How could I access wpf window resoures - c#

I have this xaml
<mui:ModernWindow x:Uid="mui:ModernWindow_1" x:Class="App1.HomePage"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" WindowState="Maximized" MenuLinkGroups="{Binding menuLinkGroups}">
<sys:String x:Key="ApplicationName">Bla Bla</sys:String>
<Grid Style="{StaticResource ContentRoot}" Name="mainGrid">
I need to reference current window resources, so I used this:
object obj = this.Resources["ApplicationName"];
But this.Resources doesn't have any resource! so obj is always null. How could I reference this window resources?

Assume that this is a FrameworkElement, like a Window, a Grid, a Button or something like that.
object obj = this.TryFindResource("ApplicationName");

Assuming this is a control...
var parent = Window.GetWindow(this)
Will get the window the control is currently on, you should then be able to access the resources like you already did

you can use below mentioned code
var MainGrid=Application.Current.FindResource("strApp")

Thanks all, I find the solution (I forget to update the localized dll).
I cleaned and rebuilt solution, used locbaml.exe again to generate new localized dll.

You should bind in the XAML and not in the code behind.
"res" is the namespace where the resources file is located.
In your example the namespace alias is "local":
So your code should look like:
<Page Title ="{x:Static local:localStrings.step1Description}" />
"local" is the namespace alias where the resources file is located.
"localStrings" is the name of the resource file.
"step1Description" is an entry in the resource file.


WPF can't display image properly

Yesterday I create a project in my disk D partition and I found the images I put into project can't be displayed well. XAML code below is very simple:
<Window x:Class="WpfImageTest.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<Image Width="300" Height="300" Source="/Resources/Images/Chen.png"/>
You can see I write a relative path for Image control's Source property and when I run the application it shows nothing on the interface.But magically I copy all the files into the root of my C partition or D partition of my physical disk and rebuild the project, the application runs properly. This proplem troubles me almost all day , can anyone explain why this thing happens?
The original location of my project is D:\Programming\C#\Practice\WpfImageTest and I have already set all images build property to Copy all the time and Content.
Select your image file in your Solution Browser and set its Build Action to Resource as on image below.

The name <...> does not exist in the namespace <...>

I found myself stuck in this little problem that seems to have no solution at all. I'm trying to set the DataContext to a Window in WPF Project that looks like this:
The XAML file:
<Window x:Class="CSB.Tasks.MainWindow"
xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:CSB.Tasks.ViewModels.WPF" <!-- This is what i need -->
<WindowChrome ResizeBorderThickness="{Binding ResizeBorderThickness}"
CornerRadius="{Binding CornerRadius}"/>
<StackPanel Margin="5">
I want to set WindowViewModel as the ViewModel of the Window, but VS doesn't seem to find the folders where the class is contained. So, when I try to add the Window.DataContext like:
VS obviously tells me that the class does not exist.
I've been searching for similar questions on SO and I found plenty of them, but no one actually helped me. I already tried restarting VS, cleaning and rebuilding the project, compiling on a specific target platform (now it's set to Any CPU), moving the ViewModel in the root folder and then moving it back, absolutely no changes.
Does anyone know what could the cause be?
Thank you in advance for the help.
I actually managed to add the DataContext to the MainWindow XAML. The namespace of the ViewModel was set to CSB.Tasks in order to access it globally, but even using the local xmlns I couldn't be able to reference it. I had to change the namespace of the ViewModel according to its actual path in the project folder, so:
namespace CSB.Tasks.ViewModels.WPF
public class WindowViewModel : BaseViewModel
In order to set the xmlns:vm and to use it in the DataContext declaration. Then I switched the ViewModel namespace back to CSB.Tasks and recompiled the project and for some reason in the XAML editor I could be able to access WindowViewModel from the xmlns:local.
It's not very clear to me if this is a bug or not.
Thank you all for the help!

Load xaml ResourceDictionary from dll

I have made several ResourceDictionaries for our applications team to use with their future applications. I have deployed the contents of the class library project containing these dictionaries to a .dll file and would like to be able to use the dictionaries by adding a reference to the .dll file in a new WPF solution where I hope to make a new application.
The Class Library in my example is called "NWF_Class_Library.dll" and is saved in the same folder in windows explorer as the MainWindow.xaml file. Is it possible to retrieve the resource dictionaries from within it?
I have read articles about the best way for an organisation to arrange their xaml resources, so it seems it must be possible, but all I find is ways to use the "//pack:application:..." syntax to reference xaml within the same solution as the wpf application. Here is a snippet of code, with the Source blank because nothing I have written has worked!
We had hoped that we could add the standard configurations as well as our more normal useful methods etc to a file that can be deployed with applications.
<Window x:Class="dll_ref_included.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<ResourceDictionary Source=""/>
<Button Style="{StaticResource myButton}">This</Button>
Try this:
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/NWF_Class_Library;component/Dictionary1.xaml"/>
...where "NWF_Class_Library" is the name of the referenced assembly and "Dictionary1.xaml" is the name of the ResourceDictionary that is defined in this project.
You can refer to the documentation for more information about pack URIs and how to use them.

How to use view models for windows inside a DLL

I'm new to WPF. Here is xaml defining a window defined inside a DLL:
<Window x:Class="MyNamespace.MyClass"
DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource VmLocator}}"
Title="{Binding MyVm.MyTitle, Mode=OneTime}" Height="300" Width="460">
<viewModels:ViewModelLocatorTestSteps x:Key="VmLocator" d:IsDataSource="True" />
When the client code constructs this window object, this exception is thrown:
Cannot find resource named 'VmLocator'
How do I define the resource earlier so that it exists when it is needed? I'd also prefer the solution enable Intellisense to work. This is my first attempt at a window defined inside a DLL.
Using Visual Studio 2013.
If you want the Window to create its own DataContext, you can just stick that in the constructor in the code-behind, and avoid the necessity of making your VmLocator a resource. The resources of a WPF control (including a Window) are available to children of that control.
public MyNamespace()
this.DataContext = new VmLocator();
If you really want to make your DataContext a resource, you could create an application-level resource and reference that.
Also - 'MyNamespace' is a very confusing name for a class :)

Placing an object defined as a resource in the visual tree

I defined a resource which contains a button like following code.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="313" Width="481">
<Button x:Key="btnMy">my button</Button>
<!--And now, how can I place 'btnMy' into here?-->
And I like to place a control into Window1 by XAML coding.
please help me.
<StaticResource ResourceKey="btnMy"/>
If you use this in more than one place you'll get some nice exceptions...
Edit: It might be of interest to some that these exceptions can be avoided by setting x:Shared to false on the resource in question, that will cause the new creation of a control whereever it is referenced.
