I'm trying to persist an XPObject. Here's my code:
Administrateur adm = (Administrateur)GetUserByLogin("admin");
Client clt = (Client)GetUserByLogin("client");
using(var uow = new UnitOfWork())
Calendrier cal = new Calendrier(uow)
//Some string and int attributes
Administrateur = adm,
Client = clt
GetUserByLogin is a method that returns an Utilisateur object, where Administrateur and Client inherit from Utilisateur.
I tested GetUserByLogin and it works fine. When I run the code above here's what I get:
ystem.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'ASTDataLayer.POCO.Administrateur(1004)'.
at DevExpress.Xpo.PersistentBase.get_Session()
at DevExpress.Xpo.Session.ThrowIfObjectFromDifferentSession(Object obj)
at DevExpress.Xpo.Metadata.XPMemberInfo.ProcessAssociationRefChange(Session s
ession, Object referenceMemberOwner, Object oldValue, Object newValue, Boolean s
Please help, Thanks
using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork() {
// Do something
using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork() {
// Do something
return persistentObjectOrCollectionOfPersistentObjects;
There is a big confusion about when and how to dispose of the Session
or UnitOfWork. The code snippets above illustrate the correct and the
incorrect approach.
If you created a UnitOfWork or Session instance just to perform some
actions in the current context, you can safely dispose of the
UnitOfWork or Session instance. But if you pass persistent objects to
another function, you should not immediately dispose of the Session or
In the latter case, the task to dispose of the UnitOfWork/Session
instance becomes tricky. You have to make sure that none of your code
will use persistent objects loaded by the Session/UnitOfWork after you
dispose it.
The code you posted does not contain error that can lead to the exception you received. I suppose that this error exists in the GetUserByLogin method. Otherwise, it is difficult to imagine where else you might dispose the Session instance that is used in your code later.
The GetUserByLogin method is most probably creates a new Session instance. Obviously, this is necessary and cannot be avoided. But this method cannot dispose of the Session, because it return a persistent object as result. This object will be used later and the Session can be accessed for certain purposes. It is correctly to dispose the Session in the code that consumes the GetUserByLogin method.
However, there is another problem. Since your application logic requires to call the GetUserByLogin method multiple times in the same context, you will be mixing different Sessions if you will try to use returned objects together. For example, assign them to reference properties of a third object. This is what you did, by the way.
So, my suggestion is to modify the GetUserByLogin method, so it accepts the Session as parameter. In this situation, you will always be sure that you are using a single Session instance, and can dispose it before exiting the context.
using(var uow = new UnitOfWork())
Administrateur adm = (Administrateur)GetUserByLogin(uow, "admin");
Client clt = (Client)GetUserByLogin(uow, "client");
Calendrier cal = new Calendrier(uow)
//Some string and int attributes
Administrateur = adm,
Client = clt
I've came across some init code in an XRM project where the instances being initialized implement IDisposible but there is not surrounding using block on the instances.
In the examples I've looked at inside the using block there is an instance method called on the service. But in my case below the service instance are just initialized. The service methods themselves don't get called until further on in the code in private methods.
How do I use a using block for service instance initialization?
Code example 1: (Service Init)
public static void Init(string connectionString, string name)
instanceName = name;
//Service instances just Init here no methods are called:
private static void CreateSourceServiceObjects(string connectionString)
var connection = CrmConnection.Parse(connectionString);
sourceService = new OrganizationService(connection);
sourceContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(sourceService);
//Example of where the sourceService method's are used:
public static Entity GetUserInfo(Guid userId)
Entity systemuser = sourceService.Retrieve("systemuser", userId, new ColumnSet(true));
return systemuser;
Code example 2: (My attempt at implementing the using statement)
private static void CreateSourceServiceObjects(string connectionString)
var connection = CrmConnection.Parse(connectionString);
//Added a Using block to auto dispose OrganizationService and OrganizationServiceContext
using(sourceService = new OrganizationService(connection))
using (sourceContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(sourceService))
//should there be any code in here?
It looks like you have some misconception about the using statement. The using statement can only be utilized, if the code from creation to disposal of the service is scope-local.
The situation in your question is, that the lifetime of the service object exceeds the scope, where the object is created. So your options are, to eigher redesign (create a new service object for each call to GetUserInfo) or to manage the service lifetime without help of the using statement.
The equivalent of the using statement is described in the MSDN Reference and says, that
using (Font font1 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f))
byte charset = font1.GdiCharSet;
is a short form for
Font font1 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);
byte charset = font1.GdiCharSet;
if (font1 != null)
Normally, implementing the class with IDisposable would be the way. However, in your case, you have static methods and static variables. So the first question would be, what do you expect to be the service lifetime? The default answer for static variables would be: "as long as the application is running" and then it becomes clear, what you have to do in order to ensure proper cleanup:
If CreateSourceServiceObjects is called more than once, eigher ensure disposal of the old service object before reassignment or reject the re-initialization
Depending on your program type, hook into the application exit and manually dispose the service object, if it is assigned
I want to point out, that you can win a lot here, by redesigning your class to be non-static. With an instance of your class, you could just go with the standard IDisposable pattern, which is probably safer than some custom program exit cleanup code.
Having said all that, IF your service has a proper implementation of dispose and finalize functionality, you don't need to worry about disposing at all, since your static object would just live till the application exits and then free unmanaged resources through the finalizer.
I am writing some tests to excersize the repository layer of a library built on Telerik OpenAccess ORM and am running into some problems with managing the Context.
I am creating a new RegionEntity object and adding it to the database. I use the using statement so that the context cleans up after itself. I additionally create a Detached copy of the added RegionEntity so that it can be re-attached to a context later on.
private RegionEntity AddTestRegionToTable()
String regionName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
RegionEntity newRegion = new RegionEntity () { /*...property assignment goes here ...*/ };
RegionEntity ret = null;
using (DbContext ctx = new DbContext())
ret = ctx.CreateDetachedCopy<RegionEntity>(newRegion);
return ret;
So far ... no problem. In my TestMethod below I call the above method and receive a Detached RegionEntity. (I have pulled out my assert statements as they are inconsequential to the issue). I then pass the entity to the Respository method I want to test.
public void RemoveRegion_Success()
// Assemble
RegionEntity origEntity = AddTestRegionToTable();
// Act
deletedEntity = RegionRepository.RemoveEntity<RegionEntity>(origEntity);
// Assert
/* asserts go here */
For the sake of completeness, below I have included ALL the remaining code, exactly as it appears in my application. The repository methods are Generic (again ... should not be relevant to the issue). The first method is the one that is called by the test method, passing in the region as the entityToRemove parameter. This method, in turn calls the DBUtils method, GetContext(), that will either retrieve the DbContext from the entity, or ... if one is not able to be derived... create a new context to be used. In our example a new context is being created.
public class RegionRepository
public static T RemoveEntity<T>(T entityToRemove) where T : class
T ret = null;
using (DbContext ctx = DbUtils.GetContext<T>(entityToRemove))
ret = RemoveEntity<T>(ctx, entityToRemove);
return ret;
public static T RemoveEntity<T>(DbContext ctx, T entityToRemove) where T : class
// first chcek to see if the listingToUpdate is attached to the context
ObjectState state = OpenAccessContext.PersistenceState.GetState(entityToRemove);
//If the object is detached then attach it
if (state.HasFlag(ObjectState.Detached))
// confirm that the DETACHED flag is no longer present.
ObjectState state2 = OpenAccessContext.PersistenceState.GetState(entityToRemove);
if (state2.HasFlag(ObjectState.Detached))
throw new Exception("Unable to attach entity to context");
return entityToRemove;
public class DBUtils
public static DbContext GetContext<T>(T entity)
DbContext ret = OpenAccessContextBase.GetContext(entity) as DbContext;
if(ret == null)
ret = new DbContext();
return ret;
Anyway, the method then passes this context and the entity as parameters to an overload. This method takes the DbContext as an additional parameter (allows a single context to be used in multi-step workflows). So the context that is used should still be the one we extracted from the entity or created in our GetContext() method. I then check to see if the entity is attached to the context or not. In this scenario I AM getting a flag of "Detached" as one of the state flags (others are MaskLoaded | MaskManaged | MaskNoMask) so the process then attaches the entity to the context and upon the second check I confirm that the Detached flag is no longer present.
As it turns out the entity is NOT being attached ... and the exception is being thrown.
I have read the Telerik documentation on Detaching and attaching objects to a context ... Attaching and Detaching Objects
By design ObjectState is flags enum that contains both the basic values that form the persistent states of Data Access and the persistent states themselves.
In this enum, Detached is a value that participates in the three detached persistent states: DetachedClean, DetachedDirty, and DetachedNew. You can find more information about the values and the states in this article.
When you detach an object from the context, its state is DetachedClean. If at this point you change any of the properties, the state of the object will become DetachedDirty. If you attach the object back, it will remain in the state before the attachment. Simply put, the action of attaching the object does not change its state.
In other words, checking for Detached is the reason why you get the "Unable to attach entity to context" exception. This value will always be available in the state of your object.
As I am reading the code forward, on this line:
You will get an exception anyway, because Data Access does not allow you to delete objects that are retrieved through another instances of the context. The exception is:
InvalidOperationException: Object references between two different object scopes are not allowed.
I hope this helps.
-= EDIT =-
When you attach a certain object to an instance of the context and call the SaveChanges() method, Data Access will automatically decide whether to insert a new row in the database or to update an existing row. In this connection, the insert and update scenarios are handled by the Attach / Detach API.
Regarding the delete scenario, you have two options:
To retrieve the object from the database and to delete it through the Delete() method (and call SaveChanges()), like this:
var myObj = ctx.RegionEntities.First(r => r.Id == entityToRemove.Id);
To use the BulkDelete feature like this:
var myObj = ctx.RegionEntities.Where(r => r.Id == entityToRemove.Id);
int deletedObjects = myObj.DeleteAll();
Something you need to consider with the first option is whether to call SaveChanges() after you attach the object. It is a good idea to do so if there are changes you would like to persist before deleting the object. Additionally, when you use the Delete() method of the context you need to commit the change through the SaveChanges() method before you dispose the current instance of the context. If you do not do this, the transaction will be rolled back, meaning that the object will not be deleted. Details about the transaction handling are available here.
The second option, Bulk Delete, executes the delete operations in a separate transaction upon the call to the DeleteAll() method. Therefore, any other uncommitted changes are not affected. Nevertheless, you need to consider a call to SaveChanges() after attaching the object, especially if the attached object and the deleted one are one and the same object.
Code Details:
// Singleton class CollectionObject
public class CollectionObject
private static CollectionObject instance = null;
// GetInstance() is not called from multiple threads
public static CollectionObject GetInstance()
if (CollectionObject.instance == null)
CollectionObject.instance = new CollectionObject();
return CollectionObject.instance;
// Dictionary object contains Service ID (int) as key and Service object as the value
// Dictionary is filled up during initiation, before the method call ReadServiceMatrix detailed underneath
public Dictionary<int, Service> serviceCollectionDictionary = new Dictionary<int,Service>();
public Service GetServiceByIDFromDictionary(int servID)
if (this.serviceCollectionDictionary.ContainsKey(servID))
return this.serviceCollectionDictionary[servID];
return null;
DataTable serviceMatrix = new DataTable();
// Fill serviceMatrix data table from the database
private int ReadServiceMatrix()
// Access the Singleton class object
CollectionObject collectionObject = CollectionObject.GetInstance();
// Parallel processing of the data table rows
Parallel.ForEach<DataRow>(serviceMatrix.AsEnumerable(), row =>
//Access Service ID from the Data table
string servIDStr = row["ServID"].ToString().Trim();
// Access other column details for each row of the data table
string currLocIDStr = row["CurrLocId"].ToString().Trim();
string CurrLocLoadFlagStr = row["CurrLocLoadFlag"].ToString().Trim();
string nextLocIDStr = row["NextLocId"].ToString().Trim();
string nextLocBreakFlagStr = row["NextLocBreakFlag"].ToString().Trim();
string seqStr = row["Seq"].ToString().Trim();
int servID = Int32.Parse(servIDStr);
int currLocID = Int32.Parse(currLocIDStr);
int nextLocID = Int32.Parse(nextLocIDStr);
bool nextLocBreakFlag = Int32.Parse(nextLocBreakFlagStr) > 0 ? true : false;
bool currLocBreakFlag = Int32.Parse(CurrLocLoadFlagStr) > 0 ? true : false;
int seq = Int32.Parse(seqStr);
// Method call leading to the issue (definition in Collection Object class)
// Fetch service object using the Service ID from the DB
Service service = collectionObject.GetServiceByIDFromDictionary(servID);
// Call a Service class method
service.InitLanes.Add(new Service.LaneNode(currLoc.SequentialID, currLocBreakFlag, nextLoc.SequentialID, nextLocBreakFlag, seq));
Issue that happens is:
In the code above for all the Service objects in the dictionary, the subsequent method call is not made, leading to issues in further processing. It has to o with fetching the Service object from the dictionary in parallel mode
The db an dictionary contains all the Ids /Service objects, but my understanding is when processing in Parallel mode for the Singleton class, few of the objects are skipped leading to the issue.
In my understanding the service id passed and service object created is local to a thread, so there shouldn't be an issue that I am facing. This kind of issue is only possible, when for a given method call one thread replace service id value of another thread by its, thus both end up with Service object and few are thus skipped, which is strange in my view until and unless I do not understand the Multi threading in this case correctly
Currently I am able to run the same code in non threaded mode by using the foreach loop instead of Parallel.ForEach / Parallel.Invoke
Please review and let me know your view or any pointer that can help me resolve the issue
In my understanding the service id passed and service object created
is local to a thread
Your understanding is incorrect, if two threads request the same service id the two threads will be both working on the same singular object. If you wanted separate objects you would need to put some kind of new Service() call in GetServiceByIDFromDictionary instead of a dictionary of existing values.
Because multiple threads could be using the same service objects I think your problem lies from the fact that service.InitLanes.Add is likely not thread safe.
The easiest fix is to just lock on that single step
Service service = collectionObject.GetServiceByIDFromDictionary(servID);
// Call a Service class method, only let one thread do it for this specific service instance,
// other threads locking on other instances will not block, only other threads using the same instance will block
service.InitLanes.Add(new Service.LaneNode(currLoc.SequentialID, currLocBreakFlag, nextLoc.SequentialID, nextLocBreakFlag, seq));
This assumes that this Parallel.Foreach is the only location collectionObject.GetServiceByIDFromDictionary is used concurrently. If it is not, any other locations that could potentially be calling any methods on returned services must also lock on service.
However if Service is under your control and you can somehow modify service.InitLanes.Add to be thread safe (perhaps change InitLanes out with a thread safe collection from the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace) that would be a better solution than locking.
1.Implementing singleton always think about using of it in mulithreaded way. Always use multithreaded singleton pattern variant, one of them - lazy singleton. Use Lazy singleton using System.Lazy with appropriate LazyThreadSafeMode consturctor argument:
public class LazySingleton3
// static holder for instance, need to use lambda to enter code here
//construct since constructor private
private static readonly Lazy<LazySingleton3> _instance
= new Lazy<LazySingleton3>(() => new LazySingleton3(),
// private to prevent direct instantiation.
private LazySingleton3()
// accessor for instance
public static LazySingleton3 Instance
return _instance.Value;
Read about it here
2.Use lock-ing of your service variable in parallel loop body
// Method call leading to the issue (definition in Collection Object class)
// Fetch service object using the Service ID from the DB
Service service = collectionObject.GetServiceByIDFromDictionary(servID);
lock (service)
// Call a Service class method
service.InitLanes.Add(new Service.LaneNode(currLoc.SequentialID,
currLocBreakFlag, nextLoc.SequentialID,
nextLocBreakFlag, seq));
3.Consider to use multithreading here. Using lock-ing code make your code not so perfomant as synchronous. So make sure you multithreaded/paralelised code gives you advantages
4.Use appropriate concurrent collections instead of reinventing wheel - System.Collections.Concurrent Namespace
Currently I cache the ServiceChannelFactory and create a new ServiceChannel every time I need one. I expected the ServiceChannels to be disposed by the garbage collector. However, the factory keeps a reference to each channel, so that it can close the channel when you call ServiceFactoryChannel.Close(). This results in many old channels being alive up to the point that everything stops working.
How can I cache the factory and still let the garbage collector dispose of my channels?
My code looks like this:
public class ServiceChannel
// Returns a ServiceChannel
public static TService Get<TService>()
var factory = GetChannelFactory<TService>();
string url = GetEndpoint<TService>();
var endPoint = new EndpointAddress(url);
return factory.CreateChannel(endPoint);
// Returns a ServiceChannelFactory, preferably from the cache
public static ChannelFactory<TService> GetChannelFactory<TService>()
var cacheKey = string.Format("MyProduct.Library.ServiceChannel.GetChannelFactory<{0}>()", typeof(TService));
var cache = HttpRuntime.Cache;
var factory = cache[cacheKey] as ChannelFactory<TService>;
if (factory == null)
factory = GetChannelFactoryUncached<TService>();
cache.Insert(cacheKey, factory);
return factory;
You could use an IoC container like Autofac/Unity/Ninject, or for a very basic but fast one use DynamoIOC.
When setting up your container, have a single reference to ServiceChannelFactory. When you create an IServiceChannel (to your service IMyService), register it as well.
But be careful, when your IServiceChannel.Faulted event is hit, you will need to close, dispose and recreate it, adding it back into the IoC container. This way, whenever a caller requires access to your service, it will be in a non-faulted state.
I am returning the variable I am creating in a using statement inside the using statement (sounds funny):
public DataTable foo ()
using (DataTable properties = new DataTable())
// do something
return properties;
Will this Dispose the properties variable??
After doing this am still getting this Warning:
Warning 34 CA2000 : Microsoft.Reliability : In method 'test.test', call System.IDisposable.Dispose on object 'properties' before all references to it are out of scope.
Any Ideas?
If you want to return it, you can't wrap it in a using statement, because once you leave the braces, it goes out of scope and gets disposed.
You will have to instantiate it like this:
public DataTable Foo()
DataTable properties = new DataTable();
return properties;
and call Dispose() on it later.
Yes, it will dispose it - and then return it. This is almost always a bad thing to do.
In fact for DataTable, Dispose almost never does anything (the exception being if it's remoted somewhere, IIRC) but it's still a generally bad idea. Normally you should regard disposed objects as being unusable.
Supposedly, this is the pattern for a factory method that creates a disposable object. But, I've still seen Code Analysis complain about this, too:
Wrapper tempWrapper = null;
Wrapper wrapper = null;
tempWrapper = new Wrapper(callback);
wrapper = tempWrapper;
tempWrapper = null;
if (tempWrapper != null)
return wrapper;
This should guarantee that if the initialization fails, the object is properly disposed, but if everything succeeds, an undisposed instance is returned from the method.
MSDN Article: CA2000: Dispose objects before losing scope.
Yes. Why are you using the using keyword on something you don't want disposed at the end of the code block?
The purpose of the using keyword is to dispose of the object.
The point of a using block is to create an artificial scope for a value/object. When the using block completes, the object is cleaned up because it is no longer needed. If you really want to return the object you are creating, than it is not a case where you want to use using.
This will work just fine.
public DataTable foo ()
DataTable properties = new DataTable();
// do something
return properties;
Your code using the using keyword expands to:
DataTable properties = new DataTable();
//do something
return properties;
if(properties != null)
Your variable is being disposed by nature of how using works. If you want to be able to return properties, don't wrap it in a using block.
The other responses are correct: as soon as you exit the using block, your object is disposed. The using block is great for making sure that an object gets disposed in a timely manner, so if you don't want to rely on the consumers of your function to remember to dispose the object later, you can try something like this:
public void UsingDataContext (Action<DataContext> action)
using (DataContext ctx = new DataContext())
This way you can say something like:
var user = GetNewUserInfo();
UsingDataContext(c => c.UserSet.Add(user));