jquery how to get data from this array - c#
This is my c# code:
Dictionary<string, double[][]> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, double[][]>();
dictionary.Add("ServiceLevel", finalArray);
dictionary.Add("NumberOfCalls", numberOfCallsArray);
Where finalArray and numberOfCallsArray is double[][] full of data.
I send it to jquery like this:
string jsonformatstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dictionary, Formatting.Indented);
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
Then in jquery after doing a json request and get the data successfully. I do this:
var data = $.map(result, function (arr, key) {
return { label: key, data: arr };
console.log(data["ServiceLevel"] + "--");
My problem
I got undefined in the console when I tried this: console.log(data["ServiceLevel"] + "--");
Maybe I am getting the value in the wrong way?
Update 1
I did this:
and I got this
Update 2
I tried this:
var s = JSON.stringify(result); console.log(s)
The result is this:
Your input is not clear, so i am assuming you got data something like
var result = {"ServiceLevel":[[1390608000000,50],[1392595200000,0]],
var arr = $.map(result, function (arr, key) {
return { label: key, data: arr }; });
Converting to Array:
var arr = $.map(result, function (arr, key) {
return { label: key, data: arr };
Reading Elements:
element at position 1:
arr[0].data[0][1] is 1
element at position 3:
arr[0].data[2][2] is 3
to get key use:
arr[0].label , it will give you "ServiceLevel"
arr[1].label , it will give you "NumberOfCalls"
var data = $.map(result, function (arr, key) {
return { label: key, data: arr };
You're returning an associative array with "label" and "data" elements. data["data"] should contain what you're looking for.
If you did:
$.map(result, function (arr, key) {
console.log(arr["ServiceLevel"] + "--");
return { label: key, data: arr };
you'd see it being returned. it's just because you've wrapped your "data" in another array.
I believe you're getting undefined because you didn't parse the json you received from your c# code.
I had this problem too, the thing is this :
string jsonformatstring = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dictionary, Formatting.Indented);
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
returns a String. To be used as Json you need to parse it, JsonConvert.SerializeObject only format the object into {[ key:value ]}.
here's a sample of an ajax success function i made with json :
success: function (data) {//on success
var results = JSON.parse(data); //parse result to work on it
$.each(results, function (index, element) {
//do something
I don't know how you retrieve your Json string but try parsing it before working on it :)
Deserialize from json string to list of dictionary?
I am passing array of json objects from ajax method. var FieldValue = { Key: $(this).attr("id"), Value: $(this).val() }; FieldValues.push(FieldValue); $.ajax({ url: "../Handler.ashx?&Action=Save", data: JSON.stringify(FieldValues), type: "post", datatype: "json", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", }); But when i tried to deserialize to List of dictionary. JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); List<Dictionary<string, string>> WebFields = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>(); WebFields = javaScriptSerializer.Deserialize<List<Dictionary<string, string>>>(jsonString); My expected output list is like, string Key = WebFields[0].Key string Value = WebFields[0].Value But now it is like each WebField item is like, WebFields[0] -> [0] -> Key [1] -> Value How to achieve my expected output ?
To get a dictionary server side, try to send a basic POJO. Instead of: var FieldValue = { Key: $(this).attr("id"), Value: $(this).val() }; FieldValues.push(FieldValue); try: var key = $(this).attr("id"); var value =$(this).val() var fieldValue = { key: value }; fieldValues.push(fieldValue); A javascript object is represented as a key value pair, thus returning a Dictionary will return a JS object with the key being propname, and value being the value
Ajax call to action with a List of KeyValuePairs as parameter
I wish to simply do an AJAX call to a method expecting a List of Key and value pairs, but I have no idea how to do this. I tried the following: Server method: UpdateBranches(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> brancheItems) data to be send: var brancheItems = []; businessActivities.forEach(f => brancheItems.push({ Key: f.sbiCode, Value: f.sbiCodeDescription }) This seemed to give me an array of objects with key and value properties. (network tab showed it), but it did not work. I also tried to make an array of objects with one property (propertyname is the key, value is the value): for (var itemIndex in items[index].businessActivities) { var key = items[index].businessActivities[itemIndex].sbiCode; brancheItems.push({ key: items[index].businessActivities[itemIndex].sbiCodeDescription }); } Note that on the server I seem to receive an array/list of 3 items with two properties, but the properties are always empty. Does anyone know the correct format for the data to be send
I think you can simply create your object like this: var ParamtersContainer = new Object(); ParamtersContainer = { "PatientName": 'Alameer', "ServiceDate": '12/12/2017', "ProviderName": 'ahmed' }; Then make it as data parameter in your ajax request, receive it as a dictionary in your c# action.
Use something like this. $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, contentType: "application/json", data:JSON.stringify( {brancheItems: brancheItems}), success: function (data) { alert("Succeded"); } }); And use the bracket notation: Instead of brancheItems.push({ key : value }); use var object = {}; object[key] = value; brancheItems.push(object);
Ajax call is passing controller name and method name instead of data
I am running into some trouble with my ajax call. Here is the controller code: [Route("RatingInfo/HandleRequest")] [HttpPost] public ActionResult HandleRequest(Dictionary<string, string> textBoxValues) { var result = CreateJson(textBoxValues); // This is a simplified example return Json(result); } And here is my Jquery/ajax (Razor syntax): function PassData () { var data = {}; $('.divCell input').each(function (index, item) { var id = $(item).attr('id'); var value = item.value; data['dictionary[' + index + '].Key'] = id; data['dictionary[' + index + '].Value'] = value; }); $.ajax({ url: '#Url.Action("HandleRequest")', type: 'POST', dataType: 'JSON', traditional: true, data: data, sucesss: function (result) { alert('Success'); } }) } The idea here is to get the data from each textbox and pass it back to the server as a Dictionary with the id as the key and value as, well, the value. Stepping through the Chrome debugger, the JS data object is built successfully. From the debugger: Local data: Object dictionary[0].Key: "Address" dictionary[0].Value: "123 Main St" dictionary[1].Key: "ZipCode" dictionary[1].Value: "99999" dictionary[2].Key: "Phone1" dictionary[2].Value: "(555) 555-5555" ... __proto__: Object However, when the data is passed back to the controller, the values inside textBoxValues does not contain the passed data. Rather, it contains two key/value pairs with keys controller and action and values the names of the controller and action. From the Visual Studio debugger: textBoxValues = Count = 2 [0] = {[controller, RatingInfo]} [1] = {[action, HandleRequest]} How can I get Jquery to pass the data rather than the controller/action names? I am confused as to how this can even happen in the first place. Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE Sorry, I had put wrong code in. The reason why this was not working is because the name of the parameter was incorrect, giving you a mismatch. The below will work for you. Notice the name of dictionary is changed to your parameter textBoxValues: function PassData() { var data = {}; $('.divCell input').each(function (index, item) { var id = $(item).attr('id'); var value = item.value; data['textBoxValues[' + index + '].Key'] = id; data['textBoxValues[' + index + '].Value'] = value; }); $.ajax({ url: '#Url.Action("HandleRequest")', type: 'POST', traditional: true, data: data, sucesss: function (result) { alert('Success'); } }) }
How to pass a string array as a JSON argument
I'm trying to pass a couple of arguments to my JSON callback, however the string[] argument remains null. How do I need to pass the string array from javascript to get this working? Javscript function: function jsonCallback(jsonCallbackID, argumentsArray) { var argumentValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < argumentsArray.length; i++) { argumentValues.push('' + $("#" + argumentsArray[i]).val()); } // build request var url = encodeURI("/DataEntry/JsonCallback/"); var data = ({ jsonCallbackID: jsonCallbackID, jsonCallbackValues: argumentValues, rndvalue: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000001) }); // fire request $.getJSON(url, data, function (data) {}); The actual callback C# function: public JsonResult JsonCallback(int jsonCallbackID, string[] jsonCallbackValues) { } This function does get called however, argument 'jsonCallbackValues' is null. EDIT To get this working I did the following: var data = ({ jsonCallbackID: jsonCallbackID, jsonCallbackValues: argumentValues.toString(), rndvalue: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000001) }); And split the jsonCallbackValues string at "," to get the resulting array.
You can give a try to JSON API ... var data = { jsonCallbackID:jsonCallbackID, jsonCallbackValues: JSON.stringify(argumentValues), rndvalue: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000001) }; // your $.getJSON(url, data, function (data) {});
JSON is a serialized language, so you can't put objects inside. You should build your array in JSON format: jsonCallbackValues : ["value1", "value2"...]
Try like this var data = ({ jsonCallbackID: jsonCallbackID, jsonCallbackValues: $.toJSON(argumentValues), rndvalue: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000001) }); I have used a JSON jQuery plugin from http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/ In the controller method change it to string jsonCallbackValuesArray Then use JavaScriptSerializer orJSON.Net to convert the JSON string into String []
Store with json reader is not working
I have following json created after I sereliaze a dictionary {"Results":["{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}","{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}","{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}","{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}"],"Total":4} When I try to load it into the extjs store , the store is not loaded var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: fields, pageSize: itemsPerPage, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: getDataWithPageURL, reader: { type: 'json', root: 'Results', totalProperty: 'Total' } } }); But if I remove slash hard coded and it's working {"Results":["{"BaseCurrency":"USD","TermCurrency":"JPY"}","{"BaseCurrency":"USD","TermCurrency":"JPY"}","{"BaseCurrency":"USD","TermCurrency":"JPY"}","{"BaseCurrency":"USD"}"],"Total":4} I create json using Newtonsoft.Json Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>(); string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dist); How can I remove slash in server side in order to produce valid json for extjs store. I tried result = result.Replace("\"","'"); And result =result.Replace("\"", #"""") It's not working
Clearly, Ext doesn't like that you have encoded a json object as a string and then put them in another json object. You have two options that I see. See if you can return the dict on the server-side without first converting it into a string. Some code, somewhere, is taking your string and putting it in a json object with 'Results' and 'Total'. Check to see if that code can take a Dictionary as-is. Unwrap the 'Results' propery on the client-side. One way would be to make your own reader: Ext.define('MyReader', { extend: 'Ext.data.reader.Json', alias: 'reader.my-json', read: function(object) { object.Results = Ext.Array.map(object.Results, Ext.decode); return this.callParent([object]); } }); Then use type: 'my-json' in your reader config. Here is my test case: var data = {"Results":["{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}","{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}","{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}","{\"BaseCurrency\":\"USD\",\"TermCurrency\":\"JPY\"}"],"Total":4}; Ext.define('Currency', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: [ { name: 'BaseCurrency', type: 'string' }, { name: 'TermCurrency', type: 'string' } ] }); Ext.define('MyReader', { extend: 'Ext.data.reader.Json', alias: 'reader.my-json', read: function(object) { object.Results = Ext.Array.map(object.Results, Ext.decode); return this.callParent([object]); } }); var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { model: 'Currency', data: data, proxy: { type: 'memory', reader: { type: 'my-json', root: 'Results', totalProperty: 'Total' } } });