Access violation on passing byte[] from c# to plain c dll - c#

I'm trying to use the SOIL library for my Unity3d project. I slightly modified the code to compile it to a DLL.
I have a C-function with signature:
unsigned int SOIL_load_OGL_texture_from_memory
const unsigned char *const buffer,
int buffer_length,
int force_channels,
unsigned int reuse_texture_ID,
unsigned int flags
I declared it in my c# script:
[DllImport("SOIL", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern uint SOIL_load_OGL_texture_from_memory(
System.IntPtr buffer,
int buffer_length,
int force_channels,
uint reuse_texture_ID,
uint flags);
Try to call:
GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
System.IntPtr pointer = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();
uint id = SOIL_load_OGL_texture_from_memory(pointer, bytes.Length, 3, 0, 0);
And get an Access Violation. So I try to pass IntPtr as const unsigned char *. Maybe I need to use something different from GCHandle?
Edit: It crash the whole Unity 3D in play mode: Access Violation at MSVCR120.dll.

Try Marshal.Copy(Byte[], Int32, IntPtr, Int32) and passing the pointer to your C call

It was a stupid mistake absolutely unrelated to passing byte array. The problem was that I started Unity without -force-opengl (Direct3D by default I think) and SOIL works with OpenGL only.


Passing a struct pointer in C# interop results in NULL

I am building a managed DLL for use in unmanaged environment (C/C++ app - FreeRDP). Interop works fine in most cases, but in one particular I am not able to pass a pointer to struct.
In the API I have a struct:
typedef struct _IWTSListenerCallback IWTSListenerCallback;
struct _IWTSListenerCallback
UINT(*OnNewChannelConnection)(IWTSListenerCallback* pListenerCallback,
IWTSVirtualChannel* pChannel,
BYTE* Data,
BOOL* pbAccept,
IWTSVirtualChannelCallback** ppCallback);
As well as a function I am calling:
UINT(*CreateListener)(IWTSVirtualChannelManager* pChannelMgr,
const char* pszChannelName,
ULONG ulFlags,
IWTSListenerCallback* pListenerCallback);
Both translated to C#:
public delegate uint ListenerCallbackNewConnectionDelegate(IntPtr listenerCallback, IntPtr channel, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] data, IntPtr accept, ref IntPtr channelCallback);
public struct IWTSListenerCallback
public ListenerCallbackNewConnectionDelegate OnNewChannelConnection;
public delegate uint ChannelManagerCreateListenerDelegate(IntPtr channelManager, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string channelName, ulong flags, IntPtr listenerCallback);
public ChannelManagerCreateListenerDelegate CreateListener;
And execution code:
var callback = new IWTSListenerCallback();
callback.OnNewChannelConnection = NewChannelConnection;
var pCallback = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IWTSListenerCallback)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(callback, pCallback, false);
var ret = channelManager.CreateListener(pChannelManager, "TestChannel", 0, pCallback);
And while pChannelManager (which is a pointer I obtain from unmanaged code calling my DLL) and the string are sent through without any problems, the pointer I create here (pCallback) is assigned successfuly in C#, but it results in a NULL in unmanaged code.
I assume the problem is either with how I defined the struct, or how I defined the function (although the function is being called successfuly in unmanaged code). I use the method to create the pointer in exact same way as in another part of the DLL, and it works perfectly fine there when passed to unmanaged function.
By #jdweng suggestion:
public struct TestCall
public IntPtr channelManager;
public string channelName;
public ulong flags;
public IntPtr listenerCallback;
public delegate uint ChannelManagerCreateListenerDelegate(IntPtr testStructure);
var test = new TestCall();
test.channelManager = pChannelManager;
test.channelName = "TestChannel";
test.flags = 0;
test.listenerCallback = pCallback;
var pTest = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(FreeRDPTypes.TestCall)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(test, pTest, false);
var ret = channelManager.CreateListener(pTest);
Didn't work.
EDIT2: Workaround! Only if you have access to original unmanaged code. I rearranged the function arguments so the structure pointers are first, like this:
UINT(*CreateListener)(IWTSVirtualChannelManager* pChannelMgr,
IWTSListenerCallback* pListenerCallback,
const char* pszChannelName,
ULONG ulFlags);
And it works! Probably a problem with offset.
It was a matter of offset. C/C++ ULONG was typedef unsigned long which I wrongly assumed corresponded to C# ulong, but in fact the first one is 4 bytes in Visual, while the other is 8 bytes, which resulted in 4 bytes offset. Fixed by changing ulong to uint and adding [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] for good measure. Final look of the function I was calling inside C#:
public delegate uint ChannelManagerCreateListenerDelegate(IntPtr channelManager, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string channelName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] uint flags, IntPtr listenerCallback);

Issue with native C++ dll in C#

I have native C++ dll with function that finds the number of cameras connected to the computer and returns their serial number. I am trying to use native C++ dll in C# application but I keep getting the Access Violation error(Attempted to read or write protected memory).
The function in question is
uint32_t GetSerialNumList(char** theBufList, int theBufSize, int theListLength);
The way I am using PInvoke is as follows:
[DllImport(CameraDll, EntryPoint = "GetSerialNumList", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern uint GetSerialNumList(out byte[] pBuf, int BufSize, int ListLength);
If I create native C++ application to use the dll and use the function as follows:
char* theSerialNumb;
theSerialNumb = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)* 8);
status = TRI_GetSerialNumList(&theSerialNumb, 8, 1);
It works fine however, if I use as follows in C# it give me above mentioned error:
byte[] BufList;
BufList = new byte[8];
rv = GetSerialNumList(out BufList, 8, 1);
The parameter you're passing in c# is a pointer to a byte array. What you're passing in c++ is a pointer to a pointer to a byte array. Also, in the C++ example, you're passing data to the function, but in the C# example, you're passing it as an out instead of a ref.
Although I'm not sure this would work, I would try to create a struct containing a byte array and pass the struct to the external function.
To answer some of the above comments, these functions typically modify memory passed to it rather than try to allocate additional memory due to the different ways programs create heaps.
The first thing I'd check is the C# import signature being used. There's the P/Invoke Interop Assistant tool available for free here.
Loading your function signature into the tool, translates it to:
public partial class NativeMethods {
/// Return Type: unsigned int
///theBufList: char**
///theBufSize: int
///theListLength: int
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("<Unknown>", EntryPoint="GetSerialNumList")]
public static extern uint GetSerialNumList(ref System.IntPtr theBufList, int theBufSize, int theListLength) ;
The second thing, is that since you are allocating memory for the buffer in the C++/native version; perhaps you need to pass a pre-allocated buffer as well, when using C#.
Hope this helps.
Okay, I took pointers from Russell and kvr and did some digging around and following is the scheme that I came up with.
Original native function call:
uint32_t GetSerialNumList(char** theBufList, int theBufSize, int theListLength);
The way I am using PInvoke is as follows:
[DllImport(CameraDll, EntryPoint = "GetSerialNumList", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int GetSerialNumList(ref IntPtr pBuf, int BufSize, int ListLength);
byte[] BufIn;
BufIn = new byte[8 * ListLength];
IntPtr pBuf = IntPtr.Zero;
pBuf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(8 * ListLength);
Console.WriteLine("Calling GetSerialNumList");
rv = GetSerialNumList(ref pBuf, 8, ListLength);
Marshal.Copy(pBuf, BufIn, 0, 8*ListLength);
I feel this is somewhat long, but it gives me the desired result.

C# wrapper class for c++ lib dll

I am trying to create a class in c# to access the function in a c++ lib. The function in the c++ dll :
bool WriteReply(const unsigned char *reply, const unsigned long reply_length).
A sample of how its used in c++:-
unsigned short msg_id = 0x0000;
byte msg_body[] = {(byte)(GetTickCount()/0x100)}; // a random value for loopback data
// combine the message id and message body into an big msg
unsigned long msg_length = sizeof(msg_id)+sizeof(msg_body);
byte* big_msg = new byte[msg_length];
big_msg[0] = LOBYTE(msg_id);
big_msg[1] = HIBYTE(msg_id);
memcpy((void*)&big_msg[2], (void*)msg_body, sizeof(msg_body));
// send the big message
if (!big_dev.WriteReply(big_msg, msg_length))
//do something here
I can't seem to pass the function from c# to the dll (AccessViolationException). This is the command i've tried:-
byte[] bytearray = new byte[3] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
IntPtr unmanagedPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytearray.Length);
Marshal.Copy(bytearray, 0, unmanagedPointer, bytearray.Length);
bool writestatus = (bool)NativeMethods.WriteReply(unmanagedPointer, (uint)bytearray.Length);
and on the import side:-
[DllImport("dllname.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteReply")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
internal static extern bool WriteReply(IntPtr msg, uint reply_length);
Please let me know where have i gone wrong?Thanks!
Assuming your C++ method uses the string and does not modify it...
Try this
__declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl WriteReply(const unsigned char *reply, const unsigned long reply_length);
[DllImport("libfile.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteReply")]
private static extern bool WriteReplyExternal(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] [Out] string replyString,
[Out] UInt32 replyLength);
Or better yet (since C strings are null-terminated and the buffer is readonly, so you don't have to worry about buffer overflow, the length parameter is redudant):
__declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl WriteReply(const unsigned char *reply);
[DllImport("libfile.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteReply")]
private static extern bool WriteReplyExternal(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] [Out] string replyString);
These will work if the method is not within a class, otherwise you will need to use the C++ mangled name as the entry point.
If your string contains characters outside the 1...127 ASCII range (e.g. non-English letters), you should use wchar_t instead of char in the C++ and LPWStr instead of LPStr in the marshalling.
You need to wrap the private method with another method with a signature that is more appropriate for .NET e.g.
public void WriteReply(string message)
var result = WriteReplyExternal(message, message.Length);
if (result == false)
throw new ApplicationException("WriteReplay failed ...");
I think the latest addition of code provides a clue as to the real problem:
if (!big_dev.WriteReply(big_msg, msg_length))
This cannot work because WriteReply is an member function. You need to be calling a C style function rather than a C++ member function. The latter requires an instance (big_dev in the code sample).

How to initialise an unsafe pointer in C# and convert it to a byte[]?

I put a post up yesterday, How does one create structures for C# originally written in C++.
Thank you for your responses.
I'm trying, without much success, to use DeviceIOControl on an ARM platform running WinCE 6.0 and .NET Compact framework 2.0 All I am trying to achieve is the control of a port pin and it's proving to be a nightmare.
The following is the PInvoke declaration:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool DeviceIoControlCE(int hDevice,
int dwIoControlCode,
byte[] lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
byte[] lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
ref int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
The PInvoke declaration suggests a byte[] may be passed to it simply. Surely it's an easy matter to write the values to each member of a structure, convert it to an array of bytes and pass it to the dll.
I have the following:
public struct pio_desc
unsafe byte* pin_name; //Length???
public uint pin_number; //4 bytes
public uint default_value; //4 bytes
public byte attribute; //1 byte
public uint pio_type; //4 bytes
pio_desc PA13 = new pio_desc();
So surely now it's a matter of doing something like:
PA13.pin_number = AT91_PIN_PA13; //Length 4 bytes
PA13.default_value = 0; //Length 4 bytes
PA13.attribtue = PIO_DEFAULT; //Length 1 byte
PA13.pio_type = PIO_OUTPUT; //Length 4 bytes
and to convert (pin_number for example) to a byte[]:
byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(PA13.pin_number); //uints are 4 bytes wide
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[0];
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[1];
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[2];
byteArray[++NumberOfChars] = temp[3]; //Will need to check on Endianess
In the structure PA13, how do I initialise the unsafe pointer pin_name? The author of the driver notes that this is not used, presumably by his driver. Will Windows need this to be some value?
PA13.pin_name = ??????
Then, how do I convert this pointer to a byte to fit into my byte[] array to be passed to DeviceIOControl?
I've become quite disappointed and frustrated at how difficult it is to change the voltage level of a port pin - I've been struggling with this problem for days now. Because I come from a hardware background, I think it's going to be easier (and less eligant) for me to implement IO control on another controller and to pass control data to it via a COM port.
Thanks again for any (simple) assistance.
You will need to do a few different things here. First, replace this member:
unsafe byte* pin_name; //Length???
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pin_name;
Then replace the in/out buffers in the P/Invoke declaration from byte[] to IntPtr. Then you can use this code to convert the data:
pio_desc PA13;
// Set the members of PA13...
IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
try {
var size = Marshal.SizeOf(PA13);
ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(PA13, ptr, false);
// Your P/Invoke call goes here.
// size will be the "nInBufferSize" argument
// ptr will be the "lpInBuffer" argument
} finally {
if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) {
Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptr, typeof(pio_desc));
You can make this a lot easier by lying about the [DllImport] declaration. Just declare the lpInBuffer argument as the structure type, the pinvoke marshaller will convert it to a pointer anyway. Thus:
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool SetOutputPin(IntPtr hDevice,
int dwIoControlCode,
ref pio_desc lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
IntPtr lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
out int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
Using IntPtr for lpOutBuffer because the driver probably doesn't return anything. Pass IntPtr.Zero. Same idea with the structure. If the field isn't used then simply declare it as an IntPtr:
public struct pio_desc
public IntPtr pin_name; // Leave at IntPtr.Zero
public uint pin_number; //4 bytes
public uint default_value; //4 bytes
public byte attribute; //1 byte
public uint pio_type; //4 bytes
Be careful about the Packing property, it makes a difference here because of the byte sized field. You may need 1 but that's just a guess without knowing anything about the driver. If you have working C code then test the value of sizeof(pio_desc) and compare with Marshal.SizeOf(). Pass Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(pio_desc)) as the nInBufferSize argument. If you would have posted the C declarations then this would have been easier to answer accurately.
Declare lpInBuffer and lpOutBuffer as IntPtr. Initialize them using Marshal.AllocHGlobal (don't forget to release them with Marshal.FreeHGlobal in the end). Fill these buffer and read it using different Marshal.Copy overloads.

How does one create structures for C# originally written in C++

I am working on an embedded ARM platform and wish to have control over some of the GPIO pins. I've experience in C and am a newcomer to C#. It seems that controlling low-level hardware is difficult from managed-code applications. I have Windows CE6.0 and .NET Compact Framework 2 running on my hardware.
I've found an example, written in C++ that would allow me access to GPIO port pins, however, I am struggling to implement the example in C#.
The following snippet shows how DeviceIOcontrol is used to control port pins:
const struct pio_desc hw_pio[] =
// Configure PIOs
bSuccessDevIOC = DeviceIoControl(hGPIO, IOCTL_GPIO_CONFIGURE, (LPBYTE*)hw_pio, sizeof(hw_pio), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
Other definitions:
struct pio_desc
const char *pin_name; /* Pin Name */
unsigned int pin_num; /* Pin number */
unsigned int dft_value; /* Default value for outputs */
unsigned char attribute;
enum pio_type type;
/* I/O type */
enum pio_type
/* I/O attributes */
#define PIO_DEFAULT (0 << 0)
#define PIO_PULLUP (1 << 0)
#define PIO_DEGLITCH (1 << 1)
#define PIO_OPENDRAIN (1 << 2)
The following is the C# definition of DeviceIOControl. The problem parameter is lpInBuffer.
[DllImport("coredll.dll", EntryPoint = "DeviceIoControl", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool DeviceIoControlCE(int hDevice,
int dwIoControlCode,
byte[] lpInBuffer,
int nInBufferSize,
byte[] lpOutBuffer,
int nOutBufferSize,
ref int lpBytesReturned,
IntPtr lpOverlapped);
The questions:
How does one create these equivalent structures in C#?
How does one pass these as a byte array (byte[] lpInBuffer) to the DeviceIOControl function?
Any assistance appreciated!
Use some interop decoration, for instance, a structure like following:
typedef struct
char Data[MAXCHARS];//assuming a #define MAXCHARS 15
int Values[MAXCHARS];
} StSomeData;
would look like following in C#:
private struct StSomeData
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 15)]
public string Data;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 15)]
public int[] Values;
And use it like: StSomeData[] array = new StSomeData[3];
Note that you can use IntPtr when dealing with pointers.
For instance your call to:
, sizeof(hw_pio), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
may look something like following:
IntPtr ipByte;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(StLPByte, ipByte,false);
IntPtr ipConfig;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(StIOCTL_GPIO_CONFIGURE, ipConfig, false);
IntPtr iphGPIO;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(SthGPIO, iphGPIO, false);
bool bSuccessDevIOC = DeviceIoControl(iphGPIO
, ipConfig
, ipByte
, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(StLPByte))
, IntPtr.Zero
, IntPtr.Zero
, IntPtr.Zero
, IntPtr.Zero);
Also, you can look into the usage of unsafe keyword and try put your code within unsafe blocks; this may be a dirty solution since this code wont be a managed code.
a byte[] is converted to LPBYTE automatically
a char* in c# is equivalent to unsigned short* in c++
a byte* in c# is a unsigned char* in c++
c#-enums behave similar enough to c++ enums. you may just write it
one important thing:
