How to acquire multiple locks in VS2012 without messing up indentation - c#

This looks like a silly question, but I'm not able to find a solution to this.
My problem is that C# doesn't allow for the acquisition of multiple locks in a single lock statement. This won't work:
lock (a, b, c, d)
// ...
Instead, it seems to require an insane amount of indentation in order to do this:
lock (a)
lock (b)
lock (c)
lock (d)
// ...
Coupled with all other indentation levels that the code is already in (namespaces, class, method, conditionals, loops, ...), this gets insane. So instead, I want to use this formatting:
lock (a) lock (b) lock (c) lock (d)
// ...
and preserve my sanity. But Visual Studio (I'm using 2012) won't hear of it. As soon as I enter any closing brace, the above is transformed to something silly, like:
lock (a) lock (b) lock (c) lock (d)
// ...
And there seems there's nothing I can do. Is there any way to make this work?

Just an idea :- )
static class LockAndExecute
static void _gen(Action a, object[] objs, int i = 0){
bool lockWasTaken = false;
var temp = objs[i];
try {
Monitor.Enter(temp, ref lockWasTaken);
if(i + 1 >= objs.Length)
_gen(a, objs, i + 1);
if (lockWasTaken)
public static void Do(object[] objectsToLock, Action action){
_gen(action, objectsToLock);
and the usage;
LockAndExecute.Do(new[]{a, b}, () => {

Using that many locks at a time is just asking for deadlock. Heck, even acquiring two different locks at a time runs that risk.
At the very least, you should be very very careful to only ever take these locks in exactly the same order everywhere that more than one is acquired at a time.
Also, "nice formatting" is in the eye of the beholder. That is, everyone's got their own idea of what's best. But, the following should work, without VS messing with it unless you specifically ask it to (e.g. by triggering an auto-format rule or explicitly auto-formatting):
lock (a)
lock (b)
lock (c)
lock (d)
You can also use this approach with using statements (where it's much more common to have more than one in a row), where the VS IDE already anticipates it.

You could work around the IDE's annoying behavior by changing your code, though the idea of changing your code to work around IDE behavior pains my conscience a little. I'd do it if it was a toy project but not on anything serious that another developer might work on.
Implement the lock with an IDisposable implementation. The using statement does not have the annoying indentation issue that the lock statements do.
class myLock : IDisposable
private object _obj;
public myLock(object obj)
_obj = obj;
public void Dispose()
_obj = null;
public static void example()
var obj1 = new object();
var obj2 = new object();
var obj3 = new object();
lock (obj1)
lock (obj2)
lock (obj3)
// Stupid indentation >:(
using (new myLock(obj1))
using (new myLock(obj2))
using (new myLock(obj3))
// Ahhhh... :-)


Inform the compiler that a variable might be updated from another thread

This would generally be done using volatile. But in the case of a long or double that's impossible.
Perhaps just making it public is enough, and the compiler then knows that this can be used by another assembly and won't "optimize it out"? Can this be relied upon? Some other way?
To be clear, I'm not worried about concurrent reading/writing of the variable. Only one thing - that it doesn't get optimized out. (Like in .)
The best way to prevent code removal is to use the code.
if you are worries about optimizing the while loop in your example
class Test
long foo;
static void Main()
var test = new Test();
new Thread(delegate() { Thread.Sleep(500); = 255; }).Start();
while ( != 255) ;
you still could use volatile to do this by modifying your while loop
volatile int temp;
//code skipped in this sample
while( != 255) { temp = (int)foo;}
Now assuming you are SURE you won't have any thread safety issues. you are using your long foo so it won't be optimized away. and you don't care about losing any part of your long since you are just trying to keep it alive.
Make sure you mark your code very clearly if you do something like this. possibly write a VolatileLong class that wraps your long (and your volatile int) so other people understand what you are doing
also other thread-safty tools like locks will prevent code removal. for example the compiler is smart enough not to remove the double if in the sinleton pattern like this.
if (_instance == null) {
lock(_lock) {
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = new Singleton();
return _instance;

How to freeze a popsicle in .NET (make a class immutable)

I'm designing a class that I wish to make readonly after a main thread is done configuring it, i.e. "freeze" it. Eric Lippert calls this popsicle immutability. After it is frozen, it can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently for reading.
My question is how to write this in a thread safe way that is realistically efficient, i.e. without trying to be unnecessarily clever.
Attempt 1:
public class Foobar
private Boolean _isFrozen;
public void Freeze() { _isFrozen = true; }
// Only intended to be called by main thread, so checks if class is frozen. If it is the operation is invalid.
public void WriteValue(Object val)
if (_isFrozen)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// write ...
public Object ReadSomething()
return it;
Eric Lippert seems to suggest this would be OK in this post.
I know writes have release semantics, but as far as I understand this only pertains to ordering, and it doesn't necessarily mean that all threads will see the value immediately after the write. Can anyone confirm this? This would mean this solution is not thread safe (this may not be the only reason of course).
Attempt 2:
The above, but using Interlocked.Exchange to ensure the value is actually published:
public class Foobar
private Int32 _isFrozen;
public void Freeze() { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isFrozen, 1); }
public void WriteValue(Object val)
if (_isFrozen == 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// write ...
Advantage here would be that we ensure the value is published without suffering the overhead on every read. If none of the reads are moved before the write to _isFrozen as the Interlocked method uses a full memory barrier I would guess this is thread safe. However, who knows what the compiler will do (and according to section 3.10 of the C# spec that seems like quite a lot), so I don't know if this is threadsafe.
Attempt 3:
Also do the read using Interlocked.
public class Foobar
private Int32 _isFrozen;
public void Freeze() { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isFrozen, 1); }
public void WriteValue(Object val)
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _isFrozen, 0, 0) == 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// write ...
Definitely thread safe, but it seems a little wasteful to have to do the compare exchange for every read. I know this overhead is probably minimal, but I'm looking for a reasonably efficient method (although perhaps this is it).
Attempt 4:
Using volatile:
public class Foobar
private volatile Boolean _isFrozen;
public void Freeze() { _isFrozen = true; }
public void WriteValue(Object val)
if (_isFrozen)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// write ...
But Joe Duffy declared "sayonara volatile", so I won't consider this a solution.
Attempt 5:
Lock everything, seems a bit overkill:
public class Foobar
private readonly Object _syncRoot = new Object();
private Boolean _isFrozen;
public void Freeze() { lock(_syncRoot) _isFrozen = true; }
public void WriteValue(Object val)
lock(_syncRoot) // as above we could include an attempt that reads *without* this lock
if (_isFrozen)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// write ...
Also seems definitely thread safe, but has more overhead than using the Interlocked approach above, so I would favour attempt 3 over this one.
And then I can come up with at least some more (I'm sure there are many more):
Attempt 6: use Thread.VolatileWrite and Thread.VolatileRead, but these are supposedly a little on the heavy side.
Attempt 7: use Thread.MemoryBarrier, seems a little too internal.
Attempt 8: create an immutable copy - don't want to do this
which attempt would you use and why (or how would you do it if entirely different)? (i.e. what is the best way for publishing a value once that is then read concurrently, while being reasonably efficient without being overly "clever"?)
does .NET's memory model "release" semantics of writes imply that all other threads see updates (cache coherency etc.)? I generally don't want to think too much about this, but it's nice to have an understanding.
Perhaps my question wasn't clear, but I am looking in particular for reasons as to why the above attempts are good or bad. Note that I am talking here about a scenario of one single writer that writes then freezes before any concurrent reads. I believe attempt 1 is OK but I'd like to know exactly why (as I wonder if reads could be optimized away somehow, for example).
I care less about whether or not this is good design practice but more about the actual threading aspect of it.
Many thanks for the response the question received, but I have chosen to mark this as an answer myself because I feel that the answers given do not quite answer my question and I do not want to give the impression to anyone visiting the site that the marked answer is correct simply because it was automatically marked as such due to the bounty expiring.
Furthermore I do not think the answer with the highest number of votes was overwhelmingly voted for, not enough to mark it automatically as an answer.
I am still leaning to attempt #1 being correct, however, I would have liked some authoritative answers. I understand x86 has a strong model, but I don't want to (and shouldn't) code for a particular architecture, after all that's one of the nice things about .NET.
If you are in doubt about the answer, go for one of the locking approaches, perhaps with the optimizations shown here to avoid a lot of contention on the lock.
Maybe slightly off topic but just out of curiosity :) Why don't you use "real" immutability? e.g. making Freeze() return an immutable copy (without "write methods" or any other possibility to change the inner state) and using this copy instead of the original object. You could even go without changing the state and return a new copy (with the changed state) on each write operation instead (afaik the string class works this). "Real immutability" is inherently thread safe.
I vote for Attempt 5, use the lock(this) implementation.
This is the most reliable means of making this work. Reader/writer locks could be employed, but to very little gain. Just go with using a normal lock.
If necessary you could improve the 'frozen' performance by first checking _isFrozen and then locking:
void Freeze() { lock (this) _isFrozen = true; }
object ReadValue()
if (_isFrozen)
return Read();
lock (this) return Read();
void WriteValue(object value)
lock (this)
if (_isFrozen) throw new InvalidOperationException();
If you really create, fill and freeze the object before showing it to other threads, then you don't need anything special to deal with thread-safety (the strong memory model of .NET is already your guarantee), so the solution 1 is valid.
But, if you give the unfrozen object to another thread (or if you are simple creating your class without knowing how users will use it) then using the version the solution that returns a new fully immutable instance is probably better. In this case, the Mutable instance is like the StringBuilder and the immutable instance is like the string. If you need an extra guarantee, the mutable instance may check its creator thread and throw exceptions if it is used from any other thread (in all methods... to avoid possible partial reads).
Attempt 2 is thread safe on x86 and other processors that have a strong memory model, but how I would do it is to make thread safety the consumers problem because there is no way for you to efficiently do it within the consumed code. Consider:
foo.apropery = "avalue";
the thread saftey of the frozen property and the guard code in apropery's setter doesn't really matter because even they are perfectly thread safe you still have a race condition. Instead I would write it like
foo.apropery = "avalue";
and have neither of the properties inherently thread safe.
#1 - reader not threadsafe - I believe problem would be in reader side, not writer (code not shown)
#2 - reader not threadsafe - same as #1
#3 - promising, read check can be optimized out for most cases (when CPU caches are in sync)
Attempt 3:
Also do the read using Interlocked.
public class Foobar {
private object _syncRoot = new object();
private int _isFrozen = 0; // perf compiler warning, but training code, so show defaults
// Why Exchange to 1 then throw away result. Best to just increment.
//public void Freeze() { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isFrozen, 1); }
public void Freeze() { Interlocked.Increment(ref _isFrozen); }
public void WriteValue(Object val) {
// if this core can see _isFrozen then no special lock or sync needed
if (_isFrozen != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
lock(_syncRoot) {
if (_isFrozen != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(); // the 'throw' is 100x-1000x more costly than the lock, just eat it
_val = val;
public object Read() {
// frozen is one-way, if one-way state has been published
// to my local CPU cache then just read _val.
// There are very strange corner cases when _isFrozen and _val fields are in
// different cache lines, but should be nearly impossible to hit unless
// dealing with very large structs (make it more likely to cross
// 4k cache line).
if (_isFrozen != 0)
return _val;
// else
lock(_syncRoot) { // _isFrozen is 0 here
if (_isFrozen != 0) // if _isFrozen is 1 here we just collided with writer using lock on other thread, or our CPU cache was out of sync and lock() forced the dirty cache line to be read from main memory
return _val;
throw new InvalidOperationException(); // throw is 100x-1000x more expensive than lock, eat the cost of lock
Joe Duffy's post about 'volatile is dead' is, I think, in the context of his next-gen CLR/OS architecture and for CLR on ARM. Those of us doing multi-core x64/x86 I think volatile is fine. If perf is the primary concern I suggest you measure the code above and compare it to volatile.
Unlike other folks posting answers I wouldn't jump straight to lock() if you have lots of readers (3 or more threads likely to read the same object at the same time). But in your sample you mix perf-sensitive question with exceptions when a collision happens, which doesn't make much sense. If you're using exceptions, then you can also use other higher-level constructs.
If you want complete safety but need to optimize for lots of concurrent readers change lock()/Monitor to ReaderWriterLockSlim.
.NET has new primitives to handle publishing values. Take a look at Rx. It can be very fast and lockless for some cases (I think they use optimizations similar to above).
If written multiple times but only one value is kept - in Rx that is "new ReplaySubject(bufferSize: 1)". If you try it you might be surprised how fast it. At the same time I applaud your attempt to learn this level of detail.
If you want to go lockless get over your distaste for Thread.MemoryBarrier(). It is extremely important. But it has the same gotchas as volatile as described by Joe Duffy - it was designed as a hint to the compiler & CPU to prevent reordering of memory reads (which take a long time in CPU terms, so they are aggressively reordered when there are no hints present). When this reordering is combined with CLR constructs like auto-inline of functions and you can see very surprising behavior at the memory & register level. MemoryBarrier() just disables those single-threaded memory access assumptions that CPU and CLR use most of the time.
Perhaps my question wasn't clear, but I am looking in particular for reasons as to why the above attempts are good or bad. Note that I am talking here about a scenario of one single writer that writes then freezes before any concurrent reads. I believe attempt 1 is OK but I'd like to know exactly why (as I wonder if reads could be optimized away somehow, for example). I care less about whether or not this is good design practice but more about the actual threading aspect of it.
Ok, now I better understand what you are doing and looking for in a response. Allow me to elaborate on my previous answer promoting the use of locks by first addressing each of your attempts.
Attempt 1:
The approach of using a simple class that has no synchronization primitives of any form is entirely viable in your example. Since the 'authoring' thread is the only thread having access to this class during it's mutating state this should be safe. If an only if another thread has the potential to access before the class is 'frozen' would you need to provide synchronization. Essentially, it's not possible for a thread to have a cache of something it has never seen.
Aside from a thread having a cached copy of the internal state of this list there is one other concurrency issue that you should be concerned with. You should consider write reordering by the authoring thread. You example solution doesn't have enough code for me to address this, but the process of handing this 'frozen' list to another thread is the heart of the issue. Are you using Interlocked.Exchange or writing to a volatile state?
I still advocate that is not the best approach simply because there is no guarantee that another thread has not seen the instance while it's mutating.
Attempt 2:
While attempt 2 should not be used. If you are using atomic writes to a member, one should also use atomic reads. I would never recommend one without the other as without both reads and writes being atomic you haven't gained anything. The correct application of atomic reads and writes is your 'Attempt 3'.
Attempt 3:
This will guarantee an exception is thrown if a thread has attempted to mutate an frozen list. However it makes no assertion that a read is only acceptable on a frozen instance. This, IMHO, is just as bad as accessing our _isFrozen variable with atomic and non-atomic accessors. If you are going to say that it's important to safeguard writes, then you should always safeguard reads. One without the other is just 'odd'.
Overlooking my own feeling towards writing code that gaurds writes but not reads this is an acceptable approach given your specific uses. I have one writer, I write, I freeze, then I make it available to readers. Under this scenario you code works correctly. You rely on the atomic operation on the set of _isFrozen to provide the required memory barrier prior to handing the class to another thread.
In a nutshell this approach works, but again if a thread has an instance that is not frozen it's going to break.
Attempt 4:
While at heart this is nearly the same as attempt 3 (given one writer) there is one big difference. In this example, if you check _isFrozen in the reader then every access will require a memory barrier. This is unnecessary overhead once the list is frozen.
Still this has the same issue as Attempt 3 in that no assertions are made about the state of _isFrozen during the read so the performance should be identical in your example usage.
Attempt 5:
As I said this is my preference given the modification to read as appears in my other answer.
Attempt 6:
Is essentially the same as #4.
Attempt 7:
You could solve your specific needs with a Thread.MemoryBarrier. Essentially using the code from Attempt 1, you create the instance, call Freeze(), add your Thread.MemoryBarrier, and then share the instance (or share it within a lock). This should work great, again only under your limited use case.
Attempt 8:
Without knowing more about this, I can't advise on the cost of the copy.
Again I prefer using a class that has some threading guarantee or none at all. Creating a class that is only 'partially' thread safe is, IMO, dangerous.
In the words of a famous jedi master:
Either do or do not there is no try.
The same goes for thread safety. The class should either be thread safe or not. Taking this approach you are left with either using my augmentation of Attempt 5, or using Attempt 7. Given the choice, I would never recommend #7.
So my recommendation stands firmly behind a completely thread-safe version. The performance cost between the two is so infinitesimally small it's almost non-existent. The reader threads will never hit the lock simply because of your usage scenario of having a single writer. Yet, if they do, proper behavior is still a certainty. Thus as your code changes over time and suddenly your instance is being shared prior to being frozen you don't wind up with race condition that crashes your program. Thread safe, or not, don't be half-in or you wind up with nasty surprise someday.
My preference is all classes shared by more than one thread are one of two types:
Completely immutable.
Completely Thread-safe.
Since a popsicle list is not immutable by design it does not fit #1. Therefore if you are going to share the object across threads it should fit #2.
Hopefully all this ranting further explains my reasoning :)
Many people have noticed that I skipped the use of a _syncRoot on my locking implementation. While the reasons to use _syncRoot are valid they are not always necessary. In your example usage where you have a single writer the use of lock(this) should suffice nicely without adding another heap allocation for _syncRoot.
Is the thing constructed and written to, then permanently frozen and read multiple times?
Or do you freeze and unfreeze and refreeze it multiple times?
If it's the former, then perhaps the "is frozen" check should be in the reader method not the writer method (to prevent it reading before it's frozen).
Or, if it's the latter, then the use case you need to beware of is:
Main thread invokes the writer method, finds that it's not frozen, and therefore begins to write
Before the write has finished, someone tries to freeze the object and then reads from it, while the other (main) thread is still writing
In the latter case, Google shows a lot of results for multiple reader single writer which you might find interesting.
In general, each mutable object should have precisely one clearly-defined "owner"; shared objects should be immutable. Popsicles should not be accessible by multiple threads until after they are frozen.
Personally, I don't like forms of popsicle immunity with an exposed "freeze" method. I think a cleaner approach is to have AsMutable and AsImmutable methods (each of which would simply return the object unmodified when appropriate). Such an approach can allow for more robust promises about immutability. For example, if an "unshared mutable object" is being mutated while its AsImmutable member is being called (behavior which would be contrary to the object being "unshared"), the state of the data in the copy may be indeterminate, but whatever was returned would be immutable. By contrast, if one thread froze an object and then assumed it was immutable while another thread was writing to it, the "immutable" object could end up changing after it was frozen and its values were read.
Based on further description, I would suggest having code which writes to the object do so within a monitor lock, and having the freeze routine look something like:
public Thingie Freeze(void) // Returns the object in question
if (isFrozen) // Private field
return this;
return DoFreeze();
Thingie DoFreeze(void)
if (Monitor.TryEnter(whatever))
isFrozen = true;
return this;
else if (isFrozen)
return this;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Object in use by writer");
The Freeze method may be called any number of times by any number of threads; it should be short enough to be inlined (though I haven't profiled it), and should thus take almost no time to execute. If the first access of the object in any thread is via the Freeze method, that should guarantee proper visibility under any reasonable memory model (even if the thread didn't see the updates to the object performed by the thread which created and originally froze it, it would perform the TryEnter, which would guarantee a memory barrier, and after that failed it would notice that the object was frozen and return it.
If code which is going to write the object acquires the lock first, an attempt to write to a frozen object could deadlock. If one would rather have such code throw an exception, one use TryEnter and throw an exception if it can't get the lock.
The object used for locking should be something which is exclusively held by the object to be frozen. If the object to be frozen doesn't hold a purely-private reference to anything, one could either lock on this or create a private object purely for locking purposes. Note that it is safe to abandon 'entered' monitor locks without cleanup; the GC will simply forget about them, since if no references exist to a lock there's no way anybody will ever care (or could even ask) whether the lock was entered at the time it was abandoned.
I am not sure in terms of cost how the following approach will do, but it is a bit different. Only initially if there are multiple threads trying to write value simultaneously will they encounter locks. Once it is frozen all later calls will get the exception directly.
Attempt 9:
public class Foobar
private readonly Object _syncRoot = new Object();
private object _val;
private Boolean _isFrozen;
private Action<object> WriteValInternal;
public void Freeze() { _isFrozen = true; }
public Foobar()
WriteValInternal = BeforeFreeze;
private void BeforeFreeze(object val)
lock (_syncRoot)
if (_isFrozen == false)
//Write the values....
_val = val;
//and then modify the write value function
WriteValInternal = AfterFreeze;
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private void AfterFreeze(object val)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void WriteValue(Object val)
public Object ReadSomething()
return _val;
Have you checked out Lazy
which uses ThreadLocal
And actually looking further there is a Freezable class...
you may achieve this using POST Sharp
take one interface
public interface IPseudoImmutable
bool IsFrozen { get; }
bool Freeze();
then derive your attribute from InstanceLevelAspect like this
/// <summary>
/// implement by divyang
/// </summary>
AncestorOverrideAction = InterfaceOverrideAction.Ignore, OverrideAction = InterfaceOverrideAction.Fail)]
public class PseudoImmutableAttribute : InstanceLevelAspect, IPseudoImmutable
private volatile bool isFrozen;
#region "IPseudoImmutable"
public bool IsFrozen
return this.isFrozen;
[IntroduceMember(IsVirtual = true, OverrideAction = MemberOverrideAction.Fail)]
public bool Freeze()
if (!this.isFrozen)
this.isFrozen = true;
return this.IsFrozen;
[MulticastPointcut(Targets = MulticastTargets.Property | MulticastTargets.Field)]
public void OnValueChange(LocationInterceptionArgs args)
if (!this.IsFrozen)
public class ImmutableException : Exception
/// <summary>
/// The location name.
/// </summary>
private readonly string locationName;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImmutableException"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">
/// The message.
/// </param>
public ImmutableException(string message)
: base(message)
public ImmutableException(string message, string locationName)
: base(message)
this.locationName = locationName;
public string LocationName
return this.locationName;
then apply in your class like this
public class TestClass
public string MyString { get; set; }
public int MyInitval { get; set; }
then run it in multi thread
/// <summary>
/// The program.
/// </summary>
public class Program
/// <summary>
/// The main.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">
/// The args.
/// </param>
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "Divyang Demo ";
var w = new Worker();
internal class Worker
private object SyncObject = new object();
public Worker()
var r = new Random();
this.ObjectOfMyTestClass = new MyTestClass { MyInitval = r.Next(500) };
public MyTestClass ObjectOfMyTestClass { get; set; }
public void Run()
Task readWork;
readWork = Task.Factory.StartNew(
action: () =>
for (;;)
catch (Exception exception)
// Console.SetCursorPosition(80,80);
// Console.SetBufferSize(100,100);
Console.WriteLine("Read Exception : {0}", exception.Message);
// ReSharper disable FunctionNeverReturns
Task writeWork;
writeWork = Task.Factory.StartNew(
action: () =>
for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)
catch (Exception exception)
Console.SetCursorPosition(80, 80);
Console.SetBufferSize(100, 100);
Console.WriteLine("write Exception : {0}", exception.Message);
if (i == 5000)
/// <summary>
/// The do read work.
/// </summary>
public void DoReadWork()
// ThreadId where reading is done
var threadId = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
// printing on screen
lock (this.SyncObject)
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
Console.SetBufferSize(290, 290);
Console.WriteLine("Read Start");
Console.WriteLine("Read => Thread Id: {0} ", threadId);
Console.WriteLine("Read => this.objectOfMyTestClass.MyInitval: {0} ", this.ObjectOfMyTestClass.MyInitval);
Console.WriteLine("Read => this.objectOfMyTestClass.MyString: {0} ", this.ObjectOfMyTestClass.MyString);
Console.WriteLine("Read End");
/// <summary>
/// The do write work.
/// </summary>
public void DoWriteWork()
// ThreadId where reading is done
var threadId = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
// random number generator
var r = new Random();
var count = r.Next(15);
// new value for Int property
var tempInt = r.Next(5000);
this.ObjectOfMyTestClass.MyInitval = tempInt;
// new value for string Property
var tempString = "Randome" + r.Next(500).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
this.ObjectOfMyTestClass.MyString = tempString;
// printing on screen
lock (this.SyncObject)
Console.SetBufferSize(290, 290);
Console.SetCursorPosition(125, 25);
Console.WriteLine("Write Start");
Console.WriteLine("Write => Thread Id: {0} ", threadId);
Console.WriteLine("Write => this.objectOfMyTestClass.MyInitval: {0} and New Value :{1} ", this.ObjectOfMyTestClass.MyInitval, tempInt);
Console.WriteLine("Write => this.objectOfMyTestClass.MyString: {0} and New Value :{1} ", this.ObjectOfMyTestClass.MyString, tempString);
Console.WriteLine("Write End");
but still it will allow you to change property like array ,list . but if you apply more login in that then it may work for all type of property and field
I'd do something like this, inspired by C++ movable types. Just remember not to access the object after Freeze/Thaw.
Of course, you can add a _data != null check/throw if you want to be clear about why the user gets an NRE if accessing after thaw/freeze.
public class Data
public string _foo;
public int _bar;
public class Mutable
private Data _data = new Data();
public Mutable() {}
public string Foo { get => _data._foo; set => _data._foo = value; }
public int Bar { get => _data._bar; set => _data._bar = value; }
public Frozen Freeze()
var f = new Frozen(_data);
_data = null;
return f;
public class Frozen
private Data _data;
public Frozen(Data data) => _data = data;
public string Foo => _data._foo;
public int Bar => _data._bar;
public Mutable Thaw()
var m = new Mutable(_data);
_data = null;
return m;

Error with ReaderWriterLockSlim

I got this exception
The read lock is being released without being held.
at System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.ExitReadLock()
at .. GetBreed(String)
Below is the only place in code that accesses the lock. As you can see, there is no recursion. I'm having trouble understanding how this exception could occur.
static readonly Dictionary<string, BreedOfDog> Breeds
= new Dictionary<string,BreedOfDog>();
static BreedOfDog GetBreed(string name)
BreedOfDog bd;
if (Breeds.TryGetValue(name, out bd))
return bd;
BreedOfDog bd;
//make sure it hasn't been added in the interim
if (Breeds.TryGetValue(t, out bd)
return bd;
bd = new BreedOfDog(name); //expensive to fetch all the data needed to run the constructor, hence the caching
Breeds[name] = bd;
return bd;
I'm guessing you have something re-entrant, and it is throwing an exception when obtaining the lock. There is a catch-22 whether you "take the lock", "try" vs "try", "take the lock", but the "take the lock", "try" has fewer failure cases (the "aborted between take and try" is so vanishingly unlikely you don't need to stress).
Move the "take the lock" outside the "try", and see what the actual exception is.
The problem is most likely that you are failing to take the lock (probably re-entrancy), then trying to unlock something you didn't take. This could mean that the exception surfaces in the orginal code that took the lock, due to trying to release twice when only taken once.
Note: Monitor has new overloads with "ref bool" parameters to help with this scenario - but not the other lock types.
Use LockRecursionPolicy.SupportsRecursion when instantiating the RWLS. If the error goes away then you actually do have some type of recursion involved. Perhaps it is in code that you did not post?
And if you are really concerned about getting maximum concurrency out of this (as I suspect you are since you are using a RWLS) then you could use the double-checked locking pattern. Notice how your original code already has that feel to it? So why beat around bush? Just do it.
In the following code notice how I always treat the Breeds reference as immutable and then inside the lock I recheck, copy, change, and swap out the reference.
static volatile Dictionary<string, BreedOfDog> Breeds = new Dictionary<string,BreedOfDog>();
static readonly object LockObject = new object();
static BreedOfDog GetBreed(string name)
BreedOfDog bd;
if (!Breeds.TryGetValue(name, out bd))
lock (LockObject)
if (!Breeds.TryGetValue(name, out bd))
bd = new BreedOfDog(name);
var copy = new Dictionary<string, BreedOfDog>(Breeds);
copy[name] = bd;
Breeds = copy;
return bd;

C# usage of lock() statements and caching of data

I have a number of static List's in my application, which are used to store data from my database and are used when looking up information:
public static IList<string> Names;
I also have some methods to refresh this data from the database:
public static void GetNames()
SQLEngine sql = new SQLEngine(ConnectionString);
lock (Names)
Names = sql.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM Names").ToList<string>();
I initially didnt have the lock() in place, however i noticed very occasionally, the requesting thread couldnt find the information in the list. Now, I am assuming that if the requesting thread tries to access the Names list, it cant until it has been fully updated.
Is this the correct methodology and usage of the lock() statement?
As a sidenote, i noticed on MSDN that one shouldnt use lock() on public variables. Could someone please elaborate in my particular scenario?
lock is only useful if all places intended to be synchronized also apply the lock. So every time you access Names you would be required to lock. At the moment, that only stops 2 threads swapping Names at the same time, which frankly isn't a problem here anyway, as reference swaps are atomic anyway.
Another problem; presumably Names starts off null? You can't lock a null. Equally, you shouldn't lock on something that may change reference. If you want to synchronize, a common approach is something like:
// do not use for your scenario - see below
private static readonly object lockObj = new object();
then lock(lockObj) instead of your data.
With regards to not locking things that are visible externally; yes. That is because some other code could randomly choose to lock on it, which could cause unexpected blocking, and quite possibly deadlocks.
The other big risk is that some of your code obtains the names, and then does a sort/add/remove/clear/etc - anything that mutates the data. Personally, I would be using a read-only list here. In fact, with a read-only list, all you have is a reference swap; since that is atomic, you don't need any locking:
public static IList<string> Names { get; private set; }
public static void UpdateNames() {
List<string> tmp = SomeSqlQuery();
Names = tmp.AsReadOnly();
And finally: public fields are very very rarely a good idea. Hence the property above. This will be inlined by the JIT, so it is not a penalty.
No, it's not correct since anyone can use the Names property directly.
public class SomeClass
private List<string> _names;
private object _namesLock = new object();
public IEnumerable<string> Names
if (_names == null)
lock (_namesLock )
if (_names == null)
_names = GetNames();
return _names;
public void UpdateNames()
lock (_namesLock)
private void GetNames()
SQLEngine sql = new SQLEngine(ConnectionString);
_names = sql.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM Names").ToList<string>();
Try to avoid static methods. At least use a singleton.
The check, lock, check is faster than a lock, check since the write will only occur once.
Assigning a property on usage is called lazy loading.
The _namesLock is required since you can't lock on null.
From the oode you have shown, the first time GetNames() is called the Names property is null. I don't known what a lock on a null object would do. I would add a variable to lock on.
static object namesLock = new object();
Then in GetNames()
lock (namesLock)
if (Names == null)
Names = ...;
We do the if test inside of the lock() to stop race conditions. I'm assuming that the caller of GetNames() also does the same test.

Can(should?) Lazy<T> be used as a caching technique?

I'd like to use .NET's Lazy<T> class to implement thread safe caching. Suppose we had the following setup:
class Foo
Lazy<string> cachedAttribute;
string initCache()
string returnVal = "";
return returnVal;
public String CachedAttr
return cachedAttribute.Value;
void invalidateCache()
cachedAttribute = new Lazy<string>(initCache, true);
My questions are:
Would this work at all?
How would the locking have to work?
I feel like I'm missing a lock somewhere near the invalidateCache, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.
I'm sure there's a problem with this somewhere, I just haven't figured out where.
Ok, well it looks like I was right, there were things I hadn't thought about. If a thread sees an outdated cache it'd be a very bad thing, so it looks like "Lazy" is not safe enough. The Property is accessed a lot though, so I was engaging in pre-mature optimization in hopes that I could learn something and have a pattern to use in the future for thread-safe caching. I'll keep working on it.
P.S.: I decided to make the object thread-un-safe and have access to the object be carefully controlled instead.
Well, it's not thread-safe in that one thread could still see the old value after another thread sees the new value after invalidation - because the first thread could have not seen the change to cachedAttribute. In theory, that situation could perpetuate forever, although it's pretty unlikely :)
Using Lazy<T> as a cache of unchanging values seems like a better idea to me - more in line with how it was intended - but if you can cope with the possibility of using an old "invalidated" value for an arbitrarily long period in another thread, I think this would be okay.
cachedAttribute is a shared resource that needs to be protected from concurrent modification.
Protect it with a lock:
private readonly object gate = new object();
public string CachedAttr
Lazy<string> lazy;
lock (gate) // 1. Lock
lazy = this.cachedAttribute; // 2. Get current Lazy<string>
} // 3. Unlock
return lazy.Value // 4. Get value of Lazy<string>
// outside lock
void InvalidateCache()
lock (gate) // 1. Lock
{ // 2. Assign new Lazy<string>
cachedAttribute = new Lazy<string>(initCache, true);
} // 3. Unlock
or use Interlocked.Exchange:
void InvalidateCache()
Interlocked.Exchange(ref cachedAttribute, new Lazy<string>(initCache, true));
volatile might work as well in this scenario, but it makes my head hurt.
