I am implementing an interface
Task Something()
but none of the code in the implementation is async
Task Something(){
var x=1;
return null;
This of course results in an error when called:
await Something()
How do I send back a blank Task to make the Interface happy?
You can use Task.FromResult to return a completed Task.
Task Something()
var x=1;
// Do *something* here ;)
return Task.FromResult(true);
Note that this will run synchronously, and not be an asynchronous operation, so it'd be good to document that appropriately as well.
If async is expected, why not make it async?
Task Something()
return Task.Run( () => { /* your code here */ } );
In order to await any method, it needs to have an async signature so in order to await Something() it should be made like:
async Task Something()
//do stuff
Just remember that when you want to return a value you should return a Task and if you want to return void you should return only a Task
I have a series of methods (with variable number of parameters) that return a Task
I want to create a method that does something before and after each of this methods, by passing the Task.
I've simplified everything (removed cancellationToken, actual processing, etc) in this sample:
public async Task<string> GetDataString()
return "test";
public async Task<T> Process<T>(Task<T> task)
var res = await task;
return res;
And in my main:
Task<string> task = GetDataString();
string result = await Process<string>(tasks);
the console output is
What can I do to create the task but not actually starting it? And starting it only before the wait?
I managed to do it by creating a PauseToken, as explained in this article:
but I wonder if is there a better way.
Your generic ProcessAsync method could accept a task factory as argument:
public async Task<T> ProcessAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> taskFactory)
var res = await taskFactory();
return res;
This way the task will be created at the time you'll invoke the factory method. You are in control of its creation.
Here is an example of calling the ProcessAsync method, passing as factory a lambda:
var result = await ProcessAsync(() => GetDataStringAsync(arg1, arg2));
This way you are not restricted to a factory method without arguments.
For completeness I should mention that Task objects can also created in a cold state using the constructor new Task(), and started later using the Start method, but this approach is not recommended.
You can remove the async keyword (from GetDataString) and create a new task which will be executed when you await
so the result of the code below is : before , executing , test , after
private static async Task Start()
Task<string> task = GetDataString();
string result = await Process<string>(task);
public Task<string> GetDataString()
return new TaskFactory(TaskScheduler.Default).StartNew(() =>
return "test";
public async Task<T> Process<T>(Task<T> task)
var res = await task;
return res;
I am writing a wrapper function that executes an arbitrary number of async tasks and will provide retry and error handling policy. I'm having an issue awaiting the result of the async tasks.
The method call looks like this:
Execute(async () => await someAsyncFunction(someValue), async () await someOtherFunction(someValue))
My method implementation looks like this:
void Execute<T1, T2>(Func<T1> fn1, Func<T2> fn2, ... /* overloads for up to 6 functions */)
/* ... */
I've not yet applied the error handling and retry policy, but from debugging I've noticed that stepping over fn1 or fn2 is immediate, even when I put a large delay in, for example:
async Task someAsyncFunction(object value)
await Task.Delay(10000);
Is it possible to achieve what I want with async methods?
An async "action" is actually a function that returns a Task, so it'll be a Func<Task>. You can create a collection of tasks and then await them all with Task.WhenAll. You can supply a flexible number of arguments using the params keyword.
Note also that Execute() must itself be async in order to make async calls.
public class Program
static async Task Execute(params Func<Task>[] actions)
var tasks = actions.Select( action => action() );
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
public static async Task MainAsync()
await Execute
async () =>
await Task.Delay(3000);
Console.WriteLine("Function 1 done");
async () =>
await Task.Delay(3000);
Console.WriteLine("Function 2 done");
public static void Main()
Function 2 done
Function 1 done
Example code on DotNetFiddle
I have the following code:
public Index () {
async Task InitializeIndexAsync () {
State = IndexState.Initializing;
await Task.Factory.StartNew(async () => {
// Initialize other things.
await IndexAsync();
State = IndexState.Ready;
I would expect that "State = IndexState.Ready" would not be hit until the asynchronous lambda completes, but debugging shows that line is hit long before the thread started above it completes. Why is this?
StartNew does not understand async lambdas, so when you pass it an async lambda, it will return a Task<Task>. Conceptually, the "outer" task only represents the start of the async lambda; the "inner" task represents the completion of the async lambda.
This is one of the reasons that StartNew is the wrong choice for async code, as I explain on my blog. A better solution is to use Task.Run, which was designed with async in mind:
async Task InitializeIndexAsync () {
State = IndexState.Initializing;
await Task.Run(async () => {
// Initialize other things.
await IndexAsync();
State = IndexState.Ready;
Not sure what you are trying to achieve by all these awaits...
I would try to keep it simple by having a synchronously method which initializes things, and then another MethodAsync which returns a Task and I can await on that task:
public async void Index()
await InitializeIndexAsync();
private Task InitializeIndexAsync()
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => InitializeIndex());
private void InitializeIndex()
State = IndexState.Initializing;
// Initialize other things synchronously.
State = IndexState.Ready;
I hope this is what you meant.
I'm trying to get the hand of the new async CTP stuff and I'm probably confusing myself here..
I can have this "task method", with no problem:
public static Task<String> LongTaskAAsync() {
return Task.Run(() => {
But what if I need the task to execute another task, can I mark it as "async" and use "await"? I tried this:
public async static Task<String> LongTaskAAsync() {
await Task.Delay(2000);
return Task.Run(() => {
But then mysteriously get this compiler error: Since this is an async method, the return expression must be of type 'string' rather than Task<string>
What am I missing here?
You may want to read my async/await intro post.
Return values from async methods are wrapped in a Task<TResult>. Likewise, await unwraps those return values:
public static async Task<String> LongTaskAAsync() {
await Task.Delay(2000);
return await Task.Run(() => {
The reasoning behind this is described in my Async "Why Do the Keywords Work That Way" Unofficial FAQ.
P.S. You can also use Task.FromResult for simple tests like this.
Edit: If you want to create and return the Task object itself, then the method should not be async. One somewhat common pattern is to have a public non-async method that calls the async portion only if necessary.
For example, some kind of asynchronous cache - if the object is in the cache, then return it immediately; otherwise, asynchronously create it, add it to the cache, and return it (this is example code - not thread-safe):
public static Task<MyClass> GetAsync(int key)
if (cache.Contains(key))
return Task.FromResult(cache[key]);
return CreateAndAddAsync(key);
private static async Task<MyClass> CreateAndAddAsync(int key)
var result = await CreateAsync(key);
cache.Add(key, result);
return result;
Can a “task method” also be an “async” method?
Yes it can be, by simply changing the method signature to public async static Task<Task<String>> LongTaskAAsync() since that is, what it will return.
If you use the async keyword, the runtime will wrap the type you return into a task, to enable asynchronousness. Say if you return a string, the runtime will wrap that into a Task<string>. int will go Task<int> and Task<string> will go Task<Task<string>>. See this console app to clearify:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// start the main procedure asynchron
Task.Run(() => DoIt()).Wait();
// for async support since the static main method can't be async
public static async void DoIt()
Program p = new Program();
// use the methods
string s = await p.GetString();
int i = await p.GetInt();
Task<string> tsk = await p.GetTaskOfString();
// just to prove the task works:
// C# 5
string resultFromReturnedTask = await tsk;
// C# 4
string resultFromReturnedTask2 = tsk.Result;
public async Task<string> GetString()
return "string";
public async Task<int> GetInt()
return 6;
public async Task<Task<string>> GetTaskOfString()
return Task.Run(() => "string");
public class FooHandler : HttpTaskAsyncHandler
public override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
return await new AdRequest().ProcessRequest();
// getting error here. "Return type of async type is void"
public class FooRequest
public async Task<String> ProcessRequest()
//return await "foo"; obviously nothing to wait here
I want to make a async handler and just want to return a string. How can i get this working? and is there a concise reference to work with Async methods and Tasks?
A few points:
You can await any Task, not just ones returned from async methods.
async methods wrap their returned value into a Task<TResult>; if there is no return value, they wrap the return itself into a Task.
There are several convenience methods available, e.g., Task.FromResult, if you don't need the overhead of an async method.
Only make a method async if you have to use await in it. If you don't need to make the method async, don't.
You may find my async/await intro helpful.
public class FooHandler : HttpTaskAsyncHandler
public override Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
return new AdRequest().ProcessRequest();
public class AdRequest
public Task<String> ProcessRequest()
return Task.FromResult("foo");
You shouldn't "return" the Task, the compiler will do it implicitly as it is an async function:
public override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
await new AdRequest().ProcessRequest();
public async Task<String> ProcessRequest()
return "foo";
This is another way, closer to what you were trying to do: (without async/await)
public override Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
return new AdRequest().ProcessRequest();
public Task<String> ProcessRequest()
return Task.Return("foo");
A general reference to async is here
Essentially adding the async modifier to a method, makes it return a Task implicitly. If you return an int, it will turn it into a Task<int>. await does the opposite, turning a Task<int> into an int.
This is a truly asynchronous method:
public Task<string> ProcessRequest()
var textFile = File.OpenText("file.txt");
var readTask = textFile.ReadToEndAsync();
readTask.ContinueWith(previousTask => textFile.Dispose());
return readTask;
If you run this method with a large file or a file on a slow drive the execution will return to caller long before file reading ends. In Stephen Cleary's example the caller will get back control only when the result ("foo") is finished calculating.
Dispose must be in ContinueWith because the method execution will return to caller before file reading is complete so file can't be closed in ProcessRequest method.
One can of course start their own task.
public Task<string> ProcessRequest(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var readTask = Task.Run(() =>
using (var textFile = File.OpenText("file.txt"))
var text = textFile.ReadToEnd();
var processedText = text.Replace("foo", "bar");
return processedText;
return readTask;
It is a good practice to have a CancellationToken and periodically check if cancellation was requested to allow long running operarions to be cancelled.
Edit 1
As #Stephen Cleary highlighted the first sample and this result in approximately or maybe exactly the same CIL:
public async Task<string> ProcessRequest()
using (var textFile = File.OpenText("file.txt"))
var s = await textFile.ReadToEndAsync();
return s;
Basically the compiler will transform the code following await textFile.ReadToEndAsync() into ContinueWith.
Each syntax has its benefits, my preference is that 1-2 lines (i.e. dispose and log) go into ContinueWith, more complex continuation uses await.