WrapPanel with last-in-row fill - c#

What I need: listbox with textboxes inside, textboxes wraps, and last in row fills remaining space:
|word 1||word 2___|
|word 3___________|
I'm trying to implement this behaviour using that advice. My xaml:
<ListBox ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"
ItemsSource="{Binding Tags}"
<controls:WrapPanelLastChildFill />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Text}"/>
MyWrapPanel (inherits form WrapPanel) code:
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
Size curLineSize = new Size();
Size panelSize = new Size(constraint.Width, 0);
UIElementCollection children = base.InternalChildren;
for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement;
Size sz = child.DesiredSize;
if (curLineSize.Width + sz.Width > constraint.Width) // new line
panelSize.Width = Math.Max(curLineSize.Width, panelSize.Width);
panelSize.Height += curLineSize.Height;
if (i > 0)
// change width of prev control here
var lastChildInRow = children[i - 1] as Control;
lastChildInRow.Width = lastChildInRow.ActualWidth + panelSize.Width - curLineSize.Width;
curLineSize = sz;
curLineSize.Width += sz.Width;
curLineSize.Height = Math.Max(sz.Height, curLineSize.Height);
panelSize.Width = Math.Max(curLineSize.Width, panelSize.Width);
panelSize.Height += curLineSize.Height;
return panelSize;
Thats work, but in one side only - textbox width never shrinks.
Any help appreciated.

I have done it recently.
You can see my code at: CodeProject
or use this class directly as shown:
<TextBox MinWidth="120" wrapPanelWithFill:WrapPanelFill.UseToFill="True">*</TextBox>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace WrapPanelWithFill
public class WrapPanelFill : WrapPanel
// ******************************************************************
public static readonly DependencyProperty UseToFillProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("UseToFill", typeof(Boolean),
typeof(WrapPanelFill), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender));
// ******************************************************************
public static void SetUseToFill(UIElement element, Boolean value)
element.SetValue(UseToFillProperty, value);
// ******************************************************************
public static Boolean GetUseToFill(UIElement element)
return (Boolean)element.GetValue(UseToFillProperty);
// ******************************************************************
const double DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-016; /* smallest such that 1.0+DBL_EPSILON != 1.0 */
// ******************************************************************
private static bool DoubleAreClose(double value1, double value2)
//in case they are Infinities (then epsilon check does not work)
if (value1 == value2) return true;
// This computes (|value1-value2| / (|value1| + |value2| + 10.0)) < DBL_EPSILON
double eps = (Math.Abs(value1) + Math.Abs(value2) + 10.0) * DBL_EPSILON;
double delta = value1 - value2;
return (-eps < delta) && (eps > delta);
// ******************************************************************
private static bool DoubleGreaterThan(double value1, double value2)
return (value1 > value2) && !DoubleAreClose(value1, value2);
// ******************************************************************
private bool _atLeastOneElementCanHasItsWidthExpanded = false;
// ******************************************************************
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="FrameworkElement.MeasureOverride"/>
/// </summary>
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
UVSize curLineSize = new UVSize(Orientation);
UVSize panelSize = new UVSize(Orientation);
UVSize uvConstraint = new UVSize(Orientation, constraint.Width, constraint.Height);
double itemWidth = ItemWidth;
double itemHeight = ItemHeight;
bool itemWidthSet = !Double.IsNaN(itemWidth);
bool itemHeightSet = !Double.IsNaN(itemHeight);
Size childConstraint = new Size(
(itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : constraint.Width),
(itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : constraint.Height));
UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
// EO
LineInfo currentLineInfo = new LineInfo(); // EO, the way it works it is always like we are on the current line
_atLeastOneElementCanHasItsWidthExpanded = false;
for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; i++)
UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement;
if (child == null) continue;
//Flow passes its own constrint to children
//this is the size of the child in UV space
UVSize sz = new UVSize(
(itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : child.DesiredSize.Width),
(itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : child.DesiredSize.Height));
if (DoubleGreaterThan(curLineSize.U + sz.U, uvConstraint.U)) //need to switch to another line
// EO
currentLineInfo.Size = curLineSize;
panelSize.U = Math.Max(curLineSize.U, panelSize.U);
panelSize.V += curLineSize.V;
curLineSize = sz;
// EO
currentLineInfo = new LineInfo();
var feChild = child as FrameworkElement;
if (GetUseToFill(feChild))
_atLeastOneElementCanHasItsWidthExpanded = true;
if (DoubleGreaterThan(sz.U, uvConstraint.U)) //the element is wider then the constrint - give it a separate line
currentLineInfo = new LineInfo();
panelSize.U = Math.Max(sz.U, panelSize.U);
panelSize.V += sz.V;
curLineSize = new UVSize(Orientation);
else //continue to accumulate a line
curLineSize.U += sz.U;
curLineSize.V = Math.Max(sz.V, curLineSize.V);
// EO
var feChild = child as FrameworkElement;
if (GetUseToFill(feChild))
_atLeastOneElementCanHasItsWidthExpanded = true;
if (curLineSize.U > 0)
currentLineInfo.Size = curLineSize;
//the last line size, if any should be added
panelSize.U = Math.Max(curLineSize.U, panelSize.U);
panelSize.V += curLineSize.V;
// EO
if (_atLeastOneElementCanHasItsWidthExpanded)
return new Size(constraint.Width, panelSize.Height);
//go from UV space to W/H space
return new Size(panelSize.Width, panelSize.Height);
// ************************************************************************
private struct UVSize
internal UVSize(Orientation orientation, double width, double height)
U = V = 0d;
_orientation = orientation;
Width = width;
Height = height;
internal UVSize(Orientation orientation)
U = V = 0d;
_orientation = orientation;
internal double U;
internal double V;
private Orientation _orientation;
internal double Width
get { return (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? U : V); }
set { if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) U = value; else V = value; }
internal double Height
get { return (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? V : U); }
set { if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) V = value; else U = value; }
// ************************************************************************
private class LineInfo
public List<UIElement> ElementsWithNoWidthSet = new List<UIElement>();
// public double SpaceLeft = 0;
// public double WidthCorrectionPerElement = 0;
public UVSize Size;
public double Correction = 0;
private List<LineInfo> _lineInfos = new List<LineInfo>();
// ************************************************************************
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="FrameworkElement.ArrangeOverride"/>
/// </summary>
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
int lineIndex = 0;
int firstInLine = 0;
double itemWidth = ItemWidth;
double itemHeight = ItemHeight;
double accumulatedV = 0;
double itemU = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? itemWidth : itemHeight);
UVSize curLineSize = new UVSize(Orientation);
UVSize uvFinalSize = new UVSize(Orientation, finalSize.Width, finalSize.Height);
bool itemWidthSet = !Double.IsNaN(itemWidth);
bool itemHeightSet = !Double.IsNaN(itemHeight);
bool useItemU = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? itemWidthSet : itemHeightSet);
UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; i++)
UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement;
if (child == null) continue;
UVSize sz = new UVSize(
(itemWidthSet ? itemWidth : child.DesiredSize.Width),
(itemHeightSet ? itemHeight : child.DesiredSize.Height));
if (DoubleGreaterThan(curLineSize.U + sz.U, uvFinalSize.U)) //need to switch to another line
arrangeLine(lineIndex, accumulatedV, curLineSize.V, firstInLine, i, useItemU, itemU, uvFinalSize);
accumulatedV += curLineSize.V;
curLineSize = sz;
if (DoubleGreaterThan(sz.U, uvFinalSize.U)) //the element is wider then the constraint - give it a separate line
//switch to next line which only contain one element
arrangeLine(lineIndex, accumulatedV, sz.V, i, ++i, useItemU, itemU, uvFinalSize);
accumulatedV += sz.V;
curLineSize = new UVSize(Orientation);
firstInLine = i;
else //continue to accumulate a line
curLineSize.U += sz.U;
curLineSize.V = Math.Max(sz.V, curLineSize.V);
//arrange the last line, if any
if (firstInLine < children.Count)
arrangeLine(lineIndex, accumulatedV, curLineSize.V, firstInLine, children.Count, useItemU, itemU, uvFinalSize);
return finalSize;
// ************************************************************************
private void arrangeLine(int lineIndex, double v, double lineV, int start, int end, bool useItemU, double itemU, UVSize uvFinalSize)
double u = 0;
bool isHorizontal = (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal);
Debug.Assert(lineIndex < _lineInfos.Count);
LineInfo lineInfo = _lineInfos[lineIndex];
double lineSpaceAvailableForCorrection = Math.Max(uvFinalSize.U - lineInfo.Size.U, 0);
double perControlCorrection = 0;
if (lineSpaceAvailableForCorrection > 0 && lineInfo.Size.U > 0)
perControlCorrection = lineSpaceAvailableForCorrection / lineInfo.ElementsWithNoWidthSet.Count;
if (double.IsInfinity(perControlCorrection))
perControlCorrection = 0;
int indexOfControlToAdjustSizeToFill = 0;
UIElement uIElementToAdjustNext = indexOfControlToAdjustSizeToFill < lineInfo.ElementsWithNoWidthSet.Count ? lineInfo.ElementsWithNoWidthSet[indexOfControlToAdjustSizeToFill] : null;
UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement;
if (child != null)
UVSize childSize = new UVSize(Orientation, child.DesiredSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Height);
double layoutSlotU = (useItemU ? itemU : childSize.U);
if (perControlCorrection > 0 && child == uIElementToAdjustNext)
layoutSlotU += perControlCorrection;
uIElementToAdjustNext = indexOfControlToAdjustSizeToFill < lineInfo.ElementsWithNoWidthSet.Count ? lineInfo.ElementsWithNoWidthSet[indexOfControlToAdjustSizeToFill] : null;
child.Arrange(new Rect(
(isHorizontal ? u : v),
(isHorizontal ? v : u),
(isHorizontal ? layoutSlotU : lineV),
(isHorizontal ? lineV : layoutSlotU)));
u += layoutSlotU;
// ************************************************************************

It was misunderstanding where to place width correction. This must be in ArrangeOverride:
private void ArrangeLine(double y, Size lineSize, double boundsWidth, int start, int end)
double x = 0;
UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
UIElement child = children[i];
var w = child.DesiredSize.Width;
if (LastChildFill && i == end - 1) // last сhild fills remaining space
w = boundsWidth - x;
child.Arrange(new Rect(x, y, w, lineSize.Height));
x += w;


MaterialSkin Right to Left custom Control

I'm using MaterialSkin UI controls , how can I change the control properties to Right to left, because it's by default Left to Right.
I think this is the code should be edited :
private void UpdateTabRects()
_tabRects = new List<Rectangle>();
//If there isn't a base tab control, the rects shouldn't be calculated
//If there aren't tab pages in the base tab control, the list should just be empty which has been set already; exit the void
if (_baseTabControl == null || _baseTabControl.TabCount == 0) return;
//Calculate the bounds of each tab header specified in the base tab control
using (var b = new Bitmap(1, 1))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(SkinManager.FormPadding, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[0].Text, SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width, Height));
for (int i = 1; i < _baseTabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(_tabRects[i - 1].Right, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[i].Text , SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width , Height));
and this is the full code for the control :
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MaterialSkin.Animations;
namespace MaterialSkin.Controls
public class MaterialTabSelector : Control, IMaterialControl
public int Depth { get; set; }
public MaterialSkinManager SkinManager => MaterialSkinManager.Instance;
public MouseState MouseState { get; set; }
private MaterialTabControl _baseTabControl;
public MaterialTabControl BaseTabControl
get { return _baseTabControl; }
_baseTabControl = value;
if (_baseTabControl == null) return;
_previousSelectedTabIndex = _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex;
_baseTabControl.Deselected += (sender, args) =>
_previousSelectedTabIndex = _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex;
_baseTabControl.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) =>
_baseTabControl.ControlAdded += delegate
_baseTabControl.ControlRemoved += delegate
private int _previousSelectedTabIndex;
private Point _animationSource;
private readonly AnimationManager _animationManager;
private List<Rectangle> _tabRects;
private const int TabHeaderPadding = 24;
private const int TabIndicatorHeight = 2;
public MaterialTabSelector()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
Height = 48;
_animationManager = new AnimationManager
AnimationType = AnimationType.EaseOut,
Increment = 0.04
_animationManager.OnAnimationProgress += sender => Invalidate();
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
var g = e.Graphics;
g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
if (_baseTabControl == null) return;
if (!_animationManager.IsAnimating() || _tabRects == null || _tabRects.Count != _baseTabControl.TabCount)
var animationProgress = _animationManager.GetProgress();
//Click feedback
if (_animationManager.IsAnimating())
var rippleBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)(51 - (animationProgress * 50)), Color.White));
var rippleSize = (int)(animationProgress * _tabRects[_baseTabControl.SelectedIndex].Width * 1.75);
g.FillEllipse(rippleBrush, new Rectangle(_animationSource.X - rippleSize / 2, _animationSource.Y - rippleSize / 2, rippleSize, rippleSize));
//Draw tab headers
foreach (TabPage tabPage in _baseTabControl.TabPages)
var currentTabIndex = _baseTabControl.TabPages.IndexOf(tabPage);
Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(CalculateTextAlpha(currentTabIndex, animationProgress), SkinManager.ColorScheme.TextColor));
g.DrawString(tabPage.Text.ToUpper(), SkinManager.Font_Size11, textBrush, _tabRects[currentTabIndex], new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center });
//Animate tab indicator
var previousSelectedTabIndexIfHasOne = _previousSelectedTabIndex == -1 ? _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex : _previousSelectedTabIndex;
var previousActiveTabRect = _tabRects[previousSelectedTabIndexIfHasOne];
var activeTabPageRect = _tabRects[_baseTabControl.SelectedIndex];
var y = activeTabPageRect.Bottom - 2;
var x = previousActiveTabRect.X + (int)((activeTabPageRect.X - previousActiveTabRect.X) * animationProgress);
var width = previousActiveTabRect.Width + (int)((activeTabPageRect.Width - previousActiveTabRect.Width) * animationProgress);
g.FillRectangle(SkinManager.ColorScheme.AccentBrush, x, y, width, TabIndicatorHeight);
private int CalculateTextAlpha(int tabIndex, double animationProgress)
int primaryA = SkinManager.ActionBarText.A;
int secondaryA = SkinManager.ActionBarTextSecondary.A;
if (tabIndex == _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex && !_animationManager.IsAnimating())
return primaryA;
if (tabIndex != _previousSelectedTabIndex && tabIndex != _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex)
return secondaryA;
if (tabIndex == _previousSelectedTabIndex)
return primaryA - (int)((primaryA - secondaryA) * animationProgress);
return secondaryA + (int)((primaryA - secondaryA) * animationProgress);
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
if (_tabRects == null) UpdateTabRects();
for (var i = 0; i < _tabRects.Count; i++)
if (_tabRects[i].Contains(e.Location))
_baseTabControl.SelectedIndex = i;
_animationSource = e.Location;
private void UpdateTabRects()
_tabRects = new List<Rectangle>();
//If there isn't a base tab control, the rects shouldn't be calculated
//If there aren't tab pages in the base tab control, the list should just be empty which has been set already; exit the void
if (_baseTabControl == null || _baseTabControl.TabCount == 0) return;
//Calculate the bounds of each tab header specified in the base tab control
using (var b = new Bitmap(1, 1))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(SkinManager.FormPadding, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[0].Text, SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width, Height));
for (int i = 1; i < _baseTabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(_tabRects[i - 1].Right, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[i].Text , SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width , Height));
If you're using windows forms you would go into the properties of the tab control and make:
RightToLeft = Yes
RightToLeftLayout = True.
This is also a duplicate question:
How to make Managed Tab Control (MTC) appear right to left

How to recreate MenuItem ItemTapped and Command with a Button

I have a model called "ListItem", and I'm printing a list of them. I used to just use a ListView, but I wanted to print them horizontally, so I created a custom WrapLayout.
The ListView had simple ways to perform actions when the items were tapped or long-pressed. When a MenuItem was tapped, PutBack was called, and the ListItem was passed through as parameters. When a MenuItem was long-pressed, a button reading "delete" appeared in the toolbar, and when that was tapped, DeleteListItem was called and the ListItem was passed through as parameters.
Old Xaml:
<ListView x:Name="inactiveList" ItemTapped="PutBack" >
<TextCell Text="{Binding Name}">
<MenuItem Command="{Binding Source={x:Reference ListPage}, Path=DeleteListItem}"
CommandParameter="{Binding .}" Text="delete" />
I'm having trouble recreating this functionality with the buttons generated by my custom WrapLayout. Is this possible to do? I tried adding a Clicked property to the buttons, but VS tells me I can only set Clicked with += or -=, which doesn't make any sense to me.
New Xaml:
<local:WrapLayout x:Name="inactiveList" Spacing="5" />
New Code-Behind:
namespace Myapp
public partial class ListPage
public Command DeleteListItem { get; set; }
public ListPage()
ObservableCollection<ListItem> inactiveItems =
new ObservableCollection<ListItem>(
inactiveList.ItemsSource = inactiveItems;
DeleteListItem = new Command(async (parameter) => {
ListItem item = (ListItem)parameter as ListItem;
ObservableCollection<ListItem> deleteInactiveItems =
new ObservableCollection<ListItem>(
await App.ListItemRepo.GetInactiveListItemsAsync());
inactiveList.ItemsSource = deleteInactiveItems;
public async void PutBack(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e)
var selectedListItem = e.Item as ListItem;
await App.ListItemRepo.SetListItemActive(selectedListItem);
ObservableCollection<ListItem> inactiveItems =
new ObservableCollection<ListItem>(
await App.ListItemRepo.GetInactiveListItemsAsync());
inactiveList.ItemsSource = inactiveItems;
public class WrapLayout : Layout<View>
public ObservableCollection<ListItem> ItemsSource
get { return (ObservableCollection<ListItem>)GetValue(ItemSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemSourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemSourceProperty =
propertyChanged: (bindable, oldvalue, newvalue) => ((WrapLayout)bindable).AddViews()
void AddViews()
foreach (ListItem s in ItemsSource)
Button button = new Button();
button.Text = s.Name;
public static readonly BindableProperty SpacingProperty =
propertyChanged: (bindable, oldvalue, newvalue) => ((WrapLayout)bindable).OnSizeChanged()
public double Spacing
get { return (double)GetValue(SpacingProperty); }
set { SetValue(SpacingProperty, value); }
private void OnSizeChanged()
protected override SizeRequest OnMeasure(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint)
if (WidthRequest > 0)
widthConstraint = Math.Min(widthConstraint, WidthRequest);
if (HeightRequest > 0)
heightConstraint = Math.Min(heightConstraint, HeightRequest);
double internalWidth = double.IsPositiveInfinity(widthConstraint) ? double.PositiveInfinity : Math.Max(0, widthConstraint);
double internalHeight = double.IsPositiveInfinity(heightConstraint) ? double.PositiveInfinity : Math.Max(0, heightConstraint);
return DoHorizontalMeasure(internalWidth, internalHeight);
private SizeRequest DoHorizontalMeasure(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint)
int rowCount = 1;
double width = 0;
double height = 0;
double minWidth = 0;
double minHeight = 0;
double widthUsed = 0;
foreach (var item in Children)
var size = item.Measure(widthConstraint, heightConstraint);
height = Math.Max(height, size.Request.Height);
var newWidth = width + size.Request.Width + Spacing;
if (newWidth > widthConstraint)
widthUsed = Math.Max(width, widthUsed);
width = size.Request.Width;
width = newWidth;
minHeight = Math.Max(minHeight, size.Minimum.Height);
minWidth = Math.Max(minWidth, size.Minimum.Width);
if (rowCount > 1)
width = Math.Max(width, widthUsed);
height = (height + Spacing) * rowCount - Spacing; // via MitchMilam
return new SizeRequest(new Size(width, height), new Size(minWidth, minHeight));
protected override void LayoutChildren(double x, double y, double width, double height)
double rowHeight = 0;
double yPos = y, xPos = x;
foreach (var child in Children.Where(c => c.IsVisible))
var request = child.Measure(width, height);
double childWidth = request.Request.Width;
double childHeight = request.Request.Height;
rowHeight = Math.Max(rowHeight, childHeight);
if (xPos + childWidth > width)
xPos = x;
yPos += rowHeight + Spacing;
rowHeight = 0;
var region = new Rectangle(xPos, yPos, childWidth, childHeight);
LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(child, region);
xPos += region.Width + Spacing;

Detect if the TIFF image is Horizontal or Vertical - C#

Im using WinForms. In my Form i have a picturebox and a next button. I use this picturebox to display tiff images and i use the next button to navigate to the next page. The tiff documents are multipage images. The document I'm trying to view has a horizontal images and a vertical images like the example below. If its horizontal i want to size it (1100, 800), but if its vertical i want to size it (800, 1100). How do i do this? currently this is what i have but its not a good solution.
System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path_lbl.Text);
if (img.Height > img.Width)
pictureBox1.Width = 800;
pictureBox1.Height = 1300;
pictureBox1.Width = 1300;
pictureBox1.Height = 800;
I currently use this approach but this doesn't work because if the first image is vertical the if-statement will always execute the first condition pictureBox1.size(1300 , 800); With this method, if the next image is horizontal the condition will not ever re-size it horizontally.
Example Tiff image
Quick Test Code
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Demo
class TestForm : Form
public TestForm()
var panel = new Panel { Dock = DockStyle.Top, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle };
openButton = new Button { Text = "Open", Top = 8, Left = 16 };
prevButton = new Button { Text = "Prev", Top = 8, Left = 16 + openButton.Right };
nextButton = new Button { Text = "Next", Top = 8, Left = 16 + prevButton.Right };
path_lbl = new Label { Text = "", Top = 12, Left = 16 + nextButton.Right };
panel.Height = 16 + openButton.Height;
panel.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { openButton, prevButton, nextButton, path_lbl });
pageViewer = new PictureBox { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom };
ClientSize = new Size(850, 1100 + panel.Height);
Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { panel, pageViewer });
openButton.Click += OnOpenButtonClick;
prevButton.Click += OnPrevButtonClick;
nextButton.Click += OnNextButtonClick;
Disposed += OnFormDisposed;
private Button openButton;
private Button prevButton;
private Button nextButton;
private PictureBox pageViewer;
private PageBuffer pageData;
private int currentPage;
private Size pageSize;
public string path;
private Label path_lbl;
private void OnOpenButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var dialog = new OpenFileDialog())
if (dialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
path = dialog.FileName;
private void OnPrevButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
SelectPage(currentPage - 1);
private void OnNextButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//var data = PageBuffer.Open(path,Size= new Size(850,1150));
SelectPage(currentPage + 1);
//Debug.WriteLine("Current Size: 1300, 800");
private void OnFormDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (pageData != null)
private void Open(string path)
var data = PageBuffer.Open(path, new Size(1500, 1500));
pageViewer.Image = null;
if (pageData != null)
pageData = data;
private void SelectPage(int index)
pageViewer.Image = pageData.GetPage(index);
currentPage = index;
private void UpdatePageInfo()
prevButton.Enabled = pageData != null && currentPage > 0;
nextButton.Enabled = pageData != null && currentPage < pageData.PageCount - 1;
static class Program
static void Main()
Application.Run(new TestForm());
class PageBuffer : IDisposable
public const int DefaultCacheSize = 12; //This is how much images it will have in memory
public static PageBuffer Open(string path, Size maxSize, int cacheSize = DefaultCacheSize)
return new PageBuffer(File.OpenRead(path), maxSize, cacheSize);
private PageBuffer(Stream stream, Size maxSize, int cacheSize)
this.stream = stream;
source = Image.FromStream(stream);
pageCount = source.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Page);
if (pageCount < 2) return;
pageCache = new Image[Math.Min(pageCount, Math.Max(cacheSize, 5))];
pageSize = source.Size;
if (!maxSize.IsEmpty)
float scale = Math.Min((float)maxSize.Width / pageSize.Width, (float)maxSize.Height / pageSize.Height);
pageSize = new Size((int)(pageSize.Width * scale), (int)(pageSize.Height * scale));
var worker = new Thread(LoadPages) { IsBackground = true };
private void LoadPages()
while (true)
lock (syncLock)
if (disposed) return;
int index = Array.FindIndex(pageCache, 0, pageCacheSize, p => p == null);
if (index < 0)
pageCache[index] = LoadPage(pageCacheStart + index);
private Image LoadPage(int index)
source.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, index);
return new Bitmap(source, pageSize);
private Stream stream;
private Image source;
private int pageCount;
private Image[] pageCache;
private int pageCacheStart, pageCacheSize;
private object syncLock = new object();
private bool disposed;
private Size pageSize;
public Image Source { get { return source; } }
public int PageCount { get { return pageCount; } }
public Image GetPage(int index)
if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);
if (PageCount < 2) return Source;
lock (syncLock)
int cacheIndex = index - pageCacheStart;
var image = pageCache[cacheIndex];
if (image == null)
image = pageCache[cacheIndex] = LoadPage(index);
return image;
private void AdjustPageCache(int pageIndex)
int start, end;
if ((start = pageIndex - pageCache.Length / 2) <= 0)
end = (start = 0) + pageCache.Length;
else if ((end = start + pageCache.Length) >= PageCount)
start = (end = PageCount) - pageCache.Length;
if (start < pageCacheStart)
int shift = pageCacheStart - start;
if (shift >= pageCacheSize)
ClearPageCache(0, pageCacheSize);
ClearPageCache(pageCacheSize - shift, pageCacheSize);
for (int j = pageCacheSize - 1, i = j - shift; i >= 0; j--, i--)
Exchange(ref pageCache[i], ref pageCache[j]);
else if (start > pageCacheStart)
int shift = start - pageCacheStart;
if (shift >= pageCacheSize)
ClearPageCache(0, pageCacheSize);
ClearPageCache(0, shift);
for (int j = 0, i = shift; i < pageCacheSize; j++, i++)
Exchange(ref pageCache[i], ref pageCache[j]);
if (pageCacheStart != start || pageCacheStart + pageCacheSize != end)
pageCacheStart = start;
pageCacheSize = end - start;
void ClearPageCache(int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
Dispose(ref pageCache[i]);
static void Dispose<T>(ref T target) where T : class, IDisposable
var value = target;
if (value != null) value.Dispose();
target = null;
static void Exchange<T>(ref T a, ref T b) { var c = a; a = b; b = c; }
public void Dispose()
if (disposed) return;
lock (syncLock)
disposed = true;
if (pageCache != null)
ClearPageCache(0, pageCacheSize);
pageCache = null;
Dispose(ref source);
Dispose(ref stream);
if (pageCount > 2)

WinRT Custom Panel scrolling

I implemented custom Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Panel for custom layout items in ListView and put it to <ItemsPanelTemplate>. It's works, but is not possible to scroll.
This answer not applicable because I'm using MVVM data binding.
How to make scrolling work?
My Panel implementation:
public class StaggeredWrapPanel : Panel
#region int ItemWidth Property
public int ItemWidth
get { return (int)GetValue(ItemWidthProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemWidthProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemWidth", typeof(int), typeof(StaggeredWrapPanel), new PropertyMetadata(300, OnItemWidthPropertyChanged));
private static void OnItemWidthPropertyChanged(DependencyObject source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
(source as StaggeredWrapPanel).InvalidateMeasure();
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
foreach (var item in Children)
item.Measure(new Size(ItemWidth, double.PositiveInfinity));
return base.MeasureOverride(availableSize);
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
int columnsCount = (int)(finalSize.Width / ItemWidth);
double[] columnsOffsetsY = new double[columnsCount];
double[] columnsOffsetsX = new double[columnsCount];
for (int i = 0; i < columnsOffsetsX.Length; i++)
columnsOffsetsX[i] = i * ItemWidth;
int currentColumn = 0;
foreach (var item in Children)
if (currentColumn != 0 && columnsOffsetsY[currentColumn] >= columnsOffsetsY[currentColumn - 1])
if (currentColumn == columnsCount - 1)
currentColumn = 0;
else currentColumn++;
Rect rect = new Rect(new Point(columnsOffsetsX[currentColumn], columnsOffsetsY[currentColumn]), new Size(item.DesiredSize.Width, item.DesiredSize.Height));
columnsOffsetsY[currentColumn] += item.DesiredSize.Height;
if (currentColumn == 0)
if (currentColumn > columnsCount - 1)
currentColumn = 0;
return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);

Detect objects in an area of interest

I want to detect the rectangles in the red zone of the picture below, I defined the picture center and drew a line and compared my center to the rectangles center and that way I am able to find the centres.
My approach didn't take Y into consideration but the left range requires that. So I think Points would be appropriate to use here but I don't know how to do that,
QUESTION How to define this range(demonstrated by the redlines), I just want to know which objects are on the left line,right line,center line(gray lines), So by defining lines,spaces, anything would work for me,
// Rectangles am interested in, have left, right, top, bottom pixel position
var rectangleCenter =(left + right) / 2;
if (rectangleCenter >= (CenterRef - 50) && rectangleCenter <= (CenterRef + 50))
// assuming 5 is the curve
for(int i=0; i<somelimit; i+5)
var rectangleCenter = (left + right) / 2;
// assuming its a 1000 pixel image, Mycenter is 500,
leftRef = MyCenter + 250;
leftRef + i;
if (rectangleCenter >= (leftRef - 50) && rectangleCenter <= (leftRef + 50))
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
double[,] allPoints = new double[5, 3]; //Each rectangle is defined by 4 X/Y Points (left-top, left-bottom, right-top and right-bottom)
//The four points of each rectangle have to be inside the given area (inside the given couple of red lines)
int foundInArea = 0;
int areaCount = 0;
areaCount = areaCount + 1; //There are three areas; what is inside each couple of two red lines
foundInArea = areaCount;
int count1 = 0;
count1 = count1 + 1;
if (!isInArea(areaCount, new double[] { 0, allPoints[count1, 1], allPoints[count1, 2] }))
foundInArea = 0;
} while (count1 < 4);
if (foundInArea > 0)
} while (areaCount < 3);
if (foundInArea > 0)
//Rectangle inside are foundInArea
private bool isInArea(int areaNo, double[] pointToTest)
bool isThere = false;
double alpha = returnAngles(areaNo); //Inclination of the red lines
double[] startPoint1 = returnStartEndPoints(areaNo, true, true); //Initial point of the red line on the left
double[] endPoint1 = returnStartEndPoints(areaNo, true, false); //End point of the red line on the left
double[] startPoint2 = returnStartEndPoints(areaNo, false, true); //Initial point of the red line on the right
double[] endPoint2 = returnStartEndPoints(areaNo, false, false); //End point of the red line on the right
return checkPoint(pointToTest, alpha, startPoint1, endPoint1, startPoint2, endPoint2);
private bool checkPoint(double[] pointToTest, double alpha, double[] startPoint1, double[] endPoint1, double[] startPoint2, double[] endPoint2)
bool isThere = false;
//You have all the information and can perform the required trigonometrical calculculations to determine whether the two lines surround the given point or not
//I think that I have worked more than enough in this code :)
return isThere;
//Hardcoded angles for each red line.
//All the angles have to be taken from the same reference point (for example: middle-bottom part)
//Example: area1 (lines on the left): 240 degree, area2: 270 degree...
private double returnAngles(int areaNo)
double outVal = 0;
if (areaNo == 1)
//outVal = val;
else if (areaNo == 2)
//outVal = val;
else if (areaNo == 3)
//outVal = val;
return outVal;
//Returning the X (index 1) and Y (index 2) values under the given conditions (start/end point for each area)
//These values have to be hardcoded from a rough estimation. For example, by assuming that the start is in the upper part,
//the starting point for the left line can be assumed to be X = max_X/3 and Y = max_Y
private double[] returnStartEndPoints(int areaNo, bool isLeftLine, bool isStartPoint)
double[] outPoint = new double[3];
if (areaNo == 1)
if (isLeftLine)
if (isStartPoint)
//outPoint[1] = value; //hardcoded X for start point of line on the left of area1
//outPoint[2] = value; //hardcoded Y for start point of line on the left of area1
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
if (isStartPoint)
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
else if (areaNo == 2)
if (isLeftLine)
if (isStartPoint)
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
if (isStartPoint)
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
else if (areaNo == 3)
if (isLeftLine)
if (isStartPoint)
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
if (isStartPoint)
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
//outPoint[1] = value;
//outPoint[2] = value;
return outPoint;
