HttpClient GET request fails, POST Succeeds - c#

In a Xamarin application (backed by ASP.NET WebApi), I'm having trouble getting [all of] my GET requests to succeed -- they return 404. In fact, when watching network traffic in Fiddler, I don't even see the request happen.
Here is [basically] what I'm doing:
public async Task<bool> ValidateSponsor(string attendeeId, string sponsorId)
string address = String.Format("{0}/Sponsors/?attendeeId={1}&sponsorId={2}", BASE_URI, attendeeId, sponsorId);
var response = await client.GetAsync(address);
var content = response.content;
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new HttpRequestException("Check your network connection and try again.");
string result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return Convert.ToBoolean(result);
If I copy out the address variable and paste it into a browser, it succeeds. POST requests (to different methods, of course) succeed. I've also tried using the PCL version RestSharp but get the same results -- POST succeeds and GET fails.
This looks like it also may only be a problem when deployed to Azure, it works fine locally.


Adding SSL cert causes 404 only in browser calls

I am working in an internal corporate environment. We have created a webapi installed on iis on port 85. We call this from another MVC HelperApp on port 86. It all works as expected. Now we want to tighten security and add an SSL cert to iis on port 444 and bind it to our API.
Initially we test it with Postman, SoapUI, and a C# console app and it all works. Now we try calling it from our MVC HelperApp and it returns a 404 sometimes.
Deeper debugging; I put the code into a C# DLL (see below). Using the console app I call the Dll.PostAPI and it works as expected. Now I call that same Dll.PostAPI from the MVC HelperApp and it won't work. When I step through the code I make it as far as this line await client.PostAsync(url, data); and the code bizarrely ends, it doesn't return and it doesn't throw an exception. Same for Post and Get. I figure it makes the call and nothing is returned, no response and no error.
Also, if I change the url to "" or to the open http port85 on iss it will work. I have concluded that the C# code is not the problem (but I'm open to being wrong).
Therefore I have come to the conclusion that for some reason the port or cert is refusing calls from browsers.
We are looking at:
the "Subject Alternative Name" but all the examples show
WWW.Addresses which we are not using.
the "Friendly Name" on the cert creation.
and CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
These are all subjects we lack knowledge in.
This is the calling code used exactly the same in the console app and the web app:
var lib = new HttpsLibrary.ApiCaller();
This is what's in the DLL that gets called:
public async Task<string> makeHttpsCall()
List<Quote> quotes = new List<Quote>();
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(quotes);
var data = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var url = ""; //this works in Browser
//url = "https://thepath:444//api/ProcessQuotes"; //444 DOES NOT WORK in browsers only. OK in console app.
//url = "http://thepath:85/api/ProcessQuotes"; //85 works.
var client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.PostAsync(url, data); //<<<this line never returns when called from browser.
//var response = await client.GetAsync(url); //same outcome for Get or Post
var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return result;
catch (Exception ex)

Autodesk Forge Error trying to access the API online

I have a problem loading a 3D model on an online server, the error shown is related to accessing the Forge API, locally works smoothly however when mounted on the server or a website is made marks the following error "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)", then "onDocumentLoadFailure() - errorCode:7".
As I comment, what I find stranger is that, locally, it works. Attached the segment of the code where it displays the error.
function getAccessToken() {
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '/api/forge/toke', false); //Address not found
return xmlHttp.responseText;
Thank you very much in advance.
Are you sure the code you're running locally and the code you've deployed are really the same?
The getAccessToken function doesn't seem to be correct, for several reasons:
First of all, there seems to be a typo in the URL - shouldn't it be /api/forge/token instead of /api/forge/toke?
More importantly, the HTTP request is asynchronous, meaning that it cannot return the response immediately after calling xmlHttp.send(). You can find more details about the usage of XMLHttpRequest in
And finally, assuming that the function is passed to Autodesk.Viewing.Initializer options, it should return the token using a callback parameter passed to it (as shown in
With that, your getAccessToken should probably look more like this (using the more modern fetch and async/await):
async function getAccessToken(callback) {
const resp = await fetch('/api/forge/token');
const json = await resp.json();
callback(json.access_token, json.expires_in);
I've already found the issue. When I make the deploy I have to change the url where the request is made for the public or the name of the domain. For example:

AsyncServerStreamingCall and failed authentication

I have .Net 5 console client calling a service using gRPC and opening a bi-directional channel.
The code all works fine when I pass headers (the server is set up for Auth), but I am interested in seeing what happens when bad/no credentials are passed. I see on the server a 401 message as the call is not authenticated, but there is no indication of failure in the client, it just hangs.
The following works just fine, where response is AsyncServerStreamingCall<GetResponse>
response = client.GetSomeMethod(
new GetRequest
Parameter1 = args[0],
when I take the headers out, I still get back a response, but when I await the ResponseStream it just hangs.
var monitorTask = Task.Run(async () =>
await foreach (var result in response.ResponseStream.ReadAllAsync())
In the working case, this simply blocks until the first result is streamed back by the server. In the not-working case, it just blocks.
How do I detect that the call to the server failed? Should I be seeing an exception or should I be checking a status field somewhere?

Invalid PUT method from Webforms to Web API 2 (Azure)

I have a Web API in my Azure server and I'm making calls from an ASP.NET Webforms website.
I seem to be able to perform GET with no trouble. Now for the PUT, it's giving me this error:
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid
method (HTTP verb) is being used
I was not able to DELETE either. I see some other topics where people disable some WebDav and stuff on their IIS servers and it works. But on Azure?
Below my code for the PUT:
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("api/People/" + id).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var yourcustomobjects = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<People>().Result;
Uri peopleUrl = response.Headers.Location; "Bob";
response = await client.PutAsJsonAsync(peopleUrl, yourcustomobjects);
tbDebug.Text += await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Alright I grew tired of trying to fix this issue by enabling PUT.
So what I did, was I wrote a GET that makes the needed change in the database.

await HttpClient.SendAsync not throwing exception when expected

I have a Windows Phone 8 app containing code as follows:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(method, uri);
var response = client.SendAsync(httpRequest);
var httpResponse = await response;
if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var result = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return result;
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
If the client successfully connects to the server, I will get the expected results, including all the appropriate HTTP status codes and reason phrases.
If the client is unable to contact the server (e.g. incorrect domain/IP/port in the URL), the awaited task completes after some delay, with a 404 status and no reason phrase. The task never throws an exception. The task (the response variable in the code snippet) has the status of "ran to completion". Nothing about the result is indicative of the actual problem - be it networking failure, unreachable server, etc.
How can I capture more meaningful errors in the case where the URL points to a non-existent or unreachable server, socket connection refused, etc.? Shouldn't SendAsync be throwing specific exceptions for such cases?
FWIW, the client code is built into a PCL library using VS 2013 update 3 and running in the Windows Phone emulator, using System.Net.Http 2.2.28 from NuGet
Windows Phone's implementation of the .NET HttpClient is different from Desktop's implementation (wininet vs. custom stack). This is one of the incompatibilities that you need to be aware of, if there is a semantic difference for you.
In my simple test I do get a ReasonPhrase of "Not Found" on the phone emulator. Also you can see that the Headers collection is empty whereas if the server was found and actually returned a real 404 then there would be headers.
