Need help resolving AccessViolationException with C#/C interop - c#

I need some help fixing a persistent AccessViolationException.
Given a c signature like this
struct message {
char *topic;
void *payload;
int payloadlen;
__declspec(dllexport) void callback_set(struct data *dat, void (*on_publish)(struct data *, void *, const struct message *));
I have this C#
public struct message
public string topic;
public IntPtr payload;
public int payloadlen;
public delegate void on_publish(IntPtr dat, IntPtr usrData, IntPtr messageData);
[DllImport(dllPath, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public extern static void callback_set(IntPtr dat, IntPtr callback);
public static void MessageHandler(IntPtr dat, IntPtr usrData, IntPtr messageData)
var instance = (message)Marshal.PtrToStructure(messageData, typeof(message));
string test = instance.topic; // <-- this is successfully received
Console.WriteLine("message rec " + test);
} //<-- as soon as I exit, the dll blows up with access violation
public static void RegisterMessageHandler(IntPtr dat) //<-- I promise, the pointer I send here is valid and not modified
messageHandler = new on_publish(MessageHandler);
messageHandlerPtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(messageHandler);
callback_set(dat, messageHandlerPtr); //<-- if I do not call this, everything works, no ADE
Console.WriteLine("message handler registered");
//just tried to move to scope in order to retain their managed memory loc
private static IntPtr messageHandlerPtr;
private static on_publish messageHandler;
When running, and making sure a message should be received - I get the correct string for the topic but as soon as MessageHandler returns, I get the dreaded exception.
Things I've tried:
Change CallingConvention
Use on_publish instead of IntPtr in managed callback_set definition
Probably more things in desperation that should not have an impact
Any help much appreciated!
I can share a zip of the project if anyone can help - it will be BSD licensed just like Mosquitto which I'm trying to interop with.

I ended up creating a C++/CLI project to wrap the C project to .NET.
I found it much easier to manage the unmanaged code using C++, and I ended up with a nice interop to C# as my class became .NET accessible.
I would recommend this path, and will do it myself - the next time I need to integrate C# with a C lib.


Can't get a window handle?

I've searched all over to try and find an answer to my predicament but cannot seem to find a valid answer. I'm trying to write some equivalent user32.dll code with Xlib instead so I can support Linux users. I'm of course running Linux, so I'm using Mono. Problem comes along when I cannot even grab a window handle from the Process class because it was never even implemented:
[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
[MonitoringDescription ("The handle of the main window of the process.")]
public IntPtr MainWindowHandle {
get {
This is especially frustrating because there is seemingly no alternative. I'm trying to grab a window handle like so:
private static extern IntPtr XOpenDisplay(IntPtr display);
private static extern int XRaiseWindow(IntPtr display, IntPtr window);
private IntPtr ApplicationHandle;
private IntPtr Display;
private void TestXlib() {
Process process = Process.GetProcessById(myPid);
ApplicationHandle = process.MainWindowHandle;
Display = XOpenDisplay(IntPtr.Zero);
XRaiseWindow(Display, ApplicationHandle);
NOTE: In place of "myPid" is a proper process ID. Replace "myPid" with a valid process ID. Yes, I did make sure the replaced "myPid" was a valid process ID and my code didn't throw any errors indicating any process IDs I used as invalid.
This doesn't crash my application, but almost every time I call XRaiseWindow it prints:
X11 Error encountered:
Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Request: 12 (0)
Resource ID: 0x0
Serial: 121
Hwnd: <null>
Control: <null>
This obviously occurs because Process.MainWindowHandle returns IntPtr.Zero. Is there no other way to get a window handle? Thanks in advance!
Yes, I know this was forever ago that I asked this, but I'm answering it now because I kept forgetting to answer it after I found the solution myself. I originally used #SushiHangover's solution but didn't really like it because I felt relying on an external program(xwininfo) was a hotfix and ultimately just added another dependency. Hopefully this helps other C# developers using Mono. This code was originally written for .NET Framework 2.0. It's not fancy and isn't really documented well. My solution was just to natively enumerate the windows using Xlib myself and return all windows whose title's match the described title.
In X11Wrapper.cs:
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Program.PInvoke.Xlib {
public static class X11Wrapper {
public const string SOName = "";
// See:
public static extern IntPtr XDefaultRootWindow(IntPtr display);
// See:
public static extern int XQueryTree(IntPtr display, IntPtr w,
out IntPtr root_return, out IntPtr parent_return,
out IntPtr[] children_return, out int nchildren_return);
// See:
public static extern int XFetchName(IntPtr display, IntPtr w,
out string window_name_return);
In Linux.Utilities.cs:
using Program.PInvoke.Xlib;
namespace Program {
public static partial class Utilities {
public static bool IsUnix {
get {
return Environment.OSVersion.
Platform == PlatformID.Unix;
private static IntPtr[] FindChildWindows(IntPtr display, IntPtr window,
string title, ref List<IntPtr> windows) {
IntPtr rootWindow;
IntPtr parentWindow;
IntPtr[] childWindows = new IntPtr[0];
int childWindowsLength;
X11Wrapper.XQueryTree(display, window,
out rootWindow, out parentWindow,
out childWindows, out childWindowsLength);
childWindows = new IntPtr[childWindowsLength];
X11Wrapper.XQueryTree(display, window,
out rootWindow, out parentWindow,
out childWindows, out childWindowsLength);
string windowFetchedTitle;
X11Wrapper.XFetchName(display, window, out windowFetchedTitle);
if(title == windowFetchedTitle &&
!windows.Contains(window)) {
for(int childWindowsIndexer = 0;
childWindowsIndexer < childWindows.Length;
childWindowsIndexer++) {
IntPtr childWindow = childWindows[childWindowsIndexer];
string childWindowFetchedTitle;
X11Wrapper.XFetchName(display, childWindow,
out childWindowFetchedTitle);
if(title == childWindowFetchedTitle &&
!windows.Contains(childWindow)) {
FindChildWindows(display, childWindow, title, ref windows);
return windows.ToArray();
public static IntPtr[] FindWindows(IntPtr display, string title) {
List<IntPtr> windows = new List<IntPtr>();
return FindChildWindows(display,
ref windows);
Footnote: I initially stated I wasn't a C developer(Things have changed since then and I've learned C) so I was hesitant to implement the functionality myself using interop. If you do end up using Xlib a lot more like I did then consider using tronche as an Xlib API reference. It is in C but I found it was pretty easy to translate to PInvokable functions and marshable structs in C#. Has some good notes to take into account too. Another good resource to help translation is directly using the source to find the definitions of the low level types to help find C# equivalents. Something like this should greatly aid you:

How to read dll from specific path in C#

I need to import SglW32.dll to my solution.
But I get:
AccessViolation exeption : Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
I could not use just DllImport. In that case dll is not found.
This is whole example.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestDllimport
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var a = new MyClass();
var result = a.getValue();
class FunctionLoader
private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string path);
private static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
public static Delegate LoadFunction<T>(string dllPath, string functionName)
var hModule = LoadLibrary(dllPath);
var functionAddress = GetProcAddress(hModule, functionName);
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functionAddress, typeof(T));
public class MyClass
//Define your path to dll.
//Get dll from:
private const string DLL_Path = #"C:\Users\admin123\Desktop\MyDlls\SglW32.dll";
private delegate ulong SglAuthentA(IntPtr AuthentCode);
static MyClass()
sglAuthentA = (SglAuthentA)FunctionLoader.LoadFunction<SglAuthentA>(DLL_Path, "SglAuthentA");
static private SglAuthentA sglAuthentA;
unsafe public ulong getValue()
IntPtr d = new IntPtr(5);
var a1 = sglAuthentA(d); // Exception IS HERE !!!!!
return a1;
I am using load function to get dll from any path. After that I crate delegate from required function. In my case function is SglAuthentA.
This solution in working with one other dll, but not for SglW32.dll.
Required dll :
Source 1:
EDIT: Solution thanks to Hans Passant answer and ja72 comment
See How to import dll
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace TestDllimport
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var testA = DllImportClass.SglAuthentA(new uint[] { 5, 6, 7 }, new uint[] { 5, 6, 7 }, new uint[] { 5, 6, 7 });
var testB = DllImportClass.SglAuthentB(new uint[] { 5, 6, 7 });
static class DllImportClass
public static extern uint SglAuthentA(uint[] AuthentCode0, uint[] AuthentCode1, uint[] AuthentCode2);
public static extern uint SglAuthentB(uint[] AuthentCode);
private delegate ulong SglAuthentA(IntPtr AuthentCode);
The delegate declaration is not correct and does not match the api function signature. An ULONG in C is an uint in C#. An ULONG* in C is ambiguous, could be a ref uint or it could be a uint[]. Since you are supposed to pass a 48 byte authentication code, you know it is an array. Fix:
private delegate uint SglAuthentA(uint[] authentCode);
Be sure to pass the proper authentication code. It is not 5, the array must have 12 elements. If you don't have one then call the manufacturer to acquire one.
private const string DLL_Path = #"C:\Users\admin123\Desktop\MyDlls\SglW32.dll";
Do beware that this is not a workaround for not being able to use [DllImport]. Hardcoding the path is a problem, the file is not going to be present in that directory on the user's machine. The DLL itself does not have any dependencies that prevents it from loading, the only plausible reason for having trouble is you just forgetting to copy the DLL into the proper place. There is only one such place, the same directory as your EXE.
Fix this the right way, use Project > Add Existing Item > select the DLL. Select the added file in the Solution Explorer window. In the Properties window, change the Copy to Output Directory setting to "Copy if newer". Rebuild your project and note that you'll now get the DLL in your project's bin\Debug directory. Now [DllImport] will work.
A caution about the manual, it lists code samples in Visual Basic. Which is in general what you'd normally use as a guide on learning how to use the api. The code is however not VB.NET code, it is VB6 code. Where ever you see Long in the sample code, you should use uint or int instead.
Very sloppy, it casts a big question mark on the quality of the product. Something else they don't seem to address at all is how to get your own code secure. Very important when you use a dongle. Beware it is very trivial for anybody to reverse-engineer your authentication code. And worse, to decompile your program and remove the authentication check. You need to use an obfuscator.

Buffer overrun detected

I have an one question when I use C# DllImport C++ dll, I use the visual studio 2010 & checked the "Enable unmanaged code debugging", when it's running, always show the message "Buffer overrun detected! ... A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated."
This dll is Third-party vendors to provide, and they says it's no error to run this dll, how can i fixed it?
My M++ dll function is,
int avc_to_avi_convert(char* chPath_avc, char* chPath_avi, int pPrivate, PROGRESS_CALLBACK progress_callback);
void avc_to_avi_close(int* pFd_avi);
typedef void (*PROGRESS_CALLBACK)(int iPercent, int pPrivate);
And i am use it in my C# dllimport like this :
public delegate void PROGRESS_CALLBACK(int _iPercent, int _pPrivate);
[DllImportAttribute(#"..\xxx.dll", EntryPoint = "avc_to_avi_convert", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern unsafe int avc_to_avi_convert([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder _inputAVC, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder _ouputAVI, int pPrivate, PROGRESS_CALLBACK _pg);
[DllImportAttribute(#"..\xxx.dll", EntryPoint = "avc_to_avi_close", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern unsafe void avc_to_avi_close(int pFd_avi);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = 0;
StringBuilder inputFile = new StringBuilder(Application.StartupPath + #"\avc\abc.avc");//(#"C:\avc\abc.avc");
StringBuilder outputFile = new StringBuilder(Application.StartupPath + #"\avi\abc.avi");//(#"C:\avi\abc.avi");
if (avc_to_avi_convert(
progress_func) > 0) {
public void progress_func(int iProgress, int pPrivate)
if (iProgress == 100)
else if (iProgress == -1)
//convert error
else if (iProgress == -2)
//Not enough disk space
//update progress
I changed my code to,
[DllImportAttribute(#"..\xxx.dll", EntryPoint = "avc_to_avi_convert", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern unsafe int avc_to_avi_convert([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] String _inputAVC, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] String _ouputAVI, int pPrivate, PROGRESS_CALLBACK _pg);
[DllImportAttribute(#"..\xxx.dll", EntryPoint = "avc_to_avi_close", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern void avc_to_avi_close(ref int avi);
And ran it, and I still get the same error.
1.) Are you sure about the calling convention? Try CallingConvention.StdCall. Read this:
2.) Try a different values for the CharSet attribute and use String instead of StringBuilder for the path arguments. This is a good reference:
3.) Also, the avc_to_avi_close method should look like this:
[DllImportAttribute("xxx.dll", EntryPoint="avc_to_avi_close")]
public static extern void avc_to_avi_close(ref int avi);
4.) Other things you my want to try:
Use unusual combinations of CharSet and MarshalAs. For example you know from the link above that Unicode should be used with LPWStr and Ansi with LPStr but you can of course try other combinations.
Your extern methods need not to be marked unsafe.
If you have exhausted all other options, why don't you try to write a C++ program that is analogous to your C# code:
If it crashes you proved that the error is in the library.
If it doesn't crash you know the error is in your use of PInovke, and you can go through all the 12+ combinations from my answer one by one.
You are passing a delegate to p/invoke and then letting the garbage collector free it. This causes the crash, because when the delegate object is finalized, the trampoline set up to allow calls from native code is deallocated. Then the native code invokes a dangling function pointer.
The garbage collector is totally unaware of any objects being used from inside native code. You MUST keep a reference to the delegate alive for the duration of the call. Try adding a delegate variable (don't use implicit conversion which creates a temporary) and then use GCHandle to keep the delegate alive for as long as the native code is using it.

VC++ __stdcall callbacks in C#

I am working on a C# gui application that needs to call into a C++ dll. It appears that all calls are working except one in particular. From the C++ header file the function and callback signature are such:
typedef void (__stdcall *LPFNDLL_RECEIVE_CALLBACK)(CANMsg*);
CAN_STATUS __stdcall canplus_setReceiveCallBack(
Based on readings I have setup and inner class wrapping the call as such:
public static extern int canplus_setReceiveCallBack(int handle, CallbackDelegate callback);
public delegate void CallbackDelegate(ref CANMsg msg);
And used as:
private static void callback(ref EASYSYNC.CANMsg msg)
Debug.Print( + ":" + msg.timestamp + ":" + msg.flags + ":" + msg.len + ":" +;
static EASYSYNC.CallbackDelegate del = new EASYSYNC.CallbackDelegate(callback);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int handle = EASYSYNC.canplus_Open(IntPtr.Zero, "1000", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if(handle > 0)
int result = EASYSYNC.canplus_setReceiveCallBack(handle, del);
I know dealing with C++ callbacks in C# are tricky and have read up a bit on the subject, hence I have the code above. My problem is one my code hits the int result = .... line the whole program goes out to lunch indicating that I am probably still doing something wrong with handling the callback. Can anyone advise?
I am a little unsure about this but you have specified the calling convention on the delegate to be StdCall (which it must be because the C/C++ code says so) but you did not do it for the canplus_setReceiveCallBack() dllimport function declaration, does it work when you do the following:
[DllImport("USBCanPlusDllF.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static extern int canplus_setReceiveCallBack(int handle, CallbackDelegate callback);
As I said, I am unsure but this might be the problem.

Convert String to IntPtr, and Back Again

I'm trying to use the RegisteredWindowMessage API function to send text from one application to another, and I have the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Common
public static class RegisteredMsg
private const string MyMessage = "9C7EDA65363F4fdaAF32";
private static IntPtr m_targetWindow = new IntPtr(0xFFFF);
private static object m_object = new object();
private static HandleRef m_handleRef;
private static HandleRef m_handleRef;
public static uint RegisteredMessage
get { return m_regMsg; }
private set
m_regMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(SynchroMessage);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
static extern bool PostMessage(HandleRef hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint RegisterWindowMessage(string lpString);
static RegisteredMsg()
m_handleRef = new HandleRef(m_object, m_targetWindow);
public static void PostUpdateMsg(string text)
IntPtr lpData = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(text);
IntPtr lpLength = new IntPtr(text.Length);
if (!PostMessage(m_handleRef, RegisteredMessage, lpData, lpLength))
throw new Exception("Could not post message.");
public static string GetMessageText(Message msg)
string text = "";
int length = msg.LParam.ToInt32();
text = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(msg.WParam, length);
return text;
Posting the message works find, but when the receiving application calls GetMessageText, the string contains "\0\0\0\0" (which is NOT what the sending application sent).
I'm calling it like this:
and receiving it like this:
protected override void WndProc(ref Message msg)
base.WndProc(ref msg);
if (Convert.ToUInt32(msg.Msg) == RegisteredMsg.RegisteredMessage)
string text = RegisteredMsg.GetMessageText(msg);
I also tried it this way, and all of the bytes in the received array are '\0':
public static void PostUpdateMsg(string text)
byte[] array = StringToByteArray(text);
IntPtr lpData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(array.Length);
Marshal.Copy(array, 0, lpData, array.Length);
IntPtr lpLength = new IntPtr(text.Length);
if (!PostMessage(m_handleRef, RegisteredMessage, lpData, lpLength))
throw new Exception("Could not post message.");
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------public static string GetMessageText(Message msg)
string text = "";
int length = msg.LParam.ToInt32();
byte[] array = new byte[length];
Marshal.Copy(msg.WParam, array, 0, length);
text = RegisteredMsg.ByteArrayToString(array);
return text;
I also called this method from PostUpdateMessage, just to make sure what I was sending was what I thought I was sending:
private static void TestIntPtr(IntPtr ptr, int length)
string text = "";
byte[] array = new byte[length];
Marshal.Copy(ptr, array, 0, length);
text = ByteArrayToString(array); // <<------------
When the indicated line is executed, the text variablle is indeed = "test", so I'm doing it right on the sending side. It looks like the memory is getting cleared before it gets to the receiving application.
I also tried making the IntPtr (pointing to the string I want to send) global to its parent class to make sure it would live long enough to be viable at the other end. No joy there, either.
I also reverted back to using the StringToHGlobalAuto, and ran the "is it still okay in the sending app" test (see Edit #1 above), and that test proved that the way I was building the IntPtr was fine as well.
This cannot work by design. A pointer is only valid in the process that created it. Every process gets its own chunk of virtual memory. Retrieving the pointed-to memory content requires ReadProcessMemory(). Or you can allocate memory in the target process with VirtualAllocEx() and write to it with WriteProcessMemory(). Windows supports the WM_COPYDATA message to take care of this for you.
This is all rather low-level and painful. There are much better IPC mechanisms available. The ones that work well in .NET are sockets, pipes, WCF.
The PostMessage() manual states;
The system only does marshalling for system messages (those in the
range 0 to (WM_USER-1)). To send other messages (those >= WM_USER) to
another process, you must do custom marshalling.
As far as I understand, you're sending a pointer allocated on the local unmanaged heap and a length to a separate process, where the pointer points to something entirely different. The data is not passed along.
For simplicity (ie to avoid custom marshaling), you may want to use WM_COPYDATA instead to pass data between applications.
I think the problem lies in the message passing mechanism itself.
You're copying some data to a pointer (that's pointing to a memory block in the first process) and send this pointer to another application/process.
When you take the pointer in the other process, the memory location it points to is a block of memory in the other process and it will not contain whatever you've copied there in process 1.
If you want to send anything longer than a pair of ints with windows messages, you should look at WM_COPYDATA - this message is doing exactly what you want.
