Injecting interfaces that have generics into Nancy Bootstrapper - c#

I'm experiencing some strange behavior with a test of mine. Here is the test code:
protected IAuditingService<BillingAudit> FakeBiometricsService;
protected Browser Browser;
public void Initialize()
FakeBiometricsService = A.Fake<IAuditingService<BillingAudit>>();
A.CallTo(() => FakeBiometricsService.UpdateAudit(A<BiometricAudit[]>.Ignored)).DoesNothing();
Browser = new Browser(c => c.Module<Biometrics>().Dependency(FakeBiometricsService));
public void calling_endpoint_with_correct_data__calls_biometrics_service_to_save_data()
var response = Browser.Post("/Audits/Biometrics", with =>
with.Header("accept", "application/xml");
data = new[]
SomeProperty = SomeValue
A.CallTo(() => FakeBiometricsService.UpdateAudit(A<BiometricAudit[]>.Ignored)).MustHaveHappened();
So what I'm trying to do here is satisfy a constraint with my A.Fake<IAuditingService<BillingAudit>>()
Here's what that my modules look like. Every module extends this base class:
public abstract class AuditModuleBase<TModel, TService> : NancyModule where TModel : BillingAudit, new() where TService : IAuditingService<TModel>, new()
private readonly IAuditingService<TModel> _auditingService;
protected AuditModuleBase(string endpoint, TService auditingService)
: base("/Audits/" + endpoint)
_auditingService = auditingService;
Post["/"] = x =>
var data = Request.Body.FromJson<JObject>();
return SaveLocationUpdates(data["data"].Children().Select(y => (TModel)new TModel().Parse(y)).ToArray());
private Response SaveLocationUpdates(TModel[] update)
return new Response();
So, my biometrics module looks like this:
public class Biometrics : AuditModuleBase<BiometricAudit, BiometricsAuditingService>
public Biometrics(BiometricsAuditingService service) : base("Biometrics", service) { }
Sorry for the code dump. The idea is that every module extends a base class that expects a T of type BillingAudit, and an IAuditingService. However, when I pass this fake into the dependency satisfier in the Browser object, Nancy looks up the actual implementation of IAuditingService> and passes that in, which is not the desired behaviour! Is there a problem with satisfying dependencies with FakeItEasy fakes? Or interfaces with generics? Or is it something really obvious I'm overlooking?
edit: Oh, I'd also like to mention that BiometricAudit extends BillingAudit. So it's an interface with a generic of an abstract class. I've tried faking an IAuditingService and an IAuditingService, but neither seems to satisfy Nancy.

Ah, it was less exciting than I thought. Sorry! I was just being silly.
I was trying to satisfy a dependency of type BiometricsAuditingService, which is a concrete implementation of IAuditingService. Once I changed that to be an interface, everything injected properly.


Using generics to map interface types to classes

I have several Get____Factory methods in my application and I'd like to consolidate them with generics, but I'm still adjusting C# and a) am not 100% sure generics are the right way to go and b) am still learning how C# handles generics.
I'll eventually have a dictionary/map of factory interfaces and their classes. Not only do I want to consolidate all of my factories into an easy-access method but I need to allow plugin authors a way to register their own (and have access to them this way).
I started with something like this:
Note: Eventually there will be a dictionary or way to map interfaces types to their implementations - the if/else conditions are ugly and temporary, but simply a way to test.
public T GetFactory<T>() where T : IFactory {
var t = typeof(T);
if (t.Equals(typeof(IRecipeFactory))) {
var factory = new RecipeFactory();
return factory;
else if (t.Equals(typeof(IItemFactory))) {
var factory = new ItemFactory();
return factory;
else if (t.Equals(typeof(ITileFactory))) {
var factory = new TileFactory();
return factory;
It fails with Cannot implicitly convert type 'RecipeFactory' to 'T', so this won't work. In the long run I won't have conditionals but will rather lookup the class by its type. However, neither will work until I can find a solution for the cast issue.
Based on other answers, I tried double-casting ((T) (object)) but that errors with InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type..
Either this is a poor architecture or I'm using the generics incorrectly.
Here is solution bit different from S.C.'s solution.
public static class FactoryService
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<IFactory>> factories = new Dictionary<Type, Func<IFactory>>()
{ typeof(IRecipeFactory), () => new RecipeFactory() },
{ typeof(IItemFactory), () => new ItemFactory() },
{ typeof(ITileFactory), () => new TileFactory() }
public static T GetFactory<T>() where T : IFactory
T factory = default(T);
Type requestedType = typeof(T);
if (factories.ContainsKey(requestedType))
factory = (T)factories[requestedType].Invoke();
return factory;
public interface IFactory { }
public interface IRecipeFactory : IFactory { }
public interface IItemFactory : IFactory { }
public interface ITileFactory : IFactory { }
public class RecipeFactory : IRecipeFactory { }
public class ItemFactory : IItemFactory { }
public class TileFactory : ITileFactory { }
Then you use it like this:
IRecipeFactory rf = FactoryService.GetFactory<IRecipeFactory>();
Let me first say that you are actually looking at is a simple version of an Inversion of Control (IOC) framework. Take a look at Ninject or something similar because it's kernel and binding factory are pretty much exactly what you want. It even allows the attachment of metadata so you can have the same interface resolve to different implementations depending on the circumstances, which is really useful when you have a data layer that might need to pull from either a web data source or a cache data source, for instance. Most IOC frameworks also offer recursive dependency resolution, which means when some instances have constructors that require other dependencies, the same dependency resolution occurs all the way down the chain based on the mappings or default mappings that can be inferred.
Aside from that, to do what you're after yourself, you'll want to make use of Activator.CreateInstance which takes a type and will construct a new instance based on that. You are on the right track with your dictionary mappings. When you tie those two together, you don't need any conditional logic and you don't need to know ahead of time or care about what type is being requested. When you're feeling comfortable you can actually shorten the dependency resolution and instantiation to a single line if you wish.
Here is a fully working sample (from my 30 seconds of testing) that does what you want to to the best of my understanding:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Generics
// create some dummy interfaces and implementations.
// make sure everything inherits from the same type to allow for
// a generic return statement
public interface IFactory
void DoStuff();
public interface IFactory1 : IFactory { }
public class Factory1 : IFactory1
public void DoStuff()
public interface IFactory2 : IFactory { }
public class Factory2 : IFactory2
public void DoStuff()
class Program
// create our binding mappings
IDictionary<Type, Type> bindings = new Dictionary<Type, Type>()
// expose a way for plugins/etc to add to this. that part is trivial.
{typeof(IFactory1), typeof(Factory1) },
{typeof(IFactory2), typeof(Factory2) }
// a method to actually resolve bindings based on expected types
public IFactory ResolveBinding<T>() where T : IFactory
Type requestedType = typeof(T);
if (requestedType != null && bindings.ContainsKey(requestedType))
// use the activator to generically create an instance
return (T) Activator.CreateInstance(bindings[requestedType]);
return null;
// test it out
static void Main(string[] args)
Program demo = new Program();
// test with two interfaces
demo.ResolveBinding<IFactory1>().DoStuff(); // prints out "Factory1"
demo.ResolveBinding<IFactory2>().DoStuff(); // prints out "Factory2"
You are going to want to cast the object to T on the way out since the method returns T. To do this cast you will have to make factory an IFactory
public T GetFactory<T>() where T : IFactory
var t = typeof(T);
if (t.Equals(typeof(IRecipeFactory)))
IFactory factory = new RecipeFactory();
return (T)factory;
if (t.Equals(typeof(IItemFactory)))
IFactory factory = new ItemFactory();
return (T)factory;
if (t.Equals(typeof(ITileFactory)))
IFactory factory = new TileFactory();
return (T)factory;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Type not supported");

Resolving generic Decorators with Simple Injector

I am trying to build out a structure where I have a base IValidator<> interface that will be generated for our system based on some metadata. We want to give future developers the flexibility to 1) Regenerate the concrete implementations of IValidator<> if need be without disturbing any hand-written code and 2) Add decorators to IValidator<> to be able to extend the functionality without disturbing the auto-generated code.
I would like to have some way to resolve the generic decorators at runtime using the RegisterDecorator method of Simple Injector so our dev team does not need to go and update the composition root every time we add a decorator.
Here are some example classes/interfaces
public interface IValidator<T> where T : class
void Validate(T entity);
public class ClientValidator : IValidator<Client>
public void Validate(Client entity)
public class UserValidator : IValidator<User>
public void Validate(User entity)
public class ClientValidatorDecorator : IValidator<Client>
private readonly IValidator<Client> clientValidator;
public ClientValidatorDecorator(IValidator<Client> clientValidator)
this.clientValidator = clientValidator;
public void Validate(Client entity)
//New rules
public class UserValidatorDecorator : IValidator<User>
private readonly IValidator<User> userValidator;
public UserValidatorDecorator(IValidator<User> userValidator)
this.userValidator = userValidator;
public void Validate(User entity)
//New rules
public class ValidationContext
private readonly IValidator<Client> client;
private readonly IValidator<User> user;
public ValidationContext(IValidator<Client> client, IValidator<User> user)
this.client = client;
this.user = user;
We I am trying to do something like so:
public void RegisterServices(Container container)
container.Register(typeof(IValidator<>), AssemblyManifest.GetAssemblies());
container.RegisterDecorator(typeof(IValidator<>), GetType, Lifestyle.Transient, UseType);
private static Type GetType(DecoratorPredicateContext ctx)
//Return appropriate Decorator
private static bool UseType(DecoratorPredicateContext ctx)
Unfortunately, unless I resolve a concrete type RegisterDecorator throws an error, so resolving another generic seems out. I am not sure how to proceed. Is there a way to do something like this? Is there a better way to get the intended functionality without decorators? We were thinking partial classes, but that has its own set of issues.
Any help will be appreciated!
Rather than plugging in decorators you could use a Composite Validator to enable the addition of IValidator<> implementations as required. This solution would allow the code to contain multiple IValidator<>'s for the same type.
Internally your code will still be able to depend on a single IValidator<T> which would resolve to the CompositeValidator that would call zero or more validators depending on what has been registered in the container at runtime.
The composite validator:
public class CompositeValidator<T> : IValidator<T>
public readonly IEnumerable<IValidator<T>> validators;
public CompositeValidator(IEnumerable<IValidator<T>> validators)
this.validators = validators;
public void Validate(T item)
foreach(var validator in this.validators)
The container is configured like this:
var assemblies = new[] { typeof(IValidator<>).Assembly };
var container = new Container();
container.RegisterCollection(typeof(IValidator<>), assemblies);
container.Register(typeof(IValidator<>), typeof(CompositeValidator<>));
where the assemblies variable contains all the assemblies you want to search for validators.
When you resolve IValidator<User> using container.GetInstance<IValidator<User>>() or through constructor injection you get back CompositeValidator<User> which internally references any and all IValidator<User>'s.
The way to get decorators of a type using batch registration is by calling the GetTypesToRegister method overload that accepts a TypesToRegisterOptions object. This way you can instruct SI to return decorators as well.
container.Register(typeof(IValidator<>), assemblies);
var t1 = container.GetTypesToRegister(typeof(IValidator<>), assemblies);
var t2 = container.GetTypesToRegister(typeof(IValidator<>), assemblies,
new TypesToRegisterOptions { IncludeDecorators = true });
foreach (Type t in t2.Except(t1)) {
container.RegisterDecorator(typeof(IValidator<>), t);
Do note that I do not suggest using this code. #qujck's answer addresses the design issue you have with your code, and his solutions therefore brings you to a much better place.

Register generic factory for all types which implements an interface

I have generic factory
public interface IViewModelFactory<T> where T : IViewModel
T Create<TU>(TU par);
public class ViewModelFactory<T> : IViewModelFactory<T> where T : IViewModel
private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;
public ViewModelFactory(ILifetimeScope scope)
_scope = scope;
public T Create<TU>(TU par)
return _scope.Resolve<T>(new TypedParameter(typeof(TU), par));
which I can use for resolving viewmodel factory in my window class:
public WRPersons(IViewModelFactory<MRPersons> viewModelFactory)
var viewModel = viewModelFactory.Create(new MRPersonsUseCaseParams { Filter = 2 });
ViewModel is implemented by following code
public class MRPersons : IViewModel
public MRPersons(MRPersonsUseCaseParams par)
_filter = par.Filter;
public class MRPersonsUseCaseParams
public int Filter { get; set; }
Registration in my composition root looks like:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
As you can see for each new ViewModel (now its only MRPerson) I will need to create two entries into my composition root. Thus for MRCar it will be:
I would like to automatize these registration somehow. I experimented with RegisterAssemblyTypes/AsClosedTypesOf but without success. Can somebody help me?
Based on answer codeline
is replaced by
Full automatic registration looks like:
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()).Where(x => iViewModelType.IsAssignableFrom(x) && x.IsClass).AsSelf();
For better testable solution it would be fine to even replace MRPersons by IMRPersons:
public class MRPersons : IViewModel, IMRPersons
public MRPersons(MRPersonsUseCaseParams par)
_filter = par.Filter;
public class MRPersonsUseCaseParams
public int Filter { get; set; }
public interface IMRPersons
Thus registration in composition root would looks like (NEED TO BE CORRECTED)
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()).Where(x => iViewModelType.IsAssignableFrom(x) && x.IsClass).As<??????>.AsSelf();
This would allows me to pass factory into constructor in following way:
public WRPersons(IViewModelFactory<IMRPersons> viewModelFactory)
var viewModel = viewModelFactory.Create(new MRPersonsUseCaseParams { Filter = 2 });
During chat with Cyril Durand he provided solution for ViewModelFactory without reference to ILifetimeScope. Here is a code:
public interface IViewModelFactory2<T, TU> where T : IViewModel
T Create(TU par);
public class ViewModelFactory2<T, TU> : IViewModelFactory2<T, TU> where T : IViewModel
private readonly Func<TU, T> _factory;
public ViewModelFactory2(Func<TU, T> factory)
_factory = factory;
public T Create(TU par)
return _factory(par);
My original factory is Ok too since it is presented in composition root where strong references to DI container can be used.
You want to register ViewModelFactory<> as IViewModelFactory<>, you can do it using the RegisterGeneric method.
Then you will be able to resolve IViewModelFactory<MRCar> without any other registration.
See Registration Concepts - Open Generic Components for more information
For the second part of the question :
For better testable solution it would be fine to even replace MRPersons by IMRPersons
It is not so easy because there is no way to know which interface to use. You can use the AsImplementedInterfaces which will be equivalent to As<IMRPersons>().As<IViewModel>() but it may be a problem if you have a lot of implemented interface.
.Where(x => iViewModelType.IsAssignableFrom(x) && x.IsClass)
Or you can use a convention that will register all X asIX but I'm not a big fan of this kind of registration.
.Where(x => iViewModelType.IsAssignableFrom(x) && x.IsClass)
.As(t => t.GetInterfaces().Where(i => i.Name.EndsWith(t.Name)));
By the way, after chatting, we figured out that you don't need a IViewModelFactory<> at all but you only need a dependency on Func<TParam, T>

Implementing the strategy pattern with generics and StructureMap

I am trying to implement the strategy pattern in my repository layer using SM and generics. For that I have an interface, IPocoRepository, which has a concrete implementation using Entity Framework. This I have managed to wire up in my Bootstrapper-file:
The problem appears when I try to implement caching for this interface. In my cached class I want an instance of the base repository class, so that I can keep my design DRY. Let me outline how these three files look:
public interface IPocoRepository<T>
IQueryable<T> GetAll();
public class EntityFrameworkRepository<T> : IPocoRepository<T> where T : class
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
public class CachedRepository<T> : IPocoRepository<T> where T : class
private IPocoRepository<T> _pocoRepository;
public CachedRepository(IPocoRepository<T> pr)
_pocoRepository = pr;
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
var all = (IQueryable<T>)CacheProvider.Get(_cacheKey);
if (!CacheProvider.IsSet(_cacheKey))
all = _pocoRepository.GetAll();
Edit: I want StructureMap to return CachedRepository when IPocoRepository is requested, except when requested for in CachedRepository - then I want it to return EntityFrameworkRepository.
I know this is simple when dealing with non-generic classes:
I tried searching the documentation for how to do this, but couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated!
Ok, this isn't too hard. You can use a type interceptor. Given you have the following classes:
public interface IRepository<T>{}
public class Repository<T>:IRepository<T>{}
public class RepositoryCache<T> : IRepository<T>
private readonly IRepository<T> _internalRepo;
public RepositoryCache(IRepository<T> internalRepo)
_internalRepo = internalRepo;
public IRepository<T> InternalRepo
get { return _internalRepo; }
You will then need to create a type interceptor. You can use the configurable "MatchedTypeInterceptor" provided by StructureMap for this. The interceptor will need to look for your repositories and then figure out what the generic type parameters are. Once it has the type parameters it can declare the type of cache it needs and initialize it. As part of the initialization, it will take the original repository in it's constructor. Then the interceptor will return the completed cache to whatever requested it from the ioc context. Here is the complete sequence inside a test.
This can be moved out into your registry, I just left it all together as an minimal example.
public void doTest()
MatchedTypeInterceptor interceptor = new MatchedTypeInterceptor(
x => x.FindFirstInterfaceThatCloses(typeof (IRepository<>)) != null);
interceptor.InterceptWith(original =>
Type closedType = original.GetType()
var genericParameters = closedType.GetGenericArguments();
var closedCacheType = typeof(RepositoryCache<>)
return Activator.CreateInstance(closedCacheType, new[] {original});
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.For(typeof (IRepository<>)).Use(typeof (Repository<>));
var test = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IRepository<int>>();
Assert.That(test is RepositoryCache<int>);

Castle Interceptors With Fluent Interface

I'm trying to get an interceptor I've written to work, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be instantiating the interceptor when I request my components. I'm doing something like this (forgive me if this doesn't quite compile, but you should get the idea):
AllTypes.Pick().FromAssembly(...).If(t => typeof(IView).IsAssignableFrom(t)).
Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Is(LifestyleType.Transient).Named(...).
Interceptors(new InterceptorReference(typeof(MyInterceptor)).
I've put breakpoints in the constructor for the Interceptor and it doesn't seem to be instantiating it at all.
In the past I've registered my interceptors using the XML configuration, but I'm keen to use the fluent interface.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think you're misusing WithService.FromInterface. The docs say:
Uses implements to lookup the sub
interface. For example: if you have
IService and IProductService :
ISomeInterface, IService,
ISomeOtherInterface. When you call
FromInterface(typeof(IService)) then
IProductService will be used. Useful
when you want to register all your
services and but not want to specify
all of them.
You're also missing the InterceptorGroup Anywhere.
Here's a working sample, I changed it as little as possible from your sample to make it work:
public class PPTests {
public interface IFoo {
void Do();
public class Foo : IFoo {
public void Do() {}
public class MyInterceptor : IInterceptor {
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) {
public void Interceptor() {
var container = new WindsorContainer();
.From(typeof (Foo))
.If(t => typeof (IFoo).IsAssignableFrom(t))
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Is(LifestyleType.Transient)
.Interceptors(new InterceptorReference(typeof (MyInterceptor))).Anywhere)
.WithService.Select(new[] {typeof(IFoo)}));
