I'm working on a REST API implementation in MVVM for Windows Universal Apps.
It is going fine, but I would like to solve one thing.
I have a Post and a Comment class on Model level, and they have Downvote and Upvote functions. The API calls are implemented in the ViewModel, including the calls that tell the server to do the downvote-upvote.
I would like to have the Models Downvote/Upvote functions to trigger the ViewModel's appropriate calls. Is it possible or am I going around it the wrong direction?
You're stuck where most programmers who begin with MVVM are stucked. You just look only at MVVM and strictly ignoring everything else.
What you see is: Model, ViewModel and View and you try to put all your business logic into one of these.
But the Model part is more than POCO Objects with a little bit of logic. Services also belong to the model. This is where you encapsulate all business logic which doesn't belong into a certain model.
You could implement a PostService class and an CommentService class, which both implement the UpVote/DownVote functionality and call these services from your ViewModel.
public interface ICommentService
void UpVote(Post post, Comment comment);
void DownVote(Post post, Comment comment);
public class CommentRestService
IRestClient client;
public CommentRestService(IRestClient client)
this.client = client;
public void UpVote(Post post, Comment comment)
var postId = post.Id;
var commentId = comment.Id;
var request = ...; // create your request and send it
var response = request.GetResponse();
// successfully submitted
if(response.Status == 200)
comment.VoteStatus = VoteType.Up;
comment.Score += 1;
public void DownVote(Post post, Comment comment)
var postId = post.Id;
var commentId = comment.Id;
var request = ...; // create your request and send it
var response = request.GetResponse();
// successfully submitted
if(response.Status == 200)
comment.VoteStatus = VoteType.Down;
comment.Score -= 1;
In your ViewModel you simply pass the service via Dependency Injection or get it via ServiceLocator and then use it's method, rather than calling UpVote/DownVote on the model.
// in ViewModel
// get via ServiceLocator or DI
ICommentService commentService = ...;
commentService.UpVote(this.Post, this.SelectedComment);
You could also implement this methods on the Model, to encapsulate the actions into the Comment class, i.e. by making Score and VoteStatus "private set;"
public class Comment
public string Comment { get; set; }
public Post Post { get; private set; }
public VoteType VoteStatus { get; private set; }
public int Score { get; private set; }
public void UpVote(ICommentService commentService)
// for this you'd change your Up/Vote method to return only true/false and not
// change the state of your model. On more complex operation, return an CommentResult
// containing all necessary information to update the comment class
if(commentService.UpVote(this.Post, this))
// only update the model, if the service operation was successful
this.VoteStatus = VoteType.Up;
And call it via
Later method is preferred, as you have more control of the Comment object and the Comment's state can only be modified via Comment and it's methods class. This prevents from accidentally changing this value somewhere else in code and receive inconsistent state (i.e. changing VoteStatus without incrementing the Score value).
--> data and it's associated up-/ downvote information.
--> Implementation of up-/ downvoting.
--> triggers the up-/ downvote (e.g. commands).
Dependencies are chained like this View -> ViewModel-> Model. Thats the pattern.
I have a WPF application which is written with an implementation of MVVM. There's no extra framework for the MVVM pattern.
My entities from EF db first are wrapped in their own viewmodels and I have a modelcontroller to load them into their viewmodels from a 'window' viewmodel.
Example of an entity viewmodel:
public class PurchaseOrderViewModel : ViewModels.ViewModelBase
private someType _prop;
public someType Prop
return _prop;
_prop = value;
// ...
// Other Properties
// ...
public PurchaseOrderViewModel() {
// default constructor for LINQ
public PurchaseOrderViewModel(purchaseorder entity)
// load values from entity in properties
Example of a window viewmodel:
public class MainViewModel: ViewModels.ViewModelBase
private IModelController modelController = new ModelController();
private List<PurchaseOrderViewModel> _poList;
public List<PurchaseOrderViewModel> POList
return _poList;
_poList = value;
// ...
// Other Properties
// ...
public MainViewModel()
POList = modelController.GetPurchaseOrders();
Example of ModelController:
public class ModelController : IModelController
public List<PurchaseOrderViewModel> GetPurchaseOrders()
using (var model = new DBContext())
return model.purchaseorders
.Select(new PurchaseOrderViewModel { /* assign properties */ })
Where am I supposed to save this wrapped viewmodel (PurchaseOrderViewModel) once the user is done editing it? As I see it, there are 2 options:
Create a save function in each viewmodel that points back to the modelController, but this feels like an inappropriate approach.
Create a save function in the modelcontroller and pass the viewmodel as an argument
It's most likely that I'm missing something in the MVVM pattern, but please point me in the right direction. Thank you!
EDIT: I excluded the view (MainView) from the info provided, but this view binds directly to the properties exposed by MainViewModel.
First up, I problably wouldn't name it ModelController as that's slightly confusing makes people think you are speaking MVC. Instead, if you call it xxxxService (e.g. PurchaseOrdersService) it makes more sense and it no longer feels "inappropriate" because having a VM delegate the actual work is what many users of IoC do. Plus it keeps your VM clean.
NOTE: By "service" I don't necessarily mean that your VM will be calling a WCF service directly (nor should you). Service is just a means to achieve something in an abstract and encapsulated way on behalf of clients. Examples include:
saving information to a DB
getting the current log mechanism
They can even be facades whereby they create a WCF client proxy and call a remote service on your behalf without you having to know the details.
So a typical flow is:
Command >> View code behind >> VM >> Service
The reason I include the view's code behind is that typically this is where you:
Catch exceptions
The starting point of async/await for asynchonous calls to your VM and service
Now when you pass context fromt the VM back to the service, there is no rule on what exactly you pass however I see no reason to pass VM to the service because that contains information the service doesn't care about.
Just pass the M which your VM should have bound to in the first place and continued to update via binding.
How can I access a ServiceStack.net session in my validation code?
public class UserSettingsValidator : AbstractValidator<UserSettingsRequest>
public UserSettingsValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.UserId)
.SetValidator(new PositiveIntegerValidator())
.SetValidator(new UserAccessValidator(session.UserId)); //<-- I need to pass the UserID from the session here
In the Service Implementation I just do:
var session = base.SessionAs<UserSession>();
but this does not work for my abstract validator.
Edit: this is version
I assume you are just using the ValidationFeature plugin, as most do. If that's the case, then I don't think it is possible. Ultimately the ValidationFeature is a plugin which uses a RequestFilter.
I wanted to do something similar before too, then realised it wasn't possible.
The RequestFilter is run before the ServiceRunner. See the order of operations guide here.
What this means to you is your populated request DTO reaches your service, and the validation feature's request filter will try validate your request, before it has even created the ServiceRunner.
The ServiceRunner is where an instance of your service class becomes active. It is your service class instance that will be injected with your UserSession object.
So effectively you can't do any validation that relies on the session at this point.
Overcomplicated ?:
It is possible to do validation in your service method, and you could create a custom object that would allow you pass the session along with the object you want to validate. (See next section). But I would ask yourself, are you overcomplicating your validation?
For a simple check of the request UserId matching the session's UserId, presumably you are doing this so the user can only make changes to their own records; Why not check in the service's action method and throw an Exception? I am guessing people shouldn't be changing this Id, so it's not so much a validation issue, but more a security exception. But like I say, maybe your scenario is different.
public class SomeService : Service
public object Post(UserSettingsRequest request) // Match to your own request
if(request.UserId != Session.UserId)
throw new Exception("Invalid UserId");
Validation in the Service Action:
You should read up on using Fluent Validators. You can call the custom validator yourself in your service method.
// This class allows you to add pass in your session and your object
public class WithSession<T>
public UserSession Session { get; set; }
public T Object { get; set; }
public interface IUserAccessValidator
bool ValidUser(UserSession session);
public class UserAccessValidator : IUserAccessValidator
public bool ValidUser(UserSession session)
// Your validation logic here
// session.UserId
return true;
public class UserSettingsValidator : AbstractValidator<WithSession<UserSettingsRequest>>
public IUserAccessValidator UserAccessValidator { get; set; }
public UserSettingsValidator()
// Notice check now uses .Object to access the object within
RuleFor(x => x.Object.UserId)
.SetValidator(new PositiveIntegerValidator());
// Custom User Access Validator check, passing the session
RuleFor(x => x.Session).Must(x => UserAccessValidator.ValidUser(x));
Then to actually use the validator in your service:
public class SomeService : Service
// Validator with be injected, you need to registered it in the IoC container.
public IValidator<WithSession<UserSettingsRequest>> { get; set; }
public object Post(UserSettingsRequest request) // Match to your own request
// Combine the request with the current session instance
var requestWithSession = new WithSession<UserSettingsRequest> {
Session = this.Session,
Object = request
// Validate the request
ValidationResult result = this.Validator.Validate(requestWithSession);
throw result.ToException();
// Request is valid
// ... more logic here
return result;
I hope this helps. Note: code is untested
It appears that after reading from a bunch of people experiencing similar problems, then many hours of playing with several solutions based on the SS4 Cookbook etc, this is a problem that is already solved:
Implement the IRequiresRequest interface on your validator, and voila.
I am attempting to get ServiceStack to return a list of objects to a C# client, but I keep getting this exception:
"... System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type definitions should start with a '{' ...."
The model I am trying to return:
public class ServiceCallModel
public ServiceCallModel()
call_uid = 0;
public ServiceCallModel(int callUid)
this.call_uid = callUid;
public int call_uid { get; set; }
public int store_uid { get; set; }
...... <many more properties> ......
public bool cap_expense { get; set; }
public bool is_new { get; set; }
// An array of properties to exclude from property building
public string[] excludedProperties = { "" };
The response:
public class ServiceCallResponse
public List<ServiceCallModel> Result { get; set; }
public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; } //Where Exceptions get auto-serialized
And the service:
public class ServiceCallsService : Service
// An instance of model factory
ModelFactory MyModelFactory = new ModelFactory();
public object Any(ServiceCallModel request)
if (request.call_uid != 0)
return MyModelFactory.GetServiceCalls(request.call_uid);
} else {
return MyModelFactory.GetServiceCalls() ;
The client accesses the service with:
JsonServiceClient client = new ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web.JsonServiceClient("");
client.SetCredentials("user", "1234");
client.AlwaysSendBasicAuthHeader = true;
ServiceCallResponse response = client.Get<ServiceCallResponse>("/sc");
The "model factory" class is a DB access class which returns a list. Everything seems to work just fine when I access the service through a web browser. The JSON returned from the service starts:
And ends with:
My question is, what here might be causing serialization/deserialization to fail?
Thanks to the answer from mythz, I was able to figure out what I was doing wrong. My misunderstanding was in exactly how many DTO types there are and exactly what they do. In my mind I had them sort of merged together in some incorrect way. So now as I understand it:
Object to return (In my case, called "ServiceCallModel": The actual class you wish the client to have once ServiceStack has done its job. In my case, a ServiceCallModel is a key class in my program which many other classes consume and create.
Request DTO: This is what the client sends to the server and contains anything related to making a request. Variables, etc.
Response DTO: The response that the server sends back to the requesting client. This contains a single data object (ServiceCallModel), or in my case... a list of ServiceCallModel.
Further, exactly as Mythz said, I now understand the reason for adding "IReturn" to the request DTO is so the client will know precisely what the server will send back to it. In my case I am using the list of ServiceCallModel as the data source for a ListView in Android. So its nice to be able to tell a ListViewAdapter that "response.Result" is in fact already a useful list.
Thanks Mythz for your help.
This error:
Type definitions should start with a '{'
Happens when the shape of the JSON doesn't match what it's expecting, which for this example:
ServiceCallResponse response = client.Get<ServiceCallResponse>("/sc");
The client is expecting the Service to return a ServiceCallResponse, but it's not clear from the info provided that this is happening - though the error is suggesting it's not.
Add Type Safety
Although it doesn't change the behavior, if you specify types in your services you can assert that it returns the expected type, e.g Change object to ServiceCallResponse, e.g:
public ServiceCallResponse Any(ServiceCallModel request)
To save clients guessing what a service returns, you can just specify it on the Request DTO with:
public class ServiceCallModel : IReturn<ServiceCallResponse>
This lets your clients have a more succinct and typed API, e.g:
ServiceCallResponse response = client.Get(new ServiceCallModel());
instead of:
ServiceCallResponse response = client.Get<ServiceCallResponse>("/sc");
See the New API and C# Clients docs for more info.
I have a slightly long conceptual question I'm wondering if somebody could help me out with.
In MVC I've built a website which builds grids using kendoui's framework.
All the grids on my website are constructed exactly the same except for the model they use and the CRUD methods that need to be implemented for each model. I set things up where each Model implement an interface for CRUD methods like below to get the logic all in one place.
//Actual interface has variables getting passed
public interface IKendoModelInterface
void Save();
void Read();
void Delete();
public class Model1: IKendoModelInterface
public int IdProperty1 { get; set; }
public int SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }
public void Save(){
//Implement Save
public void Read(){
//Implement Read
public void Delete(){
//Implement Delete
Then to speed up the writing of all the scaffolding Action methods needed to get the grids to work I created an abstract Controller that can call the interface methods of the Model that gets passed into it.
//Implement the AJAX methods called by the grid
public abstract class KendoGridImplController<T> : Controller where T : class, IKendoModelInterface
// Method called from kendo grid
public virtual ActionResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<T> createdRecords)
//Invoke Create Method for Model and return results
public virtual ActionResult Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, int Id)
//Invoke read method for model and return results
//Update and Delete also implemented..
Then I just need a Controller per model that implements the abstract controller above passing in the type of Model being used.
public class ResponsibilityMatrixController : KendoGridImplController<Model1>
//Set up the page the grid will be on
public ActionResult Index(int id)
return View("SharedGridView", id);
//Can override abstract methods if needed but usually won't need to
I'm wondering if I can take this one step further or if I've reached the end of the road. To me it just seems like more repeated code if I have to create a controller per Model that does nothing but pass in the type to the abstract controller and calls the same View.
I attempted for quite a while yesterday to figure out if I could dynamically assign the type to the abstract controller. I setup something where I was sending back the type of model via strings and I could still invoke the methods needed. Where it failed, was that the mapping could no longer be done on any of the controller actions by default since the type isn't known at compile time. eg
public virtual ActionResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<T> createdRecords)
createdRecords can't be bound like this if T that's passed in is an interface and not the Model itself and I've found no real way to map the form data to an instance of a type that isn't known at compile time.
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to do this mapping between an instance of the type of object getting passed in that I can figure out at runtime, if there's some other way to set this up that I'm overlooking or if both those things are going to be way too much work and I should just not attempt something like this and build a controller per model like I do now?
In case anybody else finds this in the future here's what I've done so far to solve my issue. First I downloaded the impromptu-interface code lib which is incredibly helpful when dealing with dynamic types.
Then for the abstract controller's save methods where it was important that I could bind back to the original object type I did this.
// Method called from kendo grid
public virtual ActionResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<ExpandoObject> createdRecords)
Type originalGridType = GetTypeOfModelUsingCustomCodeIDevelopedEarlier();
foreach (ExpandoObject record in createdRecords)
var convertedType = Impromptu.InvokeConvert(record, originalGridType);
T objectInstance = Impromptu.ActLike(convertedType);
Then I just needed to add a cast in my model that could convert from the ExpandoObject to my model. An extra method that I still wish didn't have to be there but with some helper methods that I wrote it's not a lot more code to make happen.
public static implicit operator Model1(ExpandoObject expando)
Model1 model = new Model1();
//Set fields of model...
return model;
From here everything works front to back. Maybe there's a better way but this is the best I could come up with so far.
I’m very new to any kind of .NET web development (thus far I’ve worked primarily with Winforms and services.) I’ve started to work on an existing MVC3 project with two other developers. I’m conceptually familiar with MVC, and am trying to catch up on how it’s used in this project.
We have an AccountDto class to represent Accounts. There is a Response class that is inherited by another class for each Entity, i.e. AccountResponse:
public class Response
public bool IsSuccess{get;set;}
public string DisplayMessage { get; set; }
public string DetailedMessage { get; set; }
public ErrorType ErrorType { get; set; }
public Response(){
this.ErrorType = ErrorType.None;
public partial class AccountResponse : Response
public IList<AccountDto> AccountList { get; set; }
There’s an AccountService which will return an AccountResponse to the Controller, with a list of the AccountDto object:
public AccountResponse GetAccountByAccountId(Int64 accountId)
_logger.Info("Executing GetAccountByAccountId()");
AccountResponse response = new AccountResponse();
Account item = AccountPersistence.GetAccountByAccountId(accountId);
AccountDto dto = Mapper.Map<AccountDto>(item);
response.AccountList = new List<AccountDto>() { dto };
response.IsSuccess = true;
catch (Exception ex)
response.IsSuccess = false;
response.ErrorType = ErrorType.GeneralFault;
response.DetailedMessage = ex.ExceptionMessageBuilder();
response.DisplayMessage = "System Failure: Failed to get Account by AccountId";
return response;
I was told the Response thing is implemented to be able to handle success/failure messages. So in a controller, there’s code like the following (doesn’t happen to do anything special if a failure):
public ActionResult ToBeCalled(int id)
AccountDto dto = null;
var response = _accountService.GetAccountByAccountId(Convert.ToInt64(id));
if (response.IsSuccess)
dto = response.AccountList[0];
return View(dto);
return View(dto);
This made sense to me though I wasn’t sure where the success/error messages were going to be utilized. However, they now want to switch from using the DTO in views to using the Response, so success/failure will have to be handled in the views:
public ActionResult ToBeCalled(int id)
var response = _accountService.GetAccountByAccountId(Convert.ToInt64(id));
return View(response);
This seems off to me – instead of coding against a DTO as the model, I have to do something like the following for each page:
if (Model.IsSuccess)
var account = Model.AccountList.FirstOrDefault();
if (account != null)
#Html.HiddenFor(x => account.AccountNumber)
The controllers’ ActionResult / HttpPost methods then have to also parse the DTO from these Response objects. This seems like an anti-pattern to me; are approaches like this normal?
Apologies if this is too lengthy, please migrate if it belongs on Code Review or another site.
I agree with you that this would be an anti-pattern. The View is supposed to be quite ignorant, especially of logic like this.
I can see why this would be tempting, if the difference between success and failure is a minor part of the UI, but imagine if that were to change. A view has little ability (without unnecessary nesting of partials) to switch to an entirely different view. It has no ability to issue a redirect or other error codes. In the event that you decide to change your UI, you may have to go back and rewrite your Controller yet again.
If the reasoning behind moving the logic to the view was to remove the response.IsSuccess logic from the Controller (and to be honest, that seems fine to me; it's pretty much the same as the classic Model.IsValid), you could consider another approach: refactor your Response class to inherit from ActionResult. Then you could move that logic into the ExecuteResult() method and it would be separate from your Controller.
Just use the coalesce operator and you can get rid of a whole lot of cruft (like that strange Response base class (which should be marked abstract if it continues to exist)) and avoid null-checking.
public ActionResult ToBeCalled(int id)
var response = _accountService.GetAccountByAccountId(id) ??
new AccountResponse();
return View(response);
Better yet, migrate that logic into your service class so that it guarantees return of an object (it doesn't necessarily make sense for a repository to do this when there's no backing entity, but it does for a service).
Either way, you don't need to include unsightly null-checking or if/else logic on your view. Move as much logic to places that you can test it as you can and you'll be happier.