C# Regex Character Class / String Pattern - to identify exclamation mark - c#

I want to do something like this --- if an expression contains exclamation mark, error; else, no error.
The expression may be a value itself or math/string function. Example as below:
expr = abc;
expr = 123;
expr = concatenate(123,abc);
expr = sin(0.5);
I'm using Regex library to identify the string pattern.
For every of the expression above, they didn't prompt out error (expected result), except for the last expression "expr=sin(0.5)", it prompts out error! Which it supposingly not to do so.
So just wonder if I've written the string pattern wrongly? Or which part of the code that I need to modify in order to get the correct result?
Provided with my code:
if (Regex.IsMatch(_exprWithVariableValues, #"[.*!+.*]+"))
_result = "Invalid value";
_result = "Correct";

This is much too simple for regular expressions. Your regular expression literally needs to be this:
..or just check it with C#:
if (_exprWithVariableValues.IndexOf("!") > -1) {
// invalid
else {
// valid


Regex for string without spacial characters or spaces [duplicate]

How do I check a string to make sure it contains numbers, letters, or space only?
In C# this is simple:
private bool HasSpecialChars(string yourString)
return yourString.Any(ch => ! char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch));
The easiest way it to use a regular expression:
Regular Expression for alphanumeric and underscores
Using regular expressions in .net:
MSDN Regular Expression
var regexItem = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$");
string s = #"$KUH% I*$)OFNlkfn$";
var withoutSpecial = new string(s.Where(c => Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)
|| Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).ToArray());
if (s != withoutSpecial)
Console.WriteLine("String contains special chars");
Try this way.
public static bool hasSpecialChar(string input)
string specialChar = #"\|!#$%&/()=?»«#£§€{}.-;'<>_,";
foreach (var item in specialChar)
if (input.Contains(item)) return true;
return false;
String test_string = "tesintg#$234524##";
if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(test_string, "^[a-zA-Z0-9\x20]+$"))
// Good-to-go
An example can be found here: http://ideone.com/B1HxA
If the list of acceptable characters is pretty small, you can use a regular expression like this:
Regex.IsMatch(items, "[a-z0-9 ]+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
The regular expression used here looks for any character from a-z and 0-9 including a space (what's inside the square brackets []), that there is one or more of these characters (the + sign--you can use a * for 0 or more). The final option tells the regex parser to ignore case.
This will fail on anything that is not a letter, number, or space. To add more characters to the blessed list, add it inside the square brackets.
Use the regular Expression below in to validate a string to make sure it contains numbers, letters, or space only:
[a-zA-Z0-9 ]
You could do it with a bool. I've been learning recently and found I could do it this way. In this example, I'm checking a user's input to the console:
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace CheckStringContent
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Get a password to check
Console.WriteLine("Please input a Password: ");
string userPassword = Console.ReadLine();
//Check the string
bool symbolCheck = userPassword.Any(p => !char.IsLetterOrDigit(p));
//Write results to console
Console.WriteLine($"Symbols are present: {symbolCheck}");
This returns 'True' if special chars (symbolCheck) are present in the string, and 'False' if not present.
A great way using C# and Linq here:
public static bool HasSpecialCharacter(this string s)
foreach (var c in s)
return true;
return false;
And access it like this:
private bool isMatch(string strValue,string specialChars)
return specialChars.Where(x => strValue.Contains(x)).Any();
Create a method and call it hasSpecialChar with one parameter
and use foreach to check every single character in the textbox, add as many characters as you want in the array, in my case i just used ) and ( to prevent sql injection .
public void hasSpecialChar(string input)
char[] specialChar = {'(',')'};
foreach (char item in specialChar)
if (input.Contains(item)) MessageBox.Show("it contains");
in your button click evenement or you click btn double time like that :
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
While there are many ways to skin this cat, I prefer to wrap such code into reusable extension methods that make it trivial to do going forward. When using extension methods, you can also avoid RegEx as it is slower than a direct character check. I like using the extensions in the Extensions.cs NuGet package. It makes this check as simple as:
Add the [https://www.nuget.org/packages/Extensions.cs][1] package to your project.
Add "using Extensions;" to the top of your code.
"smith23#".IsAlphaNumeric() will return False whereas "smith23".IsAlphaNumeric() will return True. By default the .IsAlphaNumeric() method ignores spaces, but it can also be overridden such that "smith 23".IsAlphaNumeric(false) will return False since the space is not considered part of the alphabet.
Every other check in the rest of the code is simply MyString.IsAlphaNumeric().
Based on #prmph's answer, it can be even more simplified (omitting the variable, using overload resolution):
No special characters or empty string except hyphen

C# Regex, any more efficient way to parse string enclosed by symbol?

I'm not sure if it's okay to ask... But here goes.
I implemented a method that parses a string using regex, each matching are parsed through the delegates with an order ( actually, order is not important-- I think, wait, is it? ... But I wrote it this way, and it's not fully tested ):
Pattern Regex.Replace: #"(?<!\\)\$.+?\$" then String.Replace: #"\$", #"$"; Replace string enclosed by dollar sign. Ignores backslash ones, then erases backslash. Ex: "$global name$" -> "motherofglobalvar", "Money \$9000" -> "Money $9000"
Pattern Regex.Replace #"(?<!\\)%.+?%" then String.Replace #"\%", #"%"; Replace string enclosed by percentage sign. Ignores backslash ones, then erase backslash. Same as previous example: "%local var%" -> "lordoflocalvar", "It's over 9000\%" -> "It's over 9000%"
Pattern Regex.Replace #"(?<!\\)#" then String.Replace #"\#", #"#"; Replace char '#' with whitespace, ' '. But ignore backslash ones, then erase the backslash. Ex: "I#hit#the#ground#too#hard" -> "I hit the ground too hard", "qw\#op" -> "qw#op"
What I've done without much experience (I think):
//parse variable
public static string ParseVariable(string text)
return Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(text, #"(?<!\\)\$.+?\$", match =>
string trim = match.Value.Trim('$');
string trimUpper = trim.ToUpper();
return variableGlobal.ContainsKey(trim) ? variableGlobal[trim] : match.Value;
}).Replace(#"\$", #"$"), #"(?<!\\)%.+?%", match =>
string trim = match.Value.Trim('%');
string trimUpper = trim.ToUpper();
return variableLocal.ContainsKey(trim) ? variableLocal[trim] : match.Value;
}).Replace(#"\%", #"%"), #"(?<!\\)#", " ").Replace(#"\#", #"#");
In short, what I used is: Regex.Replace().Replace()
Since I need to parse 3 kinds of symbols, I chained it as following: Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace(Regex.Replace().Replace()).Replace()).Replace()
Is there any more efficient way than this? I mean, like without need to go through the text 6 times? (3 times regex.replace, 3 times string.replace, where each replace modifies the text to be used by the next replace )
Or is it the best way it can do?
Here's a unique take on the problem, I think. You can build a class that will be used to construct the overall pattern piece-by-piece. This class will be responsible for the generating of the MatchEvaluator delegate that will be passed to Replace as well.
class RegexReplacer
public string Pattern { get; private set; }
public string Replacement { get; private set; }
public string GroupName { get; private set; }
public RegexReplacer NextReplacer { get; private set; }
public RegexReplacer(string pattern, string replacement, string groupName, RegexReplacer nextReplacer = null)
this.Pattern = pattern;
this.Replacement = replacement;
this.GroupName = groupName;
this.NextReplacer = nextReplacer;
public string GetAggregatedPattern()
string constructedPattern = this.Pattern;
string alternation = (this.NextReplacer == null ? string.Empty : "|" + this.NextReplacer.GetAggregatedPattern()); // If there isn't another replacer, then we won't have an alternation; otherwise, we build an alternation between this pattern and the next replacer's "full" pattern
constructedPattern = string.Format("(?<{0}>{1}){2}", this.GroupName, this.Pattern, alternation); // The (?<XXX>) syntax builds a named capture group. This is used by our GetReplacementDelegate metho.
return constructedPattern;
public MatchEvaluator GetReplaceDelegate()
return (match) =>
if (match.Groups[this.GroupName] != null && match.Groups[this.GroupName].Length > 0) // Did we get a hit on the group name?
return this.Replacement;
else if (this.NextReplacer != null) // No? Then is there another replacer to inspect?
MatchEvaluator next = this.NextReplacer.GetReplaceDelegate();
return next(match);
return match.Value; // No? Then simply return the value
It should be obvious as to what Pattern and Replacement represent. GroupName is kind of a hack to let the replacement evaluator know which RegexReplacer fragment resulted in the match. NextReplacer points to another replacer instance that holds a different pattern fragment (et al.).
The idea here is to have a kind of linked list of objects that will represent the overall pattern. You can call GetAggregatedPattern on the outer-most replacer to get the full pattern--each replacer calls the next replacer's GetAggregatedPattern to get that replacer's patter fragment, to which it concatenates its own fragment. The GetReplacementDelegate generates a MatchEvaluator. This MatchEvaluator will compare its own GroupName to the Match's captured groups. If the group name was captured, then we have a hit, and we return this replacer's Replacement value. Otherwise, we step into the next replacer (if there is one) and repeat the group name comparison. If there is no hit on any replacer, then we simply yield back the original value (i.e. what was matched by the pattern; this should be rare).
The usage of such might look like this:
string target = #"$global name$ Money \$9000 %local var% It's over 9000\% I#hit#the#ground#too#hard qw\#op";
RegexReplacer dollarWrapped = new RegexReplacer(#"(?<!\\)\$[^$]+\$", "motherofglobalvar", "dollarWrapped");
RegexReplacer slashDollar = new RegexReplacer(#"\\\$", string.Empty, "slashDollar", dollarWrapped);
RegexReplacer percentWrapped = new RegexReplacer(#"(?<!\\)%[^%]+%", "lordoflocalvar", "percentWrapped", slashDollar);
RegexReplacer slashPercent = new RegexReplacer(#"\\%", string.Empty, "slashPercent", percentWrapped);
RegexReplacer singleAt = new RegexReplacer(#"(?<!\\)#", " ", "singleAt", slashPercent);
RegexReplacer slashAt = new RegexReplacer(#"\\#", "#", "slashAt", singleAt);
RegexReplacer replacer = slashAt;
string pattern = replacer.GetAggregatedPattern();
MatchEvaluator evaluator = replacer.GetReplaceDelegate();
string result = Regex.Replace(target, pattern, evaluator);
Because you want each replacer to know if it got a hit, and because we are hacking this by using group names, you want to make sure that each group name is distinct. A simple way to ensure this would be to use a name that's identical to the variable name since you can't have two variables with the same name within the same scope.
You can see above that I am building each part of the pattern separately, but as I build, I pass the previous replacer as a 4th parameter to the current replacer. This builds the chain of replacers. Once built, I use the last replacer constructed in order to generate the overall pattern and evaluator. If you use anything but, then you will only have part of the overall pattern. Finally, it's simply a matter of passing the generated pattern and evaluator to the Replace method.
Keep in mind that this approach was targeted more at the problem as described. It may work in more general scenarios, but I've only worked with what you've presented. Also, since this is more of a parsing question, a parser may be the proper route to take--although the learning curve is going to be higher.
Also keep in mind that I haven't profiled this code. It certainly doesn't loop over the target string multiple times, but it does involve additional method calls during replacement. You would certainly want to test it in your environment.

How to detect a particular word in a string using C#?

I need to write an if statement using C# code which will detect if the word "any" exists in the string:
string source ="is there any way to figure this out";
Note that if you really want to match the word (and not things like "anyone"), you can use regular expressions:
string source = "is there any way to figure this out";
string match = #"\bany\b";
bool match = Regex.IsMatch(source, match);
You can also do case-insensitive match.
String stringSource = "is there any way to figure this out";
String valueToCheck = "any";
if (stringSource.Contains(valueToCheck)) {
Here is an approach combining and extending the answers of IllidanS4 and smoggers:
public bool IsMatch(string inputSource, string valueToFind, bool matchWordOnly)
var regexMatch = matchWordOnly ? string.Format(#"\b{0}\b", valueToFind) : valueToFind;
return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(inputSource, regexMatch);
You can now do stuff like:
var source = "is there any way to figure this out";
var value = "any";
var isWordDetected = IsMatch(source, value, true); //returns true, correct
if matchWordOnly is set to true, the function will return true for "any way" and false for "anyway"
if matchWordOnly is set to false, the function will return true for both "any way" and "anyway". This is logical as in order for "any" in "any way" to be a word, it needs to be a part of the string in the first place. \B (the negation of \b in the regular expression) can be added to the mix to match non-words only but I do not find it necessary based on your requirements.

C# How to use textbox text as Regex OR String

I have an application that the user may specify a prompt... That may be in Regex type or in string type.
The user have a checkbox, if he check the checkbox the prompt var will be a string type if not check will be a Regex.
Then I need to be able to reference that later in the program.
so I am wondering how to define that...
Currently I have the following :
textbox1.text = "\[.*#.*\][\$|\#]" < --- that is a Regex
or it could be something like :
textbox1.text = "#$" < --- that would be a regular string...
and somewhere in my apps I need to use that info...
string userPrompt:
string rootPrompt;
if (userPromptIsText)
userPrompt = textBoxp4RegPrompt.Text.Trim();
// here how do I say that userprompt is a regex type?
It seems like you should store the entered regular expression not in the string variable "userPrompt", but rather in a Regex so you can use it:
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(textBoxp4RegPrompt.Text.Trim());
And then you can use the regex variable for performing matches:
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match results = regex.Match(stringToTest);

string manipulation check and replace with fastest method

I have some strings like below:
string num1 = "D123_1";
string num2 = "D123_2";
string num3 = "D456_11";
string num4 = "D456_22";
string num5 = "D_123_D";
string num5 = "_D_123";
I want to make a function that will do the following actions:
1- Checks if given string DOES HAVE an Underscore in it, and this underscore should be after some Numbers and Follow with some numbers: in this case 'num5' and 'num6' are invalid!
2- Replace the numbers after the last underscore with any desired string, for example I want 'num1 = "D123_1"' to be changed into 'D123_2'
So far I came with this idea but it is not working :( First I dont know how to check for criteria 1 and second the replace statement is not working:
private string CheckAndReplace(string given, string toAdd)
var changedString = given.Split('_');
return changedString[changedString.Length - 1] + toAdd;
Any help and tips will be appriciated
What you are looking for is a regular expression. This is (mostly) from the top of my head. But it should easily point you in the right direction. The regular expression works fine.
public static Regex regex = new Regex("(?<character>[a-zA-Z]+)(?<major>\\d+)_(?<minor>\\d+)",RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled);
Match m = regex.Match(InputText);
if (m.Succes)
var newValue = String.Format("{0}{1}_{2}"m.Groups["character"].Value, m.Groups["major"].Value, m.Groups["minor"].Value);
In your code you split the String into an array of strings and then access the wrong index of the array, so it isn't doing what you want.
Try working with a substring instead. Find the index of the last '_' and then get the substring:
private string CheckAndReplace(string given, string toAdd) {
int index = given.LastIndexOf('_')+1;
return given.Substring(0,index) + toAdd;
But before that check the validity of the string (see other answers). This code fragment will break when there's no '_' in the string.
You could use a regular expression (this is not a complete implementation, only a hint):
private string CheckAndReplace(string given, string toAdd)
Regex regex = new Regex("([A-Z]*[0-9]+_)[0-9]+");
if (regex.IsMatch(given))
return string.Concat(regex.Match(given).Groups[1].Value, toAdd);
... do something else
Use a good regular expression implementation. .NET has standard implementation of them
