ApiController same route for int or string URI params - c#

I would like for my controllers to extent endpoints based on the data-type of the same variable name. For instance method A takes an int and method B takes a string. I don't want to declare a new route but rather for the routing mechanism to differentiate between ints and strings. Here is an example of what I mean.
The "ApiControllers" setup:
public class BaseApiController: ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetEntity(int id){}
public class StringBaseApiController: BaseApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetEntity(string id){}
The "WebApionfig.cs" has the following route added:
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
I want to call "http://controller/1" and "http://controller/one" and get results. Instead i see the the multiple route exception.

You could the try the below possible solutions.
//Solution #1: If the string (id) has any numeric, it will not be caught.
//Only alphabets will be caught
public class StringBaseApiController: BaseApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetEntity(string id){}
//Solution #2: If a seperate route for {id:Int} is already defined, then anything other than Integer will be caught here.
public class StringBaseApiController: BaseApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetEntity(string id){}

Use only the string, and check inside if you got an int, or a string or any other thing and call the appropriate method.
public class StringBaseApiController: BaseApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetEntity(string id)
int a;
if(int.TryParse(id, out a))
return GetByInt(a);
return GetByString(id);


http get request returning multiple values [duplicate]

I notice that there are a bunch of similar questions out there about this topic.
I'm getting this error when calling any of the methods below.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints.
I can't however sort out what is best practice in resolving the issue.
So far I haven't set up any specific routing middleware.
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems?userId={userId}
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId)
What you're trying to do is impossible because the actions are dynamically activated. The request data (such as a query string) cannot be bound until the framework knows the action signature. It can't know the action signature until it follows the route. Therefore, you can't make routing dependent on things the framework doesn't even know yet.
Long and short, you need to differentiate the routes in some way: either some other static path or making the userId a route param. However, you don't actually need separate actions here. All action params are optional by default. Therefore, you can just have:
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenu(int menuId, int userId)
And then you can branch on whether userId == 0 (the default). That should be fine here, because there will never be a user with an id of 0, but you may also consider making the param nullable and then branching on userId.HasValue instead, which is a bit more explicit.
You can also continue to keep the logic separate, if you prefer, by utilizing private methods. For example:
public IActionResult GetMenuItems(int menuId, int userId) =>
userId == 0 ? GetMenuItemsByMenuId(menuId) : GetMenuItemsByUserId(menuId, userId);
private IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
private IActionResult GetMenuItemsByUserId(int menuId, int userId)
Action routes need to be unique to avoid route conflicts.
If willing to change the URL consider including the userId in the route
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems/{userId}
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId) {
##Reference Routing to controller actions in ASP.NET Core
##Reference Routing in ASP.NET Core
You have the same route in your HttpGet attribute
Change to something like this :
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems?userId={userId}
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId)
This is another solution that you can use for this kind of scenario:
Solution 1 and more complex, using IActionConstrain, and ModelBinders(this gives you the flexibility to bind your input to a specific DTO):
The problem you have is that your controller has the same routing for 2 different methods receiving different parameters.
Let me illustrate it with a similar example, you can have the 2 methods like this:
Get(string entityName, long id)
Get(string entityname, string timestamp)
So far this is valid, at least C# is not giving you an error because it is an overload of parameters. But with the controller, you have a problem, when aspnet receives the extra parameter it doesn't know where to redirect your request.
You can change the routing which is one solution.
Normally I prefer to keep the same names and wrap the parameters on a DtoClass, IntDto and StringDto for example
public class IntDto
public int i { get; set; }
public class StringDto
public string i { get; set; }
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult Get(IntDto a)
return new JsonResult(a);
public IActionResult Get(StringDto i)
return new JsonResult(i);
but still, you have the error. In order to bind your input to the specific type on your methods, I create a ModelBinder, for this scenario, it is below(see that I am trying to parse the parameter from the query string but I am using a discriminator header which is used normally for content negotiation between the client and the server(Content negotiation):
public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bindingContext));
dynamic model = null;
string contentType = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == HeaderNames.Accept).Value;
var val = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.Value.Trim('?').Split('=')[1];
if (contentType == "application/myContentType.json")
model = new StringDto{i = val};
else model = new IntDto{ i = int.Parse(val)};
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(model);
return Task.CompletedTask;
Then you need to create a ModelBinderProvider (see that if I am receiving trying to bind one of these types, then I use MyModelBinder)
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(IntDto) || context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(StringDto))
return new MyModelBinder();
return null;
and register it into the container
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddControllers(options =>
options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new MyModelBinderProvider());
So far you didn't resolve the issue you have but we are close. In order to hit the controller actions now, you need to pass a header type on the request: application/json or application/myContentType.json. But in order to support conditional logic to determine whether or not an associated action method is valid or not to be selected for a given request, you can create your own ActionConstraint. Basically the idea here is to decorate your ActionMethod with this attribute to restrict the user to hit that action if he doesn't pass the correct media type. See below the code and how to use it
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute : Attribute, IActionConstraint
private readonly string[] _mediaTypes;
private readonly string _requestHeaderToMatch;
public RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute(string requestHeaderToMatch,
string[] mediaTypes)
_requestHeaderToMatch = requestHeaderToMatch;
_mediaTypes = mediaTypes;
public RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute(string requestHeaderToMatch,
string[] mediaTypes, int order)
_requestHeaderToMatch = requestHeaderToMatch;
_mediaTypes = mediaTypes;
Order = order;
public int Order { get; set; }
public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
var requestHeaders = context.RouteContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers;
if (!requestHeaders.ContainsKey(_requestHeaderToMatch))
return false;
// if one of the media types matches, return true
foreach (var mediaType in _mediaTypes)
var mediaTypeMatches = string.Equals(requestHeaders[_requestHeaderToMatch].ToString(),
mediaType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (mediaTypeMatches)
return true;
return false;
Here is your final change:
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
[RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute("Accept", new[] { "application/json" })]
public IActionResult Get(IntDto a)
return new JsonResult(a);
[RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute("Accept", new[] { "application/myContentType.json" })]
public IActionResult Get(StringDto i)
return new JsonResult(i);
Now the error is gone if you run your app. But how you pass the parameters?:
This one is going to hit this method:
public IActionResult Get(StringDto i)
return new JsonResult(i);
And this one the other one:
public IActionResult Get(IntDto a)
return new JsonResult(a);
Solution 2: Routes constrains
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult Get(int i)
return new JsonResult(i);
public IActionResult Get(string i)
return new JsonResult(i);
This is a kind of test because I am using the default routing:
https://localhost:44374/weatherforecast/"test" should go to the one that receives the string parameter
https://localhost:44374/weatherforecast/1 should go to the one that receives an int parameter
In my case [HttpPost("[action]")] was written twice.
I got this error, and just needed to restart the service to get it working again. Probably because I was modifying the code, and it re-registered the same controller method somehow.
You can have a dispatcher endpoint that will get the calls from both endpoints and will call the right based on parameters.
(It will works fine if their are in same controller).
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId, int? userId)
return GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(menuId, userId)
.... original logic
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId)

How do I resolve the issue the request matched multiple endpoints in .Net Core Web Api

I notice that there are a bunch of similar questions out there about this topic.
I'm getting this error when calling any of the methods below.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Matching.AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints.
I can't however sort out what is best practice in resolving the issue.
So far I haven't set up any specific routing middleware.
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems?userId={userId}
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId)
What you're trying to do is impossible because the actions are dynamically activated. The request data (such as a query string) cannot be bound until the framework knows the action signature. It can't know the action signature until it follows the route. Therefore, you can't make routing dependent on things the framework doesn't even know yet.
Long and short, you need to differentiate the routes in some way: either some other static path or making the userId a route param. However, you don't actually need separate actions here. All action params are optional by default. Therefore, you can just have:
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenu(int menuId, int userId)
And then you can branch on whether userId == 0 (the default). That should be fine here, because there will never be a user with an id of 0, but you may also consider making the param nullable and then branching on userId.HasValue instead, which is a bit more explicit.
You can also continue to keep the logic separate, if you prefer, by utilizing private methods. For example:
public IActionResult GetMenuItems(int menuId, int userId) =>
userId == 0 ? GetMenuItemsByMenuId(menuId) : GetMenuItemsByUserId(menuId, userId);
private IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
private IActionResult GetMenuItemsByUserId(int menuId, int userId)
Action routes need to be unique to avoid route conflicts.
If willing to change the URL consider including the userId in the route
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems/{userId}
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId) {
##Reference Routing to controller actions in ASP.NET Core
##Reference Routing in ASP.NET Core
You have the same route in your HttpGet attribute
Change to something like this :
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId)
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems?userId={userId}
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId)
This is another solution that you can use for this kind of scenario:
Solution 1 and more complex, using IActionConstrain, and ModelBinders(this gives you the flexibility to bind your input to a specific DTO):
The problem you have is that your controller has the same routing for 2 different methods receiving different parameters.
Let me illustrate it with a similar example, you can have the 2 methods like this:
Get(string entityName, long id)
Get(string entityname, string timestamp)
So far this is valid, at least C# is not giving you an error because it is an overload of parameters. But with the controller, you have a problem, when aspnet receives the extra parameter it doesn't know where to redirect your request.
You can change the routing which is one solution.
Normally I prefer to keep the same names and wrap the parameters on a DtoClass, IntDto and StringDto for example
public class IntDto
public int i { get; set; }
public class StringDto
public string i { get; set; }
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult Get(IntDto a)
return new JsonResult(a);
public IActionResult Get(StringDto i)
return new JsonResult(i);
but still, you have the error. In order to bind your input to the specific type on your methods, I create a ModelBinder, for this scenario, it is below(see that I am trying to parse the parameter from the query string but I am using a discriminator header which is used normally for content negotiation between the client and the server(Content negotiation):
public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bindingContext));
dynamic model = null;
string contentType = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == HeaderNames.Accept).Value;
var val = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.Value.Trim('?').Split('=')[1];
if (contentType == "application/myContentType.json")
model = new StringDto{i = val};
else model = new IntDto{ i = int.Parse(val)};
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(model);
return Task.CompletedTask;
Then you need to create a ModelBinderProvider (see that if I am receiving trying to bind one of these types, then I use MyModelBinder)
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(IntDto) || context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(StringDto))
return new MyModelBinder();
return null;
and register it into the container
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddControllers(options =>
options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new MyModelBinderProvider());
So far you didn't resolve the issue you have but we are close. In order to hit the controller actions now, you need to pass a header type on the request: application/json or application/myContentType.json. But in order to support conditional logic to determine whether or not an associated action method is valid or not to be selected for a given request, you can create your own ActionConstraint. Basically the idea here is to decorate your ActionMethod with this attribute to restrict the user to hit that action if he doesn't pass the correct media type. See below the code and how to use it
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute : Attribute, IActionConstraint
private readonly string[] _mediaTypes;
private readonly string _requestHeaderToMatch;
public RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute(string requestHeaderToMatch,
string[] mediaTypes)
_requestHeaderToMatch = requestHeaderToMatch;
_mediaTypes = mediaTypes;
public RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute(string requestHeaderToMatch,
string[] mediaTypes, int order)
_requestHeaderToMatch = requestHeaderToMatch;
_mediaTypes = mediaTypes;
Order = order;
public int Order { get; set; }
public bool Accept(ActionConstraintContext context)
var requestHeaders = context.RouteContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers;
if (!requestHeaders.ContainsKey(_requestHeaderToMatch))
return false;
// if one of the media types matches, return true
foreach (var mediaType in _mediaTypes)
var mediaTypeMatches = string.Equals(requestHeaders[_requestHeaderToMatch].ToString(),
mediaType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (mediaTypeMatches)
return true;
return false;
Here is your final change:
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
[RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute("Accept", new[] { "application/json" })]
public IActionResult Get(IntDto a)
return new JsonResult(a);
[RequestHeaderMatchesMediaTypeAttribute("Accept", new[] { "application/myContentType.json" })]
public IActionResult Get(StringDto i)
return new JsonResult(i);
Now the error is gone if you run your app. But how you pass the parameters?:
This one is going to hit this method:
public IActionResult Get(StringDto i)
return new JsonResult(i);
And this one the other one:
public IActionResult Get(IntDto a)
return new JsonResult(a);
Solution 2: Routes constrains
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
public IActionResult Get(int i)
return new JsonResult(i);
public IActionResult Get(string i)
return new JsonResult(i);
This is a kind of test because I am using the default routing:
https://localhost:44374/weatherforecast/"test" should go to the one that receives the string parameter
https://localhost:44374/weatherforecast/1 should go to the one that receives an int parameter
In my case [HttpPost("[action]")] was written twice.
I got this error, and just needed to restart the service to get it working again. Probably because I was modifying the code, and it re-registered the same controller method somehow.
You can have a dispatcher endpoint that will get the calls from both endpoints and will call the right based on parameters.
(It will works fine if their are in same controller).
// api/menus/{menuId}/menuitems
public IActionResult GetAllMenuItemsByMenuId(int menuId, int? userId)
return GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(menuId, userId)
.... original logic
public IActionResult GetMenuItemsByMenuAndUser(int menuId, int userId)

How to send controller action in url parameter in Asp.net Web Api?

Typically you call an action of a controller like so http://hostname/MyController/MyAction
I have a requirement for my Web Api to have routes like this one:
http://hostname/MyController?action=MyAction, i.e., pass the action in url parameter.
My controller:
public class MyController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult MyAction()
// some code
Any ideas how I can write such a routing?
You could try the following:
public class MyController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult MyInnerController(String action)
case "MyAction":
return MyAction();
return BadRequest("Invalid action: " + action);
public IHttpActionResult MyAction()
return Ok();
Things will get more complicated if you require additional parameters.
After more than a year I can come back to this question and answer it myself.
The solution you can use here is to write your own ActionSelector - this is the class Web Api framework uses to select actions, by default it uses System.Web.Http.Controllers.ApiControllerActionSelector, which you can override.
So lets say your controller looks like this:
public class MyController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult MyAction()
// some code
Then you can create your own action selector like this (the code might be improved I wrote it very quickly):
public class QueryParameterActionSelector : ApiControllerActionSelector
public override HttpActionDescriptor SelectAction(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
var mapping = GetActionMapping(controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor);
var parameters = controllerContext.Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs();
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
if (parameter.Key == "action")
if (mapping.Contains(parameter.Value))
// Provided that all of your actions have unique names.
// Otherwise mapping[parameter.Value] will return multiple actions and you will have to match by the method parameters.
return mapping[parameter.Value].First();
return null;
And then finally you have to register this action selector in WebApiConfig.Register method. It will look like this:
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}"
config.Services.Replace(typeof(IHttpActionSelector), new QueryParameterActionSelector());
Now you can call your action like this http://hostname/controller?action=MyAction

Azure API App multiple actions with same verb and different routes gives swagger error

I have a ApiController with those GETs:
public class UsersController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult GetUsers()
public IHttpActionResult GetUsers(guid ID)
public IHttpActionResult GetUsers(string CodeA, string CodeB)
The routing in webapiconfig.cs is the standard one:
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}/",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional}
Trying to use swaggerUI I get a 500 error, and by fiddler I get:
Not supported by Swagger 2.0: Multiple operations with path 'api/utenti' and method 'GET'. See the config setting - \"ResolveConflictingActions\" for a potential workaround"
If I remove the last GET method swagger parses the api correctly. I've read from many sources that the problem is solved by specifying a different route, and I've tried to achieve this by adding the Route attribute to the last action.
Can someone please point me out in the right direction?
Thank you in advance.
The following code worked for me:
public class UsersController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult GetUsers()
string test = "";
return Ok(test);
public IHttpActionResult GetUsers(Guid id)
string test = "";
return Ok(test);
public IHttpActionResult GetUsers(string CodeA, string CodeB)
string test = "";
return Ok(test);

Multiple HttpPost method in Web API controller

I am starting to use MVC4 Web API project, I have controller with multiple HttpPost methods. The Controller looks like the following:
public class VTRoutingController : ApiController
public MyResult Route(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
public MyResult TSPRoute(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
Here MyRequestTemplate represents the template class responsible for handling the Json coming through the request.
When I make a request using Fiddler for http://localhost:52370/api/VTRouting/TSPRoute or http://localhost:52370/api/VTRouting/Route I get an error:
Multiple actions were found that match the request
If I remove one of the above method it works fine.
I have tried modifying the default routing table in global.asax, but I am still getting the error, I think I have problem in defining routes in global.asax. Here is what I am doing in global.asax.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "MyTSPRoute",
routeTemplate: "api/VTRouting/TSPRoute",
defaults: new { }
name: "MyRoute",
routeTemplate: "api/VTRouting/Route",
defaults: new { action="Route" }
I am making the request in Fiddler using POST, passing json in RequestBody for MyRequestTemplate.
You can have multiple actions in a single controller.
For that you have to do the following two things.
First decorate actions with ActionName attribute like
public class VTRoutingController : ApiController
public MyResult PostRoute(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
public MyResult PostTSPRoute(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
Second define the following routes in WebApiConfig file.
// Controller Only
// To handle routes like `/api/VTRouting`
name: "ControllerOnly",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}"
// Controller with ID
// To handle routes like `/api/VTRouting/1`
name: "ControllerAndId",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: null,
constraints: new { id = #"^\d+$" } // Only integers
// Controllers with Actions
// To handle routes like `/api/VTRouting/route`
name: "ControllerAndAction",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}"
Another solution to your problem would be to use Route which lets you specify the route on the method by annotation:
public class VTRoutingController : ApiController
public MyResult Route(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
public MyResult TSPRoute(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
it's not a RESTful approach anymore, but you can now call your actions by name (rather than let the Web API automatically determine one for you based on the verb) like this:
[POST] /api/VTRouting/TSPRoute
[POST] /api/VTRouting/Route
Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing wrong with this approach, and it's not abusing Web API. You can still leverage on all the awesome features of Web API (delegating handlers, content negotiation, mediatypeformatters and so on) - you just ditch the RESTful approach.
A web api endpoint (controller) is a single resource that accepts get/post/put/delete verbs. It is not a normal MVC controller.
Necessarily, at /api/VTRouting there can only be one HttpPost method that accepts the parameters you are sending. The function name does not matter, as long as you are decorating with the [http] stuff. I've never tried, though.
Edit: This does not work. In resolving, it seems to go by the number of parameters, not trying to model-bind to the type.
You can overload the functions to accept different parameters. I am pretty sure you would be OK if you declared it the way you do, but used different (incompatible) parameters to the methods. If the params are the same, you are out of luck as model binding won't know which one you meant.
public MyResult Route(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate) {...}
public MyResult TSPRoute(MyOtherTemplate routingRequestTemplate) {...}
This part works
The default template they give when you create a new one makes this pretty explicit, and I would say you should stick with this convention:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
// GET is overloaded here. one method takes a param, the other not.
// GET api/values
public IEnumerable<string> Get() { .. return new string[] ... }
// GET api/values/5
public string Get(int id) { return "hi there"; }
// POST api/values (OVERLOADED)
public void Post(string value) { ... }
public void Post(string value, string anotherValue) { ... }
// PUT api/values/5
public void Put(int id, string value) {}
// DELETE api/values/5
public void Delete(int id) {}
If you want to make one class that does many things, for ajax use, there is no big reason to not use a standard controller/action pattern. The only real difference is your method signatures aren't as pretty, and you have to wrap things in Json( returnValue) before you return them.
Overloading works just fine when using the standard template (edited to include) when using simple types. I've gone and tested the other way too, with 2 custom objects with different signatures. Never could get it to work.
Binding with complex objects doesn't look "deep", so thats a no-go
You could get around this by passing an extra param, on the query string
A better writeup than I can give on available options
This worked for me in this case, see where it gets you. Exception for testing only.
public class NerdyController : ApiController
public void Post(string type, Obj o) {
throw new Exception("Type=" + type + ", o.Name=" + o.Name );
public class Obj {
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
And called like this form the console:
$.post("/api/Nerdy?type=white", { 'Name':'Slim', 'Age':'21' } )
It is Possible to add Multiple Get and Post methods in the same Web API Controller. Here default Route is Causing the Issue. Web API checks for Matching Route from Top to Bottom and Hence Your Default Route Matches for all Requests. As per default route only one Get and Post Method is possible in one controller. Either place the following code on top or Comment Out/Delete Default Route
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("API Default",
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
When creating another Http Method add [HttpPost("Description")]
public DataType Method1(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
public DataType Method2(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate){}
Put Route Prefix [RoutePrefix("api/Profiles")] at the controller level and put a route at action method [Route("LikeProfile")]. Don't need to change anything in global.asax file
namespace KhandalVipra.Controllers
public class ProfilesController : ApiController
// POST: api/Profiles/LikeProfile
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> LikeProfile()
You can use this approach :
public class VTRoutingController : ApiController
public MyResult Route(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
public MyResult TSPRoute(MyRequestTemplate routingRequestTemplate)
return null;
I think the question has already been answered. I was also looking for something a webApi controller that has same signatured mehtods but different names. I was trying to implement the Calculator as WebApi. Calculator has 4 methods with the same signature but different names.
public class CalculatorController : ApiController
public string Add(int num1 = 1, int num2 = 1, int timeDelay = 1)
Thread.Sleep(1000 * timeDelay);
return string.Format("Add = {0}", num1 + num2);
public string Sub(int num1 = 1, int num2 = 1, int timeDelay = 1)
Thread.Sleep(1000 * timeDelay);
return string.Format("Subtract result = {0}", num1 - num2);
public string Mul(int num1 = 1, int num2 = 1, int timeDelay = 1)
Thread.Sleep(1000 * timeDelay);
return string.Format("Multiplication result = {0}", num1 * num2);
public string Div(int num1 = 1, int num2 = 1, int timeDelay = 1)
Thread.Sleep(1000 * timeDelay);
return string.Format("Division result = {0}", num1 / num2);
and in the WebApiConfig file you already have
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
Just set the authentication / authorisation on IIS and you are done!
Hope this helps!
Best and simplest explanation I have seen on this topic -
Edited -
I got it working with only Route, and did not need RoutePrefix.
For example, in the controller
public IActionResult PostCustomer
([FromBody]CustomerOrder obj)
public IActionResult PostCustomerAndOrder
([FromBody]CustomerOrder obj)
Then, the function name goes in jquery as either -
options.url = "/api/customer/PostCustomer";
options.url = "/api/customer/PostCustomerAndOrder";
I am using .Net6. please find the following code. I have achieve like the following.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace ProjectName.Controllers
public class WizardAPIController : ControllerBase
public async Task<IActionResult> Methord1()
return Ok("all good");
public async Task<IActionResult> Methord2()
return Ok("all good");
public class Journal : ApiController
public MyResult Get(journal id)
return null;
public class Journal : ApiController
public MyResult Get(journal id, publication id)
return null;
I am not sure whether overloading get/post method violates the concept of restfull api,but it workds. If anyone could've enlighten on this matter. What if I have a uri as
so as you might seen my journal sort of aggregateroot, though i can define another controller for publication solely and pass id number of publication in my url however this gives much more sense. since my publication would not exist without journal itself.
