The following code is working fine for .xlsx, but it's not working for .xls. I got this error message
Can not open the package. Package is an OLE compound document. If this is an encrypted package, please supply the password
string filepath = txtBrowse.Text;
FileStream stream = System.IO.File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
//1. Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(filepath);
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
string sheetName = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
foreach (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet sheet in package.Workbook.Worksheets)
// Check the name of the current sheet
if (sheet.Name == sheetName)
break; // Exit the loop now
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
How do I do this correctly?
EPPlus does not work with the XLS format. Only XLSX. You'll need to find a new library.
I succesfully used Tony's answer and simply convert it using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and can still then use epplus
The Problem
I'm trying to create a small program that uses an Excel template to create an Excel document and then writes to several cells using EPPlus. Unfortunately, the files appear to be corrupt no matter what I try.
My code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using OfficeOpenXml;
using System.IO;
namespace ConsoleApplication9
public sealed class ExcelSerialize
private readonly List<Tuple<string, string>> Results;
private readonly string Directory;
private ExcelPackage package;
public ExcelSerialize(List<Tuple<string, string>> Results, string Directory)
this.Results = Results;
this.Directory = Directory;
public bool WriteResults()
FileInfo template = new FileInfo(Directory);
using (package = new ExcelPackage(template, true))
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
//foreach (Tuple<string, string> Result in Results)
// worksheet.Cells[Result.Item1].Value = Result.Item2;
string file = string.Format(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + #"results\results" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", "-") + ".xlsx");
Byte[] bin = package.GetAsByteArray();
File.WriteAllBytes(file, bin);
return true;
Things I've tried:
Changing the values of various cells in the template.
Saving an Excel document created from the template without writing any new data to it.
Creating a basic template with the cells A1, A2, and A3 containing "TEST" and no other edits instead of the more complicated template I intend to use.
Saving using Package.SaveAs().
Saving using the Byte array seen in the example code.
Compiling EPPlus from the latest source provided on Codeplex.
Things that work:
Creating a new file using the following code:
using (package = new ExcelPackage(string.Format(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + #"results\results" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", "-") + ".xlsx"))
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Test");
worksheet.Cells[A1].Value = "Test";
For whatever reason, the files saved still appear corrupt and can't be recovered. I'm currently using Microsoft Office 2010. The file formats I'm using are .xltx and .xlsx.
Short Answer:
The EPPlus library does not support creation of a file from an existing xltx Excel template.
Use a pre-formatted xlsx file instead.
Long Answer:
Dim excelFile As New FileInfo(filename)
Dim reportTemplate As New FileInfo(templatePath)
Dim xlFile As ExcelPackage = New ExcelPackage(excelFile, reportTemplate)
' Do Stuff
When instantiating a new ExcelPackage object using EPPlus you're supposed to be able to provide a template as the second parameter (see code snippet above), however when providing it with an xltx file I kept getting a corrupt output file same as the user above. I eventually found that supplying a regular xlsx file as the template, rather than an actual template file, appeared to work.
This is an open source package, so I decided to take a quick look at the source.
It looks like the ExcelPackage constructors that accept the "template" parameter, call the CreateFromTemplate() method. The comments on the CreateFromTemplate() method states that it expects an existing xlsx file to use as a template, not an actual template file.
So while one might assume that the 'template' parameter refers to an actual xltx template file, it appears that EPPlus does not support that.
Similar problem faced, this worked by just giving me back the template
public ExcelPackage getSheet(string templatePath){
FileInfo template = new FileInfo(templatePath);
ExcelPackage p = new ExcelPackage(template, true);
ExcelWorksheet ws = p.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; //position of the worksheet
ws.Name = bookName;
ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.MemoryStream(), p.Stream);
return pck;
Then you call with this
string path = Server.MapPath(#"../../../Ex/template.xlsx")
OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage pck = getSheet(path);
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", String.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "attachment; filename={0}", fileName + ".xlsx"));
catch { }
Explicitly close the File after you write the data to it.
I know when you use EPPlus in a response on a web request closing the response removes that issue.
I am using the following code to edit cells of an excel file but I dont see my changes in the escel file.
using (var fs = new FileStream(reconnFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
HSSFWorkbook template = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true);
ISheet sheet = template.GetSheetAt(0);
int rownumber=3;
foreach(StringBuilder cardHolderValue in cardHolderValues)
And I can't find any Save() function in it to do so. Please let me know how can I save my edits.
Look at: There is a Write method to save your excel file.
template.Write(new FileStream("c:/path", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite));
How can I find some value from cell and replace by new value in Excel?
I tryed this but it doesn't works:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlapp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb =default(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook);
wb = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(FileName.ToString());
I would recommend you use NPOI which can be accessed either via codeplex or directly through Nuget in Visual Studio. It gives you the ability to easily upload, edit and create spreadsheets in .NET
Example of uploading a spreadsheet:
HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook;
void InitializeWorkbook(string path)
//read the template via FileStream, it is suggested to use FileAccess.Read to prevent file lock.
//book1.xls is an Excel-2007-generated file, so some new unknown BIFF records are added.
using (FileStream file = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);
You can then use the IRow and ICell collections of the spreadsheet to locate and edit the data you need before doing an export.
More examples can be found here
If interested, you can use GemBox.Spreadsheet for this, like so:
// Load your XLS, XLSX, ODS or CSV file.
ExcelFile wb = ExcelFile.Load(FileName.ToString());
ExcelWorksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
// Replace all "find" occurances with "replace" text.
int row, column;
while(ws.Cells.FindText("find", out row, out column))
ws.Cells[row, column].ReplaceText("find", "replace");
// Save your XLS, XLSX, ODS or CSV file.
Also you can find another searching in Excel example here.
All you have to do is replace
fileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
//1. Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
//2. Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
//3. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
//4. DataSet - Create column names from first row
excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true;
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
//5. Data Reader methods
while (excelReader.Read())
//6. Free resources (IExcelDataReader is IDisposable)
I've used the above code to read an Excel document, You use no1 or no2 depending on whether it is xls or xlsx, I've tried it with xlsx (using number 2 above and it works fine - however I'm using another plug in to export the document again- and this only works with xls, so I wanted to keep the excel data reader to 'xls' when I use this code (number 1 instead of number 2-(numbered above) I get an error when trying to read in the file:
index was outside the bounds of the array
Any idea as to why?
I am trying to convert a xls or xlsx file with multiple sheets into one CSV file using c# and the interop library. I am only getting the one sheet in the CSV file. I know I can specify the sheet to save as or change the active sheet to save that one but I am looking for a solution to append all the sheets to the same CSV file that will work with both xls and xlsx files. I am automating this and don't care what is in the excel document just want to pull the string values out and append it to the csv file. Here is the code I am using:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
app.Visible = false;
app.DisplayAlerts = false;
Workbook wkb = app.Workbooks.Open(fullFilePath);
wkb.SaveAs(newFileName, XlFileFormat.xlCSVWindows);
Is this even possible?
I'm just getting started tackling a similar situation, but I believe this may address your needs:
This uses the ExcelDataReader api that you can get from NuGet
Like Tim was saying, you're going to have to make sure and possibly validate that the columns and structure are the same between sheets. You may also have to eat the header rows on all the sheets after the first one. I'll post an update and some code samples once I've finished.
Update [7/15/2013]. Here's my finished code. Not very fancy, but it gets the job done. All of the sheets are tables in the DataSet, so you just loop through the tables adding onto your destination. I'm outputting to a MongoDB, but I'm guessing you can swap that out for a StreamWriter for your CSV file rather easily.
private static void ImportValueSetAttributeFile(string filePath)
FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
// Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
// DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();
// Free resources (IExcelDataReader is IDisposable)
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[0].ConnectionString;
var database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["database"];
var mongoAccess = new MongoDataAccess(connectionString, database);
var cdm = new BaseDataManager();
int ind = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < result.Tables.Count; i++)
int row_no = 1;
while (row_no < result.Tables[ind].Rows.Count) // ind is the index of table
// (sheet name) which you want to convert to csv
var currRow = result.Tables[ind].Rows[row_no];
var valueSetAttribute = new ValueSetAttribute()
CmsId = currRow[0].ToString(),
NqfNumber = currRow[1].ToString(),
ValueSetName = currRow[2].ToString(),
ValueSetOid = currRow[3].ToString(),
Definition = currRow[4].ToString(),
QdmCategory = currRow[5].ToString(),
Expansion = currRow[6].ToString(),
Code = currRow[7].ToString(),
Description = currRow[8].ToString(),
CodeSystem = currRow[9].ToString(),
CodeSystemOid = currRow[10].ToString(),
CodeSystemVersion = currRow[11].ToString()
cdm.AddRecords<ValueSetAttribute>(valueSetAttribute, "ValueSetAttributes");