How to extract single quote from SQL into an .XSD in C#? - c#

I'm trying to store Regex values in the DB, later to be used for custom validation.
I'm storing a Regex like this:
(Two single qoutes in order to get one in the DB):
When i extract this regex, I get an error while Filling the dataset:
Incorrect syntax near '\'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ']+''.
UPDATE #TEMP2 SET CandidateNameRegex='[a-zA-Z\'\"]+'
I've tried different variations:
But none seem to do the trick.
So, How do we extract single quote from the DB without breaking the string?


Replacing single quotes in full sql queries with C#

In our C# desktop-application we generate a lot of dynamic sql-queries. Now we have some troubles with single quotes in strings. Here's a sample:
INSERT INTO Addresses (CompanyName) VALUES ('Thomas' Imbiss')
My question is: How can I find and replace all single quotes between 2 other single quotes in a string? Unfortunately I can't replace the single quotes when creating the different queries. I can only do that after the full query is created and right before the query gets executed.
I tried this pattern (Regular Expressions): "\w\'\w"
But this pattern doesn't work, because after "s'" there's a space instead of a char.
I am sorry to say, there is no solution in approach you expect.
For example, have these columns and values:
column A, value ,A',
column B, value ,B',
If they are together in column list, you have ',A',',',B','.
Now, where is the boundary between first and second value? It is ambiguous.
You must take action when creating text fields for SQL. Either use SQL parameters or properly escape qoutes and other problematic characters there.
Consider showing the above ambiguous example to managers, pushing the whole problem back as algorithmically unsolvable at your end. Or offer implementing a guess-work and ask them whether they will be happy if content of several text fields can get mixed in some cases like above one.
At time of SQL query creation, if they do not want to start using SQL parameters, the solution for enquoting any input string is as simple as replacing:
string Enquote(string input)
return input.All(c => Strings.AscW(c) < 128) ? "'" : "N'"
+ input.Replace("'", "''")
+ "'"
Of course, it can have problem with deliberately malformed Unicode strings (surrogate pairs to hide ') but it is not normally possible to produce these strings through the user interface. Generally this can be still faster than converting all queries to versions with SQL parameters.

Importing csv values having multiple comma in one column in

I am having an issue with importing a CSV file. The problem arises when an address field has multiple comma seperated values e.g. home no, street no, town etc.
I tried to use this article but, the problem did not solved because of a single field containing multiple comma separated values.
Any idea or solution? because I didnt found any help
Don't split the string yourself. Parsing CSV files is not trivial, and using str.Split(',') will give you a lot of headaches. Try using a more robust library like CsvHelper
If that doesn't work then the format of the file is probably incorrect. Check to make sure the text fields are properly quoted.
Do you control the format of the CSV file? You could see about changing it to qualify the values by surrounding them with double quotes (""). Another option is to switch to a different delimiter like tabs.
Barring that, if the address is always in the same format, you could read in the file, and then inspect each record and manually concatenate columns 2, 3, and 4.
Are the fields surrounded by quotation marks? If so, split on "," rather than just ,.
Is the address field at the beginning or end of a record? If so, you can ignore the first x commas (if at the beginning) or split only the correct number of fields (if at the end).
Ideally, if you have control of the source file's creation, you would change the delimiter of either the address sub-fields, or the record fields.

Replace all single quotes with two single quotes in a string

I am trying to read value from DB using c#.
The query string contains multiple single quotes - such as: Esca'pes' (the query strings are being read from a text file)
So, I wanted to replace all the single quotes with two single quotes before forming the SQL query. My code is as below:
if (name.Contains('\''))
name = name.Replace('\'','\''');
How to fix this?
Use strings, not char literals.
name = name.Replace("'", "''");
However it sounds like you're concatenating SQL strings together. This is a huge "DO NOT" rule in modern application design because of the risk of SQL injection. Please use SQL parameters instead. Every modern DBMS platform supports them, including ADO.NET with SQL Server and MySQL, even Access supports them.
name = name.Replace("'","''");
On an unrelated note, you're concatenating strings for use in SQL? Try parameters instead, that's what they're meant for. You're probably making it harder than it needs to be.
Since you want to replace a single character with two characters, you need to use the String overload of Replace
if (name.Contains('\''))
name = name.Replace("'","''");
(Note: single quotes don't require escaping in Strings like they do in character notation.)

Insert removes backslash

With Entity Framework I'm inserting a json string with all quotes escaped.
For example: "{\"PDFName\":\"Test \",\"PDFDesc\":\"test desc\"}"
Somehow the backslashes are getting removed from my string before the insert and the value in the database is:
"{"PDFName":"Test ","PDFDesc":"test desc"}"
Any ideas?
Sounds like you're missing one level of "escapes". I.e. escape your string once more (essentially replacing all the \ with \\; but don't foget about non-escaped " as well).
Similar things happen in other cases, e.g. when using a string in a SQL statement,

Replace comma with semicolon in between quotas

I have a csv file from which i am getting the data into a table.
The requirement is that the strings will be inside the quotas " " and integer will be without quotes.
The above line will split into three columns.
i am using stream reader class to split the line into columns using line.split(','). It was working fine unfortunately i got a record in a file where there is a comma in between the string quotes like these
So instead of 3 columns now they are acting as five columns and all the conversion are failing.
Can any one help me in writing the script in C# which will replace the comma between the quotas into semicolon and don't touch the comma in between the columns.
Thank you.
Looks like your CSV might be RFC 4180 compliant. Use an RFC 4180 parser. Many of those exist. Check this one:
This question is answered here:
Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes
You could use the same regular expression ",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
and use the C# method Regex.Split().
