I'm trying to use Google maps API from a Desktop app (C#), for doing this we use a resource file that contains an HTML file from which we load the maps-api. What we do is load HTML in a WebBrowser Control from windows Forms, from which we use the google earth plugin for 3D visualization and also use the google maps API for geocoding, sometime we also load some KMZ's in that Control.
If we don't use a licensed API the app works, but when we try to use a licensed API, we must register an URL and sign it to be able to use the maps API for work, but it only can be done from a Internet URL.
Is there another way of using a "work" API for desktop apps?
Kind Regards
The "authorized URL" you need to register depends a bit on the web browser control you are using. Local files for example usually get a referrer with a file:// URL (eg. file:///C:/somefile.html)
With an embedded resource, it highly depends on the implementation, but you should be able to use alert(window.location.href) or something similar inside a script block in your embedded HTML to get the proper URL.
Note that the support portal does not allow arbitrary protocols in URLs at the moment, so you might need to contact Google for Work Support if you require special protocols.
Is there a way to integrate Google Maps into a C# WinForms application without embedding a browser into the application?
Somewhere in 2016, Google declared that you must use a key to use their Google Maps API, that leaves you with 2 options.
To open Google Maps from the internet directly by URL (using a browser) or
Get a key, and run it using javascript, but you'd still need a browser to execute the javascript.
As far as I know, there are no current option to use Google's API offline from your own application, even the offline version of Google Maps itself will only be available for 30 days, due to the daily change in infrastructure in the world.
I am helping to build Elpis, which is an open source pandora music player, built with C# and WPF.
Now what i want is to add an HTTP API so that the user may control the program through a browser, like play/pause, like/dislike the current song.
The point afterwards is to control the program through a mobile device accessing the HTTP API.
How exactly should i build the HTTP API so that it can control it?
Github for the project: https://github.com/adammhaile/Elpis
Without knowing why exactly you want the user to control a GUI application via the browser, it's hard to give you good advise.
Assuming you are running your GUI on Windows, take a look at OWIN and the project Katana. They allow you to easily host HTTP interfaces in your own application.
It may be overkill for your project but I would suggest using ASP.NET Web API so that you can build backend web services.
The easiest way to do what you want, assuming you really want to "control the GUI remotely" is to just install TeamViewer on your PC and on your mobile device. Then you could remote in and completely control your GUI.
But I what I think you're after is something more like Google Music. Where you can stream your music through the Internet and onto your mobile devices. If this is the case, I recommend you look at the ASP.NET Web API.
It's not hard to build a web server in C#. You can embed it into your application, and expose parts of your application to HTTP endpoints as an API. You can use the HttpListener class which is part of .NET, and do everything from the ground up yourself. Or you could use something like Nancy, which is a lightweight framework that provides a lot of useful scaffolding like URL routing.
Ended up using Kayak(https://github.com/kayak/kayak) for my self-hosted API.
The example of integration can be seen here:
I need to read a page content on my sub-domain using ajax get.
I thought of creating some script on my sub-domain and calling that script on my domain. however I don't know how to do it.
Is it possible to do such a thing? how?
I created a page in my domain that uses DownloadString and downloads that page and write down the result. any better ideas?
If you wish to support cross-domain AJAX requests, you will need to create a cross origin resource sharing handler (CORS). I don't have an example specific to asp.net, but if you are using MVC this is fairly simply to achieve (and would be fundamentally the same for WebForms).
A Web API example may be found here to get you started:
Also, if you need to support IE 7, 8 or 9 you would want to look in to a jQuery extension lib such as jQuery-ajaxTransport-XDomainRequest
If you would like to look at a full example (again Web API unfortunately), here is a MSDN article with a full code example Implementing CORS support in ASP.NET Web APIs
You can also sometimes manipulate document.domain in JS. So if you're serving pages from www.site.com, and your Ajax services are hosted at app.site.com, set your document.domain to site.com.
I'm currently attempting to use the OAuth 2.0 User-Agent Flow with a clientside C# application, and I'm running into some confusion relating to the redirect URI.
Because I'm working with a clientside application, I cannot supply a standard redirect URL to a web server. However, according to the people I'm trying to authenticate with (Salesforce, in this instance), the User-Agent Flow is the correct one to use for a clientside application.
My question is, what can I do to catch the access token in this situation? Apparently I can create a "local resource accessible to the client," but I'm unfamiliar with the mechanics behind this, and I can't find any resources on the topic (partly because I don't know what to look for).
Any pointers as to where I should start looking would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Some more digging has revealed the following stackoverflow question:
How do I develop against OAuth locally?
I'm doing some more investigating with what they suggested, but any other suggestions would be great as well.
Edit: Some more searching revealed this article:
Still feels like I'm poking around in the dark without an understanding of the larger picture, but I believe I need to set up a local web service using localhost and point my redirect URI there. I'll then use my web service to unwrap the response from the OAuth server and have my application respond appropriately. More updates to come.
Ooookay. So from what I've been able to gather, I need to set up a local web service to supply as the callback for OAuth. I need to listen on said web service myself and catch the callback to pass it to my app. However, the default ASP.NET web service provided by VS2010 does not support URL parameters, just API calls, so I apparently need to use the WCF Rest starter kit instead.
I am completely foreign to all of this, so any tips would be a godsend at this point. In general, I'm thinking I set up a local WCF Rest service, supply that local URI to OAuth as the callback, and then catch the callback URL using the Rest service. Then I parse the URL and extract the access token. At this point, does my app request the access token, or can my web service "give" the token to my app? I.e., where should the locus of control be?
Figured out a clever way to work around this. Instead of setting up a service to listen for OAuth's redirect URL, I embedded a WebBrowser control inside my Windows form.
I pointed this embedded WebBrowser to the authentication URL and let the user log in and authenticate with Salesforce and grant permissions to my app. Then, I let Salesforce redirect my embedded browser to a dummy redirect URL that I supply. This redirect never actually goes anywhere, it just shows up as a 404.
However, by monitoring WebBrowser.Url, I can pick up the entire URL that my embedded WebBrowser control is directed to, including the access token that is appended by Salesforce. Basically, after the user authenticates and grants permissions, the embedded browser is redirected to "http://www.dummyurl.com." Salesforce appends the access token, so WebBrowser.Url ends up looking something like this:
From here, I can just parse the URL and go on my way. No third-party web server or local web service required. :)
The call the Authorization type you need Authonomous Client http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Digging_Deeper_into_OAuth_2.0_on_Force.com#Obtaining_a_Token_in_an_Autonomous_Client_.28Username-Password_Flow.29. Read about the URL you have to send there.
You can use DotNetOpenAuth library. There's an example using WPF, where it uses a winforms control called ClientAuthorizationView provided by DotNetOpenAuth library.
It is a control that hosts a browser allowing the user to authorize the client without leaving the application.
Hope this help.
I'd like to write a console program in C# that posts a Tweet to Twitter. I've never used the Twitter APIs before and don't know anything about how their authentication works. I found an API library called Twitterizer, but it seems geared towards web applications and wants the user to logon with a web browser. All the API docs on Twitter's website seems geared around this scenario as well.
Is it possible to access the Twitter APIs using a console app with no web browser access? I'm perfectly fine hard coding in the name and password for the Twitter user I want to post under as well. Thanks!
You'll need to use OAuth for authenticating in twitter.
Then use regular HTTP Request to use the twitter JSON-based API.
Here you can find a good article about OAuth, Twitter and console applications.
Also take a loot at linq2twitter lib. From it's documentation;
The Twitter API is built using
Representable State Transfer (REST).
Wikipaedia defines REST as "...a style
of software architecture for
distributed hypermedia systems...",
but I'm going to be so bold as to try
to simplify what that means. In
practice, REST is a Web service
protocol built upon Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). You use the REST Web
service by making an HTTP call with a
URL and getting text back in some
form, which is often XML or JSON. So,
if you were to write code that made an
HTTP request with the following URL:
You would get back an XML document
with all of the Twitter statuses from
the public timeline, which is a
snapshot in time of the last 20 tweets
at the time of your request. Go ahead
and open your browser, copy and paste
the URL above into the address bar,
and see what you get back.
I couldn't find any decent information on the web on how to do this, so I decided to write my own blog post with all the details.. Enjoy!
of course you can use anything to connect to Twitter via RESTful api.
you should use oauth, and set up your application in http://dev.twitter.com, then you should read all articles listed in documents, you must specify your app as Client but not Browser so user input a number to get through authentication.
you can use many libraries so that you can save your time, all are listed in the documents
and be CAREFUL, you should not use Twitter's own api console which is buggy (as i know parameters somtimes can't be parsed), you should use APIgee instead which is powerful and stable.
if you want use basic authentication, you should use api proxy (one famous is twip), if you just need only one single C# apps, you must code by yourself:
you should use given username and password to login twitter, parse cookies passed
use normal oauth to get temporaly access token url.
use cookies got from step 1, emulates form submit to allow your apps, capture PIN code
use pin code to finish oauth.
MOST IMPORTANT, you must store access token in client's machine so next time you can bypass above steps
Just wrote a Twitter Bot in C#. This is currently posting tweets to #valuetraderteam.
The API component in the GIST below is less than 500 lines, only dependency is Json.NET, you'll need to download the latest DLL for either x64 or x86 (depending on what platform you are targetting) and include as a reference in your project.
There is an example at the bottom of the page of how you can make a tweet from a console application
Hopefully this is useful to some other people out there.