I'm attempting to convert a BigInteger value to a double-precision value using the explicit cast operator in C#, but not getting the convergent rounding behavior I expected. I can't find any documentation on the rounding mode for this operation, but it doesn't match that of a long to double cast (which is also undocumented). Bug or feature? I've implemented my own rounding routine to work around it, but would rather stick with the built-in functionality.
Here's a test that passes as written (VS 2012 on Windows 7):
BigInteger roundMeDown = BigInteger.Pow(2, 53) + 1;
double expectedRoundedDown = Math.Pow(2, 53);
BigInteger roundMeUp = BigInteger.Pow(2, 53) + 3;
double expectedRoundedUp = Math.Pow(2, 53) + 4;
double actualResult = Math.Pow(2, 53) + 2;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedRoundedDown, (double)roundMeDown);
Assert.AreNotEqual(expectedRoundedUp, (double)roundMeUp);
Assert.AreEqual(actualResult, (double)roundMeUp);
There's the actual source code, which will show you exactly how it does it.
In short, it looks like it basically chops and shifts, without any rounding occurring at all. Note it calls a method called GetApproxParts.
However, it should be easy to hack on at the end if you need special rounding.
Basically, simply look at the NumBits - 53rd bit (from most to least significant) on the BigInteger using the >> and | operators (doubles have 52 bits in the mantissa).
There's basically three cases, and only the last is handled differently based on different rounding modes you might want to employ.
If the 53rd bit is not set, you don't need to round.
If it is, check the bits after it. If any are set, round up (add Double.Epsilon).
If it is set and no bits after it are set, you are exactly in the middle of two valid double values. Do whatever is reasonable, so long as it is consistent.
Assume I have an array of bytes which are truly random (e.g. captured from an entropy source).
byte[] myTrulyRandomBytes = MyEntropyHardwareEngine.GetBytes(8);
Now, I want to get a random double precision floating point value, but between the values of 0 and positive 1 (like the Random.NextDouble() function performs).
Simply passing an array of 8 random bytes into BitConverter.ToDouble() can yield strange results, but most importantly, the results will almost never be less than 1.
I am fine with bit-manipulation, but the formatting of floating point numbers has always been mysterious to me. I tried many combinations of bits to apply randomness to and always ended up finding the numbers were either just over 1, always VERY close to 0, or very large.
Can someone explain which bits should be made random in a double in order to make it random within the range 0 and 1?
Though working answers have been given, I'll give an other one, that looks worse but isn't:
long asLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(myTrulyRandomBytes, 0);
double number = (double)(asLong & long.MaxValue) / long.MaxValue;
The issue with casting from an ulong to double is that it's not directly supported by hardware, so it compiles to this:
vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
vcvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm0,rcx ; interpret ulong as long and convert it to double
test rcx,rcx ; add fixup if it was "negative"
jge 000000000000001D
vaddsd xmm0,xmm0,mmword ptr [00000060h]
vdivsd xmm0,xmm0,mmword ptr [00000068h]
Whereas with my suggestion it will compile more nicely:
vxorps xmm0,xmm0,xmm0
vcvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm0,rcx
vdivsd xmm0,xmm0,mmword ptr [00000060h]
Both tested with the x64 JIT in .NET 4, but this applies in general, there just isn't a nice way to convert an ulong to a double.
Don't worry about the bit of entropy being lost: there are only 262 doubles between 0.0 and 1.0 in the first place, and most of the smaller doubles cannot be chosen so the number of possible results is even less.
Note that this as well as the presented ulong examples can result in exactly 1.0 and distribute the values with slightly differing gaps between adjacent results because they don't divide by a power of two. You can change them exclude 1.0 and get a slightly more uniform spacing (but see the first plot below, there is a bunch of different gaps, but this way it is very regular) like this:
long asLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(myTrulyRandomBytes, 0);
double number = (double)(asLong & long.MaxValue) / ((double)long.MaxValue + 1);
As a really nice bonus, you can now change the division to a multiplication (powers of two usually have inverses)
long asLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(myTrulyRandomBytes, 0);
double number = (double)(asLong & long.MaxValue) * 1.08420217248550443400745280086994171142578125E-19;
Same idea for ulong, if you really want to use that.
Since you also seemed interested specifically in how to do it with double-bits trickery, I can show that too.
Because of the whole significand/exponent deal, it can't really be done in a super direct way (just reinterpreting the bits and that's it), mainly because choosing the exponent uniformly spells trouble (with a uniform exponent, the numbers are necessarily clumped preferentially near 0 since most exponents are there).
But if the exponent is fixed, it's easy to make a double that's uniform in that region. That cannot be 0 to 1 because that spans a lot of exponents, but it can be 1 to 2 and then we can subtract 1.
So first mask away the bits that won't be part of the significand:
x &= (1L << 52) - 1;
Put in the exponent (1.0 - 2.0 range, excluding 2)
x |= 0x3ff0000000000000;
Reinterpret and adjust for the offset of 1:
return BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(x) - 1;
Should be pretty fast, too. An unfortunate side effect is that this time it really does cost a bit of entropy, because there are only 52 but there could have been 53. This way always leaves the least significant bit zero (the implicit bit steals a bit).
There were some concerns about the distributions, which I will address now.
The approach of choosing a random (u)long and dividing it by the maximum value clearly has a uniformly chosen (u)long, and what happens after that is actually interesting. The result can justifiably be called a uniform distribution, but if you look at it as a discrete distribution (which it actually is) it looks (qualitatively) like this: (all examples for minifloats)
Ignore the "thicker" lines and wider gaps, that's just the histogram being funny. These plots used division by a power of two, so there is no spacing problem in reality, it's only plotted strangely.
Top is what happens when you use too many bits, as happens when dividing a complete (u)long by its max value. This gives the lower floats a better resolution, but lots of different (u)longs get mapped onto the same float in the higher regions. That's not necessarily a bad thing, if you "zoom out" the density is the same everywhere.
The bottom is what happens when the resolution is limited to the worst case (0.5 to 1.0 region) everywhere, which you can do by limiting the number of bits first and then doing the "scale the integer" deal. My second suggesting with the bit hacks does not achieve this, it's limited to half that resolution.
For what it's worth, NextDouble in System.Random scales a non-negative int into the 0.0 .. 1.0 range. The resolution of that is obviously a lot lower than it could be. It also uses an int that cannot be int.MaxValue and therefore scales by approximately 1/(231-1) (cannot be represented by a double, so slightly rounded), so there are actually 33 slightly different gaps between adjacent possible results, though the majority of the gaps is the same distance.
Since int.MaxValue is small compared to what can be brute-forced these days, you can easily generate all possible results of NextDouble and examine them, for example I ran this:
const double scale = 4.6566128752458E-10;
double prev = 0;
Dictionary<long, int> hist = new Dictionary<long, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)
long bits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(i * scale - prev);
if (!hist.ContainsKey(bits))
hist[bits] = 1;
prev = i * scale;
if ((i & 0xFFFFFF) == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}%", 100.0 * i / int.MaxValue);
This is easier than you think; its all about scaling (also true when going from a 0-1 range to some other range).
Basically, if you know that you have 64 truly random bits (8 bytes) then just do this:
double zeroToOneDouble = (double)(BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes) / (decimal)ulong.MaxValue);
The trouble with this kind of algorithm comes when your "random" bits aren't actually uniformally random. That's when you need a specialized algorithm, such as a Mersenne Twister.
I don't know wether it's the best solution for this, but it should do the job:
ulong asLong = BitConverter.ToUInt64(myTrulyRandomBytes, 0);
double number = (double)asLong / ulong.MaxValue;
All I'm doing is converting the byte array to a ulong which is then divided by it's max value, so that the result is between 0 and 1.
To make sure the long value is within the range from 0 to 1, you can apply the following mask:
long longValue = BitConverter.ToInt64(myTrulyRandomBytes, 0);
longValue &= 0x3fefffffffffffff;
The resulting value is guaranteed to lay in the range [0, 1).
Remark. The 0x3fefffffffffffff value is very-very close to 1 and will be printed as 1, but it is really a bit less than 1.
If you want to make the generated values greater, you could set a number higher bits of an exponent to 1. For instance:
longValue |= 0x03c00000000000000;
Summarizing: example on dotnetfiddle.
If you care about the quality of the random numbers generated, be very suspicious of the answers that have appeared so far.
Those answers that use Int64BitsToDouble directly will definitely have problems with NaNs and infinities. For example, 0x7ff0000000000001, a perfectly good random bit pattern, converts to NaN (and so do thousands of others).
Those that try to convert to a ulong and then scale, or convert to a double after ensuring that various bit-pattern constraints are met, won't have NaN problems, but they are very likely to have distributional problems. Representable floating point numbers are not distributed uniformly over (0, 1), so any scheme that randomly picks among all representable values will not produce values with the required uniformity.
To be safe, just use ToInt32 and use that int as a seed for Random. (To be extra safe, reject 0.) This won't be as fast as the other schemes, but it will be much safer. A lot of research and effort has gone into making RNGs good in ways that are not immediately obvious.
Simple piece of code to print the bits out for you.
for (double i = 0; i < 1.0; i+=0.05)
var doubleToInt64Bits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(i);
Console.WriteLine("{0}:\t{1}", i, Convert.ToString(doubleToInt64Bits, 2));
0.05: 11111110101001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
0.1: 11111110111001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
0.15: 11111111000011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110100
0.2: 11111111001001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
0.25: 11111111010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
0.3: 11111111010011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011
0.35: 11111111010110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110
0.4: 11111111011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001
0.45: 11111111011100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100
0.5: 11111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
0.55: 11111111100001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001
0.6: 11111111100011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011
0.65: 11111111100100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101
0.7: 11111111100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100111
0.75: 11111111101000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
0.8: 11111111101001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011011
0.85: 11111111101011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110101
0.9: 11111111101100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001111
0.95: 11111111101110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101001
There are already solutions to this problem for small numbers:
Here: Difference between 2 numbers
Here: C# function to find the delta of two numbers
Here: How can I find the difference between 2 values in C#?
I'll summarise the answer to them all:
Math.Abs(a - b)
The problem is when the numbers are large this gives the wrong answer (by means of an overflow). Worse still, if (a - b) = Int32.MinValue then Math.Abs crashes with an exception (because Int32.MaxValue = Int32.MinValue - 1):
System.OverflowException occurred
Message=Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is
StackTrace: at
System.Math.AbsHelper(Int32 value) at System.Math.Abs(Int32 value)
Its specific nature leads to difficult-to-reproduce bugs.
Maybe I'm missing some well known library function, but is there any way of determining the difference safely?
As suggested by others, use BigInteger as defined in System.Numerics (you'll have to include the namespace in Visual Studio)
Then you can just do:
BigInteger a = new BigInteger();
BigInteger b = new BigInteger();
// Assign values to a and b somewhere in here...
// Then just use included BigInteger.Abs method
BigInteger result = BigInteger.Abs(a - b);
Jeremy Thompson's answer is still valid, but note that the BigInteger namespace includes an absolute value method, so there shouldn't be any need for special logic. Also, Math.Abs expects a decimal, so it will give you grief if you try to pass in a BigInteger.
Keep in mind there are caveats to using BigIntegers. If you have a ludicrously large number, C# will try to allocate memory for it, and you may run into out of memory exceptions. On the flip side, BigIntegers are great because the amount of memory allotted to them is dynamically changed as the number gets larger.
Check out the microsoft reference here for more info: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.numerics.biginteger(v=vs.110).aspx
The question is, how do you want to hold the difference between two large numbers? If you're calculating the difference between two signed long (64-bit) integers, for example, and the difference will not fit into a signed long integer, how do you intend to store it?
long a = +(1 << 62) + 1000;
long b = -(1 << 62);
long dif = a - b; // Overflow, bit truncation
The difference between a and b is wider than 64 bits, so when it's stored into a long integer, its high-order bits are truncated, and you get a strange value for dif.
In other words, you cannot store all possible differences between signed integer values of a given width into a signed integer of the same width. (You can only store half of all of the possible values; the other half require an extra bit.)
Your options are to either use a wider type to hold the difference (which won't help you if you're already using the widest long integer type), or to use a different arithmetic type. If you need at least 64 signed bits of precision, you'll probably need to use BigInteger.
The BigInteger was introduced in .Net 4.0.
There are some open source implementations available in lower versions of the .Net Framework, however you'd be wise to go with the standard.
If the Math.Abs still gives you grief you can implement the function yourself; if the number is negative (a - b < 0) simply trim the negative symbol so its unsigned.
Also, have you tried using Doubles? They hold much larger values.
Here's an alternative that might be interesting to you, but is very much within the confines of a particular int size. This example uses Int32, and uses bitwise operators to accomplish the difference and then the absolute value. This implementation is tolerant of your scenario where a - b equals the min int value, it naturally returns the min int value (not much else you can do, without casting things to the a larger data type). I don't think this is as good an answer as using BigInteger, but it is fun to play with if nothing else:
static int diff(int a, int b)
int xorResult = (a ^ b);
int diff = (a & xorResult) - (b & xorResult);
return (diff + (diff >> 31)) ^ (diff >> 31);
Here are some cases I ran it through to play with the behavior:
Console.WriteLine(diff(13, 14)); // 1
Console.WriteLine(diff(11, 9)); // 2
Console.WriteLine(diff(5002000, 2346728)); // 2655272
Console.WriteLine(diff(int.MinValue, 0)); // Should be 2147483648, but int data type can't go that large. Actual result will be -2147483648.
I have the following code:
float f = 0.3f;
double d1 = System.Convert.ToDouble(f);
double d2 = System.Convert.ToDouble(f.ToString());
The results are equivalent to:
d1 = 0.30000001192092896;
d2 = 0.3;
I'm curious to find out why this is?
Its not a loss of precision .3 is not representable in floating point. When the system converts to the string it rounds; if you print out enough significant digits you will get something that makes more sense.
To see it more clearly
float f = 0.3f;
double d1 = System.Convert.ToDouble(f);
double d2 = System.Convert.ToDouble(f.ToString("G20"));
string s = string.Format("d1 : {0} ; d2 : {1} ", d1, d2);
"d1 : 0.300000011920929 ; d2 : 0.300000012 "
You're not losing precision; you're upcasting to a more precise representation (double, 64-bits long) from a less precise representation (float, 32-bits long). What you get in the more precise representation (past a certain point) is just garbage. If you were to cast it back to a float FROM a double, you would have the exact same precision as you did before.
What happens here is that you've got 32 bits allocated for your float. You then upcast to a double, adding another 32 bits for representing your number (for a total of 64). Those new bits are the least significant (the farthest to the right of your decimal point), and have no bearing on the actual value since they were indeterminate before. As a result, those new bits have whatever values they happened to have when you did your upcast. They're just as indeterminate as they were before -- garbage, in other words.
When you downcast from a double to a float, it'll lop off those least-significant bits, leaving you with 0.300000 (7 digits of precision).
The mechanism for converting from a string to a float is different; the compiler needs to analyze the semantic meaning of the character string '0.3f' and figure out how that relates to a floating point value. It can't be done with bit-shifting like the float/double conversion -- thus, the value that you expect.
For more info on how floating point numbers work, you may be interested in checking out this wikipedia article on the IEEE 754-1985 standard (which has some handy pictures and good explanation of the mechanics of things), and this wiki article on the updates to the standard in 2008.
First, as #phoog pointed out below, upcasting from a float to a double isn't as simple as adding another 32 bits to the space reserved to record the number. In reality, you'll get an addition 3 bits for the exponent (for a total of 11), and an additional 29 bits for the fraction (for a total of 52). Add in the sign bit and you've got your total of 64 bits for the double.
Additionally, suggesting that there are 'garbage bits' in those least significant locations a gross generalization, and probably not be correct for C#. A bit of explanation, and some testing below suggests to me that this is deterministic for C#/.NET, and probably the result of some specific mechanism in the conversion rather than reserving memory for additional precision.
Way back in the beforetimes, when your code would compile into a machine-language binary, compilers (C and C++ compilers, at least) would not add any CPU instructions to 'clear' or initialize the value in memory when you reserved space for a variable. So, unless the programmer explicitly initialized a variable to some value, the values of the bits that were reserved for that location would maintain whatever value they had before you reserved that memory.
In .NET land, your C# or other .NET language compiles into an intermediate language (CIL, Common Intermediate Language), which is then Just-In-Time compiled by the CLR to execute as native code. There may or may not be an variable initialization step added by either the C# compiler or the JIT compiler; I'm not sure.
Here's what I do know:
I tested this by casting the float to three different doubles. Each one of the results had the exact same value.
That value was exactly the same as #rerun's value above: double d1 = System.Convert.ToDouble(f); result: d1 : 0.300000011920929
I get the same result if I cast using double d2 = (double)f; Result: d2 : 0.300000011920929
With three of us getting the same values, it looks like the upcast value is deterministic (and not actually garbage bits), indicating that .NET is doing something the same way across all of our machines. It's still true to say that the additional digits are no more or less precise than they were before, because 0.3f isn't exactly equal to 0.3 -- it's equal to 0.3, up to seven digits of precision. We know nothing about the values of additional digits beyond those first seven.
I use decimal cast for correct result in this case and same other case
float ff = 99.95f;
double dd = (double)(decimal)ff;
Please consider the following code and comments:
Console.WriteLine(1 / 0); // will not compile, error: Division by constant zero
int i = 0;
Console.WriteLine(1 / i); // compiles, runs, throws: DivideByZeroException
double d = 0;
Console.WriteLine(1 / d); // compiles, runs, results in: Infinity
I can understand the compiler actively checking for division by zero constant and the DivideByZeroException at runtime but:
Why would using a double in a divide-by-zero return Infinity rather than throwing an exception? Is this by design or is it a bug?
Just for kicks, I did this in VB.NET as well, with "more consistent" results:
dim d as double = 0.0
Console.WriteLine(1 / d) ' compiles, runs, results in: Infinity
dim i as Integer = 0
Console.WriteLine(1 / i) ' compiles, runs, results in: Infinity
Console.WriteLine(1 / 0) ' compiles, runs, results in: Infinity
Based on kekekela's feedback I ran the following which resulted in infinity:
Console.WriteLine(1 / .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001);
This test seems to corroborate the idea and a literal double of 0.0 is actually a very, very tiny fraction which will result in Infinity...
In a nutshell: the double type defines a value for infinity while the int type doesn't. So in the double case, the result of the calculation is a value that you can actually express in the given type since it's defined. In the int case, there is no value for infinity and thus no way to return an accurate result. Hence the exception.
VB.NET does things a little bit differently; integer division automatically results in a floating point value using the / operator. This is to allow developers to write, e.g., the expression 1 / 2, and have it evaluate to 0.5, which some would consider intuitive. If you want to see behavior consistent with C#, try this:
Console.WriteLine(1 \ 0)
Note the use of the integer division operator (\, not /) above. I believe you'll get an exception (or a compile error--not sure which).
Similarly, try this:
Dim x As Object = 1 / 0
The above code will output System.Double.
As for the point about imprecision, here's another way of looking at it. It isn't that the double type has no value for exactly zero (it does); rather, the double type is not meant to provide mathematically exact results in the first place. (Certain values can be represented exactly, yes. But calculations give no promise of accuracy.) After all, the value of the mathematical expression 1 / 0 is not defined (last I checked). But 1 / x approaches infinity as x approaches zero. So from this perspective if we cannot represent most fractions n / m exactly anyway, it makes sense to treat the x / 0 case as approximate and give the value it approaches--again, infinity is defined, at least.
A double is a floating point number and not an exact value, so what you are really dividing by from the compiler's viewpoint is something approaching zero, but not exactly zero.
This is by design because the double type complies with IEEE 754, the standard for floating-point arithmetic. Check out the documentation for Double.NegativeInfinity and Double.PositiveInfinity.
The value of this constant is the result of dividing a positive {or negative} number by zero.
Because the "numeric" floating point is nothing of the kind. Floating point operations:
are not associative
are not distributive
may not have a multiplicative inverse
(see http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/class/fa07/cs498mjg/notes/floating-point.pdf for some examples)
The floating point is a construct to solve a specific problem, and gets used all over when it shouldn't be. I think they're pretty awful, but that is subjective.
This likely has something to do with the fact that IEEE standard floating point and double-precision floating point numbers have a specified "infinity" value. .NET is just exposing something that already exists, at the hardware level.
See kekekela's answer for why this makes sense, logically.
In short: how can I execute a+b such that any loss-of-precision due to truncation is away from zero rather than toward zero?
The Long Story
I'm computing the sum of a long series of floating point values for the purpose of computing the sample mean and variance of the set. Since Var(X) = E(X2) - E(X)2, it suffices to maintain running count of all numbers, the sum of all numbers so far, and the sum of the squares of all numbers so far.
So far so good.
However, it's absolutely required that E(X2) > E(X)2, which due to floating point accuracy isn't always the case. In pseudo-code, the problem is this:
int count;
double sum, sumOfSquares;
double value = <current-value>;
double sqrVal = value*value;
sum += value; //slightly rounded down since value is truncated to fit into sum
sumOfSquares += sqrVal; //rounded down MORE since the order-of-magnitude
//difference between sqrVal and sumOfSquares is twice that between value and sum;
For variable sequences, this isn't a big issue - you end up slightly under-estimating the variance, but it's often not a big issue. However, for constant or almost-constant sets with a non-zero mean, it can mean that E(X2) < E(X)2, resulting in a negative computed variance, which violates expectations of consuming code.
Now, I know about Kahan Summation, which isn't an attractive solution. Firstly, it makes the code susceptible to optimization vagaries (depending on optimization flags, code may or may not exhibit this problem), and secondly, the problem isn't really due to the precision - which is good enough - it's because addition introduces systematic error towards zero. If I could execute the line
sumOfSquares += sqrVal;
in such a way as to ensure that sqrVal is rounded up, not down, into the precision of sumOfSquares, I'd have a numerically reasonable solution. But how can I achieve that?
Edit: Finished question - why does pressing enter in the drop-down-list in the tag field submit the question anyhow?
There's another single-pass algorithm which rearranges the calculation a bit. In
n = 0
mean = 0
M2 = 0
for x in data:
n = n + 1
delta = x - mean
mean = mean + delta/n
M2 = M2 + delta*(x - mean) # This expression uses the new value of mean
variance_n = M2/n # Sample variance
variance = M2/(n - 1) # Unbiased estimate of population variance
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance )
This seems better behaved with respect to the issues you pointed out
with the usual algorithm.
IEEE provides four rounding modes, (toward -inf, toward +inf, toward 0, tonearest). Toward +inf is what you seem to want. There is no standard control in C90 or C++. C99 added the header <fenv.h> which is also present as an extension in some C90 and C++ implementation. To respect the C99 standard, you'd have to write something like:
#include <fenv.h>
int old_round_mode = fegetround();
int set_round_ok = fesetround(FE_UPWARD);
assert(set_round_ok == 0);
int set_round_ok = fesetround(old_round_mode);
assert(set_round_ok == 0);
It is well known that the algorithm you use is numerically unstable and has precision problem. It is better for precision to do two passes on the data.
If you don't worry about the precision, but just about a negative variance, why don't you simply do V(x) = Max(0, E(X^2) - E(X)^2)