I am creating a custom native activity using workflow foundation 4.5. I want to set a bookmark for the activity and do some custom handling in the WorkflowApplication's PersistableIdle callback. Within that callback I want to read the data that was provided into the activity's InArgument<> and/or Properties before the workflow instance is persisted away. So essentially, I want to read these values from outside the context of the activity that executed and outside the run time as a pre-step before completing the persistence process.
I thought I might be able to do this with the WorkflowInspectionServices helper class but it's unclear if that works given I have to context to read from that activity instance's InArgument<>.
Is there another helper class that can make this happen with wf4.5 that I haven't discovered yet? Thanks.
wfApp.PersistableIdle += args =>
using (var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
args.Bookmarks.ForEach(bookmark =>
var activityId = bookmark.BookmarkName;
//Doesn't seem this will really work?
var activityInfo = WorkflowInspectionServices.Resolve(activity, activityId) as MyCustomActivity;
var recipientId = activityInfo.RecipientId.Get(<I have no context>);
workflowSuspendedCallback.Invoke(activityId, recipientId));
return PersistableIdleAction.None;
The use of activity extensions did the trick.
Thanks Will.
Using NopCommerce 3.8, Visual Studio 2015 proff.
I have created a plugin that is responsible for making restful calls to my Web API that exposes a different DB to that of Nop.
The process is run via a nop Task, it successfully pulls the data back and i can step through and manipulate as i see fit, no issues so far.
Issue comes when i try to update a record on the product table, i perform the update... but nothing happens no change, no error.
I believe this is due to the Context having no idea about my newly instantiated product object, however I'm drawing a blank on what i need to do in relation to my particular example.
Similar questions usually reference a "model" object that is part of the parameter of the method call, "model" has the method ToEntity which seems to be the answer in similar question in stack.
However my example doesn't have the ToEntity class/method possibly because my parameter is actually a list of products. To Clarify here my code.
Method in RestClient.cs
public async Task<List<T>> GetAsync()
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var json = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(ApiControllerURL);
var taskModels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<T>>(json);
return taskModels;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
Method in my Service Class
public async Task<List<MWProduct>> GetProductsAsync()
RestClient<MWProduct> restClient = new RestClient<MWProduct>(ApiConst.Products);
var productsList = await restClient.GetAsync();
InsertSyncProd(productsList.Select(x => x).ToList());
return productsList;
private void InsertSyncProd(List<MWProduct> inserted)
var model = inserted.Select(x =>
switch (x.AD_Action)
case "I":
case "U":
Then the method to bind and update
private void UpdateSyncProd(List<MWProduct> inserted)
var me = inserted.Select(x =>
var productEnt = _productRepos.Table.FirstOrDefault(ent => ent.Sku == x.Sku.ToString());
if(productEnt != null)
productEnt.Sku = x.Sku.ToString();
productEnt.ShortDescription = x.ShortDescription;
productEnt.FullDescription = x.FullDescription;
productEnt.Name = x.Name;
productEnt.Height = x.Pd_height != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_height) : 0;
productEnt.Width = x.Pd_width != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_width) : 0;
productEnt.Length = x.Pd_depth != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(x.Pd_depth) : 0;
productEnt.UpdatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
//TODO: set to entity so context nows and can update
return productEnt;
So as you can see, I get the data and pass data through to certain method based on a result. From that list in the method I iterate over, and pull the the entity from the table, then update via the product service using that manipulated entity.
So what am I missing here, I'm sure its 1 step, and i think it may be either be because 1) The context still has no idea about the entity in question, or 2) Its Incorrect calls.
Update is not updating, possibly due to context having no knowledge OR my methodology is wrong. (probably both).
I added some logger.inertlog all around my service, it runs through fine, all to the point of the call of update. But again I check the product and nothing has changed in the admin section.
I have provided the full source as i think maybe this has something to do with the rest of the code setup possibly?
Added the following for testin on my execute method.
var myprod = _productRepos.GetById(4852);
myprod.ShortDescription = "db test";
This successfully updates the product description. I moved my methods from my service into the task class but still no luck. The more i look at it the more im thinking that my async is killing off the db context somehow.
Turned of async and bound the getbyid to a new product, also removed the lambda for the switch and changed it to a foreach loop. Seems to finally update the results.
Cannot confirm if async is the culprit, currently the web api seems to be returning the same result even though the data has changed (some wierd caching by deafult in .net core? ) so im creating a new question for that.
UPDATE: It appears that the issue stems from poor debugging of async. Each instance I am trying to iterate over an await call, simply put im trying to iterate over a collection that technically may or may not be completed yet. And probably due to poor debugging, I was not aware.
So answer await your collection Then iterate after.
In a workflow application, when the workflow is pausing and waiting for inputs, I can't find a way to send the data results of the current activity bookmark to the client.
Can anyone help?
wfApp = new WorkflowApplication(wf, inputs);
wfApp.Completed = (e) =>
int Turns = Convert.ToInt32(e.Outputs["Turns"]);
something like:
wfApp.Paused= (e) =>
WFReturnActivityData dataToSendToClient = e.Outputs["DataToSendToClient "];
return dataToSendToClient
You could use extensions to do just that. Basically you register a custom class that is used to communicate with the host. That class can expose methods that outputs data, for example write data to the Console.
See http://www.dotnetfunda.com/articles/show/1091/workflow-foundation-40-extension for an introduction.
I have a method that is ran in the main application thread, but creates new Task for long-running operation and awaits it's result.
public async Task<CalculatorOutputModel> CalculateXml(CalculatorInputModel input)
// 1
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(
new Func<CalculatorOutputModel> (() =>
// 2
using (var ms = Serializer.Serialize(input))
ms.Position = 0;
using (var rawResult = Channel.RawGetFrbXmlOutputs(ms)) // 3
var result = Parser.Parse(rawResult);
return result;
My problem is that the AppContext in points (1) and (2) are "a bit" different. In point 1 there is usual application context in Current property, that has all the data I need. In point 2, as you understand, there is null reference in AppContext.Current, so I can't access any data. The problem with accessing context in point 2 seems to be easy, just "catch" current context in local variable or pass it as the parameter. The problem for me is more difficult because I need to access the context somewhere in the deep of line marked as "3".
The class itself is derived from System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<TChannel> and the place where I need to get access to the context is the class that implements IClientMessageInspector.
class CalculatorMessageInspector : IClientMessageInspector
public object BeforeSendRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel)
if (AppContext.Current != null)
// never goes here
Just to clarify, here is the call stack (I can't pass my context inside required method):
I can't pass context to Channel's method because it does not make any sense;
I can't save required parameters from context in Channel because it is proxy class;
I can't save required parameters in CalculatorMessageInspector because it is created within the place where current context is already null.
Can anyone advise any method how can I stay within the same context in another thread? Or, at least, how can I pass parameter from the place marked "2" inside the methods hierarchy? Maybe, I can use SynchronizationContext somehow to achieve it? Thanks a lot for any suggestions.
AppContext.Current consider to be the same as HttpContext.Current != null ? HttpContext.Current.Items[AppContextKey] : null
Update 2
So it seems, that in this case there is no common solution to persist the context. Hence, the only applicable solution in this concrete situation (that is quite specific) is to capture required parameters using closure and save then in an object, that will be available in required method (for me worked adding properties to the implementator of IEndpointBehavior, but that solution is a bit odd). Thereby, the most applicable solution is to throw away the asynchronous wrapping over the sync call, so the AppContext never "goes away". Mark Stephen's answer as the right then.
To use async and await on ASP.NET, you must target .NET 4.5 and turn off quirks mode. The best way to do this is to set /configuration/system.web/httpRuntime#targetFramework="4.5" in your web.config.
Also, you shouldn't use Task.Run or Task.Factory.StartNew on ASP.NET. So your code should look more like this:
public CalculatorOutputModel CalculateXml(CalculatorInputModel input)
using (var ms = Serializer.Serialize(input))
ms.Position = 0;
using (var rawResult = Channel.RawGetFrbXmlOutputs(ms))
var result = Parser.Parse(rawResult);
return result;
I'll try to explain the issue with a simplified console application example, however the real project is a ASP.NET MVC3 application.
Having the following tables:
imagine the following scenario:
user creates a report (a line in TestReport, where Text is the report string content, and Ready is a bool flag, saying, if the report is ready to be processed); by default Ready is set to false, i.e. not ready.
user wants the report to be processed, so he submits it; Ready is set to true here.
The system gives an opportunity to recall the report back, if it has not been processed yet. So, when the report is recalled, Ready is set to false back. On the contrary, when the report is processed, a line in TestReportRef, referencing report by its Id, is created.
Now imagine that at one and the same moment
user wants to recall the report;
the report is added to the process list;
As soon as this can happen simultaneously, errors may occur. That is the report will have Ready == false and it'll be referenced in TestReportRef.
Here is a simple console example of how this may happen:
var dc = new TestDataContext('my connection string');
dc.TestReport.InsertOnSubmit(new TestReport
Text = "My report content",
Ready = true //ready at once
Action recallReport = () =>
var _dc = new TestDataContext(cs);
var report = _dc.TestReport.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Ready);
if (report != null && !report.TestReportRef.Any())
report.Ready = false;
Action acceptReport = () =>
var _dc = new TestDataContext(cs);
var report = _dc.TestReport.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Ready);
if (report != null && !report.TestReportRef.Any())
_dc.TestReportRef.InsertOnSubmit(new TestReportRef
FK_ReportId = report.Id
var task1 = new Task(recallReport);
var task2 = new Task(acceptReport);
foreach (var t in dc.TestReport)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", t.Id, t.Text, t.Ready));
foreach (var t in dc.TestReportRef)
Console.WriteLine("ref id:\t" + t.FK_ReportId);
Thread.Sleep(1000); is added to be ensure, that tasks will check one and the same situation.
The given example may sound awkward, however, I hope, it should explain the issue I'm dealing with.
How can I avoid this? Making the repository singleton doesn't seem to be a good idea. Shall I use some shared mutex (one for all web requests) to separate write-operations only?
Or is there a pattern I should use in this kind of scenario?
This is only a simplified example of one of the scenarios I have. However, there are several scenarios in which it may run into a similar discrepancy. The best thing would be to make this kind of intersection impossible, I guess.
Why don't add a version column on the Report table? Task starts by tracking current version,when task end, if the version is the same that the tracked one, operation is ok, otherwise fail. If operation appear ok, update the version to version +1. This is a sort of optimistic lock; that implicitly suppose that conflicts may occur, but they are not so frequent.
If you are using linqto sql maybe you can have a check at the parameter UpdateCheck [Column(UpdateCheck=UpdateCheck.Always)]
This can be useful to handle concurrency in your case.
How can I mole the DataContext that I'm using in a class to write messages to a table. I'd like to assert that the table LINQ is writing to has the expected count of messages. Here's what i have so far.
var context = new MJustTestingDataContext();
MyMessagewriter writer = new MyMessageWriter(context);
var messageList = new List<MIncmoingMessage>();
MTable<MIncomingMessage> messageTable = new MTable<MIncomingMessage>();
If I use this code with xUnit in my class under test I'll get this exception
Microsoft.Moles.Framework.Moles.MoleNotImplementedException: DataContext.Dispose() was not moled.
What am I missing here and how to implement DataContext.Dispose() on the mole? I'm using moles standalone without Pex.
When you create a new Mole the default behavior for its methods and properties is to throw a MoleNotImplementedException whenever they are called.
To implement the mole you can do context.Dispose = () => {}; which means that nothing happens when the Dispose method gets called on the moled instance.
I reread the question and you probably are having a problem since Dispose is defined in a base class. To mole base method you need to do the following:
var context = new MJustTestingDataContext();
var baseContext = new MDataContext(context);
baseContext.Dispose = () => {};
You'll need to implement every property/method that gets called by the code under test or you can set the default behavior for the mole instance globally using the method BehaveAsDefaultValue. This way every method in the mole will do nothing and return the default value for it's return type if one exists instead of throwing a MoleNotImplementedException. However if you require this behavior it's better to use a stub than a mole.
I'm having trouble understanding what your test is doing. I had to do something similar yesterday, so I'll share my experience. First, it's important to understand that you don't need to use all the MoleTypes to test your code -- you just need to use Moles to redirect certain parts of your code to lambda expressions. Given a method that does this:
get a list of users to modify from the database
modify every user in the set
send the new set back to the database
I'd like to redirect 1 and 3 to not use the database. For instance, I can redirect the call to SubmitChanges (3) via this code:
bool hitSubmitChanges = false;
int changeCount = 0;
IList<object> updates = null;
// more code here...
// redirect DataContext.SubmitChanges() to a lambda to catch updates
MDataContext.AllInstances.SubmitChanges = (c) =>
changeCount = c.GetChangeSet().Updates.Count;
updates = c.GetChangeSet().Updates;
hitSubmitChanges = true;
That (and the call to get the users) would be the only Moletypes I'd use in the test. The rest of it would be normal. Then I can use assertions to check the values of changeCount, updates and hitSubmitChanges.