Get values between string in C# [closed] - c#

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a string value like "%2%,%12%,%115%+%55%,..."
Sample inputs "(%2%+%5%)/5"
get the vales 2 and 5
get values from table column2 and column5
from that value (Column2+Column5)/5
How to get the values from that string
commas, "+" (symbols)
Thanks in Advance.
I referred these links:
Find a string between 2 known values
How do I extract text that lies between parentheses (round brackets)?

You can replace the % and then split on the , and +:
var value = "%2%,%12%,%115%+%55%,";
value = value.Replace("%", "");
var individualValues = value.Split(new[] {',', '+'});
foreach (var val in individualValues)

If I understand you correctly...
var string = "%2%,%12%,%115%+%55%";
var values = string.replace("%", "").replace("+", "").split(',');
Edit: Actually, I think you mean you want to split on "+" so that becomes split(',', '+')

str.Replace("%", "").Replace("+",",").Split(',');
This will do it.
Another regex solution:
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(str, #"\d+"))
// m.Value is the values you wanted

Using regular expressions:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
Regex re = new Regex("\\d+");
MatchCollection matches = re.Matches("%2%,%12%,%115%+%55%,...");
List<int> lst = new List<int>();
foreach (Match m in matches)

It's possible parsing the string with splits and other stuff or through Regex:
public void TestGetNumberCommasAndPlusSign()
Regex r = new Regex(#"[\d,\+]+");
string result = "";
foreach (Match m in r.Matches("%2%,%12%,%115%+%55%,..."))
result += m.Value;
Assert.AreEqual("2,12,115+55,", result);


Splitting a string into characters, but keeping some together [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have this string: TF'E'
I want to split it to characters, but the '" character should join the character before it.
So it would look like this: T, F' and E'
You could use a regular expression to split the string at each position immediately before a new letter and an optional ':
var input = "TF'E'";
var output = Regex.Split(input, #"(?<!^)(?=\p{L}'?)");
output will now be a string array like ["T", "F'", "E'"]. The lookbehind (?<!^) ensure we never split at the start of the string, whereas the lookahead (?=\p{L}'?) describes one letter \p{L} followed by 0 or 1 '.
You can use a regex to capture "an uppercase character followed optionally by an apostrophe"
var mc = Regex.Matches(input, "(?<x>[A-Z]'?)");
foreach(Match m in mc)
If you don't like regex, you can use this method:
public static IEnumerable<string> Split(string input)
for(int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
if(i != (input.Length - 1) && input[i+1] == '\'')
yield return input[i].ToString() + input[i+1].ToString();
yield return input[i].ToString();
We loop through the input string. We check if there is a next character and if it is a '. If true, return the current character and the next character and increase the index by one. If false, just return the current character.
Online demo:

Getting two numbers which are separated by colon [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I got a bit of a problem. I'm trying to split some text and numbers.
Considering this string input.
string input = "1 Johannes 1:3, 2 Johannes 2:6, 1 Mosebok 5:4";
I'm trying to get the 2:3, 2:6, 5:4 to split from the rest of the text.
Then I want them to be separated from the colon, and be added to a list.
The list would look like this, after being looped out.
In which I could create a Hashtable entry from [0] and [1], [2] and [3], [4] and [5].
I would like to thank you all for your feedback on this.
If I understand your question correctly, I would do it as
string input = "1 Johannes 1:3, 2 Johannes 2:6, 1 Mosebok 5:4";
var table = Regex.Matches(input, #"(\d+):(\d+)")
.ToLookup(m => m.Groups[1].Value, m => m.Groups[2].Value);
Use Regex
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string input = "1 Johannes 1:3, 2 Johannes 2:6, 1 Mosebok 5:4";
string pattern = #"(?'index'\d+)\s+(?'name'\w+)\s+(?'para'\d+:\d+),?";
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, pattern);
foreach (Match match in matches)
Console.WriteLine("index : {0}, name : {1}, para : {2}",
Here some piece of code that can help you.
var input = "1 Johannes 1:3, 2 Johannes 2:6, 1 Mosebok 5:4";
var nextIndex = 0;
var currentIndex = 0;
var numbers = new List<int>();
currentIndex = input.IndexOf(":", currentIndex + 1);
var leftNumber = Convert.ToInt32(input[currentIndex - 1].ToString());
var rightNumber = Convert.ToInt32(input[currentIndex + 1].ToString());
nextIndex = input.IndexOf(":", currentIndex + 1);
} while (nextIndex != -1);

How can I return the index of the second word in a string that can have multiple white spaces followed by one word followed by multiple white spaces? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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String str =" vol ABCD C XYZ";
I want to return the index of "A"
Note: There are multiple white spaces before all words including the first.
This will get the index of A in your original example (String str =" vol ABCD C XYZ";):
int indexOfABCD = str.IndexOf(str.Trim()[str.Trim().IndexOf(' ')+1]);
If you have something like String str = " vol ABCD C XYZ"; where there are multiple spaces:
string secondword = str.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1];
int indexOfAinABCD = str.IndexOf(secondword.First());
If you want to get the indices of all the letters in the second word:
IEnumerable<int> fullindex = Enumerable.Range(indexOfAinABCD, secondword.Length);
This will fail if you have A anywhere else in the first word. You should get an exact match through Regex:
int indexOfAinABCD = Regex.Match(str, string.Format(#"\W{0}\W",secondword)).Index+1;
IEnumerable<int> fullindex = Enumerable.Range(indexOfAinABCD, secondword.Length);
So something like String str = " vABCDol ABCD C XYZ"; won't be an issue

How can I return a string between two other strings in C#? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a string for a page source already created. I need to grab a few lines of text from the string. The string I need is between two other strings. These two strings are "keywords": and ", "
How would I search for a string that has a colon after the quotations such as "keywords":
Would I use regex?
Thank you.
In your case, regex is too powerful to use it with such a problem. Just use string.IndexOf() and string.Substring(). Get a position of the word, get a position of the closest comma - there is an overload for this in IndexOf that let you specify starting position of searching.
Here is a code snippet, it is more explaining then I could do it in words.
var text = "\"keywords\":some text you want,and a text you do not want";
var searchFor = "\"keywords\":";
int firstIndex = text.IndexOf(searchFor);
int secondIndex = text.IndexOf(",", firstIndex);
var result = text.Substring(firstIndex + searchFor.Length, secondIndex - searchFor.Length);
The following Regex will match everything between "keywords" and ",":
Regex r = new Regex("keywords:(.*),");
Match m = r.Match(yourStringHere);
foreach(Group g in m.Groups) {
// do your work here
You can try like this, without using Regex
string str = "This is an example string and my data is here";
string first = "keywords:";
string second = ",";
int Start, End;
if (str.Contains(first) && str.Contains(second))
Start = str.IndexOf(first, 0) + first.Length;
End = str.IndexOf(second, Start);
return str.Substring(Start, End - Start);
return "";
This ought to work across multiple lines.
string input = #"blah blah blah ""keywords"":this is " + Environment.NewLine + "what you want right?, more blah...";
string pattern = #"""keywords"":(.*),";
Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);
if (match.Success)
string stuff = match.Groups[1].Value;

How to find the capital substring of a string? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to find the capitalized portion of a string, to then insert two characters that represent the Double Capital sign in the Braille language. My intention for doing this is to design a translator that can translate from regular text to Braille.
I'll give an example belo.
English String: My variable is of type IEnumerable.
Braille: ,My variable is of type ,,IE-numberable.
I also want the dash in IE-numerable to only break words that have upper and lower case, but not in front of punctuation marks, white spaces, numbers or other symbols.
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers.
I had never heard of a "Double Capital" sign, so I read up on it here. From what I can tell, this should suit your needs.
You can use this to find any sequence of two or more uppercase (majuscule) Latin letters or hyphens in your string:
var matches = Regex.Matches(input, "[A-Z-]{2,}");
You can use this to insert the double-capital sign:
var result = Regex.Replace(input, "[A-Z-]{2,}", ",,$0");
For example:
var input = "this is a TEST";
var result = Regex.Replace(input, "[A-Z-]{2,}", ",,$0"); // this is a ,,TEST
You can use this to hand single and double capitals:
var input = "McGRAW-HILL";
var result = Regex.Replace(input, "[A-Z-]([A-Z-]+)?",
m => (m.Groups[1].Success ? ",," : ",") + m.Value); // ,Mc,,GRAW-HILL
You can find them with a simple regex:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
// ..snip..
Regex r = new Regex("[A-Z]"); // This will capture only upper case characters
Match m = r.Match(input, 0);
The variable m of type System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match will contain a collection of captures. If only the first match matters, you can check its Index property directly.
Now you can insert the characters you want in that position, using String.Insert:
input = input.Insert(m.Index, doubleCapitalSign);
this code can solve your problema
string x = "abcdEFghijkl";
string capitalized = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
if (x[i].ToString() == x[i].ToString().ToUpper())
capitalized += x[i];
Have you tried using the method Char.IsUpper method
This is another similar question that uses that method to solve a similar problem
Get the Index of Upper Case letter from a String
If you just want to find the first index of an uppercase letter:
var firstUpperCharIndex = text // <-- a string
.Select((chr, index) => new { chr, index })
.FirstOrDefault(x => Char.IsUpper(x.chr));
if (firstUpperCharIndex != null)
text = text.Insert(firstUpperCharIndex.index, ",,");
Not sure if this is what you are going for?
var inputString = string.Empty; //Your input string here
var output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var c in inputString.ToCharArray())
if (char.IsUpper(c))
output.AppendFormat("_{0}_", c);
This will loop through each character in the inputString if the characater is upper it inserts a _ before and after (replace that with your desired braille characters) otherwise appends the character to the output.
