Validate password against previously hashed passwords using NetValidatePasswordPolicy - c#

According to Microsoft documentation NetValidatePasswordPolicy has possibility to implement feature to check password history and avoid reuse of previous passwords. I have gone through all the examples of this API but non of them provide me with functional of how to check Password history. Can somebody guide me how to verify password history?
public static NET_API_STATUS ValidatePassword(string password)
var outputArgs = new NET_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG();
var passwordHistory = new NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_HASH();
IntPtr inputPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr outputPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
inputArgs.PasswordMatched = true;
inputArgs.ClearPassword = Marshal.StringToBSTR(password);
//var serverName = System.Environment.MachineName;
string userNameToCheck = #"usr";
//inputArgs.ClearPassword = Marshal.StringToBSTR(password);
inputArgs.UserAccountName = userNameToCheck;
// If using a secure string
////inputArgs.ClearPassword = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(secureStringPassword);
inputPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(inputArgs));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(inputArgs, inputPointer, false);
NET_API_STATUS status = NetValidatePasswordPolicy("serverdc1", IntPtr.Zero, NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE.NetValidatePasswordChange, inputPointer, ref outputPointer);
if (status == NET_API_STATUS.NERR_Success)
outputArgs = (NET_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG)Marshal.PtrToStructure(outputPointer, typeof(NET_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG));
OutPasswordHistory.Hash = outputArgs.ChangedPersistedFields.PasswordHistory;
OutPasswordHistory.Length = outputArgs.ChangedPersistedFields.PasswordHistoryLength;
// Copy the Structure to the IntPtr
if (outputArgs.ValidationStatus == NET_API_STATUS.NERR_Success)
// Ok
string emtp;
return outputArgs.ValidationStatus;
return status;

I don't believe you can ask for a specific component of the policy to be tested - just the sum of the policy against the provided password.


How to authenticate in LDAP in C#?

I am new to LDAP related coding and today I am asked to develop a code to check the users authentication against LDAP.
The tutorials I have found online are so simple but our company's Directory is so complicated that I don't know how to write a code for that. Here is the info of the LDAP . I have changed the company name to hide the name.
string domain = "ou=People,dc=my,dc=com";
string LDAP_Path= ";
string LDAPconnect= "LDAP://";
Here is a code I have developed but it gives me error when run " LdapResult = LdapSearcher.FindOne();":
string domain = "ou=People,dc=my,dc=com";
string password = "";
string userName = "";
// define your connection
LdapConnection ldapConnection = new LdapConnection(LDAP_Path);
// authenticate the username and password
using (ldapConnection)
// pass in the network creds, and the domain.
var networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(userName, password, domain);
// if we're using unsecured port 389, set to false. If using port 636, set this to true.
ldapConnection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = false;
// since this is an internal application, just accept the certificate either way
ldapConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate += delegate { return true; };
// to force NTLM\Kerberos use AuthType.Negotiate, for non-TLS and unsecured, just use AuthType.Basic
ldapConnection.AuthType = AuthType.Basic;
// authenticate the user
Response.Write( "connect ldap success");
catch (LdapException ldapException)
Response.Write(ldapException + " <p>Ad connect failed</p>");
//Authentication failed, exception will dictate why
string strTmp0 = LDAPconnect + domain;
string user = "memberId";
string pwd = "memberPwd";
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry LdapEntry = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(strTmp0, "cn=" + user, pwd, AuthenticationTypes.None);
DirectorySearcher LdapSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(LdapEntry);
LdapSearcher.Filter = "(cn=" + user + ")";
string value = string.Empty;
SearchResult LdapResult=null;
LdapResult = LdapSearcher.FindOne();
catch (Exception ex)
// .............get Error msg : username an password uncorrect
if ((LdapResult != null))
Response.Write("ldapresult not null");
Could anybody help plz?
In ldap connection setting , OP should use own configuration.
// Ldap connection setting. this should setup according to organization ldap configuration
int portnumber = 12345;
LdapConnection ldapConnection = new LdapConnection(new LdapDirectoryIdentifier("", portnumber));
ldapConnection.AuthType = AuthType.Anonymous;
SearchRequest Srchrequest = null;
SearchResponse SrchResponse = null;
SearchResultEntryCollection SearchCollection = null;
Hashtable UserDetails = new Hashtable();
Srchrequest = new SearchRequest("distniguishged name e.g.", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ""), System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Subtree);
SrchResponse = (SearchResponse)ldapConnection.SendRequest(Srchrequest);
SearchCollection = SrchResponse.Entries;
foreach (SearchResultEntry entry in SearchCollection)
foreach (DictionaryEntry att in entry.Attributes)
if (((DirectoryAttribute)(att.Value)).Count > 0)
UserDetails.Add(att.Key.ToString(), ((DirectoryAttribute)(att.Value))[0].ToString());
UserDetails.Add(att.Key.ToString(), string.Empty);
if (UserDetails.Count > 1)
Console.WriteLine("User exists");
Console.WriteLine("User does not exist");
You can use the DirectoryInfo conrstructor that has user and password arguments. That way, you don't need to do a query to the LDAP, you can simplify your code.
string username = "frederic";
string password = "myFanciPassword99";
string domain = "ou=People,dc=my,dc=com";
string LDAPconnect= "LDAP://";
string connectionString = LDAPconnect + domain;
bool userValid = false;
// Note: DirectoryEntry(domain, username, password) would also work
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(connectionString, username, password);
// Bind to the native AdsObject to force authentication.
Object obj = entry.NativeObject;
userValid = true;
catch (Exception ex)

NetSuite C# Console App Web Services Token Authentication Returning "Ambiguous Authentication"

I'm trying to get my integrations updated to handle this forced use of token authentication for NetSuite web services. However, I'm stuck getting the following:
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException] Ambiguous authentication
I've tried various things with no improvement. Doesn't seem to matter if I use a token created beforehand, or have one generated. I'm not creating a "Cookie Container", or adding a standard Passport object. I've tried a few different methods for generating a signature and a nonce value. I've even switched between SHA1 and SHA256 thinking that might make a difference. I'm going to include my code here. Hopefully someone can see what I'm doing wrong.
FYI, there are some components in here from trying what I found in this post: Ambiguous Authentication in Netsuite Token Based API call
static void Main(string[] args) {
NameValueCollection _dataCollection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
NSCreds crd = new NSCreds(_dataCollection); /// just building a data object to handle credentials and keys
NSWS ns = new NSWS(crd, _dataCollection["appId"]); // token passport gets built here
// now to make a call to just get a single file from the File Cabinet
RecordRef pullFile = new RecordRef();
pullFile.type = RecordType.file;
pullFile.typeSpecified = true;
pullFile.internalId = _dataCollection["fileId"];
ReadResponse rres = ns.service.get(pullFile); // this line throws the error highlighted above
public NSWS(NSCreds c, String appId) {
CheckConnectionSecurity(); // makes sure connection security is set to TLS 1.2
_pageSize = 100;
service = new NetSuiteService();
service.Timeout = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2;
service.tokenPassport = prepareTokenPassport(c);
ApplicationInfo appInfo = new ApplicationInfo();
appInfo.applicationId = appId;
service.applicationInfo = appInfo;
public TokenPassport prepareTokenPassport(NSCreds c) {
long TimeStamp = ComputeTimestamp();
String nonce = CreateNonce_1();
NSToken token = null;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.tokenId) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.tokenSecret)) {
token = GetToken(c.customerKey, c); // make calls to NetSuite to generate token data and build custom object
} else {
token = new NSToken(c.tokenId,c.tokenSecret); // build custom object from apps settings data
String signature = ComputeSignature(c.account, c.customerKey, c.customerSecret, token.tokenId, token.tokenSecret, nonce, TimeStamp);
TokenPassport tokenPassport = new TokenPassport();
tokenPassport.account = c.account;
tokenPassport.consumerKey = c.customerKey;
tokenPassport.token = token.tokenId;
tokenPassport.nonce = nonce;
tokenPassport.timestamp = TimeStamp;
TokenPassportSignature signatureElement = new TokenPassportSignature();
signatureElement.algorithm = "HMAC-SHA1"; // "HMAC-SHA256";
signatureElement.Value = signature;
tokenPassport.signature = signatureElement;
return tokenPassport;
private static long ComputeTimestamp() {
return ((long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds);
private String CreateNonce_1() {
int length = 20;
String AllowedChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
StringBuilder nonce = new StringBuilder();
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] rnd = new byte[1];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
while (true) {
char c = (char)rnd[0];
if (AllowedChars.IndexOf(c) != (-1)) {
return nonce.ToString();
private static string CreateNonce_2() {
return Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
private String CreateNonce_3() {
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] data = new byte[20];
int value = Math.Abs(BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0));
return value.ToString();
private string ComputeSignature(String account, String cKey, String cSecret, String token, String tokenSecret, String nonce, long timeStamp) {
String baseString = String.Format("{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}",account,cKey,token,nonce,timeStamp);
String key = String.Format("{0}&{1}", cSecret, tokenSecret);
// previous method for encoding the signature
// Mac is a custom object found from another post here
// EncryptionMethods is an enumeration from that same post
//using (var secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(GetBytes(key), EncryptionMethods.HMACSHA256))
using (var secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(GetBytes(key), EncryptionMethods.HMACSHA1))
using (Mac mac = new Mac(secretKey, baseString)) {
return mac.AsBase64();
//HMACSHA256 hashObject = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
HMACSHA1 hashObject = new HMACSHA1(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key));
byte[] signature = hashObject.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(baseString));
string encodedSignature = Convert.ToBase64String(signature);
return encodedSignature;
It turns out that the problem was setting the Application ID while also specifying a Token Passport. Doing so actually creates a conflict with the system not knowing which to use for authentication, since the token itself references the Application ID internally. So, removed the bit where the Application ID was being set to the service object and everything started working correctly.
Try to use this code for token based authentication
TokenPassport tokenPassport = new TokenPassport();
tokenPassport.account = account; //Account ID
tokenPassport.consumerKey = consumerKey; //Consumer Key
tokenPassport.token = tokenId; // Token ID
tokenPassport.nonce = nonce; //It is some calculated value with the help of RNGCryptoServiceProvider class.
tokenPassport.timestamp = timestamp;
tokenPassport.signature = signature; // It is TokenPassportSignature
TokenPassportSignature also uses Account ID, Token ID & Token Secret. It has some algorithms.

Verify password complexity against Active Directory in C#

I am writing an installer that installs SQL, beforehand a user is prompted to enter the SA username/password which will be created for them. When SQL installs it verifies this password against the Active Directory policy and will fail if it doesnt match.
What I want to do is verify the password input by the user is valid before proceeding to install SQL.
How can I validate a password is correct against Active Directory rules?
Note I do not have a login to verify as per this answer, but simply a password to verify.
I am currently trying this, but writing "password" which I know is not allowed doesnt throw an exception
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry localMachine = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName);
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry newUser = localMachine.Children.Add("localuser", "user");
newUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { "3l!teP#$$w0RDz" });
newUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { "password" });
catch(Exception e)
After a lot of pain I have found the C# solution to this using NetValidatePasswordPolicy. Use the supporting structs off of PInvoke and the following code
public static NET_API_STATUS ValidatePassword(string password)
var outputArgs = new NET_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG();
IntPtr inputPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr outputPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
inputArgs.PasswordMatched = true;
inputArgs.ClearPassword = Marshal.StringToBSTR(password);
// If using a secure string
////inputArgs.ClearPassword = Marshal.SecureStringToBSTR(secureStringPassword);
inputPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(inputArgs));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(inputArgs, inputPointer, false);
NET_API_STATUS status = NetValidatePasswordPolicy(System.Environment.MachineName, IntPtr.Zero, NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE.NetValidatePasswordChange, inputPointer, ref outputPointer);
if (status == NET_API_STATUS.NERR_Success)
outputArgs = (NET_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG)Marshal.PtrToStructure(outputPointer, typeof(NET_VALIDATE_OUTPUT_ARG));
if (outputArgs.ValidationStatus == NET_API_STATUS.NERR_Success)
// Ok
return outputArgs.ValidationStatus;
return status;
if (outputPointer != IntPtr.Zero)
NetValidatePasswordPolicyFree(ref outputPointer);
if (inputArgs.ClearPassword != IntPtr.Zero)
if (inputPointer != IntPtr.Zero)
var userName = "bob";
using (var pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)
var user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(pc, userName);
user.ChangePassword(oldpassword, newpassword); //Checks password policy
user.SetPassword(newpassword); //Not positive checks password policy but I believe it 2.
catch(PasswordException ex)
//do something with ex

SignerSign error - No provider was specified for the store or object

I am developing a c# .net 3.5 application (compiled to anycpu)
I need to sign an executable. I tried to use the code in here with some modifications.
I didn't search for the certificate in the store, instead I loaded it form a pfx file:
var cert = new X509Certificate2("myCert.pfx", "pass");
And change method sign like this:
public static void Sign(string appPath, X509Certificate2 cert)
var pSignerCert = IntPtr.Zero;
var pSubjectInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
var pSignatureInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
var pProviderInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
pSignerCert = CreateSignerCert(cert);
pSubjectInfo = CreateSignerSubjectInfo(appPath);
pSignatureInfo = CreateSignerSignatureInfo();
pProviderInfo = GetProviderInfo(cert);
var hResult = NativeMethods.SignerSign(
and then I am getting the provider info like this:
private static IntPtr GetProviderInfo(X509Certificate2 cert)
if (cert == null || !cert.HasPrivateKey)
return IntPtr.Zero;
var key = cert.PublicKey.Key as ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm;
if (key == null)
return IntPtr.Zero;
var providerInfo = new SignerProviderInfo
cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SignerProviderInfo)),
pwszProviderName = "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0",
dwProviderType = 0x1,
dwKeySpec = 0x0,
dwPvkChoice = 0x2, //PVK_TYPE_KEYCONTAINER
providerUnion = new SignerProviderInfo.ProviderInfoUnion
pwszKeyContainer = key.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyContainerName
var pProviderInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(providerInfo));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(providerInfo, pProviderInfo, false);
return pProviderInfo;
the issue is that on some machines it works perfectly ok, but on some other machine I get the following error: Error code 0x80092006 - No provider was specified for the store or object.
I tried to use SignTool.exe with the same pfx file and it works ok.
I tried to investigate what might cause this behavior, but I couldn't find any hint for wht this error is happening.
Does anyone knows why it might happen?
provider info should be filled like this instead:
// get private key information
ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm key = (ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm)certificate.PrivateKey;
var providerInfo = new SignerProviderInfo
cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SignerProviderInfo)),
pwszProviderName = key.CspKeyContainerInfo.ProviderName,
dwProviderType = (uint)key.CspKeyContainerInfo.ProviderType,
providerUnion = new SignerProviderInfo.ProviderInfoUnion
pwszKeyContainer = key.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyContainerName

C#: How to figure out, if a Windows Account is Password proteced

I want to know, if a WindowsAccount is Password protected.
For security reasons, you cannot get the Password, that’s clear, but there must be a way, to find out, if a Password is set.
public bool IsAccountPasswordProteced(String userName)
String entryString = "WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",Computer";
DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(entryString);
DirectoryEntry user = dirEntry.Children.Find(userName, "User");
// First try was to check the ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD flag.
// If this flag is set, the account has no password,
// but if not, both is possible.
int userFlags = (int)user.Properties["UserFlags"].Value;
return (userFlags & (int)ActiveDs.ADS_USER_FLAG.ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD) == 0;
// Second try was to check the PasswordAge.
int pwAge = (int)user.Properties["PasswordAge"].Value;
return pwAge > 0;
If there is no better way, I will use the LogonUser-function, but that’s not the way I was looking for. But it’s better than nothing.
If I use this from a local account (not via network, because of the LogonType) and for an enabled account, it should work.
I used this two links:
Calling LogonUser
Detect empty Passwords
public bool IsAccountPasswordProtected(String userName)
String entryString = "WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",Computer";
DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(entryString);
DirectoryEntry user = dirEntry.Children.Find(userName, "User");
////EDIT: this flag can also be set, if the account has a password
//int userFlags = (int)user.Properties["UserFlags"].Value;
//if ((userFlags & (int)ActiveDs.ADS_USER_FLAG.ADS_UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD) != 0)
// return false;
IntPtr token;
bool result = LogonUser(
user.Name, Environment.UserDomainName,
out token);
if (result)
return false;
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
return false;
//if(err == 1331) // ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED
return true;
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool LogonUser(
string principal,
string authority,
string password,
LogonTypes logonType,
LogonProviders logonProvider,
out IntPtr token);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
enum LogonTypes : uint
Interactive = 2,
NetworkCleartext = 8,
enum LogonProviders : uint
Default = 0, // default for platform (use this!)
WinNT35, // sends smoke signals to authority
WinNT40, // uses NTLM
WinNT50 // negotiates Kerb or NTLM
If you can get the UPN name or user token for the given account (one of the properties of the user object should tell you), then you should just be able to use the WindowsIdentity class something like this:
using System.Security.Principal;
// ...
var identity = new WindowsIdentity("foo-UPN");
var requiresPassword = identity.AuthenticationType != string.Empty;
