I want to merge two lists with different attributes into one list, but while merging it, I want to check if there is, in this particular example, exact date that is in the both lists, and if there is, I want to take both attributes from that elements, and merge them into one element in another list
List 1:
List<object> r1 = (from x in sp1 select new
L1 result:
List 2:
List<object> r2 = (from x in sp2 select new
L2 result:
Wanted result:
For now, this is how i merge r1 and r2:
List<object> r3 = new List<object>(r1.Concat(r2));
You could transform them into same type and use stuff like this
.Select(x => new { Imported = x.Imported, Dissolution = null, Period = x.Period)
r2.Select(x => new { Imported = null, Dissolution = x.Dissolution, Period = x.Period))
.GroupBy(x => x.Period)
.Select(x => new { Imported = x.Max(e => e.Imported),
Dissolution = x.Max(e => e.Dissolution),
Period = x.Key);
Create a Dictionary
Dictionary MyDict<String, List<Object>>;
For each date there will be an entry in the dictionnary, and it will at this "date index" keep a list of all object that happens at that period.
Easiest way IMO and it does not need to make a O(n) check for every entry added
Just make sure when you add data that it is not null IE
MyDict[Object.Period] != null
Plus, has Nikhil Agrawal said I would not use Object to keep a list of thing... it feels wrong and is error prone. you might want to declare an abstract class that will be used like an Interface or simply an interface for those items (object).
AFAK you need reflection to achieve this as the name for Anonymous type is assigned at Compile time here an example on how you can achieve what you want
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<ImportedType> sp1 = new List<ImportedType>();
List<DissolutionType> sp2 = new List<DissolutionType>();
sp1.AddRange( new ImportedType[]{new ImportedType() { Imported = 2, Period = "2024-02" }, new ImportedType() { Imported = 2, Period = "2014-11" }, new ImportedType() { Imported = 2, Period = "2024-12" }});
sp2.AddRange(new DissolutionType[] { new DissolutionType() { Dissolution = 2, Period = "2024-02" }, new DissolutionType() { Dissolution = 2, Period = "2034-02" }, new DissolutionType() { Dissolution = 2, Period = "2024-12" } });
var r1 = (from x in sp1
select new
var r2 = (from x in sp2
select new
var r3 = r1.Concat(r2).Except(r1.Where(res =>
object vp2 = r2.SingleOrDefault(res2 => GetValue(res2) == GetValue(res));
if (vp2!=null)
return true;
return false;
private static object GetValue(object res)
Type t = res.GetType();
PropertyInfo p = t.GetProperty("Period");
object v = p.GetValue(res, null);
return v;
//here I suppose that you implements 2 classes like this
public class ImportedType
public int Imported { get; set; }
public string Period { get; set; }
public class DissolutionType
public int Dissolution { get; set; }
public string Period { get; set; }
I agree with Nikhil Agrawal in that the code now really needs some fixing up, as it is really hard to work with anonymous types, especially since they have been cast to object.
Ignoring that, and accepting it as a challenge (use anonymous types cast to object), this is what I have come up with:
Code that merges does a full outer join:
Func<object, object> getPeriodKey = first =>
var periodProperty = first.GetType().GetProperty("Period");
return periodProperty.GetValue(first);
var temp = r1.GroupJoin(r2, getPeriodKey, getPeriodKey, (obj, tInner) =>
dynamic right = tInner.FirstOrDefault();
if (right == null)
return (object)(new
Period = ((dynamic)obj).Period,
Imported = ((dynamic)obj).Imported,
return (object)(new
Period = ((dynamic)obj).Period,
Imported = ((dynamic)obj).Imported,
Dissolution = (int?)right.Dissolution,
var merged = temp.Union(r2, new RComparer());
and the required comparer is below:
class RComparer : IEqualityComparer<object>
public bool Equals(object x, object y)
var xPeriodProperty = x.GetType().GetProperty("Period");
var yPeriodProperty = y.GetType().GetProperty("Period");
if (xPeriodProperty != null && yPeriodProperty != null)
var xPeriod = (string)xPeriodProperty.GetValue(x);
var yPeriod = (string)yPeriodProperty.GetValue(y);
return xPeriod == yPeriod;
return base.Equals(y);
public int GetHashCode(object obj)
var periodProperty = obj.GetType().GetProperty("Period");
if (periodProperty != null)
//This will essentially hash the string value of the Period
return periodProperty.GetValue(obj).GetHashCode();
return obj.GetHashCode();
Is there a way to select all the properties in a collection and set one without verbosly remapping the entire property list?
return =
w => w.MaterialNumber.Contains("foo")
).Select(s => new Material.list() { ID = s.ID, MaterialNumber = s.MaterialNumber, orColor = "#303030" }).ToList()
Looking for something simpler.
return =
w => w.MaterialNumber.Contains("foo")
).Select(s => new Material.list() {s, new orColor = "#303030" }).ToList()
You mentioned EF 6 but you don't actually use it in the question. Also you mentioned mapping, but are you sure if it is required? If it is possible for other code to use same instance without remapping, just use any approach listed below to set property of the original object
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class DTO
public string Color { get; set; }
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = Enumerable.Repeat(new DTO(), 10);
// select statement
var selectOutput = input.Select(x =>
x.Color = "#303030";
return x;
// ForEach extension
var listOutput = input.ToList();
listOutput.ForEach(x => x.Color = "#303030");
// regular foreach
foreach (var inputItem in input)
inputItem.Color = "#303030";
I'm looking for an efficient way of sorting an array of email addresses to avoid items with the same domain to be consecutive, in C#.
Email addresses inside the array are already distinct and all of them are lower case.
Given an array with the following entries:
I would like to obtain something similar to the following:
With the help of an extension method (stolen from https://stackoverflow.com/a/27533369/172769), you can go like this:
List<string> emails = new List<string>();
var q = emails.GroupBy(m => m.Split('#')[1]).Select(g => new List<string>(g)).Interleave();
The Interleave method is defined as:
public static IEnumerable<T> Interleave<T>(this IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> source )
var queues = source.Select(x => new Queue<T>(x)).ToList();
while (queues.Any(x => x.Any())) {
foreach (var queue in queues.Where(x => x.Any())) {
yield return queue.Dequeue();
So basically, we create groups based on the domain part of the email adresses, project (or Select) each group into a List<string>, and then "Interleave" those lists.
I have tested against your sample data, but more thorough testing might be needed to find edge cases.
DotNetFiddle snippet
This will distribute them semi-evenly and attempt to avoid matching domains next to each other (although in certain lists that may be impossible). This answer will use OOP and Linq.
DotNetFiddle.Net Example
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var seed = new List<string>()
var work = seed
// Create a list of EmailAddress objects
.Select(s => new EmailAddress(s)) // s.ToLowerCase() ?
// Group the list by Domain
.GroupBy(s => s.Domain)
// Create a List<EmailAddressGroup>
.Select(g => new EmailAddressGroup(g))
var currentDomain = string.Empty;
while(work.Count > 0)
// this list should not be the same domain we just used
var noDups = work.Where(w => w.Domain != currentDomain);
// if none exist we are done, or it can't be solved
if (noDups.Count() == 0)
// find the first group with the most items
var workGroup = noDups.First(w => w.Count() == noDups.Max(g => g.Count()));
// get the email address and remove it from the group list
var workItem = workGroup.Remove();
// if the group is empty remove it from *work*
if (workGroup.Count() == 0)
Console.WriteLine("removed: " + workGroup.Domain);
// last domain looked at.
currentDomain = workItem.Domain;
Console.WriteLine("Cannot disperse email addresses affectively, left overs:");
foreach(var workGroup in work)
while(workGroup.Count() > 0)
var item = workGroup.Remove();
public class EmailAddress
public EmailAddress(string emailAddress)
// Additional Email Address Validation
var result = emailAddress.Split(new char[] {'#'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
if (result.Count() != 2)
new ArgumentException("emailAddress");
this.FullEmail = emailAddress;
this.Name = result[0];
this.Domain = result[1];
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string Domain { get; private set; }
public string FullEmail { get; private set; }
public class EmailAddressGroup
private List<EmailAddress> _emails;
public EmailAddressGroup(IEnumerable<EmailAddress> emails)
this._emails = emails.ToList();
this.Domain = emails.First().Domain;
public int Count()
return _emails.Count();
public string Domain { get; private set; }
public EmailAddress Remove()
var result = _emails.First();
return result;
removed: b.com
removed: c.com
Cannot disperse email addresses affectively, left overs:
Something like this will spread them equally, but you will have the problems (=consecutive elements) at the end of the new list...
var list = new List<string>();
var x = list.GroupBy(content => content.Split('#')[1]);
var newlist = new List<string>();
bool addedSomething=true;
int i = 0;
while (addedSomething) {
addedSomething = false;
foreach (var grp in x) {
if (grp.Count() > i) {
addedSomething = true;
Edit: Added a high level description :)
What this code does is group each element by the domain, sort the groups by size in descending order (largest group first), project the elements of each group into a stack, and pop them off of each stack (always pop the next element off the largest stack with a different domain). If there is only a single stack left, then its contents are yielded.
This should make sure that all domains distributed as evenly as possible.
MaxBy extension method from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31560586/969962
private IEnumerable<string> GetNonConsecutiveEmails(List<string> list)
var emailAddresses = list.Distinct().Select(email => new EmailAddress { Email = email, Domain = email.Split('#')[1]}).ToArray();
var groups = emailAddresses
.GroupBy(addr => addr.Domain)
.Select (group => new { Domain = group.Key, EmailAddresses = new Stack<EmailAddress>(group)})
EmailAddress lastEmail = null;
while(groups.Any(g => g.EmailAddresses.Any()))
// Try and pick from the largest stack.
var stack = groups
.Where(g => (g.EmailAddresses.Any()) && (lastEmail == null ? true : lastEmail.Domain != g.Domain))
.MaxBy(g => g.EmailAddresses.Count);
// Null check to account for only 1 stack being left.
// If so, pop the elements off the remaining stack.
lastEmail = (stack ?? groups.First(g => g.EmailAddresses.Any())).EmailAddresses.Pop();
yield return lastEmail.Email;
class EmailAddress
public string Domain;
public string Email;
public static class Extensions
public static T MaxBy<T,U>(this IEnumerable<T> data, Func<T,U> f) where U:IComparable
return data.Aggregate((i1, i2) => f(i1).CompareTo(f(i2))>0 ? i1 : i2);
What I am trying to do here is to sort them first.
Then I re-arrange from a different end. I'm sure there're more efficient ways to do this but this is one easy way to do it.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
String[] emails = { "john.doe#domain1.com", "jane_doe#domain1.com", "patricksmith#domain2.com", "erick.brown#domain3.com" };
var result = process(emails);
static String[] process(String[] emails)
String[] result = new String[emails.Length];
var comparer = new DomainComparer();
Array.Sort(emails, comparer);
for (int i = 0, j = emails.Length - 1, k = 0; i < j; i++, j--, k += 2)
if (i == j)
result[k] = emails[i];
result[k] = emails[i];
result[k + 1] = emails[j];
return result;
public class DomainComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string left, string right)
int at_pos = left.IndexOf('#');
var left_domain = left.Substring(at_pos, left.Length - at_pos);
at_pos = right.IndexOf('#');
var right_domain = right.Substring(at_pos, right.Length - at_pos);
return String.Compare(left_domain, right_domain);
I tried to compare two lists by using the Except method. But when I did, I got an error saying:
Cannot convert from 'Systems.Collections.Generic.List<>' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable<>'
'System.Collections.Generic.List<> does not contain a definition for 'Except' and the best extension method overload 'System.Linq.Queryable.Except(System.Linq.IQueryable, System.Collections.GEneric.IEnumerable)' has some invalid arguments
I also experienced this when I tried Intersect. I'm trying to compare Sent list and Result list (code and list shown below) and return items that does not have any match. So when I googled for how to do so, I came across the Except method as well as the Intersect.
public class Sent
public string Address;
public string Data;
public class Result
public string AddressOK;
public string DataOK;
var sent = new List<Sent>();
sent.Add(new Sent() { Address = linaddr1, Data = lindat1 });
var res = new List<Result>();
res.Add( new Result() { AddressOK = linaddr2, DataOK = lindat2 } );
//linaddr1 and 2, lindat1 and 2 contains the address and data shown in the list below
//taken from another part of the entire program
The lists look like such:
sent res
Address Data Address Data
04004C 55AA55 04004C 55AA55
040004 0720 040004 0720
040037 30
04004A FFFF 04004A FFFF
I only tried using this code:
var diff = sent.Except(res).ToList()
but as I've mentioned, it results with the aforementioned errors above.
EDIT: I edited the list. Sorry for that. It's just only a matter of the res list missing one or two or more items from the original list and then comparing both lists to see which item/s is/are missing from the res list.
Use Any:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var sent = new List<Sent>()
new Sent { Address = "04004C", Data = "55AA55" },
new Sent { Address = "040004", Data = "0720" },
new Sent { Address = "040037", Data = "31" },
new Sent { Address = "04004A", Data = "FFFF" }
var res = new List<Result> () {
new Result { AddressOK = "04004C", DataOK = "55AA55" },
new Result { AddressOK = "040004", DataOK = "0721" },
new Result { AddressOK = "040038 ", DataOK = "31" },
new Result { AddressOK = "04004A", DataOK = "FFFF" }
var diff =
sent.Where (s => !res.Any (r => s.Address == r.AddressOK && s.Data == r.DataOK ));
foreach (var item in diff)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", item.Address, item.Data);
public class Sent
public string Address;
public string Data;
public class Result
public string AddressOK;
public string DataOK;
040004 0720
040037 31
Live Code: https://dotnetfiddle.net/ZVuiPd
The types Sent and Result are distinct types, but sent.Except(res) expects them to be the same. That's your first mistake.
The following is a simple (but incorrect) fix:
var diff =
.Except(res.Select(x => new Sent() { Address = x.AddressOK, Data = x.DataOK }))
Even though this compiles, and runs, it doesn't remove the duplicates because your Sent doesn't override GetHashCode and Equals, hence it only compares references and not the actual properties.
You can either implement GetHashCode and Equals, or create an IEqualityComparer<Sent> to get this to work.
An IEqualityComparer<Sent> implementation might look like this:
public class SentEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Sent>
public int GetHashCode(Sent sent)
return sent.Address.GetHashCode() ^ sent.Data.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(Sent left, Sent right)
return (left.Address == right.Address) && (left.Data == right.Data);
And you would use it like so:
var diff =
res.Select(x => new Sent() { Address = x.AddressOK, Data = x.DataOK }),
new SentEqualityComparer())
This works as you expect.
The other option, to override GetHashCode and Equals, comes with an additional hurdle. The result of GetHashCode should not ever change throughout the lifetime of the object otherwise you can't use the object in a dictionary or any other data structure that relies on the hash code.
So, to make it work, you need to change Address & Data to be read-only.
Here is an implementation of your Sent class that will work correctly:
public sealed class Sent : IEquatable<Sent>
private readonly string _Address;
private readonly string _Data;
public string Address { get { return _Address; } }
public string Data { get { return _Data; } }
public Sent(string Address, string Data)
_Address = Address;
_Data = Data;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Sent)
return Equals((Sent)obj);
return false;
public bool Equals(Sent obj)
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!EqualityComparer<string>.Default.Equals(_Address, obj._Address)) return false;
if (!EqualityComparer<string>.Default.Equals(_Data, obj._Data)) return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 0;
hash ^= EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(_Address);
hash ^= EqualityComparer<string>.Default.GetHashCode(_Data);
return hash;
If you are comfortable using an AOP component to automate the manual code of implementing IEquatable, another approach would be is to use Equals.Fody:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var a = new Sent { Address = "04004C", Data = "55AA55" };
var b = new Sent { Address = "04004C", Data = "55AA55" };
Console.WriteLine(a.Equals(b)); // True with use of an AOP, False with no AOP
var sent = new List<Sent>() {
new Sent { Address = "04004C", Data = "55AA55" },
new Sent { Address = "040004", Data = "0720" },
new Sent { Address = "040037", Data = "31" },
new Sent { Address = "04004A", Data = "FFFF" }
var res = new List<Result>() {
new Result { AddressOK = "04004C", DataOK = "55AA55" },
new Result { AddressOK = "040004", DataOK = "0721" },
new Result { AddressOK = "040038 ", DataOK = "31" },
new Result { AddressOK = "04004A", DataOK = "FFFF" }
var diff =
res.Select(r => new Sent { Address = r.AddressOK, Data = r.DataOK })
foreach (var item in diff)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", item.Address, item.Data);
public class Sent
public string Address;
public string Data;
bool CustomLogic(Sent other)
return other.Address == this.Address && other.Data == this.Data;
public class Result
public string AddressOK;
public string DataOK;
040004 0720
040037 31
If you'll do map Result to Sent very often, you can further shorten your Linq query code to..
var diff = sent.Except(res.Select(r => (Sent)r));
..by automating the mapping of Result to Sent, use implicit operator:
public class Sent
public string Address;
public string Data;
bool CustomLogic(Sent other)
return other.Address == this.Address && other.Data == this.Data;
public static implicit operator Sent(Result r)
return new Sent { Address = r.AddressOK, Data = r.DataOK };
Suppose you have 2 list and in both you have ID property based on which you want to compare both list and want to store non matching item in third list.
In this Situation following Linq Query can help out.
var result = List2.Where(p => !List1.Any(p2 => p2.ID == p.ID)).ToList();
I want to select columns dynamically from List as following. So what could be the best way?
//a objects list
List<DashBoard> dashboardlist = (List<DashBoard>)objList;
string strColumns = "RecDate,ModifiedDate";
objList = (from obj in dashboardlist select new { strColumns }).ToList();
Ok,Just forget Object List say I have database table which have number of column ID,Name,Age,sex,etc ..Then I have columnList to display and the columnList is change according to condition . SO I have List people; and List columnTemplate; so now I want to select the column based on the template .
Thanks for providing ideas to my question.Spending couple of hours in
Google I found solution .
public void Test() {
var data = new[] {
new TestData { X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 }
, new TestData { X = 2, Y = 4, Z = 6 }
var strColumns = "X,Z".Split(',');
foreach (var item in data.Select(a => Projection(a, strColumns))) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", item.X, item.Z);
private static dynamic Projection(object a, IEnumerable<string> props) {
if (a == null) {
return null;
IDictionary<string,object> res = new ExpandoObject();
var type = a.GetType();
foreach (var pair in props.Select(n => new {
Name = n
, Property = type.GetProperty(n)})) {
res[pair.Name] = pair.Property.GetValue(a, new object[0]);
return res;
class TestData {
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public int Z { get; set; }
I assume that the list of the columns may come from an external resource and change, I propose:
With reflection you could produce a list of FieldInfo that correspond to each Column, then loop over each item on the list and each FieldInfo and call GetValue on the data object.
Here is the solution:
Select a Column Dynamically using LINQ?
and look Dynamic Linq: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/01/07/dynamic-linq-part-1-using-the-linq-dynamic-query-library.aspx
Let's supposed that you have only 2 templates. You can create a method for each template, that returns only the columns you need. Something like this:
// method for template 1 - returns only 3 columns/properties
private DashBoard CreateDashBoardXxxxxxx(DashBoard item)
return new DashBoard {
Property1 = item.Property1,
Property4 = item.Property2,
Property3 = item.Property3
// method for template 2 - returns N columns/properties
private DashBoard CreateDashBoardYyyyyyyy(DashBoard item)
return new DashBoard {
Property1 = item.Property1,
Property4 = item.Property2,
// Other properties
// .....
PropertyN = item.PropertyN
You can then use those methods like this:
List<DashBoard> dashboardlist = (List<DashBoard>)objList;
// using template 1
var list = dashboardlist.Select(CreateDashBoardXxxxxxx);
// using template 2
var list2 = dashboardlist.Select(CreateDashBoardYyyyyyyy);
You just need to do some code to decide which template should be used.
I hope this helps!!
I try do implement a user dynamic filter, where used selects some properties, selects some operators and selects also the values.
As I didn't find yet an answer to this question, I tried to use LINQ expressions.
Mainly I need to identify all houses which main rooms are kitchens(any sens, I know).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
//using System.Linq.Dynamic;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Room aRoom = new Room() { Name = "a Room" };
Room bRoom = new Room() { Name = "b Room" };
Room cRoom = new Room() { Name = "c Room" };
House myHouse = new House
Rooms = new List<Room>(new Room[] { aRoom }),
MainRoom = aRoom
House yourHouse = new House()
Rooms = new List<Room>(new Room[] { bRoom, cRoom }),
MainRoom = bRoom
House donaldsHouse = new House()
Rooms = new List<Room>(new Room[] { aRoom, bRoom, cRoom }),
MainRoom = aRoom
var houses = new List<House>(new House[] { myHouse, yourHouse, donaldsHouse });
//var kitchens = houses.AsQueryable<House>().Where("MainRoom.Type = RoomType.Kitchen");
//Console.WriteLine("kitchens count = {0}", kitchens.Count());
var houseParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(House), "house");
var houseMainRoomParam = Expression.Property(houseParam, "MainRoom");
var houseMainRoomTypeParam = Expression.Property(houseMainRoomParam, "Type");
var roomTypeParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(RoomType), "roomType");
var comparison = Expression.Lambda(
Expression.Constant("Kitchen", typeof(RoomType)))
// ???????????????????????? DOES NOT WORK
var kitchens = houses.AsQueryable().Where(comparison);
Console.WriteLine("kitchens count = {0}", kitchens.Count());
public class House
public string Address { get; set; }
public double Area { get; set; }
public Room MainRoom { get; set; }
public List<Room> Rooms { get; set; }
public class Room
public double Area { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public RoomType Type { get; set; }
public enum RoomType
var kitchens = from h in houses
where h.MainRoom.Type == RoomType.Kitchen
select h;
But you must set the RoomType property on the rooms before.
Ok, edit:
so you must redefine:
var comparison = Expression.Lambda<Func<House, bool>>(...
Then, when you use it:
var kitchens = houses.AsQueryable().Where(comparison.Compile());
Edit #2:
Ok, here you go:
var roomTypeParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(RoomType), "roomType");
// ???????????????????????? DOES NOT WORK
var comparison = Expression.Lambda<Func<House, bool>>(
Expression.Constant(Enum.Parse(typeof(RoomType), "Kitchen"), typeof(RoomType))), houseParam);
// ???????????????????????? DOES NOT WORK
var kitchens = houses.AsQueryable().Where(comparison);
Edit #3: Of, for your needs, I am out of ideas for now. I give you one last one:
Declare an extension method on the String type:
internal static object Prepare(this string value, Type type)
if (type.IsEnum)
return Enum.Parse(type, value);
return value;
Then use it in that expression like:
Expression.Constant("Kitchen".Prepare(typeof(RoomType)), typeof(RoomType))
That's because apparently enums are treated differently. That extension will leave the string unaltered for other types. Drawback: you have to add another typeof() there.
// ???????????????????????? DOES NOT WORK
var kitchens = houses.AsQueryable().Where(comparison);
The Where method takes a Func<House, bool> or a Expression<Func<House, bool>> as the parameter, but the variable comparison is of type LambdaExpression, which doesn't match. You need to use another overload of the method:
var comparison = Expression.Lambda<Func<House, bool>>(
Expression.Constant("Kitchen", typeof(RoomType))));
//now the type of comparison is Expression<Func<House, bool>>
//the overload in Expression.cs
public static Expression<TDelegate> Lambda<TDelegate>(Expression body, params ParameterExpression[] parameters);
I wouldn't build the where clause in that way - I think it's more complex than it needs to be for your needs. Instead, you can combine where clauses like this:
var houses = new List<House>(new House[] { myHouse, yourHouse, donaldsHouse });
// A basic predicate which always returns true:
Func<House, bool> housePredicate = h => 1 == 1;
// A room name which you got from user input:
string userEnteredName = "a Room";
// Add the room name predicate if appropriate:
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEnteredName))
housePredicate += h => h.MainRoom.Name == userEnteredName;
// A room type which you got from user input:
RoomType? userSelectedRoomType = RoomType.Kitchen;
// Add the room type predicate if appropriate:
if (userSelectedRoomType.HasValue)
housePredicate += h => h.MainRoom.Type == userSelectedRoomType.Value;
// MainRoom.Name = \"a Room\" and Rooms.Count = 3 or
// ?????????????????????????
var aRoomsHouses = houses.AsQueryable<House>().Where(housePredicate);
I tested this one, honest :)
what about this
var kitchens = houses
.SelectMany(h => h.Rooms, (h, r) => new {House = h, Room = r})
.Where(hr => hr.Room.Type == RoomType.Kitchen)
.Select(hr => hr.House);
To add a new Enum type to dynamic Linq, you must add the following code :
T : Enum type
in predefined types of dynamic. That works for me.