User Control vs. Rectangle/Alternatives - c#

I'm creating a program that is a tile based dungeon editor to develop games. The tiles that are shown on screen are user controls that are dynamically created once the user specifies the height and width of the level. These user controls are then added to a panel.
My main concern is the efficiency of what I'm doing. If a user creates a 20x20 level, will the amount of user controls "bog down" the program? Each control (or tile as it were) will hold an image and some other attributes such as collidable, interactive, etc.
Will I be okay using user controls, or is there a less expensive alternative out there for this sort of thing?
EDIT: Thanks for the initial replies! From what you guys have said, this won't be too expensive. However, what about the performance in terms of resizing these controls?
private void changeTileSizeOnScroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
int newSize = sliderTileResizer.Value;
for (int w = 0; w < matrixWidth; w++)
for (int h = 0; h < matrixHeight; h++)
pnlTileEditor.Controls[w * matrixHeight + h].Size = new Size(newSize, newSize);
pnlTileEditor.Controls[w * matrixHeight + h].Location = new Point(newSize * w - w, newSize * h - h);
I was going to use databinding for the trackbar and tiles, but I need to update the location based on the size of the tiles so that each tile is directly beside the previous one. Is this a terrible way to resize?


Dynamically display an array of PictureBoxes - Performance issue

I'd like to display coverarts for each album of an MP3 library, a bit like Itunes does (at a later stage, i'd like to click one any of these coverarts to display the list of songs).
I have a form with a panel panel1 and here is the loop i'm using :
int i = 0;
int perCol = 4;
int disBetWeen = 15;
int width = 250;
int height = 250;
foreach(var alb in mp2)
myPicBox.Add(new PictureBox());
myPicBox[i].SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
myPicBox[i].Location = new System.Drawing.Point(disBetWeen + (disBetWeen * (i % perCol) +(width * (i % perCol))),
disBetWeen + (disBetWeen * (i / perCol))+ (height * (i / perCol)));
myPicBox[i].Name = "pictureBox" + i;
myPicBox[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height);
myPicBox[i].ImageLocation = #"C:/Users/Utilisateur/Music/label.jpg";
I'm using the same picture per picturebox for convenience, but i'll use the coverart embedded in each mp3 file eventually.
It's working fine with an abstract of the library (around 50), but i have several thousands of albums. I tried and as expected, it takes a long time to load and i cannot really scroll afterward.
Is there any way to load only what's displayed ? and then how to assess what is displayed with the scrollbars.
Winforms really isn't suited to this sort of thing... Using standard controls, you'd probably need to either provision all the image boxes up front and load images in as they become visible, or manage some overflow placeholder for the appropriate length so the scrollbars work.
Assuming Winforms is your only option, I'd suggest you look into creating a custom control with a scroll bar and manually driving the OnPaint event.
That would allow you to keep a cache of images in memory to draw the current view [and a few either side], while giving you total control over when they're loaded/unloaded [well, as "total" as you can get in a managed language - you may still need tune garbage collection]
To get into some details....
Create a new control
namespace SO61574511 {
// Let's inherit from Panel so we can take advantage of scrolling for free
public class ImageScroller : Panel {
// Some numbers to allow us to calculate layout
private const int BitmapWidth = 100;
private const int BitmapSpacing = 10;
// imageCache will keep the images in memory. Ideally we should unload images we're not using, but that's a problem for the reader
private Bitmap[] imageCache;
public ImageScroller() {
//How many images to put in the cache? If you don't know up-front, use a list instead of an array
imageCache = new Bitmap[100];
//Take advantage of Winforms scrolling
this.AutoScroll = true;
this.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size((BitmapWidth + BitmapSpacing) * imageCache.Length, this.Height);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
// Let Winforms paint its bits (like the scroll bar)
// Translate whatever _we_ paint by the position of the scrollbar
// Use this to decide which images are out of sight and can be unloaded
var current_scroll_position = this.HorizontalScroll.Value;
// Loop through the images you want to show (probably not all of them, just those close to the view area)
for (int i = 0; i < imageCache.Length; i++) {
e.Graphics.DrawImage(GetImage(i), new PointF(i * (BitmapSpacing + BitmapWidth), 0));
//You won't need a random, just for my demo colours below
private Random rnd = new Random();
private Bitmap GetImage(int id) {
// This method is responsible for getting an image.
// If it's already in the cache, use it, otherwise load it
if (imageCache[id] == null) {
//Do something here to load an image into the cache
imageCache[id] = new Bitmap(100, 100);
// For demo purposes, I'll flood fill a random colour
using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(imageCache[id])) {
gfx.Clear(Color.FromArgb(255, rnd.Next(0, 255), rnd.Next(0, 255), rnd.Next(0, 255)));
return imageCache[id];
And Load it into your form, docking to fill the screen....
public Form1() {
this.Controls.Add(new ImageScroller {
Dock = DockStyle.Fill
You can see it in action here: (excuse the mouse trails, I captured area outside the window)

C# moving a PictureBox over another PictureBox

I’m making a card game in c# where I create a class extended from PictureBox and then I create a instance of the class for every card.
I also create a class extended from PictureBox to hold the images for the foundations. This class holds a .png image with transparency.
So far so good but after setting the game table with the foundations, every time I move a card over the foundations the PictureBox that contains the foundation image captures a trail of the card I mover over it creating a very unpleasant visual effect.
I don’t know why the PictureBox of the Foundation tries to capture the image of the card moving over it.
Is there a way to solve this problem? I've tried some suggestions but with no success. Thank you for your help.
Here is a snap of code I use to create an arraylist of PictureBox. Still the same problem.
PictureBox[] pb = new PictureBox[22];
for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++) // linhas
int col = (WindowWidth - 3 * gap - 4 * larguraCarta) / 2;
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) // colunas
pb[cardIndex] = new PictureBox();
pb[cardIndex].Width = larguraCarta;
pb[cardIndex].Height = alturaCarta;
pb[cardIndex].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
pb[cardIndex].Location = new Point(col, linha);
pb[cardIndex].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
pb[cardIndex].BackColor = Color.White;
This is a picture of the screen so you can see what happens when I move a card over the foundation.

Resize control to match aspect ratio

I am creating a "simulator" for different resolutions. Basically I have a control inside a panel. Then the user can choose an aspect ratio (more information below) and the control inside the simulator should get resized to match the desired ratio.
The problem is that I do not know what is a good way to calculate the size of the control without having to use a lot of CPU or trying or resizing. How can I know, if I have to resize the height or the width of the control to fit inside the simulator?
The simulator can grow or shrink. That is why I can not be sure, if the control inside of it will fill up the whole width of the simulator, or the height, but the aspect ratio should be always correct.
This is probably a very easy mathematical problem. I just don't find a solution right now (today is not my day)!
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to ask and propose!
Available Resolutions
3:2 (Like on the iPhone until iPhone 5; Anyone knows an other name?)
16:10 (WXGA)
16:9 (Widescreen)
4:3 (VGA)
Thanks for helping!
Here is a little testbed. Put a control on a form and assign the ViewPort variable to it. Here I chose a textBox1 but any control will do. Then pick a target aspect ratio, I chose TargetRatio_3_2.
Try it by resizing the form!
Note 1: I chose a form as the Container (your Simulator) for easier testing and therefore use its ClientRectangle to access its inner measures. Any other Control will basically work the same.
Not 2: I have added a few lines to place the ViewPort (your Control) in the center.
private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
Control Container = this;
Control ViewPort = textBox1;
float ContainerRatio = 1f * Container.ClientRectangle.Width / Container.ClientRectangle.Height;
const float TargetRatio_3_2 = 3f / 2f;
const float TargetRatio_16_9 = 16f / 9f;
const float TargetRatio_4_3 = 4f / 3f;
const float TargetRatio_16_10 = 16f / 10f;
float TargetRatio = TargetRatio_3_2;
if (ContainerRatio < TargetRatio)
ViewPort.Width = Container.ClientRectangle.Width;
ViewPort.Height = (int)(ViewPort.Width / TargetRatio);
ViewPort.Top = (Container.ClientRectangle.Height - ViewPort.Height) / 2;
ViewPort.Left = 0;
ViewPort.Height = Container.ClientRectangle.Height;
ViewPort.Width = (int)(ViewPort.Height * TargetRatio);
ViewPort.Top = 0;
ViewPort.Left = (Container.ClientRectangle.Width - ViewPort.Width) / 2;

Displaying moving pieces in my chess game lags, what can I do about it?

First time I ever ask a question here so correct me if I´m doing it wrong.
Picture of my chess set:
Every time I move a piece it lags for about 1 second. Every piece and tile has an Image and there is exactly 96 Images. Every time I move a piece it clears everything with black and then update the graphics.
In the early stages of the chess I didn't have any Images and used different colors instead and only a few pieces there was no noticeable lag and the piece moved in an instant.
public void updateGraphics(PaintEventArgs e, Graphics g, Bitmap frame)
g = Graphics.FromImage(frame);
e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(frame, 0, 0);
The function colorMap(g) looks like this:
private void colorMap(Graphics g)
for (int y = 0; y < SomeInts.amount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SomeInts.amount; x++)
Bundle.tile[x, y].colorBody(g, x, y);
The colorAll function executes every pieces colorBody(g) function which look like this:
public void colorBody(Graphics g)
//base.colorBody() does the following: body = new Rectangle(x * SomeInts.size + SomeInts.size / 4, y * SomeInts.size + SomeInts.size / 4, size, size);
if (team == 1)
//If its a white queen
image = Image.FromFile("textures/piece/white/queen.png");
if (team == 2)
//If its a black queen
image = Image.FromFile("textures/piece/black/queen.png");
g.DrawImage(image, body);
and finaly the function that moves the piece:
public void movePiece(MouseEventArgs e)
for (int y = 0; y < SomeInts.amount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SomeInts.amount; x++)
if (Bundle.tile[x, y].body.Contains(e.Location))
//Ignore this
for (int i = 0; i < queens.Count; i++)
Queen temp = queens.ElementAt<Queen>(i);
temp.move(x, y);
player1.move(x, y);
player2.move(x, y);
Thank you for reading all this! I could make a link to the whole program if my coding examples is not enough.
You're calling Image.FromFile in every refresh, for every image - effectively reloading every image file every time from disk.
Have you considered loading the images once, and storing the resulting Images somewhere useful? (say, an array, Image[2,6] would be adequate)
Why do you redraw the board each time? Can't you just leave the board where it is and display an image with transparent background over it? That way you have one image as a background (the board), plus 64 smaller images placed over the board in a grid and just change the image being displayed on each move.
That way, you can let windows handle the drawing...
Also, load the images of the pieces at the start of the application.
In addition to not calling Image.FromFile() inside updateGraphics() (which is definitely your biggest issue), you shouldn't be attempting to redraw the entire board every on every call to updateGraphics() - most of the time, only a small portion of the board will be invalidated.
The PaintEventArgs contains an parameter, ClipRectangle, which specifies which portion of the board needs redrawing. See if you can't figure out which tiles intersect with that rectangle, and only redraw those tiles :)
Hint: Write a function Point ScreenToTileCoords(Point) which takes a screen coordinate and returns which board-tile is at that coordinate. Then the only tiles you need to redraw are
Point upperLeftTileToBeDrawn = ScreenToTileCoords(e.ClipRectangle.Left, e.ClipRectangle.Top);
Point lowerRightTileToBeDrawn = ScreenToTileCoords(e.ClipRectangle.Right - 1, e.ClipRectangle.Bottom- 1);
Also, make sure your control is double-buffered, to avoid tearing. This is much simpler than #Steve B's link in the comments above states; assuming this is a UserControl, simply set
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
Well, what about this:
Do not clear the whole board but only those parts that need to be cleared.
Update to WPF - it moves drawing to the graphics card - and just move pieces around, in a smart way (i.e. have a control / object for every piece).

How to implement pan/zoom on gigapixel bitmaps?

In my project, I'm using (uncompressed 16-bit grayscale) gigapixel images which come from a high resolution scanner for measurement purposes. Since these bitmaps can not be loaded in memory (mainly due to memory fragmentation) I'm using tiles (and tiled TIFF on disc). (see StackOverflow topic on this)
I need to implement panning/zooming in a way like Google Maps or DeepZoom. I have to apply image processing on the fly before presenting it on screen, so I can not use a precooked library which directly accesses an image file. For zooming I intend to keep a multi-resolution image in my file (pyramid storage). The most useful steps seem to be +200%, 50% and show all.
My code base is currently C# and .NET 3.5. Currently I assume Forms type, unless WPF gives me great advantage in this area. I have got a method which can return any (processed) part of the underlying image.
Specific issues:
hints or references on how to implement this pan/zoom with on-demand generation of image parts
any code which could be used as a basis (preferably commercial or LGPL/BSD like licenses)
can DeepZoom be used for this (i.e. is there a way that I can provide a function to provide a tile at the right resulution for the current zoom level?) ( I need to have pixel accurate addressing still)
This CodeProject article: Generate...DeepZoom Image Collection might be a useful read since it talks about generating a DeepZoom image source.
This MSDN article has a section Dynamic Deep Zoom: Supplying Image Pixels at Run Time and links to this Mandelbrot Explorer which 'kinda' sounds similar to what you're trying to do (ie. he is generating specific parts of the mandelbrot set on-demand; you want to retrieve specific parts of your gigapixel image on-demand).
I think the answer to "can DeepZoom be used for this?" is probably "Yes", however as it is only available in Silverlight you will have to do some tricks with an embedded web browser control if you need a WinForms/WPF client app.
Sorry I can't provide more specific answers - hope those links help.
p.s. I'm not sure if Silverlight supports TIFF images - that might be an issue unless you convert to another format.
I decided to try something myself. I came up with a straightforward GDI+ code, which uses the tiles I've already got. I just filter out the parts which are relevant for current clipping region. It works like magic! Please find my code below.
(Form settings double buffering for the best results)
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics dc = e.Graphics;
dc.ScaleTransform(1.0F, 1.0F);
Size scrollOffset = new Size(AutoScrollPosition);
int start_x = Math.Min(matrix_x_size,
(e.ClipRectangle.Left - scrollOffset.Width) / 256);
int start_y = Math.Min(matrix_y_size,
(e.ClipRectangle.Top - scrollOffset.Height) / 256);
int end_x = Math.Min(matrix_x_size,
(e.ClipRectangle.Right - scrollOffset.Width + 255) / 256);
int end_y = Math.Min(matrix_y_size,
(e.ClipRectangle.Bottom - scrollOffset.Height + 255) / 256);
// start * contain the first and last tile x/y which are on screen
// and which need to be redrawn.
// now iterate trough all tiles which need an update
for (int y = start_y; y < end_y; y++)
for (int x = start_x; x < end_x; x++)
{ // draw bitmap with gdi+ at calculated position.
dc.DrawImage(BmpMatrix[y, x],
new Point(x * 256 + scrollOffset.Width,
y * 256 + scrollOffset.Height));
To test it, I've created a matrix of 80x80 of 256 tiles (420 MPixel). Of course I'll have to add some deferred loading in real life. I can leave tiles out (empty) if they are not yet loaded. In fact, I've asked my client to stick 8 GByte in his machine so I don't have to bother about performance too much. Once loaded tiles can stay in memory.
public partial class Form1 : Form
bool dragging = false;
float Zoom = 1.0F;
Point lastMouse;
PointF viewPortCenter;
private readonly Brush solidYellowBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow);
private readonly Brush solidBlueBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue);
const int matrix_x_size = 80;
const int matrix_y_size = 80;
private Bitmap[,] BmpMatrix = new Bitmap[matrix_x_size, matrix_y_size];
public Form1()
Font font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
StringFormat strFormat = new StringFormat();
strFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
strFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
for (int y = 0; y < matrix_y_size; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < matrix_x_size; x++)
BmpMatrix[y, x] = new Bitmap(256, 256, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
// BmpMatrix[y, x].Palette.Entries[0] = (x+y)%1==0?Color.Blue:Color.White;
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(BmpMatrix[y, x]))
g.FillRectangle(((x + y) % 2 == 0) ? solidBlueBrush : solidYellowBrush, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(256, 256)));
g.DrawString("hello world\n[" + x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString() + "]", new Font("Tahoma", 8), Brushes.Black,
new RectangleF(0, 0, 256, 256), strFormat);
g.DrawImage(BmpMatrix[y, x], Point.Empty);
BackColor = Color.White;
Size = new Size(300, 300);
Text = "Scroll Shapes Correct";
AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(256 * matrix_x_size, 256 * matrix_y_size);
Turned out this was the easy part. Getting async multithreaded i/o done in the background was a lot harder to acchieve. Still, I've got it working in the way described here. The issues to resolve were more .NET/Form multithreading related than to this topic.
In pseudo code it works like this:
after onPaint (and on Tick)
check if tiles on display need to be retrieved from disc
if so: post them to an async io queue
if not: check if tiles close to display area are already loaded
if not: post them to an async io/queue
check if bitmaps have arrived from io thread
if so: updat them on screen, and force repaint if visible
Result: I now have my own Custom control which uses roughly 50 MByte for very fast access to arbitrary size (tiled) TIFF files.
I guess you can address this issue following the steps below:
Image generation:
segment your image in multiple subimages (tiles) of a small resolution, for instace, 500x500. These images are depth 0
combine a series of tiles with depth 0 (4x4 or 6x6), resize the combination generating a new tile with 500x500 pixels in depth 1.
continue with this approach until get the entire image using only a few tiles.
Image visualization
Start from the highest depth
When user drags the image, load the tiles dynamically
When the user zoom a region of the image, decrease the depth, loading the tiles for that region in a higher resolution.
The final result is similar to Google Maps.
