I could well be misunderstanding something here, so perhaps there is a simple answer here but I'm currently scratching my head.
I have a class UnitOfWork that implements IUnitOfWork (yes yes I know). The constructor for unit of work takes an IPrincipalFactory. TResponder is the top level of the graph which takes an IUnitOfWork.
I'm trying to register the ApplicationPrincipalFactory as a specific instance in a lifetime scope... it's dependant on some properties passed to the HandleAsync function. I'm doing the following:
public async Task<TResponse> HandleAsync<TMessage, TResponse, TResponder>(TMessage message)
where TMessage : class
where TResponder : IRespondAsync<TMessage, TResponse>
using (var scope = this.BeginLifetimeScope(message))
var responder = scope.Resolve<TResponder>();
return await responder.Respond(message);
private ILifetimeScope BeginLifetimeScope<TMessage>(TMessage message)
var unwrapped = GetDomainContext(message);
var applicationPrincipalFactory = this.CreateApplicationPrincipalFactory(unwrapped);
var lifetime = this.container.BeginLifetimeScope(
r => r.RegisterInstance(applicationPrincipalFactory).As<IPrincipalFactory>());
return lifetime;
private ApplicationPrincipalFactory CreateApplicationPrincipalFactory(IDomainContext unwrapped)
var applicationPrincipalFactory =
new ApplicationPrincipalFactory(
return applicationPrincipalFactory;
Based on everything I've read, defining the dependency within BeginLifetimeScope(r => should override the parent container binding, so when I call resolve, it should all slot neatly together.
However, I get an exception:
None of the constructors found with 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder' on type 'Platform.Engine.Persistence.UnitOfWork' can be invoked with the available services and parameters: Cannot resolve parameter 'Platform.Engine.Security.IPrincipalFactory principalFactory' of constructor
I am not registering the IPrincipalFactory anywhere other than in this method. The IUnitOfWork is defined in the outer scope as follows:
I have also tried re-defining the unitofwork registration within the child container in case it was an issue cause by registering it in the outer container rather than the lifetime one:
var lifetime = this.container.BeginLifetimeScope(
r => r.RegisterInstance(applicationPrincipalFactory).As<IPrincipalFactory>());
var overrides = new ContainerBuilder();
return lifetime;
I'm not sure what I'm missing... any ideas or suggestions?
Register your factory with the rest of your types during the initial container configuration.
Then in your lifetime scope resolve a delegate factory that you can pass the context into.
var factory = container.Resolve<Func<IDomainContext, IPrincipalFactory>>();
var instance = factory(context);
You could also add three string parameters to the Func<> signature, but since you already have a nice context object I would just pass that in instead.
Finally, use the factory as needed.
That will prevent you from having to update the lifetime scope just to pass in the context parameter.
I am working with IQueueClient interface in Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus namespace.
Here is my code
public HomeControllerBL(IApplicationSettings appSettings)
_appSettings = appSettings;
and here is my IApplicationSettings Interface
public interface IApplicationSettings
string GetServiceBusConnectionString();
string GetQueueName();
Now for creating an object of QueueClient
IQueueClient queueClient = new QueueClient(appSettings.GetServiceBusConnectionString(), appSettings.GetQueueName());
So IQueueClient has a dependency on IApplicationSettings .
Is there a way I can register both IQueueClient and IApplicationSettings with Autofac as a dependency for HomeControllerBL
Something on these Lines :-
.As<IQueueClient>().WithParameters(new List<Parameter>() { How to access Applicationsettings methods here ??? })
Reference Lambda Expression Components
Reflection is a pretty good default choice for component creation. Things get messy, though, when component creation logic goes beyond a simple constructor call.
Autofac can accept a delegate or lambda expression to be used as a component creator:
builder.Register(c => {
IApplicationSettings appSettings = c.Resolve<IApplicationSettings>();
IQueueClient queueClient = new QueueClient(appSettings.GetServiceBusConnectionString(), appSettings.GetQueueName());
return queueClient;
The parameter c provided to the expression is the component context (an IComponentContext object) in which the component is being created. You can use this to resolve other values from the container to assist in creating your component. It is important to use this rather than a closure to access the container so that deterministic disposal and nested containers can be supported correctly.
So now the controller can depend on IQueueClient explicitly
private readonly IQueueClient queueClient;
public HomeControllerBL(IQueueClient queueClient) {
this.queueClient = queueClient;
I have the following class:
public class CustomDatabase : DbContext
public void Function1(){..}
public class CustomerDb : CustomDatabase
public void GetCustomerById(guid id){..}
This is created by calling
and is used all around the code as CustomerDb.
I now want to use a middleware from a nuget that does not know about my project, but knows about the CustomDatabase implementation. But when I try to refer to CustomDatabase I get an run-time error saying that the DI framework can not find CustomDatabase.
How can I make it so I can refer to this instance as both CustomDatabase and CustomerDb?
You cannot achieve this with the default DI container (aka. Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) because it does not support registering a service as multiple resolving interfaces. Even if you register one type as factory function that resolves and return another one, the service would be duplicately disposed (This could even be a possible solution if the service implementation type does not implement IDisposable or its Dispose method could be called for multiple times without unexpected behaviors). eg.
Given the types:
interface I1 { }
interface I2 { }
class C : I1, I2 { }
If the service implementation type does not implement IDisposable or its Dispose method could be called for multiple times without unexpected behaviors:
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddSingleton<I1, C>();
services.AddSingleton<I2>(p => (I2)p.GetService<I1>()); //Must be exactly the same lifetime scope
var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var i1 = provider.GetRequiredService<I1>();
var i2 = provider.GetRequiredService<I2>();
Console.WriteLine(i1 == i2); //True
But you can use Autofac to replace the default service provider that can easily do it.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
var i1 = container.Resolve<I1>();
var i2 = container.Resolve<I2>();
Console.WriteLine(i1 == i2); //true
As for your DbContext classes, you could register it manually:
.AsSelf() //So that it could be resolved as CustomerDb
.As<CustomDatabase>() //So that it could be resolved as CustomDatabase
.InstancePerLifetimeScope() //Note that EF Core's DbContext is designed to be scoped services
.OwnedByLifetimeScope(); //Dispose when the scope (the request lifetime) is disposed as the default service provider does
Register the context as you have done originally and also include a registration for the derived type using the same lifetime with the factory delegate
services.AddScoped<CustomDatabase>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<CustomerDb>());
I'm using Simple Injector. I have a background processor which is using DI from the start. It will pickup jobs to run, and run them. However, each job needs to run within its own scope so that I can override some contextual dependencies. For example, the job needs to run within a specific security context (the one from which it was created), so I need to start a new scope and override the ISecurityContext injection so the job will be properly secured.
To accomplish this, I was creating a new container (with the proper ISecurityContext) and starting a scope, then running the job, but I'm not sure if this is an appropriate thing to do.
private readonly Func<ISecurityContext, Container> _containerFactory;
internal async Task RunJob(BackgroundJob job) {
var parameters = job.GetParameters();
var securityContext = parameters.SecurityContext;
using (var container = _containerFactory(securityContext))
using (AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container)) {
// Run the job within this scope.
DI Bits
container.RegisterSingleton<Func<ISecurityContext, Container>>(() => securityContext => {
var c = new Container();
c.Options.AllowOverridingRegistrations = true;
c.Register<ISecurityContext>(() => securityContext, Lifestyle.Scoped);
return c;
It doesn't feel right to me, but I'm not sure what the correct solution is.
The Simple Injector documentation warns about what you are doing by stating:
Warning: Do not create an infinite number of Container instances (such as one instance per request). Doing so will drain the performance of your application. The library is optimized for using a very limited number of Container instances. Creating and initializing Container instances has a large overhead, but resolving from the Container is extremely fast once initialized.
In general, you should create only one Container instance per application. This not only holds from a performance perspective, but the creation of this sort of 'child containers' in general is littered with quirks and flaws. For instance, how to ensure that registrations are singletons across the application?
So instead, don't abuse the container for your runtime state, but store it elsewhere. You can use a Scope instance as dictionary for scoped state, but it's as easy to create a simple wrapper for ISecurityContext that is registered as Scoped instance and gets initialized directly after the scope is created as seen in the following example.
// Can be part of your Composition Root
internal sealed class SecurityContextWrapper : ISecurityContext
// One of the rare cases that Property Injection makes sense.
public ISecurityContext WrappedSecurityContext { get; set; }
// Implement ISecurityContext methods here that delegate to WrappedSecurityContext.
// Composition Root. Only have 1 container for the complete application
c = new Container();
c.Register<ISecurityContext, SecurityContextWrapper>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
// Job logic
private readonly Container _container;
internal async Task RunJob(BackgroundJob job) {
var parameters = job.GetParameters();
var securityContext = parameters.SecurityContext;
using (AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(_container)) {
// Resolve the wapper inside the scope
var wrapper = _container.GetInstance<SecurityContextWrapper>();
// Set it's wrapped value.
wrapper.WrappedSecurityContext = securityContext;
// Run the job within this scope.
Alternatively, if you use Scope as state, you can inject a Scope instance as constructor argument of SecurityContextWrapper. That removes the need to use Property Injection, but does make your SecurityContextWrapper dependent on Simple Injector:
// Can be part of your Composition Root
internal sealed class SecurityContextWrapper : ISecurityContext
ISecurityContext _wrappedSecurityContext;
public SecurityContextWrapper(Scope scope)
_wrappedSecurityContext= (ISecurityContext)scope.GetItem(typeof(ISecurityContext));
// Implement ISecurityContext methods here that delegate to WrappedSecurityContext.
// Composition Root. Only have 1 container for the complete application
c = new Container();
c.Register<ISecurityContext, SecurityContextWrapper>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
// Job logic
private readonly Container _container;
internal async Task RunJob(BackgroundJob job) {
var parameters = job.GetParameters();
var securityContext = parameters.SecurityContext;
using (var scope = AsyncScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(_container)) {
// Set it's wrapped value.
scope.SetItem(typeof(ISecurityContext), securityContext);
// Run the job within this scope.
Attempting to inject data into a FluentValidation validator:
public class MyFormValidator : AbstractValidator<MyForm>
private readonly IQueryable<Models.User> _users;
public MyFormValidator(IQueryable<Models.User> users)
_users = users;
My validator factory:
public class DependencyResolverValidatorFactory : ValidatorFactoryBase
private readonly IContainer container;
public DependencyResolverValidatorFactory(IContainer container)
this.container = container;
public override IValidator CreateInstance(Type validatorType)
return container.ResolveOptionalKeyed<IValidator>(validatorType);
My Autofac configurator:
public class AutofacConfigurator
public static void Configure()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// 2nd parameter returns IQueryable<User>
.WithParameter("users", new SqlRepository<User>(dataContext))
builder.RegisterSource(new AnyConcreteTypeNotAlreadyRegisteredSource());
var container = builder.Build();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
// Register the validator factory with FluentValidation, and register
// FluentValidation as the model validator provider for the MVC framework.
// see http://www.jerriepelser.com/blog/using-fluent-validation-with-asp-net-mvc-part-3-adding-dependency-injection
var fluentValidationModelValidatorProvider =
new FluentValidationModelValidatorProvider(
new DependencyResolverValidatorFactory(container));
DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.AddImplicitRequiredAttributeForValueTypes = false;
fluentValidationModelValidatorProvider.AddImplicitRequiredValidator = false;
Getting the following exception:
No scope with a Tag matching 'AutofacWebRequest' is visible from the scope in which the instance was requested. This generally indicates that a component registered as per-HTTP request is being requested by a SingleInstance() component (or a similar scenario.) Under the web integration always request dependencies from the DependencyResolver.Current or ILifetimeScopeProvider.RequestLifetime, never from the container itself.
I have other validators, most of which will not need data injected into them.
This is largely new ground for me (in both Autofac and FluentValidation) and am still trying to understand what I am doing here. I suspect I'm simply registering my type incorrectly. How do I fix this and properly register my type?
(My apologies if this is too similar to other questions that were already asked.)
I have zero experience with FluentValidation, but I doubt it's the cause of your issues anyway, so I'll plow forward regardless.
The exception you're getting means that Autofac can't resolve your service as 'instance per request'. There's a lot of documentation as to what this means on the Autofac documentation page. To summarize, it means that Autofac will attempt to resolve the service from a lifetime scope that is automatically created for each request sent to the webserver. When you register something as .InstancePerRequestScope() but then attempt to resolve that service outside of that scope, you'll get the DependencyResolutionException you see.
So we've established that your MyFormValidator isn't being resolved from a 'Request' scope. Why?
The custom DependencyResolverValidatorFactory you've written takes the actual IContainer that was built by Autofac, and resolves from that. This is a special type of ILifetimeScope, the 'root scope'. There's no request lifetime scope directly associated with this, so you get your exception. You need to to resolve from an ILifetimeScope that is began from the 'request' scope, or a sub-scope that is contained within the request scope.
The Autofac/MVC integration already automatically hosts a request scope (within the AutofacDependencyResolver, see the source), but your custom DependencyResolverValidatorFactory doesn't resolve from it. If you want to do that, I suppose you could modify your DependencyResolverValidatorFactory to accept the AutofacDependencyResolver instance instead, and use that to resolve.
It would look something like this:
public class DependencyResolverValidatorFactory : ValidatorFactoryBase
private readonly AutofacDependencyResolver resolver;
public DependencyResolverValidatorFactory(AutofacDependencyResolver resolver)
this.resolver = resolver;
public override IValidator CreateInstance(Type validatorType)
return resolver.RequestLiftimeScope.ResolveOptionalKeyed<IValidator>(validatorType);
Note the RequestLifetimeScope stuck in there.
Then you create this in your .Configure() method using
var resolver = new AutofacDependencyResolver(container);
var fluentValidationModelValidatorProvider =
new FluentValidationModelValidatorProvider(
new DependencyResolverValidatorFactory(resolver));
That should get rid of the exception, assuming that this factory does indeed have a request to work from when creating instances of IValidators. If not, You might need to register using the default behavior (.InstancePerDependency(), where it creates a new instance every time it's requested) or a singleton (.SingleInstance()), depending on how/if validators can or should be shared.
Good luck.
I am using Autofac as my IoC in my WCF service. I have a situation where I want to pass an object to a nested type (ie a type that is not resolved directly, but when resolving another type). As far as I understood, passing this object as a constructor parameter is the preferred way in Autofac. Here is an example of such a situation.
The nested type:
public class EventLogger<T> : IEventLogger<T>
public EventLogger(IRepository<T> repository, User currentUser) { ... }
The type I am actually trying to resolve:
public class SomeBusinessObject
public SomeBusinessObject(IEventLogger<SomeLogEventType> logger, ...) { ... }
The registration:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
The resolving inside my WCF service operation:
var currentUser = GetUserFromServiceContext();
var bo = lifetimeScope.Resolve<SomeBusinessObject>();
How and where should I pass the current user to my logger? Should I assume that the WCF operation has to know that resolving SomeBusinessObject requires to resolve IEventLogger first and pass a resolved instance when resolving SomeBusinessObject? Something like this (pardon me if this does not work, it is just an idea):
var currentUser = GetUserFromServiceContext();
var logger = lifetimeScope.Resolve<IEventLogger<SomeLogEventType>>(new NamedParameter("currentUser", currentUser));
var bo = lifetimeScope.Resolve<SomeBusinessObject>(new NamedParameter("logger", logger));
If this is the solution, what happens if the type is nested deeper? Doesn't that defeat at least some of the purpose of dependency injection?
IMHO, I think you're violating one of the principles of IOC in that a component should not need to know about the dependencies of it's dependencies. In your case, the container doesn't know that SomeBusinessObject has a dependency on User.
That being said, you may be able to leverage Autofac's Delegate Factories. You could manually register a Func<User, SomeBusinessObject> to hide the dependency chain details from the client code:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register<Func<User, SomeBusinessObject>>(c => {
// Autofac should be able to resolve these Func<> automatically:
var loggerFactory = c.Resolve<Func<User, IEventLogger<SomeLogEventType>>>();
var sboFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IEventLogger<SomeLogEventType>, SomeBusinessObject>>();
// Now we can chain the Funcs:
return u => sboFactory(loggerFactory(u));
Now in your client code, you can do:
var currentUser = GetUserFromServiceContext();
var sboFactory = lifetimeScope.Resolve<Func<User, SomeBusinessObject>>();
var bo = sboFactory(currentUser);
As an aside, I think the lamba/Func support is what makes Autofac the best IOC container. You can do some crazy powerful things if you know how to compose Funcs.