I'm getting exception on constructing DateOnly variables/fields with AutoFixture.
(constructing of TimeOnly works fine)
AutoFixture.ObjectCreationExceptionWithPath : AutoFixture was unable to create an instance from System.DateOnly because creation unexpectedly failed with exception. Please refer to the inner exception to investigate the root cause of the failure.
AutoFixture, AutoFixture.NUnit3 nugets version: 4.17.0
using AutoFixture;
using AutoFixture.NUnit3;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace UnitTests
public class AutoFixtureCreateTests
private readonly Fixture fixture = new();
public void Setup()
var date = fixture.Create<DateOnly>(); //fails
var time = fixture.Create<TimeOnly>(); //works fine
[Test, AutoData]
public void CreateString(string str) { } //works fine
[Test, AutoData]
public void CreateDateOnly(DateOnly date) { } //fails
[Test, AutoData]
public void CreateTimeOnly(TimeOnly time) { } //works fine
The answer: at the moment does not.
There is a pull request: https://github.com/AutoFixture/AutoFixture/pull/1305
(however it's in open state almost for a year, without any milestones)
But there is a workaround.
My temporary solution is to create AutoFixture customization (CustomFixture.cs) file and include it to the project:
using AutoFixture;
using AutoFixture.NUnit3;
namespace UnitTests
public class CustomFixture
public static Fixture Create()
var fixture = new Fixture();
fixture.Customize<DateOnly>(composer => composer.FromFactory<DateTime>(DateOnly.FromDateTime));
return fixture;
public class CustomAutoDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
public CustomAutoDataAttribute()
: base(()=>CustomFixture.Create())
After it include customization in the test code:
using AutoFixture;
using AutoFixture.NUnit3;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace UnitTests
public class AutoFixtureCreateTests
private readonly Fixture fixture =
CustomFixture.Create(); //custom factory
public void Setup()
var date = fixture.Create<DateOnly>(); //now works
var time = fixture.Create<TimeOnly>();
[Test, AutoData]
public void CreateString(string str) { }
[Test, CustomAutoData] //custom attribute
public void CreateDateOnly(DateOnly date) { } //now works
[Test, AutoData]
public void CreateTimeOnly(TimeOnly time) { }
I'm trying to make an unit test for a logger in an application.
For example I need to test the method Logger.info("some message"), but this method is static and return void.
Searching on Google I understand that I have to use Moq but am unable to implement that on the UnitTest class.
The Logger constructor does not have an argument and in x.Debug I have an error that says that I can't access
from instance reference.
Is there a way to implement UnitTest without editing the production code?
public class LoggerTests
public void DebugTest()
var mock = new Mock<Logger>();
mock.Setup(x => x.Debug(It.IsAny<string>());
new Logger(mock.Object).AddLog("testing");
private static void ConfigureLogger()
Logger.AddLog(new NLogAppender());
Logger.Level = TraceLevel.Verbose;
Logger.Info("Configured Logger");
public class Logger
public static readonly List<IAppender> loggings = new List<IAppender>();
public static void AddLog(IAppender appender)
public static TraceLevel Level { get; set; }
static Logger()
Level = TraceLevel.Verbose;
public static void Info(string message)
public class NLogAppender : IAppender
public NLog.Logger logger;
public NLogAppender()
logger = LogManager.GetLogger(nameof(NLogAppender));
public void AddLog(string str)
public interface IAppender
void AddLog(string str);
You can't mock a static class, and you shouldn't mock the class/system under test.
Add a mock appender to the logger:
// Arrange
var logString = "test-info"
var appenderMock = new Mock<IAppender>();
appenderMock.Setup(a => a.AddLog(logString));
// Act
// Assert
// TODO: exactly once
Note this static class may persist data between tests causing unexpected results, consult your test framework for configuring this.
Apart from that, you usually don't want to roll your own logging infrastructure, there's lots of things you can do wrong and why reinvent the wheel? Plenty of ILogger(<T>) implementations around.
Looking to get some help around making my tests Parallelizable. I have a selenium c# setup that uses a combination of NUnit, C# and selenium to run tests in sequence locally on my machine or on the CI server.
I've looked into Parallelization of testing before but have been unable to make the jump, and running in a sequence was fine.
At the moment when I add the NUnit [Parallelizable] tag, I get an 'OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : invalid session id' error, based on the reading I've done I need to make each new driver I call unique. However, I'm uncertain on how to do this? or even start for that matter... is this even possible within my current set up?
My tests are currently doing limited smoke tests and just removing the repetitive regression testing against multiple browsers, however, I foresee a need to vastly expand my coverage of testing capability.
I will probably be looking at getting Browserstack or Sauselab in the long term but obviously, that requires funding, and I need to get that signed off, so I will be looking to get it running locally for now.
here is a look at the basic set up of my code
test files:
1st .cs test file
public class Featur2Tests1 : TestBase
[TestCaseSource(typeof(TestBase), "TestData")]
public void test1(string BrowserName, string Environment, string System)
Setup(BrowserName, Environment, System);
//Run test steps....
[TestCaseSource(typeof(TestBase), "TestData")]
public void test2(string BrowserName, string Environment, string System)
Setup(BrowserName, Environment, System);
//Run test steps....
2nd .cs test file
public class FeatureTests2 : TestBase
[TestCaseSource(typeof(TestBase), "TestData")]
public void test1(string BrowserName, string Environment, string System)
Setup(BrowserName, Environment, System);
//Run test steps....
[TestCaseSource(typeof(TestBase), "TestData")]
public void test2(string BrowserName, string Environment, string System)
Setup(BrowserName, Environment, System);
//Run test steps....
TestBase.cs where my set up for each test
public class TestBase
public static IWebDriver driver;
public void Setup(string BrowserName, string Environment, string System)
//do additional setup before test run...
public void CleanUp()
public static IEnumerable TestData
string[] browsers = Config.theBrowserList.Split(',');
string[] Environments = Config.theEnvironmentList.Split(',');
string[] Systems = Config.theSystemList.Split(',');
foreach (string browser in browsers)
foreach (string Environment in Environments)
foreach (string System in Systems)
yield return new TestCaseData(browser, Environment, System);
The IEnumerable TestData comes from a file called config.resx and contains the following data:
{Name}: {Value}
theBrowserList: Chrome,Edge,Firefox
theEnvironmentList: QA
theSystemList: WE
This is where I create my driver in Driver.cs
public class Driver
public static IWebDriver Instance { get; set; }
public static void Intialize(string browser)
string appDirectory = Directory.GetParent(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName;
string driverFolder = $"{appDirectory}/Framework.Platform/bin/debug";
if (browser == "Chrome")
ChromeOptions chromeOpts = new ChromeOptions();
chromeOpts.AddUserProfilePreference("safebrowsing.enabled", true);
Instance = new ChromeDriver(driverFolder, chromeOpts);
else if (browser == "IE")
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions { EnsureCleanSession = true };
options.AddAdditionalCapability("IgnoreZoomLevel", true);
Instance = new InternetExplorerDriver(driverFolder, options);
else if (browser == "Edge")
EdgeOptions edgeOpts = new EdgeOptions();
Instance = new EdgeDriver(driverFolder, edgeOpts);
else if (browser == "Firefox")
FirefoxOptions firefoxOpts = new FirefoxOptions();
Instance = new FirefoxDriver(driverFolder, firefoxOpts);
else { Assert.Fail($"Browser Driver; {browser}, is not currently supported by Initialise method"); }
public static void Close(string browser = "other")
if (browser == "IE")
Process[] ies = Process.GetProcessesByName("iexplore");
foreach (Process ie in ies)
All your tests use the same driver, which is defined in TestBase as static. The two fixtures will run in parallel and will both effect the state of the driver. If you want two tests to run in parallel, they cannot both be using the same state, with the exception of constant or readonly values.
The first thing to do would be to make the driver an instance member, so that each of the derived fixtures is working with a different driver. If that doesn't solve the problem, it will at least take you to the next step toward a solution.
do not use static and that should help resolve your issue
public IWebDriver Instance { get; set; }
using NUnit.Framework;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
namespace Nunit_ParalelizeTest
public class Base
protected IWebDriver _driver;
public void TearDown()
public void Setup()
_driver = new ChromeDriver();
I see there is no [Setup] on top of setup method in the TestBase. Invalid session is caused because you are trying to close a window which is not there. Also try to replace driver.close() with driver.quit();
You should call the driver separately in each test, otherwise, nunit opens only one driver for all instances. Hope this makes sence to you.
I am using MsTest V2 framewrok for my tests.
I have Test automation framework (TAF) project and project with tests.
Tests project inherited from TAF and contains only tests.
In TAF i have a class which contains method which should run before all tests but it doesnt work at all.
By the way BeforeTest method works fine.
public class TestBase
public static void BeforeClass(TestContext tc)
Console.WriteLine("Before all tests");
public void BeforeTest()
Console.WriteLine("Before each test");
public class FirstTest : TestBase
public void FailedTest()
If I put "AssemblyInitialize" method to tests projects then it work.
What am I doing wrong?
Just put [TestClass] onto your TestBase:
public class TestBase
public static void BeforeClass(TestContext tc)
Console.WriteLine("Before all tests");
public void BeforeTest()
Console.WriteLine("Before each test");
I am writing integration tests for ServiceStack with in-memory database and I ran into this exception: "System.IO.InvalidDataException ServiceStackHost.Instance has already been set" while trying to run multiple test classes together, each having its own AppHostHttpListenerBase. However, if I ran the test classes one at a time, it ran and passed without problems. One reason for having multiple classes is because I want to test the AppHost with different services/dependencies registered and also to group my tests logically. Below is a general snippet of my tests. I would like to be able run all the test at one go.
public class TestClassOne : IDisposable
string _endPoint = "http://localhost:54321/";
AppHostHttpListenerBase _appHost;
IDbConnectionFactory _dbConn = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider);
public TestClassOne()
_appHost = new UnitTestAppHost(_dbConn, ...){};
public void Test()
using(var db = _dbConn.Open())
public void Dispose()
_appHost = null;
public class TestClassTwo : IDisposable
string _endPoint = "http://localhost:54321/";
AppHostHttpListenerBase _appHost;
IDbConnectionFactory _dbConn = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider);
public TestClassTwo()
_appHost = new UnitTestAppHost(...){};
public void Test()
using(var db = _dbConn.Open())
public void Dispose()
_appHost = null;
I have tried running on another AppDomain, but it doesn't seems to be what I am looking for I think, because I need to do some Asserts on IDbConnection in the current running AppDomain (?), if that make any sense. Any suggestions on how I should be doing it? I'm using xUnit and Resharper's test runner btw.
I ended up fixing this by creating an AppHostSetupFixture class with a public static AppHost variable. Create a [SetUp] method that initializes your app host and a [TearDown] method that disposes it. Use AppHostSetupFixture.AppHost in your test classes.
public class AppHostSetupFixture
public static ServiceStackHost AppHost;
public void Setup()
AppHost = new BasicAppHost(typeof(FeatureService).Assembly)
ConfigureContainer = container =>
var l = new List<string>();
container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => new RedisManagerPool(l, new RedisPoolConfig() { MaxPoolSize = 40 }));
public void TearDown()
This error is a result of trying to run multiple AppHosts per AppDomain. Each ServiceStack AppHost is a singleton and only allows a single AppHost per AppDomain.