I have filled dataset with this data now I want to pick particular column from it but based on condition, I don't want to connect database each time just picking from dataset would be great.
So how can I apply condition on dataset like where clause etc?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
DataSet dss = CalendarSpotting();
Session["Calendar"] = dss;
protected void Calndar_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSet ds = (DataSet)Session["Calendar"];
What i like to do is:
DataTable theTable = dataSet.Tables[0];
DataTable theTable = dataSet.Tables["YourTableName"];
Which makes it much easier to loop through columns and rows in my
experience.Like this:
if(theTable.Rows[0]["YourColumnName"].toString() == "Itsmee")
// do this, do that
I'm trying to get my DataGridView updates back to the Mysql database, but it fails.
DataGridView loads my Database:
private void refreshbtn(object sender, EventArgs e)
mySqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("select * from ou", _sqlhost);
DataSet DS = new DataSet();
Tabel.DataSource = DS.Tables[0];
That part of the code is working just fine. The whole database is loadet to the Datagridview.
It's here the problem comes!
private void Tabel_RowValidated(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
DataTable changes = ((DataTable)Tabel.DataSource).GetChanges();
if (changes != null)
MySqlCommandBuilder mcb = new MySqlCommandBuilder(mySqlDataAdapter);
mySqlDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = mcb.GetUpdateCommand();
When I'm editing a Cell and hit the Enter button. This error comes:
Additional information: Creating dynamic SQL for UpdateCommand is not
supported against a SelectCommand that do not return information about
a key column.
I have a Database with 2 Tables. Now i want to search for Values in my Databases.
I use this GUI so the "User" can give Information to the Textbox and the searched Values should shown in my Datagridview
I use this Code:
private void TB_MSGHeadline_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (TB_MSGHeadline.Text.Equals(""))
DataView dv = new DataView(table);
dv.RowFilter = string.Format("MessageHeadline LIKE '%{0}%'", TB_MSGHeadline.Text);
dataGridView1.DataSource = dv;
catch (Exception i)
MessageBox.Show("" + i);
Fill the DataGridview
private void GetData(string selectCommand)
//Creating a new data adapter based on the specified query.
dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectCommand, ConnectionString);
//Create a command builder to generate SQL update, insert, and
//delete commands based on selectCommand. These are used to
//update the Database.
SqlCommandBuilder CommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder();
//Populate a new data table and bind it to the BindingSource
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
BindingSource1.DataSource = table;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dataGridView1.DataSource = BindingSource1;
GetData("SELECT * FROM Tabelle1");
(Found it in a video but dont work for my problem)
But i get the Error, that the row "MessageHeadline" wasnt found
So i want to know, how can i make a LIKE search for my SQL Database?
I have an editable Gridview, its data is stored in an XML file, when I attempt to insert / update / delete data to/from the Gridview, I get the following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataTable' to type 'System.Data.DataSet
The Gridview successfully displays the data that is stored in the xml file, but errors out when I attempt to insert / update / delete rows.
Could I gets some direction as to what I'm missing here?
XML file:
My C# code:
//Bind Data
protected void BindGridView()
DataSet dsgvPartNumber = new DataSet();
gvPartNumber.DataSource = dsgvPartNumber.Tables["partNumbers"];
gvPartNumber.ShowFooter = true;
// Delete Row
protected void gvPartNumber_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
DataSet dsgvPartNumberDelete = (DataSet)gvPartNumber.DataSource;
// EditGridView
protected void gvPartNumber_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
gvPartNumber.ShowFooter = false;
gvPartNumber.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
// Update GridView
protected void gvPartNumber_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
int index = gvPartNumber.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataItemIndex;
string partId = ((TextBox)gvPartNumber.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtPartID")).Text;
string partNumber = ((TextBox)gvPartNumber.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtPartNumber")).Text;
gvPartNumber.EditIndex = -1;
DataSet dsUpdateXMLFile = (DataSet)gvPartNumber.DataSource;
dsUpdateXMLFile.Tables[0].Rows[index]["partid"] = partId;
dsUpdateXMLFile.Tables[0].Rows[index]["partnumber"] = partNumber;
// Insert New Row
protected void gvPartNumber_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "insertXMLData")
string partid = ((TextBox)gvPartNumber.FooterRow.FindControl("txtPartIDInsert")).Text;
string partnumber = ((TextBox)gvPartNumber.FooterRow.FindControl("txtPartNumberInsert")).Text;
DataSet dsXMLInsert = (DataSet)gvPartNumber.DataSource;
DataRow drInsert = dsXMLInsert.Tables[0].NewRow();
drInsert["partid"] = partid;
drInsert["partnumber"] = partnumber;
Could I please get some direction/explanation as to what I'm missing in the code?
Thank you in advance.
It's because you're setting the DataSource to a DataTable:
gvPartNumber.DataSource = dsgvPartNumber.Tables["partNumbers"];
not a DataSet. So, instead of this:
DataSet dsgvPartNumberDelete = (DataSet)gvPartNumber.DataSource;
do this:
DataTable dsgvPartNumberDelete = (DataTable)gvPartNumber.DataSource;
and then in the following lines you won't need accessors like .Tables[0]. It will already be a DataTable and thus more direct to access anyway.
This modification would of course have to be replicated to all of your methods where you're trying to cast the DataSource as a DataSet.
Your datasource is a DataTable, not a DataSet. You cannot cast a DataTable to a DataSet.
DataTable dtUpdateXMLFile = (DataTable)gvPartNumber.DataSource;
dtUpdateXMLFile.Rows[index]["partid"] = partId;
dtUpdateXMLFile.Rows[index]["partnumber"] = partNumber;
I have a RadioButtonList and a ListBox. I have bound RadioButtonList to database.
Therefore upon selecting an item in the RadioButtonList, I want to retrieve some data into the ListBox. The code I have tried is :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void RadioFill()
SqlDataAdapter mydata = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT Param_Name FROM Parameter_Value_Master", con);
DataSet dset = new DataSet();
mydata.Fill(dset, "Table");
RadioButtonList1.DataSource = dset.Tables[0];
RadioButtonList1.DataTextField = dset.Tables[0].Columns["Param_Name"].ColumnName;
protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataAdapter mydata = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Value_Option FROM Parameter_Value_Master", con);
DataSet dset = new DataSet();
mydata.Fill(dset, "Table");
ListBox1.DataSource = dset.Tables[0];
ListBox1.DataTextField = dset.Tables[0].Columns["Value_Option"].ColumnName;
The issue I am facing here is upon selecting an item, the whole panel in which I have placed both my RadioButtonList and ListBox goes invisible.
Kindly help...!! Thankyou...!!
First, change Page_Load method as:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)¨
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
If it not help than post code from your *.aspx file.
Remark: The method RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e),
there is not selecting based on radio button list selected value.
I have a Click Event that fills a DataTable and the DataTable is the source of my GridView.
Then I have another click event that tries to get the GridView DataSource e converts it back to a DataTable Like:
DataTable dt = (DataTable)GridView1.DataSource;
But the Datasource returns null. Event if I put the code and the Page_Init event waiting for the right postBack
so I would like to know how can i persist the datasource of the gridview, or the DataTable
edited as required:
here is the whole code:
ps: the Page_Init was another try to get the datasource
private DataTable _dataTable;
public DataTable dataTable
get { return _dataTable; }
set { _dataTable = value; }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
string ctrlname = BLL.Common.GetPostBackControlId(this.Page);
if(ctrlname == "ButtonDownload")
DataTable dt = (DataTable)GridView1.DataSource;
protected void Filter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] status = new string[2];
status[0] = "Paga";
status[1] = "Disponivél";
dataTable = BLL.PagSeguro.GetTransactions(TextBoxInicio.Text, TextBoxFim.Text, status);
GridView1.DataSource = dataTable;
protected void GetDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataTable dt = (DataTable)GridView1.DataSource;
This might work for you.
public partial class Demo : System.Web.UI.Page
private DataTable _myData = null;
protected DataTable MyData
if (null == _myData)
// You would load your data here.
_myData = new DataTable();
return _myData;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Lets say you set your data source here
myGrid.DataSource = this.MyData;
protected void Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This is some other event that also needs to get at the data.
DataTable mydata = this.MyData;
protected void Unload(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (null != _myData)
_myData = null;
I'm pretty sure you can only access the datasource that way through the DataBound event or ItemDataBound event. You might be able to access the DataRowView for each item in the Items collection, but I'm not sure:
DataRow row = ((DataRowView)GridView1.Rows[0].DataItem).Row;
As for persisting the datasource, you need to consider whether that's a good idea. Your options for storing the datasource are Session or Cache, but if the result set is fairly small it might be more efficient to make another round trip when you need the datasource. Whatever you decide to do, don't store it in ViewState.