DataWindowButton CanExecute not firing, Catel 4.0 - c#

I have just updated a project from Catel 3.4 to Catel 4.0 and a custom apply button that had been working now never gets enabled.
AddCustomButton(new DataWindowButton("Apply", ExecuteApply, canExecuteApply));
In Catel 3.4 the canExecuteApply got called when the window got focus or any control was changed. In 4.0 it gets called twice when the window is created and never again.
I suspect this has something to do with the IViewPropertySelector part of the update guide, however registering the default implementation had no effect and I can't figure out what namespace the AutoDetectViewPropertiesToSubscribe extension method is in.
Edit: I have found I am getting the same behavior with some AsynchronousCommand instances elsewhere in the application. The CanExecute delegate fires when the control is created then never again.
Edit 2: These were the same issue with diffrent solutions. For an explanation of the issue see Geert van Horrik's answer.
If the command is registered in a view model you can use
to get the can execute state to re-evaluate. For a DataWindowButton as described above I had to manually call RaiseCanExecuteChanged on the button's command since that command does not belong to a vie model as far as i can tell.
var catelCommand = (applyButton.Command as ICatelCommand);
if (catelCommand != null)
In either case, this is far from the approach with the best performance characteristics, but if the same behavior you had before the upgrade is desired, you can make these calls in the following event subscription:
System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.RequerySuggested += RequerySuggested;
Hope this helps anyone else facing this issue.

The reason is that in the past (pre 4.0), Catel subscribed to the CommandManager of WPF and invalidated all the commands on all view models on nearly everything (mouse move, focus, etc). To improve performance (a lot), we decided to only invalidate commands automatically when a property changes on a specific view model.
For example, if you have a vm where you change a property, it will automatically re-evaluate the commands on that vm. You can still manually re-evaluate commands using this code (inside a vm):

How about this? I had a problem where my nested user controls must cause my outer user control's commands to update. It is not elegant but it gets the job done for me, until I can get a better way.
public partial class App : Application
private static IViewModelManager _ViewModelManager;
public App()
: base()
var dependencyResolver = this.GetDependencyResolver();
_ViewModelManager = dependencyResolver.Resolve<IViewModelManager>();
System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.RequerySuggested += RequerySuggested;
private void RequerySuggested(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (IViewModel viewModel in _ViewModelManager.ActiveViewModels)
(viewModel as ViewModelBase).GetViewModelCommandManager().InvalidateCommands(true);


Provide "trigger-method" to module-(sub)-view model in WPF and MVVM

I'm got an other question for my WPF/MVVM application I'm working on since a while.
The main idea is to use a main window providing a navigation bar and a ContentControl.
The different "Modules" are all built as UserControl with each its own ViewModel.
The main call from the main viewmodel to start a module is
private void ShowAddressModule() {
ContentControlBindingProperty = new AddressModule(new AddressModuleViewModel);
In the real application the viewmodels are pre-loaded and so on, but the start is more or less the same.
The main view model contains a boolean property LongRunningOperation to do multiple operations on the main window while any long running operation.
As example showing a loading image or disable the main navigation while loading a new module or whatever.
So my idea is to provide a possibility to the modules (their view models) to active this "mode".
Example how it could look in the modules view model:
private void LoadContactList() {
MainWindow.LongRunningOperation = true;
LoadAllContactsInAThread(); /*Takes a long time*/
MainWindow.LongRunningOperation = false;
I tried to mark the property as static and public, but this will not work because of the OnPropertyChanged event.
If possible it would be great if the solution could be applied also to methods (including parameters) from the main window - so (as example) the modules could use as example the parents statusbar or so.
MainWindow.ShowErrorMessageInStatusBar("The error xyz occured!");
Hopefully I described good enought, what's my idea...
And hopefully anybody could provide me the needed tip how to handle this requirement.
Thanks in advance for any hints
Regards Markus
Each module could raise an event to indicate the start of a long running operation, and raise an event to indicate the end of a long running operation. Your main view model, when loading modules for the first time, could hook-up to these events and react to them accordingly.
Your sub view model would have some events like this:
Sub view model
public delegate void OnLongRunningOperationStartedEventHandler(object sender);
public delegate void OnLongRunningOperationFinishedEventHandler(object sender);
public event OnLongRunningOperationStartedEventHandler OnLongRunningOperationStarted;
public event OnLongRunningOperationFinishedEventHandler OnLongRunningOperationFinished;
private void LoadContactList() {
LoadAllContactsInAThread(); /*Takes a long time*/
And your main view model will hook-up to them like this:
Main View Model
public bool LongRunningOperation { get; private set; }
// Keep track of the number of modules currently running long operations
private int _countLongRunningOperations = 0;
public LoadSubModules(){
// Depending on how you load your sub modules, this piece of code could move around
foreach (var module in submodules){
module.OnLongRunningOperationStarted += Module_LongOperationStarted;
module.OnLongRunningOperationFinished += Module_LongOperationFinished;
private void Module_LongOperationStarted(object sender){
_countLongRunningOperations += 1;
LongRunningOperation = true;
private void Module_LongOperationFinished(object sender){
_countLongRunningOperations -= 1;
if (_countLongRunningOperations == 0) {
LongRunningOperation = false;
The same principle (using events) could be used to bubble up error messages from each submodule to the main view model.
The quick and very dirty approach:
Grab a reference to mainwindow out of application.current.mainwindow. Cast it to MainWindow. It's a property set to whatever the first window you show is - MainWindow just happens to be the default name of the main window.
You can then set the property on that if it's a public dependency property. Make sure the dp binds twoway in it's metadata.
This is bad because you're referencing ui in your viewmodels and you have no application when you run tests on viewmodels in some test runner.
The quick and dirty approach
Add a public property to app and set this to your instance of mainwindowviewmodel in it's ctor. You can reference app from an piece of code. Add a public property to mainwindowviewmodel and bind to that.
This is bad because you have no application when you run tests on viewmodels in some test runner.
You could add a static with an interface abstracts this away and work round that though.
My suggestion
This hinges on the fact you can use dot notation to bind and that includes
Content.IsBusy on yourcontentcontrol.
You can therefore bind from a parent window to a dependency property of any usercontrol that happens to be in it's contentcontrol.
Add that property using an attached property and bind that to IsBusy in a base viewmodel. Inherit the viewmodels of your child views from that.
One thing to mention is that binding to an attached property is a little odd and rather than just
ElementName=YourContentControl, Path=Content.YourAttachedProperty
You need something like:
ElementName=YourContentControl, Path=Content.(local:AttachClass.YourAttachedProperty)

Is it possible to deactivate page-refresh on "F5" keypress using the WPF Modern UI framework from First Floor?

Working on an older application from my predecessor which is using the first floor modern ui framework.
Pretty much by accident we discovered, that the framework tries to refresh the current page when the user presses F5 key reinitializing the respective ViewModel. However, since there are several things triggered from the constructor, this leads to undefined behavior of the application. Additionally the application uses Oxyplot, which also leads to problems with data-binding between PlotView and PlotModel in the ViewModel.
What I have tried so far:
Looking through the source code of the framework so far I couldn't find, where the refresh is triggered, or how to prevent it.
I tried to assign the F5 key to another function, in this case as a shortcut to another page, like this:
<KeyBinding Command="{Binding Path=OpenManualCommand}" Key="F5 >
I found an issue on the github page of the framework, describing pretty much the problem I have. However, it didn't get any replies and being from 2016 it probably won't.
Using the KeyDown event and marking it as handled like this:
private void UserControl_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.F5)
e.Handled = true;
This actually works, however I would have to do the same operation for each view, since it doesn't work if I do it just from the MainWindow. Doesn't seem like a good solution to me.
Is there another way, which let me disable the function of the F5 key with this framework?
I managed to disable this using input binding and command. Command in ViewModel was calling a method by Relay which just had empty return statement in its body.

Caliburn.Micro - OnDeactivate Not triggering

I'm having a strange issue, and im pretty much at my wits end trying to work it out.
I have a Conductor which activates and deactivates viewmodels used for editing data, these view models implements screen and use OnDeactivate to ensure that any changes are saved before closing.
However for some reason, OnDeactivate in one of my ViewModels is never called, even tho i can see it being passed to DeactivateItem of the conductor.
To do this have the following in my conductor:
private void SwitchScreen(Screen viewModel)
DeactivateItem(ActiveItem, true);
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ProjectActionRegion);
public override void DeactivateItem(IScreen item, bool close)
base.DeactivateItem(item, close);
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ProjectActionRegion);
This ensures that when TryClose is called the region is correctly updated. The SwitchScreen is called each time a selection is made on a datagrid, loading the viewmodel. I can see that Deactivate item is called when i change selection, and i can see its passing the correct viewmodel into that method.
However OnDeactivate is still never called, and i have no idea why :/
protected override void OnDeactivate(bool close)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("SAVE ME!");
Edited to remove incorrect code (the base. was a mistake, this is my actual code)
I've just realized what the difference between the working versions and the broken version is. I have a view/viewmodel that works as a conductor, this works fine. However inside that viewmodel i load a second view/viewmodel that also works as a conductor, this one fails to work, i wonder if it has to do with with being inside another conductor (but not actually handled by that conductor, just loaded into that viewmodel)
For screen life-cycle to function correctly, all of the view models in your view hierarchy must be conducted. You should make your child conductor an active screen of your parent conductor.
You can either do this by making it the active item of the parent conductor, or by using the ConductWith method on the child conductor, passing in a reference to the parent conductor.

Caliburn.Micro screen transition via conductor

I have a Caliburn.Micro shell (i.e., an empty XAML view to contain other views) rendered by a Conductor ViewModel. From there I open a Screen via:
Usually from the newly displayed dialog the user can perform some operations and click buttons (OK, Cancel, Build....) which should each transition to another screen (in the shell).
public MyDialog : Screen
public void Ok()
// TODO: Somehow tell the conductor or called of this class about this action.
What are good ways to achieve these kind of dialog action/message screen transitions?
Simple .NET events are possible -- Wouldn't that be a bad idea?
CM IEventAggregator should also work by changing the view
Checking from the shell Conductor the ViewModel result once it has been closed via TryClose() -- Should be possible, just don't know how to achieve this in CM.
Reference the shell Conductor instance from that screen (via IoC or directly) -- That seems strong coupling.
Could you please advise.
My preferred approach is to use the EventAggregator to facilitate messaging between VMs.
This works especially well when you have multiple windows which are listening for a certain type of event (e.g. a Visual Studio style interface with multiple tool windows which may show context sensitive properties), however it sounds a little overkill for this implementation. Of course the advantages are still a good loose coupling between VMs and a lack of events (which is a good thing!)
It sounds like you want a modal dialog to popup and present an option, and then activate another screen once the first one has returned.
You can attach an event handler to the Deactivated event in the child VM which will fire when an item deactivates. It also passes a boolean in the arguments to notify if the item which deactivated was closed - you can check for this and activate the corresponding screen in your conductor.
this.Deactivated += new EventHandler<DeactivationEventArgs>(WorkspaceViewModel_Deactivated);
void WorkspaceViewModel_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivationEventArgs e)
if(e.WasClosed) // raise some event
Then pass an event up to the conductor, I wouldn't really go the event route for this. This couples the VMs one-way so it may not be the most flexible solution
The alternative is to fire a message via the event aggregator to tell the conductor it needs to open a different window when the child VM closes. The same method can be used but it's decoupled
this.Deactivated += new EventHandler<DeactivationEventArgs>(WorkspaceViewModel_Deactivated);
void WorkspaceViewModel_Deactivated(object sender, DeactivationEventArgs e)
if(e.WasClosed) MainConductor.EventAggregator.Publish(new ActivateWindowMessage(typeof(SomeVM));

How do you manually refresh a window in WPF?

I'm using the ICommand interface to perform binding on a couple of buttons in my application, the Run and Close button. I'm using a helper method that was mentioned in this question to hook up the ICommand to a delegate as follows:
_someCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.DoSomething, this.CanDoSomething);
private ICommand _someCommand;
public ICommand SomeCommand
get { return _someCommand; }
private void DoSomething(object state)
// do something here
private bool CanDoSomething(object state)
// return true/false here is enabled/disable button
This appears to work just fine as, in my implementation, CanDoSomething returns the value of a property that I have in my application.
If I set the initial value of the property to true, then the button is enabled and false it is disabled.
I have a series of events that are raised from a BackgroundWorker in the application layer back to the ViewModel that change the value of the property to true or false based on the current state of the application.
The current problem I'm having is that the button is not "re-enabling" when I set the value to true after the work has completed. If I click somewhere within the window, it will update. So, therefore, I'm thinking than manually refreshing the window will solve my problem, at least for the interim. This feels a bit gross to do it this way, but I'm kind of at a loss for what else I could try.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.
Thanks for the help!
Edit -
A little bit more information on the application itself. It uses a background worker in the application thread to handle the "work". The application is a simple utility to manage the creating of tables and loading of data into the tables. We use a lot of pre-defined SQL scripts to setup our test environment, so this is a simple utility that allows us to do that sort of thing based on parameters provided by the user in the UI.
Hopefully that helps, because when I re-read my question it read as if I were doing everything in the UI thread, which is not the case. Progress reports are raised back up to the UI thread and everything is updated as expected, except the button..
CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested() may be the answer - it tells all the commands to check whether they are enabled or not.
You have to raise the CanExecuteChanged event:
This may be more useful than the other answer in cases where you know you should re-evaluate a single control, and re-evaluating all the controls would be costly. The other answer is simpler if you don't have a case like that, though.
