Selecting the whole data after joining in linq - c#

When I need to join some tables using linq, and when those tables consist of a lot of fields, it takes a lot of work to get all the data that I need. For instance:
var result = from i in Person
join y in Works
on i.PID euqals y.PID
join z in Groups
on y.GID on z.GID
select new {Name = i.Name, Work =, WG = z.GroupName};
How can make the query return all the tables ?

I guess what you need is simply this :
var Query = from x in Table_1
join y in Table_2
on equals
where x.Country.Equals("X Country")
select new {x,y};


Entity Framework Core: join two tables and get the properties I want using LINQ

I have two related tables. Then I use LINQ to query Data.
this is my code
var items = await (from a in queryable
join b in _context.TUserGrant on a.UserNo equals b.UserNo
join c in _context.TProviderInfo on a.ProviderNo equals c.ProviderNo
orderby a.BillNo
select new
makeName = b.UserName,
My problem is that I need all the columns of the first table, which is all the values of A.
I also need some columns from table B.
I wonder if there is an easy way to get these columns.
Instead of setting them one by one in the SELECT method.
You can try this
var items = await (from a in queryable
join b in _context.TUserGrant on a.UserNo equals b.UserNo
join c in _context.TProviderInfo on a.ProviderNo equals c.ProviderNo
orderby a.BillNo
select new
tabA = a,
makeName = b.UserName

Get TOP5 records from each status using Linq C#

I have a VacancyApply table and that table consist of Status Id's,So i need Top5 data from each Status.I want to get top 5 records of each status.Status is int like 1,2,3
My Query
var result = (from ui in _context.VacancyApply
join s in _context.UserProfile on ui.UserId equals s.UserId
join x in _context.Vacancy on ui.VacancyId equals x.VacancyId
join st in _context.Status on ui.StatusId equals st.StatusId
where ui.UserId == userId && ui.IsActive == true
orderby ui.StatusId
select new VacancyApply
VacancyApplyId = ui.VacancyApplyId,
VacancyId = ui.VacancyId,
UserId = ui.UserId,
StatusId = ui.StatusId,
VacancyName = x.VacancyName,
VacancyStack = x.VacancyStack,
VacancyEndDate = x.VacancyEndDate,
StatusName = st.StatusName,
UserName = s.FirstName
Now what I can see from the output is that it contains One VacancyId and One VendorId.
I have a feeling that you have Many to Many relationships between Vacancy and Status tables.
But nevertheless, the answer is very simple: you need to use LINQ Take extension method (maybe it will be good to make it follow after the OrderBy because just taking the last items doesn't make sense without some logic):
var output = (logic to join, filter, etc.).OrderBy(lambda).Take(N); // N is the number of
// items you want to select
Now if you want Generally to take the last items from Vacancy and only after join it with Status do this:
var output = Vacancy.OrderBy(lambda).Take(N).(now join, filter, etc. with other tables);
However, if you want to Group all similar Statuses in conjunction with Vacancies and only after taking the Top items, use GroupBy:
var output = (logic to join, filter, etc.).GroupBy(st => st.StausId).
.Select(group => group.OrderBy(lambda).Take(N));

C# LINQ list select columns dynamically from a joined dataset

I'm using LINQ to join 2 datatables:
var JoinResult = (from p in WZdt.AsEnumerable()
join t in WZIdt.AsEnumerable()
on p.Field<string>("ID") equals t.Field<string>("ID")
select new
WZdt and WZIdt are DataTables. Normally, when wanted to specify columns I would write something like this:
var JoinResult = (from p in WZdt.AsEnumerable()
join t in WZIdt.AsEnumerable()
on p.Field<string>("ID") equals t.Field<string>("ID")
select new
FileNo = p.Field<string>("FileNo"),
Title = p.Field<string>("Title"),
M1 = t.Field<int?>("M1"),
RecCount = t.Field<int?>("RecCount")
But those source datatables are created dynamically based on some logic, so they can differ when it comes to Columns they have. I would like to apply similiar logic to the select part of LINQ, but I don't know how. Can I construct array of columns somehow, like [p.FileNo, p.Title, t.M1, t.RecCount] ?
Or any other way?

Concentrating a join into a single column in linq query

I have the following query:
var query = (from wo in _dbContext.WorkOrder
join opr in _dbContext.Operation
on wo.operationID equals opr.operationID
where wo.orderid == selectedorderid
select new {wo.orderid, wo.workOrderID, wo.itemID, wo.operationID, opr.operationName, wo.operationCode}).ToList();
I also have another table,which joins with workorder table,and returns multiple values.
What I want to do is,I want to join the table and get a single column of it as a concentrated column in my query such as (id1,id2,id3) etc. How can I achieve this?
What about:
var query = (from wo in _dbContext.WorkOrder
join opr in _dbContext.Operation
on wo.operationID equals opr.operationID
where wo.orderid == selectedorderid
select new {wo.orderid, wo.workOrderID, wo.itemID, wo.operationID, opr.operationName, wo.operationCode}).ToList();
var orders = queryGroupBy(i => i.workOrderID)
.Select(i => new {WorkOrderId = i.workOrderID, ConcatinatedIds = String.Join(", ", i.Select(j => j.operationID))})

Linq- Join, Max(Date)

I'm struggling with converting SQL query to LINQ
MAX(modifiedDateTime) AS latestDateTime
FROM Log p
GROUP BY p.objId) y ON y.objId= x.objId
AND y.latestDateTime = x.modifiedDateTime
Please suggest. This is where I got so far
var query1 = from x in query
join y in query
on new {x.objId, x.modifiedDateTime}
equals new {y.objId, ...(Max)}
the two new anonymous objects you create won't ever be equal. You need to compare the values to one another directly. Try:
on x.objID equals y.objID && x.modifiedDateTime equals y.lastestDateTime
