ProcessBar counter C# - c#

I have a question about the ProcessBar on C#,
How would I add the value of 1 to a label if the method used when passing an item within a list box was successful ?
I have a method like this
private static Form1 f1 = Application.OpenForms["Form1"] as Form1;
public static void GroupList1(processBar bar)
bar.Value = 100;
public static void GroupList2(processBar bar2)
bar.Value = 100;
} // Etc, etc - up to GroupList6
I would also like to have a label that tells me how many user's were successfully added (using the bar), I was thinking of adding a method like this :
if (bar.Value = 100)
f1.label1.Text = "" + 1;
Inside of my GroupList1/2 method, but the label always appears as the value 1 .
This method within the main form of my code loads a separate label :
for(int i = 0; int i < listBox1.Items.Count; i++)
label2.Text = i.ToString();
So, I would like label 1 to increase by 1 if the user has been loaded into my list box successfully, how would I do this ?
Obviously this isn't actually the code I'm using within my program, a method is used if the selected index changes (which is why I want to increase by 1, to ensure the user parsed the method successfully), but the question still remains as described, thanks.

I dont quite understand well what are you trying to achieve, but if you only look in increasing the value of such label then you can easily do this by
if (bar.Value = 100)
f1.label1.Text = ""+(int.Parse(f1.label1.Text)+1);
or even a better way to initialize the string if for some reason the Text of the label is not an integer
if (bar.Value == 100)
int value;
if(!int.TryParse(f1.label1.Text,out value))
f1.label1.Text = "1";
f1.label1.Text = ""+(value+1);
but the best way to do this is to keep track of the value in a separate variable and just update the content of the label.

It's a bad idea to store the actual count in the label's Text property, instead, create a variable:
private static int count;
Now, change your code to something like this:
if (bar.Value = 100)
// Add 1
count += 1;
// Update the UI
f1.label1.Text = count.ToString();


Finding the right Button on click in Unity

So the answer might be simple but my brain doesn't want to work correct lol. My code generates button clones out of an JSON array, which works fine, this is the code:
void DrawUI(){
GameObject buttonObj = transform.GetChild (0).gameObject; //Gets button to clone it
GameObject g;
int N = allCars.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
g = Instantiate(buttonObj, transform);
g.transform.Find("name").GetComponent<Text>().text = allCars[i].carName;
g.transform.Find("type").GetComponent<Text>().text = allCars[i].type;
g.transform.Find("price").GetComponent<Text>().text = allCars[i].price+ "€";
if(balance < int.Parse(allCars[i].price))
g.transform.Find("price").GetComponent<Text>().color =;
} else if (balance >= int.Parse(allCars[i].price))
g.transform.Find("price").GetComponent<Text>().color = new Color32(53, 140, 3, 255);
g.GetComponent<Button>().AddEventListener(i, OpenBuyDialog);
itemIndex = i;
And now I have another method which has to do get the informations of the clicked button, thats the code for it:
public void BuyCar()
balance -= int.Parse(allCars[itemIndex].price);
You might already see the problem, in my for-loop I increase my int variable "itemIndex" and in my second method I'll call
balance -= int.Parse(allCars[itemIndex].price);
and the problem is, if I got for example 5 cars in my DB, "itemIndex" has the value "4" in the end and when I click the first button, it doesn't give me the price from the correct car, instead I get the price of the 5th car. I thought about using an ArrayList/List<>. As I said before, I don't get the it to work..
You could add a variable to each button holding its own associated index. Is Button.AddEventListener a custom method? I can't find it in the API docs. What is it doing with its first argument (i in this case)? If you could just access that value for the clicked button, it would solve your problem.
Otherwise, you could try using an anonymous delegate to essentially include the index as part of each listener. For example in the for loop:
int closureIndex = i ; // Avoid closure problems
g.GetComponent<Button>().AddEventListener( i, () => OpenBuyDialog(closureIndex) );
// If using the standard Unity UI.Button function it would be:
// g.GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener( () => OpenBuyDialog(closureIndex) );
Then use that argument for the index in OpenBuyDialog(), e.g.:
public void OpenBuyDialog(int index)
public void BuyCar(int index)
balance -= int.Parse(allCars[index].price);

How to alternatively change BackColor of RTB text

I've got a requirement to change text backcolor in RTB. RTB is getting created in a loop for number of messages from DB.
I implemented a logic to achieve it but feel logic as simple.
So could you be able to give idea to implement same or mine is fine?
foreach (DataSet.NoteRow note in _ds.Note)
private void CreateNotes(string note)
//txt : Rich Text Box dynamically created for each note
//test : Selected text in 'note'
int index = txt.Text.ToUpper().IndexOf(test.ToUpper());
txt.Select(index, test.Length);
txt.SelectionFont = new Font(txt.Font.Name, txt.Font.Size, txt.Font.Style^ FontStyle.Bold);
//x global variable initialised as 1
if(x % 2 == 1)
txt.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
x++; }
Scenario :
If Notes has 5 messages, then alternative message should have gray backcolor.
try this
private void CreateNotes(string note)
//txt : Rich Text Box dynamically created for each note
//test : Selected text in 'note'
int index = txt.Text.ToUpper().IndexOf(test.ToUpper());
txt.Select(index, test.Length);
txt.SelectionFont = new Font(txt.Font.Name, txt.Font.Size, txt.Font.Style^ FontStyle.Bold);
Random rnd = new Random();
//x global variable initialised as 1
if(x % 2 == 1)
txt.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromArgb(rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255), rnd.Next(255));
x++; }

Using labels like arrays

I am working on winform application in using c#. I have 10 labels on my winform created in the designer mode, called Label0 to Label9. Now I want to change the Text property of all the labels at once as per the data I acquire in the middle of execution of my program.
i want to do something like this :
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Label[i].Text = "Hello, this is label: "+ i.ToString();
Now, of course this won't work. But how can this be done? how can i call the label like its done in an array? If not possible, then what can be the best alternative solution for my problem?
If you are talking about WinForms, then you can do like this:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Form1_Load is just sample place for code executing
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
var label = Find<Label>(this, "label" + i);
label.Text = "Hello, this is label: " + i.ToString();
private T Find<T>(Control container, string name)
where T : Control
foreach (Control control in container.Controls)
if (control is T && control.Name == name)
return (T)control;
return null;
This code will search label in form controls, and then return it based on control name and type T. But it will use just parent form. So if your label is in some panel, then you need to specify panel as container parameter. Otherwise Find method can be updated as recursive method, so it will search inside all form subcontrols, but if there will be two Label1 controls, then it will return just first one, that might be not correct.
If you can put all Label on a panel after the you can use below code to change the text
foreach (Control p in panal.Controls)
if (p.GetType == Label)
p.Text = "your text";

C# listbox add data from another form

I'm a C# student and I'm a little stuck at on my midterm project.
I dropped my project and spec here:
If you run the program, it will come to the last area I left off at..
private void btnAddScore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
tempScore = Convert.ToDecimal(txtScore.Text);
Form1.scoreList = tempScore; (was Form1.scoreList[i] = tempScore;)
txtScoresList.Text += Convert.ToString(tempScore) + " ";
There's a main form, a secondary add form, and a third and fourth form, all the controls are in place, just the wiring is what's left over.
(1) In the above code, there are supposed to be 3 scores passed to the main form, which, along with a student name string, are to populate the ListBox on the main form. I can't figure out how to access that ListBox, anytime I type "listStudents" nothing happens.
(2) I'm also not sure how to limit an input of only 3 scores when I'm clicking the "add" button 1 time, which means I know my for loop is probably completely wrong. I don't know if I should save those scores to an array, list, or individual vars, being that it can be 3 (or more, but 3 is fine) scores.
(3) When I hit "OK" on the AddNewStudent form, do I write my code there to populate the main form ListBox, or does it go in the main form?
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//something like
foreach (decimal i in scoreList2)
scoreList = scoreList2.ToString(); //gives me a cannot implicitly convert error
lbStudents.Items.Add(tempInfo1 + " " + scoreList2);
//I want the listbox to populate like "Name - |100| |90| |80|"
This code seems to me, to be correct, for getting the ListBox populated, but I'm unsure of how to add the entire contents of the list to a string, and then add that to the listbox.
This will get your code building and running.
Change the following declaration in form1
public static decimal[] scoreList = new decimal[3];
public static List<decimal> scoreList = new List<decimal>();
and update your btnAddScore_Click handler to
//save scores to temp static var, populate noread txtbox txtScoresList with scores
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//save score to static var for trans-form data sending
tempScore = Convert.ToDecimal(txtScore.Text);
The rest is not too difficult, you should be able to work it out.

ObservableCollection and ListBoxItem DataTemplate generation problem

Something strange is going on with ObservableCollection.
I have the following code:
private readonly ObservableCollection<DisplayVerse> _display;
private readonly ListBox _box;
private void TransferToDisplay()
double elementsHeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _source.Count; i++) {
DisplayVerse verse = _source[i];
elementsHeight += CalculateItemsHeight(i);
if (elementsHeight + Offset > _box.ActualHeight) {
_display.RemoveAt(_display.Count - 1);
private double CalculateItemsHeight(int index)
ListBoxItem lbi = _box.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as ListBoxItem;
return lbi != null ? lbi.ActualHeight : 0;
What I am trying to do here is control how many items go into the ObservableCollection _display. Now, within this for loop you can see that elements are added until the total elements height (+offset) is greater than the listbox itself.
Now, this is strange, the elementsHeight equals 0 after this for loop. (CalculateItemsHeight returns 0 in all for loop iterations even though the lbi is not null) It seems that the UI elements defined in the datatemplate are not created...
Now, if I put some MessageBoxes after the _display.Add(verse) you can see that the CalculateItemsHeight actually returns the height of an item.
for (int i = 0; i < _source.Count; i++) {
DisplayVerse verse = _source[i];
MessageBox.Show("pause"); // <----- PROBLEM?
elementsHeight += CalculateItemsHeight(i);
if (elementsHeight + Offset > _box.ActualHeight) {
_display.RemoveAt(_display.Count - 1);
After I modify the for loop as shown, the last MessageBox actually shows the actual height for all processed elements.
My question is - when are the UI elements actually created? It seems that it was done somewhere during the MessageBox display. This behaviour is pretty strange for me, maybe it has something to do with threading, not sure.
Adding to the _display ObservableCollection obviously creates an item immediately, but not its visual elements (they are however added afterwards, I just don't know exactly when). How can I do this same behaviour without having to pop the message box up?
Actually, I was trying to get this to work and I found the ".UpdateLayout()" function, which works perfectly for me. I realize that you're doing vertical and I'm doing horizontal, but here's my code, it's pretty simple:
for (int i = 0; i < listOfItems.ItemsIn.Count; ++i)
ListBoxItem abc = (lb.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(lb.Items[i]) as ListBoxItem);
totalWidth += abc.ActualWidth;
Hopefully this helps!
The wpf layout engine won't have been through the layout and arrange pass so your listboxitems won't have been given a size yet. Sticking in the message box will allow the background threads that do this run. Try forcing a call to Measure() on your items before looking at their size.
This creates somewhat flickering effect for a fraction of second (as if loading items one by one), but actually suits my needs.
The point is to refresh the UI for an item before retrieving its height.
I have created an extension method:
public static void RefreshUI(this DependencyObject obj)
obj.Dispatcher.Invoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Loaded, (Action)delegate { });
And then before retrieving the height, I refresh the UI.
private double CalculateItemsHeight(int index)
ListBoxItem lbi = _box.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as ListBoxItem;
if (lbi != null) {
return lbi.ActualHeight;
return 0;
