i Run all created Unit Tests but i haven't option Analyze Code Coverage in Test and cant choose it from Test Explorer Window. Any Ideas? I have VS 2013 Professional
According to http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/compare-visual-studio-products-vs.aspx code coverage statistics in your testing tools are only available in Visual Studio 2013 Premium and Ultimate.
Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium
In Visual Studio 2015 and 2017,You can get the privilege from
Visual Studio Enterprise
Is there any mutation testing tools from C# on visual studio 2015?
Visual Mutator is not working with visual studio 2015 (link to github issue)
Please check my fork. It is not release ready, but somehow works with VS2015 and nunit 3.
Is code coverage supported with Visual Studio Team Services by default, and can the team check the coverage result on their local visual studio instances? (coloring the coverage).
Yes, when you add "Visual Studio Test" step in your build definition, you can check the "Code Coverage Enabled" option:
And then you can see the code coverage information in the build report:
You can also download the code coverage results file into your local machine but you need to use VS Enterprise edition to open it.
I was wondering if it was possible to build (in release) a 2013 visual studio solution file within Visual Studio 2010.
Search engine is coming up with 2010 to 2013 related issues.
First, you will probable need SP1 for Visual Studio 2010. Even then you need to refer to the Visual Studio 2013 compatibility page to determine if the scenario you are looking for is supported. It will depend on the exact type of project you are building, the version of framework you are using, templates you are using, etc.
There is this great tool in Visual Studio 2012 to show the test coverage of the source code. On the official MSDN homepage it is shown under menu Test -> Analyze Code Coverage.
But in my Test menu this entry is missing and I could'nt figure out why. Can someone please explain? Am I missing an addon/plugin?
Update: Visual Studio 2012 Professional with Update 3.
According to the MSDN page you linked:
Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium
So it will not be available on Professional.
Code coverage is available in premium and ultimate flavors of Visual Studio 2012.
A free alternative is the OpenCover: https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCover
This doesn't work on VS2012, but if you happen to be using a more recent version https://opencppcoverage.codeplex.com/ has a VS plugin.
I am relatively new to unit testing and was attempting to add some code coverage to my unit tests. Yet i can't find the code coverage tab in Visual Studio 2008 in the localtestrun.testrunconfig, is there any missing Add-in or tool?
As I understand "Code Coverage" is available only in "bigger" editions of Visual Studio 2008. In other words, this feature is NOT available in the "Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition".
Which edition of Visual Studio 2008 are you using ?
Go to the menu Test, select Edit test run configuration for your current test run and check enable code coverage. Then perform a run and then on the test run results you can choose to display code coverage.