When I navigate to some webpages they say update your browser. Obviously i am telling them i have an outdated browser or lack of a new one. I bypassed it and it ran normally in the browser anyways.
Is there anyway i can say i am an updated browser?
I dont know the proper name for it so i call it it's identity. If i could set it to be the latest version of chrome or internet explorer or the latest version of my own, that would be great.
If not, how can i do it with httpwebrequest?
By using http://www.whatismybrowser.com/what-is-my-user-agent
with chrome, I took that string and put it into my web browser.
Obligatory success photo : http://postimg.org/image/5qx4s8opd/
Thanks for the help
It is the UserAgent string you should set.
I am trying to render my page through phantomjs 1.9. it's very basic, nothing fancy there(no ajax calls or any heavy js work happens).
However, I can't get it work. Tried through the console and got the same problem.
Phantomjs test examples work fine.
If i check the error's output I see:
Error Output: Unable to load resource (#22URL:http://localhost:8715/9723ced8448e4370a0e3614c5810b36b/arterySignalR/negotiate?requestUrl=http://my.project/Default.aspx?startDate=2013/06/01&endDate=2014/05/31&browserName=PhantomJS&clientProtocol=1.3&_=1401190054260)
Error code: 1. Description: Connection refused
Also tried to switch off signalR but still an issue.
The link in your Error log looks like the one from Browser Link's signalr. Even if you exclude signalr from your page it won't help. So, if you have VS2013 with Browser Link enabled, try to turn it off.
I had a similar issue in my team. Looks like phantomjs is waiting for the end of request from Browser Link's signalr instance. Check this article how it works
Hi I hope someone can help me out here.
I have a Web Application (asp.net) on my local machine, I am trying to upload video to YouTube using this sample https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/dotnet#upload_a_video
I have set up client id and secret for Web application in Google console when I try to upload video a browser tab opens to select one of my google accounts and once I sig in I get redirect_uri_mismatch the response details on that page are below:
pageId=[some page id removed here for security reasons]
client_id=[some unique id removed here for security reasons].apps.googleusercontent.com
one interesting thing is that the redirect_uri=http://localhost:55556/authorize/ is completely different from the one set up in Google console and the one in client_secrets.json also each time I get the error page the port number changes.
redurect urls and origins are set as follows in Google console I think I have added all combinations just in case:
Authorized redirect URI
Authorized JavaScript origins
I am not sure why redirect-uri on the error page does not match any of the
Authorized redirect URI I have specified in Google console ? any ideas ?
Also is it possible that everything is set-up correctly in Google console and my code but this error is triggered by something else like maybe I missed some setting on my you tube account ? I did not make any setting changes since I don't think I have to is that correct ?
Ok I belive that direct video upload to the website owner account is no longer supported in YT API v3.0 according to those posts.
Can YouTube Direct Upload to a Common Account for All Users?
How can I get the youtube webcam widget to upload to one account using API?
Shame, I think I will need to host the videos that users upload on my servers.
However the original issue was fixed by adding this URI to the redirect URIs in the developer console
Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
I got it to work by setting the Redirect URIs to exactly this:
- it does not work with a trailing slash
- port number is whatever your visual studio is assigning
- I set JavaScript Origins to:
With you, though, would be nice if someone actually documented this somewhere...
You should look into your code where you create the authorization URI. You need pass one of the redirect URIs you registered with Google developer console. I guess you're using some OAuth2 library which uses the localhost:port/authorize as the default redirect URI. The port changes because each time you start your local server, it picks a different port number. To fix it, you should specify a port number when starting it, for example, 8080. Then you should register localhost:8080/AddContent.aspx in Google developer console and pass it to whichever library you use to create the authorization URI.
I experienced a similar problem when trying to setup the quickstart app for the Drive REST API. I kept getting the redirect_uri_mismatch error and the port number with that error kept changing. The fix for me was to change the redirect URI in the Google Developers Console for my app to not include the port number.
There is a really easy way to get round this and I kicked myself when it dawned on me.
I am using "Web Application" credentials - you'll want the credentials manager open btw.
Run the DotNet sample app and let the browser open (I get the "Select An Account" page) - then look in the URL for the redirect URI that's been automatically generated by Google's code something like:
Then just go to the credentials manager and add this URL to the allowed list and save. Now select your google account and see what happens - it takes a few minutes for the API to update - if you get the redirect error page just hit back and select you account again - eventually it works and returns back to visual studio.
Once the account has been authorised once it sticks (clear the bin directory to unstick it) but this means you can now put a break point in the code and look at the credentials variable to get the refresh token everyone is so desperately trying to get so that you can persist account connections.
I am having a problem redirecting users from a login screen to a user dashboard in IE 11.
So I am trying to reditect the user from:
The simple code is as follows:
string landingPageURL = "~/admin/default.aspx?tab=home";
Response.Redirect(landingPageURL, false);
This does not work when the site has NOT been added to the compatibility view settings.
The code does not throw any errors and works perfectly when compatibility view is enabled, and works on Firefox, Chrome, Safari also.
Once Response.Redirect has executed, the page just seems to reloads again, and does not redirect to the default.aspx page.
I am developing with C# using .NET 4.
Has anyone come across this before?
I finally found a resolution to this problem.
It turns out to be a bug in the browser detection under .NET 4 that was causing this.
I needed to add a custom .browser file to the application which has solved the problem.
Upgrading the server to .NET 4.5 will also resolve this.
The solution and the browser file can be found in the following telerik blog.
Try this:
HttpContext.Current.Response.RedirectPermanent(url, true);
This is work for me...
I have been working on a legacy project (although C#) and trying to solve a session problem that have been encovered for years. It hapens on IE8 and prior versions. On IE9, Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari works fine.
In other words, we have a management software that works fine on all browsers. But there is a specific page that makes tons of Ajax requests, and in some point it loses the session data.
I have checked for cookie problems with Fiddle but they are always sent and the same.
These clues make us think that the problem is within the application. But if we remember the problem occurs just in IE8 and prior versions we think the issue is probably in the browsers.
We also use a legacy Ajax library. And the problem mustn't be there as many of our aplications
use it and they doesn't have the same problem.
We are using IIS7 with State Server
I'm almost out of ideas. I hope you have some.
I got it!
Using Fiddler, I saw a very suspect request for "/". There was something requesting for the site base URL. And I remembered that the default page of this particular web application kills the session data, in other words calling the login page also means to log the user off.
After some hours of debugging and sniffing I found what was making such request.
There is a javascript function that creates some image tags. Some times those tag were created with an empty address, in other words the src property of the img tag was a string with 0 legth.
It must be an IE8 and older versions bug, as they request the website root instead of not requesting anything. Maybe it's not a bug, but this behavior is certainly unexpected.
Phew! I still can't believe I found it.
Losing session state can be result of the application error. But if you claim that this happens only on IE8 and older versions, this could not be the case...
So I would suggest you to use page ViewState instead of session state. Let me know if did the trick for you?
Here is sample how to create propety based on page viewstate, just make sure you have enabled viewstate on page level:
public string MyProperty
return ViewState["MyProperty"] as string;
ViewState["MyProperty"] = value;
I use Process.Start("firefox.exe", "http://localhost/page.aspx");
And how i can know page fails or no?
How to know via HttpWebRequest, HttpWebResponse page fails or not?
When i use
HttpWebRequest myReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("somepage.aspx");
HttpWebResponse loWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myReq.GetResponse();
Console.Write("{0},{1}",loWebResponse.StatusCode, loWebResponse.StatusDescription);
how can I return error details?
Not need additional plugins and frameworks. I want to choose this problem only by .net
Any Idea please
Use Watin to automate firefox instead of Process.Start. Its a browser automation framework that will let you monitor what is happening properly.
edit: see also Google Webdriver http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2009/05/introducing-webdriver.html
If you are spawning a child-process, it is quite hard and you'd probably need to use each browser's specific API (it won't be the same between FF and IE, for example).
It doesn't help that in many cases the exe detects an existing instance and forwards the request there (so you can't trust the exit-code, since the page hasn't even been requested in the right exe yet).
Personally, I try to avoid assuming any particular browser for this scenario; just launch the url:
This will use the user's default browser. You have to hope it appears though - you can't (reliably and robustly) check that externally without lots of work.
One other option is to read the data yourself (WebClient.Download*) - but this may have issues with complex cookies, login, user-agent awareness, etc.
Use HttpWebRequest class or WebClient class to check this. I don't think Process.Start will return something if the URL not exists.
Don't start the page in this form. Instead, create a local http://localhost:<port>/wrapper.html which loads http://localhost/page.aspx and then either http://localhost:<port>/pass.html or http://localhost:<port>/fail.html. localhost: is a trivial HTTP server interface implemented by your app.
The idea is that Javascript gives you an API inside the browser, which is far more standard than the APIs on the outside of browsers. Since the Javascript on wrapper.html comes from the same server and even port as the subsequent resources, this should satisfy the same-origin policies in current browsers.