How can I realize pattern promise/defered? - c#

I want to write a pattern Promise/Deffered.
Perfect variant in end is:
.done( result => {
...something doing;
} )
.fail( error => {
...error handle;
} )
.always( () => {
...some code;
} )
I've found this implementation and But how can I use it to solve my task???

C# solves this with Tasks
Tasks solve the same problem as promises do in JavaScript - and you can use them similarly. However normally, you shouldn't.
There are several differences:
Tasks have cancellation built in.
Tasks aren't always started, and you can have tasks and start them later.
Promises perform assimilation, you can't have a Promise<Promise<T>> but you can have a task of a task in C# and might need to call .Unwrap on tasks.
There is one canonical implementation of tasks in the TPL (task parallelization library) that ships with C# but many implementations of promises in JavaScript.
Using Tasks
Here's how you'd use them with the async/await syntax - which will be added to JavaScript in ES7 and can be used in ES6 with yield in some libraries.
async Task Foo(){
var res = await myObject.CallMethodReturningTaskOrAsyncMethod();
} catch(e){
// handle errors, this will be called if the async task errors
} finally {
// this is your .always
You can also use .ContinueWith which parallels to .then but it's very uncommon in C# and is generally frowned upon when await can be used. You can learn more about using async/await here.
Deffereds are mapped to TaskCompletionSource instances and Promises are Tasks in C#. Task.WhenAll is used where you'd use $.when or Promise.all.
Where you'd usually write:
return b(res, "foo");
// do work on res2
You'd do the following in C#:
var res = await a();
var res2 = await b(res, "foo");
// do work on res2.

Seems to me, this perfectly fit with tasks:
var deferred = Task
.StartNew(() => /* produce some result (promise) */);
// done
.ContinueWith(d => Console.WriteLine(d.Result), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion);
// fail
.ContinueWith(d => Console.WriteLine(d.Exception), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
// always
.ContinueWith(d => Console.WriteLine("Do something"));

you can use asynchronous with Task, async and await as follows:
pay attention for handling asynchronous you do not need use try catch
public async Task Method()
await Task.Run(() =>
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
//grab the UI Dispatcher if you need
}).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsCompleted)
//operations success
else if (task.IsFaulted)
//operations failed


Is there a proper pattern for multiple ContinueWith methods

In the docs for TPL I found this line:
Invoke multiple continuations from the same antecedent
But this isn't explained any further. I naively assumed you could chain ContinueWiths in a pattern matching like manner until you hit the right TaskContinuationOptions.
.ContinueWith((s) => Console.Out.WriteLine(s.Result), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion)
.ContinueWith((f) => Console.Out.WriteLine(f.Exception.Message), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted)
.ContinueWith((f) => Console.Out.WriteLine("Cancelled"), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnCanceled)
But this doesn't work like I hoped for at least two reasons.
The continuations are properly chained so the 2nd ContinueWith gets the result form the 1st, that is implemented as new Task, basically the ContinueWith task itself. I realize that the String could be returned onwards, but won't that be a new task with other info lost?
Since the first option is not met, the Task is just cancelled. Meaning that the second set will never be met and the exceptions are lost.
So what do they mean in the docs when they say multiple continuations from the same antecedent?
Is there a proper patter for this or do we just have to wrap the calls in try catch blocks?
So I guess this was what I was hoping I could do, note this is a simplified example.
public void ProccessAllTheThings()
var theThings = util.GetAllTheThings();
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var thing in theThings)
var task = util.Process(thing)
.ContinueWith((t) => Console.Out.WriteLine($"Finished processing {thing.ThingId} with result {t.Result}"), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion)
.ContinueWith((t) => Console.Out.WriteLine($"Error on processing {thing.ThingId} with error {t.Exception.Message}"), TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
Since this wasn't possible I was thinking I would have to wrap each task call in a try catch inside the loop so I wouldn't stop the process but not wait on it there. I wasn't sure what the correct way.
Sometimes a solution is just staring you in the face, this would work wouldn't it?
public void ProccessAllTheThings()
var theThings = util.GetAllTheThings();
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var thing in theThings)
var task = util.Process(thing)
.ContinueWith((t) =>
if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
Console.Out.WriteLine($"Finished processing {thing.ThingId} with result {t.Result}");
Console.Out.WriteLine($"Error on processing {thing.ThingId} - {t.Exception.Message}");
What you did is to create a sequential chain of multiple tasks.
What you need to do is attach all your continuation tasks to the first one:
var firstTask = TaskThatReturnsString();
var t1 = firstTask.ContinueWith (…);
var t2 = firstTask.ContinueWith (…);
var t3 = firstTask.ContinueWith (…);
Then you need to wait for all the continuation tasks:
Task.WaitAll (t1, t2, t3);

How can I run a cancellable task to update UI component [duplicate]

I have a task that performing some heavy work.
I need to path it's result to LogContent
Task<Tuple<SupportedComunicationFormats, List<Tuple<TimeSpan, string>>>>.Factory
.StartNew(() => DoWork(dlg.FileName))
.ContinueWith(obj => LogContent = obj.Result);
This is the property:
public Tuple<SupportedComunicationFormats, List<Tuple<TimeSpan, string>>> LogContent
get { return _logContent; }
private set
_logContent = value;
if (_logContent != null)
string entry = string.Format("Recognized {0} log file",_logContent.Item1);
_traceEntryQueue.AddEntry(Origin.Internal, entry);
Problem is that _traceEntryQueue is data bound to UI, and of cause I will have exception on code like this.
So, my question is how to make it work correctly?
Here is a good article: Parallel Programming: Task Schedulers and Synchronization Context.
Take a look at Task.ContinueWith() method.
var context = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
var task = new Task<TResult>(() =>
TResult r = ...;
return r;
task.ContinueWith(t =>
// Update UI (and UI-related data) here: success status.
// t.Result contains the result.
CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion, context);
task.ContinueWith(t =>
AggregateException aggregateException = t.Exception;
aggregateException.Handle(exception => true);
// Update UI (and UI-related data) here: failed status.
// t.Exception contains the occured exception.
CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted, context);
Since .NET 4.5 supports async/await keywords (see also Task.Run vs Task.Factory.StartNew):
var result = await Task.Run(() => GetResult());
// Update UI: success.
// Use the result.
catch (Exception ex)
// Update UI: fail.
// Use the exception.
You need to run the ContinueWith -task on the UI thread. This can be accomplished using the TaskScheduler of the UI thread with the overloaded version of the ContinueWith -method, ie.
TaskScheduler scheduler = TaskScheduler.Current;
...ContinueWith(obj => LogContent = obj.Result), CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.None, scheduler)
You can use the Dispatcher to invoke code on UI thread. Take a look at the article Working With The WPF Dispatcher
If you are using async/await, then here is some example code that shows how to schedule a task to run on the GUI thread. Place this code at the bottom of the stack of all of your async/await calls to avoid the WPF runtime throwing errors with code not executing on the GUI thread.
Works with WPF + MVVM, tested under VS 2013.
public async Task GridLayoutSetFromXmlAsync(string gridLayoutAsXml)
Task task = new Task(() => // Schedule some task here on the GUI thread );
await task;

Use Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) with .NET 4.0 and C# 4.0

Is there a way to use the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) in .NET 4.0 without the await and async keywords? (I ask because we are stuck in C# 4.0.)
Also, is there an example of using TAP with WCF with .NET 4.0?
Yes you can. The TAP is just a sensible formalization of best practice when working with asynchronous code. Basically a TAP method
Returns a 'hot' (running) Task or Task<TResult>.
Has an 'Async' suffix (e.g. SomeMethodAsync(...)).
Is overloaded to accept a cancellation token.
Returns quickly to the caller (with small initialisation phase).
Does not tie up a thread if I/O bound.
So, an example might be
private Task SomeMethodAsync(CancellationToken token)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// Do something...
}, token);
use the method and attach continuation which uses the UI synchronization context.
private void SomeOtherMethod()
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = tokenSource.Token;
TaskScheduler scheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()
// Options 1.
Task t = SomeMethodAsync(token);
Task c = t.ContinueWith(ant =>
/* Do something and check exceptions */
}, CancellationToken.None,
// Options 2.
SomeMethodAsync(token).ContinueWith(ant =>
/* Do something and check exceptions */
}, CancellationToken.None,
Or do it all in one go
Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
/* Do Something */
}, token).ContinueWith(ant =>
/* Do something on UI thread after task has completed and check exceptions */
}, CancellationToken.None,
You can also implement the TAP pattern manually for better control over implementation. To implement the TAP yourself, you create a TaskCompletionSource<TResult> object, perform the asynchronous operation, and when it completes, call the SetResult, SetException, or SetCanceled method, or the Try version of one of these methods. When you implement a TAP method manually, you must complete the resulting task when the represented asynchronous operation completes. For example:
public static Task<int> ReadTask(this Stream stream,
byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, object state)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
stream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, ar =>
try { tcs.SetResult(stream.EndRead(ar)); }
catch (Exception exc) { tcs.SetException(exc); }
}, state);
return tcs.Task;
Consume the TaskCompleationSource from the consumer.
I hope this helps.
You don't need async/await. The keywords can be
ContinueWith and TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { return "test"; } )
.ContinueWith(task => { this.textBox1.Text = task.Result; },
This is roughly equal to
var str = await SomeFuncAsync() //returning "test";
this.textBox1.Text = str;
Is there a way to use Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) in .NET
4.0 without the keyword await or async? I ask because we are stuck in C#4)
One notable and handy hack is to use yield and IEnumerable<Task>. E.g., from Stephen Toub's "Processing Sequences of Asynchronous Operations with Tasks":
IEnumerable<Task> DoExample(string input)
var aResult = DoAAsync(input);
yield return aResult;
var bResult = DoBAsync(aResult.Result);
yield return bResult;
var cResult = DoCAsync(bResult.Result);
yield return cResult;
Task t = Iterate(DoExample(“42”));
This way, you can have a pseudo-synchronous linear code flow similar to async/await.
Without the async/await keywords you won't be able to utilize the easiness provided by compiler to use the new pattern. However you can leverage Task based parallelism using Task Parallel Library (TPL) in .NET 4 framework
yeah there is. Async Wrappers for "Begin/End" methods comes to my mind;
public static Task<WebResponse> GetResponseAsync(this WebRequest client)
return Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(client.BeginGetResponse,
client.EndGetResponse, null);
i guess what you are looking for Implement a WCF Asynchronous Service Operation with Task

Is it OK to do some async/await inside some .NET Parallel.ForEach() code?

Given the following code, is it OK to do async/await inside a Parallel.ForEach ?
Parallel.ForEach(names, name =>
// Do some stuff...
var foo = await GetStuffFrom3rdPartyAsync(name);
// Do some more stuff, with the foo.
or is there some gotcha's that I need to be made aware of?
EDIT: No idea if this compiles, btw. Just Pseduo-code .. thinking out loud.
No, It doesn't make sense to combine async with Paralell.Foreach.
Consider the following example:
private void DoSomething()
var names = Enumerable.Range(0,10).Select(x=> "Somename" + x);
Parallel.ForEach(names, async(name) =>
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine("Name {0} completed",name);
Console.WriteLine("Parallel ForEach completed");
What output you will expect?
Name Somename3 completed
Name Somename8 completed
Name Somename4 completed
Parallel ForEach completed
That's not what will happen. It will output :
Parallel ForEach completed
Name Somename3 completed
Name Somename8 completed
Name Somename4 completed
Why? Because when ForEach hits first await the method actually returns, Parallel.ForEach doesn't know it is asynchronous and it ran to completion!. Code after await runs as continuation on another thread not "Paralell processing thread"
Stephen toub addressed this here
From the name, I'm assuming that GetStuffFrom3rdPartyAsync is I/O-bound. The Parallel class is specifically for CPU-bound code.
In the asynchronous world, you can start multiple tasks and then (asynchronously) wait for them all to complete using Task.WhenAll. Since you're starting with a sequence, it's probably easiest to project each element to an asynchronous operation, and then await all of those operations:
await Task.WhenAll(names.Select(async name =>
// Do some stuff...
var foo = await GetStuffFrom3rdPartyAsync(name);
// Do some more stuff, with the foo.
A close alternative might be this:
static void ForEach<T>(IEnumerable<T> data, Func<T, Task> func)
var tasks = data.Select(item =>
Task.Run(() => func(item)));
// ...
ForEach(names, name => GetStuffFrom3rdPartyAsync(name));
Ideally, you shouldn't be using a blocking call like Task.WaitAll, if you can make the whole chain of methods calls async, "all the way down" on the current call stack:
var tasks = data.Select(item =>
Task.Run(() => func(item)));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
Furthermore, if you don't do any CPU-bound work inside GetStuffFrom3rdPartyAsync, Task.Run may be redundant:
var tasks = data.Select(item => func(item));
As pointed out by #Sriram Sakthivel there are some problems with using Parallel.ForEach with asynchronous lambdas. Steven Toub's ForEachASync can do the equivalent. He talks about it here, but here is the code:
public static class Extensions
public static Task ForEachAsync<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int dop, Func<T, Task> body)
return Task.WhenAll(
from partition in Partitioner.Create(source).GetPartitions(dop)
select Task.Run(async delegate {
using (partition) while (partition.MoveNext()) await body(partition.Current);
It uses the Partitioner class to create a load balancing partitioner(doco), and allows you to specify how many threads you want to run with the dop parameter. to see the difference between it and Parallel.ForEach. Try the following code.
class Program
public static async Task GetStuffParallelForEach()
var data = Enumerable.Range(1, 10);
Parallel.ForEach(data, async i =>
await Task.Delay(1000 * i);
public static async Task GetStuffForEachAsync()
var data = Enumerable.Range(1, 10);
await data.ForEachAsync(5, async i =>
await Task.Delay(1000 * i);
static void Main(string[] args)
//GetStuffParallelForEach().Wait(); // Finished printed before work is complete
GetStuffForEachAsync().Wait(); // Finished printed after all work is done
if you run GetStuffForEachAsync the program waits for all work to finish. If you run GetStuffParallelForEach, the line Finished will be printed before the work is finished.

Exception handling in Parallel.Invoke inside a Task

I have the following code
var exceptions = new ConcurrentQueue<Exception>();
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
async () => await _aViewModel.LoadData(_someId),
async () => await _bViewModel.LoadData(_someId)
catch (Exception ex)
}).ContinueWith((continuation) =>
if (exceptions.Count > 0) throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
I am using Task.StartNew here because the LoadData method use the Dispatcher.StartAsync method to invoke on the main UI thread internally.
The problem I have is that if I force _aViewModel.LoadData to throw an exception it is not caught in the Catch(Exception) clause (nor if I catch AggregateException). I don't understand why!?
Parallel.Invoke is not async-aware. So your async lambdas are being converted to async void methods, which have extremely awkward error semantics (they are not allowed to leave the async void method; instead, they are captured and re-raised directly on the SynchronizationContext that was active at the time the async void method started - in this case, the thread pool).
I'm not sure why you have the Parallel.Invoke in the first place. Since your method is already async, you could just do something like this:
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
catch (Exception ex)
P.S. If you have the time, rethink the structure of this whole part of the code. Dispatcher.StartAsync is a code smell. The UI should be (asynchronously) requesting data; the data retrieval objects should not have to know about the UI.
Parallel.Invoke takes an array of Action delegates. It has no means of knowing that your delegates are actually async methods, and therefore it returns before your tasks have completed.
For an in-depth explanation of this behaviour, watch Lucian Wischik's Channel 9 video on the subject.
Try changing your code to use the Task.WhenAll method instead.
var aTask = _aViewModel.LoadData(_someId);
var bTask = _bViewModel.LoadData(_someId);
await Task.WhenAll(aTask, bTask);
