Kinect 2 skinning a model - c#

I am looking at using the Kinect version 2 for PC to control an avatar, i.e. apply a skin to the body basics example provided by Microsoft.
The avatar isn't to be used in a game or anything at this point. I simply plan to be able to control the avatar using the Kinect 2 and record to .avi. I have already implemented a demo where I can record the Kinect footage of the skeleton directly to .avi.
After searching I found that it was possible to control an avatar with the original Kinect using XNA game studio. As XNA game studio seems a bit out dated now and I'm unsure if it would be compatible with version 2, would there be an alternative approach? Does anybody know of a project where someone has done this already? Or can anyone suggest a good approach to take to do this?
I have also seen some articles referring to a plugin that lets you use Unity with Kinect 2 but from what I can see I don't believe this is publicly available?
Many thanks for any help.

Yes, the unity plug in works great and its the best out there. the creator its call rumen, he will help you if you need it help but ofcourse you have to pay the plugin 1st. its worth it, it makes kinect way simpler.


different images from different point of view

I want different images to be displayed from different point of view. For the whole concept explaination please look at the images. they explain my idea/query!
As in the first image you see that there are three people at different angle looking at the monitor. Now i want the webcam to track the eyes and show the particular defined image to the user> For example: If user is at 45 degree angle then show image1.png
Depending upon the user's prespective of watching. The computer should show the image.
(the lady is the game character for representation purpose)
Can you please guide me on what steps can be taken to accomplish this? Is there any plugin available for unity that tracks faces? Please guide me
Also thanks for the compliments on my sketching skills xD
Stackoverflow is not really meant to recommend plugins, since the choice is usually opinion based so there is no exact answer.
That being said, on of the most common used API for computer vision (meaning interpreting images, including face recognition) is OpenCV, so that could be a good start for you to look at that.
And fortunately for you, there is a Unity plugin for OpenCV
It is too broad to give you more details about how it works here. You should try to make it work, and if you have a problem with your code, open a new question with the code portion that you struggle with.
PS: nice sketching skills
Perhaps easier option would be to use Kinect
(trying to detect face or eyes from that far might be shaky?)
With Kinect you can get skeletons for multiple people, and getting the angle between target and those kinect avatars would be easy.
If there is no space to put kinect in good position,
could consider placing it on the ceiling above (and then use depth data only to detect people in its view)
Only issue is that apparently Microsoft has stopped Windows kinect support,
so you would need to find 2nd hand versions.. (Unity Asset store still has some kinect plugins and examples available)
Or look for kinect alternatives that work with unity, try RealSense cameras:

Unity3D Kudan SDK Markerless Augmented Reality Help Guidance

hey all
I am developing a furniture design augmented reality app for my dissertation and need quite a bit of help as I can't find it else where with tutorials etc.
I am doing this in Unity using the Kudan SDK AS it is pretty much the only available sdk that has SLAM technology (markerless) whereas the rest don't and others charge £2000+
I need help with implementing functions for Positioning/moving objects placed in the real world through my iPhone
I need help with implementing functions for adjusting/resizing objects through my iPhone using my fingers on the touch screen
Anyone have a tutorial/script/guidance they can help me with this?
Looking at a drop down box button that when clicked will open the drop down and each drop down item is assigned to an object. Thanks in advance.
you can use a plugin for Unity its called Lean Touch and its Free. It has exactly what you want to achieve with 0% coding.

Kinect SDK 1.7 - How to work with both hands

I´m trying to work with Kinect SDK 1.7 in WPF and C#. I found some tutorials, but nowhere I cannot find how to work with both hands at once (in my Kinect Region i only see just one hand at any time).
Please can you help me, how to do that? I´d like to this this for zooming in maps!
Thank you very much!
I don't think that making Zoom is easy but there is a way of showing the two hands. You have to go in the source code of the dll and make a small change.

Kinect SDK for finger detection?

I'm a student from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. And currently developing a project using Kinect SDK.
And my question is, anyone know how to develop a program to detect a finger (or fingertip) using Kinect SDK, or maybe even some possible reference codes. Anyway, I also tried to search on google, but the only reference I got is using Open NI, instead of Kinect SDK.
Thanks and Regards
I was looking into that myself, although haven't gone deep into it.
OpenNI has some constants for finger tip/wrist detection, but that's not implemented yet,
but that's not an option for your setup anyway.
Here's a list of resources that hopefully will get you started:
MIT CSAIL Hand detection
FORTH ICS - Efficient model-based 3D tracking of hand articulations using Kinect
Candescent NUI project
Other random videos

How to implement face recognition in an image in .net 3.5?

I need to implement face recognition like in orkut album.
In my website when a user uploads a photo and checks the photo in album I need to implement the feature and place rectangles over the faces in photo like in orkut album like in this link.
Please help me to implement this.
Thanks in advance.
You need to use OpenCV, or more specifically, a C# wrapper library for OpenCV.
I think you can implement some (very) basic face detection using OpenCVDotNet, although you should be aware that I don't think it's actively being developed. I just noticed I'm still on the list as a project committer, but I haven't done any work on it for a long time (if ever, can't remember why I got added in the first place).
You should probably go with Emgu CV, which is a much better C# wrapper for OpenCV. It is actively developed, and is compatible with OpenCV 2.0, and has a wider community surrounding it, and the documentation is good enough that you can easily get face detection working pretty quickly.
