlen(str) - 1], 0};
if (!StrChr(str, chars))
return false;
if (excl_first != 0)
if (!StrChr(first, chars + excl_first))
return false;
if (excl_last != 0)
if (!StrChr(last, chars + excl_last))
return false;
return true;
If you are using c#, you do this easily using List and contains. You can do this with single characters (in a string) or a multicharacter string just the same
var pn = "The String To ChecK";
var badStrings = new List<string>()
" ","\t","\n","\r"
foreach(var badString in badStrings)
//Do something
If you're not super good with regular expressions, then there is another way to go about this in C#. Here is a block of code I wrote to test a string variable named notifName:
var alphabet = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z";
var numbers = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9";
var specialChars = " ,(,),_,[,],!,*,-,.,+,-";
var validChars = (alphabet + "," + alphabet.ToUpper() + "," + numbers + "," + specialChars).Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < notifName.Length; i++)
if (Array.IndexOf(validChars, notifName[i].ToString()) < 0) {
errorFound = $"Invalid character '{notifName[i]}' found in notification name.";
You can change the characters added to the array as needed. The Array IndexOf method is the key to the whole thing. Of course if you want commas to be valid, then you would need to choose a different split character.
Not enough reps to comment directly, but I recommend the Regex approach. One small caveat: you probably need to anchor both ends of the input string, and you will want at least one character to match. So (with thanks to ThiefMaster), here's my regex to validate user input for a simple arithmetical calculator (plus, minus, multiply, divide):
Regex r = new Regex(#"^[0-9\.\-\+\*\/ ]+$");
I'd go with a regex, but still need to add my 2 cents here, because all the proposed non-regex solutions are O(MN) in the worst case (string is valid) which I find repulsive for religious reasons.
Even more so when LINQ offers a simpler and more efficient solution than nesting loops:
var isInvalid = "The String To Test".Intersect("ALL_INVALID_CHARS").Any();

c#: regex how to differentiate between two variations of a string

This is tough to explain enough to ask the question, but i'll try:
I have two possibilities of user input:
S01E05 or 0105 (two different input strings)
which both translate to season 01, episode 05
but if they user inputs it backwards E05S01 or 0501, i need to be able to return the same result, Season 01 Episode 05
The control for this would be the user defining the format of the original filename with something like this:
"SssEee" -- uppercase 'S' denoting that the following lowercase 's' belong to Season and uppercase 'E' denoting that the following lowercase 'e' belong to Episode. So if the user decides to define the format as EeeSss then my function should still return the same result since it knows which numbers belong to season or episode.
I don't have anything working quite yet to share, but what I was toying with is a loop that builds the regex pattern. The function, so far, accepts the user format and the file name:
public static int(string userFormat, string fileName)
the userFormat would be a string and look something like this:
or even
where t is for title, and the rest you know.
The file name might look like this:
Ive got the function that extracts the title from the file name by using the userFormat to build the regex string
public static string GetTitle(string userFormat, string fileName)
string pattern = "^";
char positionChar;
string fileTitle;
for (short i = 0; i < userFormat.Length; i++)
positionChar = userFormat[i];
//build the regex pattern
if (positionChar == 't')
pattern += #"\w+";
else if (positionChar == '#')
pattern += #"\d+";
else if (positionChar == ' ')
pattern += #"\s+";
pattern += positionChar;
//pulls out the title with or without the delimiter
Match title = Regex.Match(fileName, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
fileTitle = title.Groups[0].Value;
//remove the delimiter
string[] tempString = fileTitle.Split(#"\/.-<>".ToCharArray());
fileTitle = "";
foreach (string part in tempString)
fileTitle += part + " ";
return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(fileTitle);
but im kind of stumped on how to do the extraction of the episode and season numbers. In my head im thinking the process would look something like:
Look through the userFormat string to find the uppercase S
Determine how many lowercase 's' are following the uppercase S
Build the regex expression that describes this
Search through the file name and find that pattern
Extract the number from that pattern
Sounds simple enough but im having a hard time putting it into actions. The complication being the the fact that the format in the filename could be S01E05 or it could be simply 0105. Either scenario would be identified by the user when they define the format.
Ex 1. the file name is battlestar.galactica.S01E05
the user format submitted will be t.t.?ss?ee
Ex 2. the file name is battlestar.galactica.0105
the user format submitted will be t.t.SssEee
Ex 3. the file name is battlestar.galactica.0501
the user format submitted will be t.t.EeeSss
Sorry for the book... the concept is simple, the regex function should be dynamic, allowing the user to define the format of a file name to where my method can generate the expression and use it to extract information from the file name. Something is telling me that this is simpler than it seems... but im at a loss. lol... any suggestions?
So if I read this right, you know where the the Season/Episode number is in the string because the user has told you. That is, you have t.t.<number>.more.stuff. And <number> can take one of these forms:
Or did you say that the user can define how many digits will be used for season and episode? That is, could it be S01E123?
I'm not sure you need a regex for this. Since you know the format, and it appears that things are separated by periods (I assume that there can't be periods in the individual fields), you should be able to use String.Split to extract the pieces, and you know from the user's format where the Season/Episode is in the resulting array. So you now have a string that takes one of the forms above.
You have the user's format definition and the Season/Episode number. You should be able to write a loop that steps through the two strings together and extracts the necessary information, or issues an error.
string UserFormat = "SssEee";
string EpisodeNumber = "0105";
int ifmt = 0;
int iepi = 0;
int season = 0;
int episode = 0;
while (ifmt <= UserFormat.Length && iepi < EpisodeNumber.Length)
if ((UserFormat[ifmt] == "S" || UserFormat[ifmt] == "E"))
if (EpisodeNumber[iepi] == UserFormat[ifmt])
else if (!char.IsDigit(EpisodeNumber[iepi]))
// Error! Chars didn't match, and it wasn't a digit.
char c = EpisodeNumber[iepi];
if (!char.IsDigit(c))
// error. Expected digit.
if (UserFormat[ifmt] == 'e')
episode = (episode * 10) + (int)c - (int)'0';
else if (UserFormat[ifmt] == 's')
season = (season * 10) + (int)c - (int)'0';
// user format is broken
Note that you'll probably have to do some checking to see that the lengths are correct. That is, the code above will accept S01E1 when the user's format is SssEee. There's a bit more error handling that you can add, depending on how worried you are about bad input. But I think this gives you the gist of the idea.
I have to think that's going to be a whole lot easier than trying to dynamically build regular expressions.
After #Sinaesthetic answered my question we can reduce his original post to:
The challenge is to receive any of these inputs:
0105 (if your input is 0105 you assume SxxEyy)
E05S01 OR
1x05 (read as season 1 episode 5)
and transform any of these inputs into: S01E05
At this point title and file format are irrelevant, they just get tacked on to the ends.
Based on that the following code will always result in 'Battlestar.Galactica.S01E05.mkv'
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] inputs = new string[6] { "E05S01", "S01E05", "0105", "105", "1x05", "1x5" };
foreach (string input in inputs)
Console.WriteLine(FormatEpisodeTitle("Battlestar.Galactica", input, "mkv"));
private static string FormatEpisodeTitle(string showTitle, string identifier, string fileFormat)
//first make identifier upper case
identifier = identifier.ToUpper();
//normalize for SssEee & EeeSee
if (identifier.IndexOf('S') > identifier.IndexOf('E'))
identifier = identifier.Substring(identifier.IndexOf('S')) + identifier.Substring(identifier.IndexOf('E'), identifier.IndexOf('S'));
//now get rid of S and replace E with x as needed:
identifier = identifier.Replace("S", string.Empty).Replace("E", "X");
//at this point, if there isn't an "X" we need one, as in 105 or 0105
if (identifier.IndexOf('X') == -1)
identifier = identifier.Substring(0, identifier.Length - 2) + "X" + identifier.Substring(identifier.Length - 2);
//now split by the 'X'
string[] identifiers = identifier.Split('X');
// and put it back together:
identifier = 'S' + identifiers[0].PadLeft(2, '0') + 'E' + identifiers[1].PadLeft(2, '0');
//tack it all together
return showTitle + '.' + identifier + '.' + fileFormat;
