Simple Injector register multiple type of same interface with metadata - c#

I have the following problem. I have one interface say IFoo and multiple implementations from it. Now, I have one web API controller, which according to some circumstances, should create a particular type of IFoo descendant, call it's method(s) and return result. The logic of the controller doesn't change no matter which implementation of IFoo I use. For this task, I need to tell the container which IFoo implementation to create from the controller, the problem is that, I don't know how to do that (if it's even possible with Simple Injector).
P.S. I already thought about RegisterAll, but in this case I'm forced to create all IFoo descendants (and pass it to the controller) when I need only one. This is not a solution for me.
Another solution would be to create different controllers for different IFoo implementations and use context based injection, but this will result in duplicated code/controllers that I want to avoid.
Ideally, the solution should be something like
container.RegisterAllWithMetadata(IEnumerable<Type> types, IEnumerable<string> metadata)
container.GetInstance(Type type, string metadata)
Is it possible to achieve my goal with Simple Injector?

sorry for bringing it back to life, but as it was said in the comments by Steven, your answer is in the docs
In situations where a service needs to create multiple instances of a certain dependencies, or needs to explicitly control the lifetime of such dependency, abstract factories can be used. Instead of injecting an IMyService, you should inject an IMyServiceFactory that creates new instances of IMyService:
// Definition
public interface IMyServiceFactory {
IMyService CreateNew();
// Implementation
sealed class ServiceFactory : IMyServiceFactory {
public IMyService CreateNew() {
return new MyServiceImpl();
// Registration
container.RegisterSingle<IMyServiceFactory, ServiceFactory>();
// Usage
public class MyService {
private readonly IMyServiceFactory factory;
public MyService(IMyServiceFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public void SomeOperation() {
using (var service1 = this.factory.CreateNew()) {
// use service 1
using (var service2 = this.factory.CreateNew()) {
// use service 2


.net 7 dependency injection, Mulltiple implementation of same interface

In my startup.cs I have code like this
services.AddScoped<IFileStorage, DiskFileStorage>();
service.Add<IImageHandler, ImageHandler>();
public class ImageHandler
ImageHandler(IFileStorage fileStorage, ...){}
now I want to add another class, OtherHandler, that takes a IFileStorage interface, but with another implementation, something like this
services.AddScoped<IFileStorage, NetworkFileStorage>();
public class OtherHandler:IOtherHandler
OtherHandler(IFileStorage, fileStorage)
Now how do i configure stuff so that the OtherHandler would use the NetworkFileStorage implementation for IFileStorage and anything else would use a default DiskFileStorage implementation?
Thanks to gunr2171 comment, I discovered that I could do a
services.AddScoped<IOtherHandler>(provider => new OtherHandler(provider.GetRequiredService<NetworkFileStorage>())); to get a specific implementation. But still curious if it is possible if I for some reason wanted to use an interface.
So, based on my understanding this is your scenario:
public interface IFileStorage
public class NetworkFileStorage: IFileStorage
public class DiskFileStorage: IFileStorage
You also have a couple of services depending on the IFileStorage service:
public class ImageHandler: IImageHandler
public ImageHandler(IFileStorage fileStorage)
public class OtherHandler: IOtherHandler
public OtherHandler(IFileStorage fileStorage)
You want to register your services so that both of the followings hold true:
instances of ImageHandler are built by injecting NetworkFileStorage
instances of OtherHandler are built by injecting DiskFileStorage
For simplicity, I'll suppose that all the involved types are implemented so that it is ok to register them as singletons. This depends on the actual implementation, in any case the pattern that I'm going to show you doesn't depend on the actual lifetime of the involved types.
First of all, register the concrete implementations of the IFileStorage interface. You need to register the classes (not the interface): the purpose of this is making sure that the DI container knows these types and it is able to provide you instances of both types.
Now, you can register an implementation for the IImageHandler service.
You will use the ImageHandler class as the implementing type and you will also provide a factory method to the DI container: by doing so, you are able to select the implementation of IFileStorage to be injected (in this case you will select the NetworkFileStorage type).
services.AddSingleton<IImageHandler>(sp =>
var fileStorage = sp.GetRequiredService<NetworkFileStorage>();
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ImageHandler>(sp, fileStorage);
You can do a similar thing to register the OtherHandler class as the implementation for the IOtherHandler service, and select the class DiskFileStorage as the type being injected in the constructor of OtherHandler:
services.AddSingleton<IOtherHandler>(sp =>
var fileStorage = sp.GetRequiredService<DiskFileStorage>();
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<OtherHandler>(sp, fileStorage);
Let me add a final note on your design. There is something wrong with it.
It seems to me that the ImageHandler class is somewhat strongly coupled with the NetworkFileStorage class, while the OtherHandler class is somewhat strongly coupled with the DiskFileStorage class.
I would expect both of these classes to work fine with any implementation of the IFileStorage interface. If these classes do really depend only on the behavior described by the IFileStorage interface, then any actual implementation of that behavior should be fine for them to work as expected. This is basically a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle.
If this is not the case, maybe the interface IFileStorage is not a useful abstraction for your domain model and you should considered to redesign it or to define two different interfaces (one suited to the needs of the ImageHandler class and the other suited to the needs of the OtherHandler class).
I think there might be a more flexible approach here. It uses Adapter pattern for your services, allowing you to stay away from registering concrete implementations, and doesn't force you to instantiate every type manually that uses some FileStorage implementation.
// A generic storage that can be used for any scenario
public interface IFileStorage<T> where T : IFileAdapter
protected T Adapter { get; }
Task Handle();
// a base interface that defines the shape of adapter
public interface IFileAdapter
Task Handle();
// copy interfaces to separate the services
public interface ILocalFileAdapter : IFileAdapter
public interface IRemoteFileAdapter : IFileAdapter
// specific implementations
public class RemoteFileAdapter : IRemoteFileAdapter
private readonly ILogger<RemoteFileAdapter> logger;
public RemoteFileAdapter(ILogger<RemoteFileAdapter> logger)
this.logger = logger;
public Task Handle()
this.logger.LogWarning("Handling file remotely");
return Task.CompletedTask;
public class LocalFileAdapter : ILocalFileAdapter
private readonly ILogger<LocalFileAdapter> logger;
public LocalFileAdapter(ILogger<LocalFileAdapter> logger)
this.logger = logger;
public Task Handle()
this.logger.LogWarning("Handling file locally");
return Task.CompletedTask;
// generic storage that uses an adapter to handle the scenario
public class FileStorage<T> : IFileStorage<T> where T : IFileAdapter
public FileStorage(T fileAdapter)
Adapter = fileAdapter;
public T Adapter { get; }
public Task Handle()
return this.Adapter.Handle();
Register your services like below :
builder.Services.AddSingleton<ILocalFileAdapter, LocalFileAdapter>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IRemoteFileAdapter, RemoteFileAdapter>();
// aspnet.core allows you to register generic services
builder.Services.AddSingleton(typeof(IFileStorage<>), typeof(FileStorage<>));
And this is how you use your IFileStorageService:
public WeatherForecastController(IFileStorage<ILocalFileAdapter> localFileStorage, IFileStorage<IRemoteFileAdapter> remoteFileStorage)
// which will log :
// Handling file locally
// Handling file remotely

Autofac register provider for open generic

I have two implementations of a generic interface.
public class ConcreteComponent1<T>:IService<T>{}
public class ConcreteComponent2<T>:IService<T>{}
I have a factory which will create the proper concrete implementation.
public class ServiceFactory
public IService<T> CreateService<T>()
//choose the right concrete component and create it
I have a registered the below service consumer which will consume the service.
public class Consumer
public Consumer(IService<Token> token){}
I am not sure how to register a provider for open generic service with autofac. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
As #Steven said I would also recommend against using a factory. Instead you could register your IService<T> as named or keyed service and then decide in the constructor of the Consumer class which implementation you want to use:
containerBuilder.RegisterGeneric(typeof(ConcreteComponent1<>)).Named("ConcreteComponent1", typeof(IService<>));
containerBuilder.RegisterGeneric(typeof(ConcreteComponent2<>)).Named("ConcreteComponent2", typeof(IService<>));
Then you can use the IIndex<K,V> class to get all the named implementations of your IService<T> class:
public class Consumer
private readonly IService<Token> _token;
public Consumer(IIndex<string, IService<Token>> tokenServices)
// select the correct service
_token = tokenServices["ConcreteComponent1"];
Alternatively if you don't want to name your services you can also get all available implementations by injecting IEnumerable<IService<Token>> and then choose the correct service however you like.

Register decorators based on consumers via simple injector

Lets say that I have two services that depend on one interface:
class Service1
Service1(IDependency dependency) { ... }
class Service2
Service2(IDependency dependency) { ... }
IDependency is registered by some concrete implementation. How can I register decorator to IDependency implementation that can be consumed only by Service2? In other words IDependency should be resolved to an instance of the decorator only inside Service2. Is it possible?
You can use context-based injection
// Register decorators first
container.RegisterConditional<IDependency, DependencyDecorator1>(
c => c.Consumer.ImplementationType == typeof(Service1));
container.RegisterConditional<IDependency, DependencyDecorator2>(
c => c.Consumer.ImplementationType == typeof(Service2));
// Register the real implementation last using !c.Handled
container.RegisterConditional<IDependency, RealImplementationDependency>(
c => !c.Handled);
See the note from the documentation:
Note: In many cases context based injection is not the best solution,
and the design should be reevaluated. In some narrow cases however it
can make sense.
Alternatively, you could derive separate interfaces that extend IDependency and use those, one for each service. This might be more appropriate to differentiate the dependencies. In this case, you'd simply register different implementation/instances for each interface.
For example, you might have a file storage abstraction against a cloud storage service. The basic interface encapsulates all the file storage actions, then you extend it for specific buckets within the storage container. You can provide a single implementation (via delegate registration) that takes the storage bucket as a constructor parameter for each named interface. The use of named interfaces that identify the bucket purpose enhance code comprehension.
public interface IFileStorage
public interface IUploadStorage : IFileStorage { /* empty interface */ }
public interface IContentStorage : IFileStorage { /* empty interface */ }
public class FileStorage : IUploadStorage, IContentStorage
public FileStorage(string containerName) { ... }
public UploadService(IUploadStorage storage)
public ContentService(IContentStorage storage)
container.Register<IUploadStorage>(() = new FileStorage(Containers.Upload));
container.Register<IContentStorage>(() = new FileStorage(Containers.Content));

C# - Ninject, IoC and factory pattern

I have a console application where I need to execute a certain feature based on input from the user. If the user puts in "feature 1" -> I execute Feature 1, and so on.
I am trying to write this project as clean and as generic as possible, and I want to use the IoC and SOLID concepts, and i am kinda stuck.
What I have so far:
public interface IFeature
String execFeature();
interface IFeatureFactory
IFeature createFeature(String input);
My first thought was just to have a switch case on the concrete Factory class about the input from the user, and create the concrete Feature accordingly, but I bet there is a better way to do it with IoC.
I read about Ninject factory extension, but didn't understand how to use it in my project.
Whatis the best way to do the factory pattern with IoC/Ninject?
If your IFeature implementations does not have other dependencies than using your approach is fine and very simple. For example lets say you have 2 implementations of IFeature - SomeFeature and OtherFeature that both have parametersless constructor. Your factory implementation as you suggest would be something like that:
public class FeatureFactory: IFeatureFactory
IFeature CreateFeature(string input)
return new SomeFeature();
return new OtherFeature ();
However when your IFeature implementations have their own dependencies using this approach you lose the point of using Ninject and IoC.
For example lets say That SomeFeature looks something like that:
public class SomeFeature : IFeature
private readonly IDependency1 _dependency1;
private readonly IDependency2 _dependency2;
public SomeFeature (IDependency1 dependency1, IDependency2 dependency2)
string execFeature()
//Some code here...
And OtherFeature is similar...
public class OtherFeature: IFeature
private readonly IDependency1 _dependency1;
private readonly IDependency2 _dependency2;
public OtherFeature(IDependency1 dependency1, IDependency2 dependency2)
string execFeature()
//Some code here...
Now your factory would become something like that:
public class FeatureFactory: IFeatureFactory
IFeature CreateFeature(string input)
return new SomeFeature(new Dependency1Implementation(), new Dependency2Implementation());
return new OtherFeature(new Dependency1Implementation(), new Dependency2Implementation());
This is the place when you can use the power of the ninject.extensions.factory
by using the container to solve this dependencies for you.(This dependencies can have their own dependencies and it can get messy very quickly).
As other mentioned you can bind every IFeature implementation using named binding.
Of Course you should bind other dependencies as well
And then bind the IFeatureFactory to Factory using the factory extension.
What you have to do is create factory method for each of your IFeature implementations in IFeatureFactory and call it Get... according to the Feature named binding.
public interface IFeatureFactory
IFeature GetSomeFeature();
IFeature GetOtherFeature();
Now ninject will implement(!) this class for you and know which implementation to choose for each method.(There is no need for service locator....)
You can use switch statement over the input in your client to choose which factory method to call or you can wrap it in some provider class that will have the switch statement in it, in both cases you will not have to do the 'new' for IFeature implementations yourself.
Of Course you can pass parameters to the implementations constructors by the factory methods if you need to and other more complex things.
I suggest you to read this for further information.
I would like to emphasis you don't have to write factory method for each implementation, you can use the same method for all (It is possible but more complex). To do it you will need to create custom instance provider to detect which implementation to instantiate (according to the factory parameters for example), more about this in the link above and here.
You can use Named Bindings. Example code:
For more info
If you don't like Service locator pattern, above approach is not good for your case because you have to use IKernel to resolve IFeature.
One of the main idea of IoC that you should not have dependencies between components of your solution. So it's good approach to use only interfaces and don't create new instances of your classes with keyword "new".
Your issue can't be solved in a simple and elegant way because you can inject only interface which all you features implement.
So you have some features and them implementations:
internal interface IFeature
internal interface IFeature1 : IFeature
internal interface IFeature2 : IFeature
And a factory:
internal interface IFeatureFactory
IFeature GetInstance(string featureName);
internal class FeatureFactory : IFeatureFactory
private readonly ITypeFactory<IFeature1> feature1;
private readonly ITypeFactory<IFeature1> feature2;
private readonly Dictionary<string, ITypeFactory<IFeature>> featuresContainer;
public FeatureFactory(ITypeFactory<IFeature1> feature1, ITypeFactory<IFeature1> feature2)
this.feature1 = feature1;
this.feature2 = feature2;
featuresContainer = new Dictionary<string, ITypeFactory<IFeature>>
{"Feature1", feature1},
{"Feature2", feature1}
public IFeature GetInstance(string featureName)
if (!featuresContainer.ContainsKey(featureName))
throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't create feature {0}", featureName));
return featuresContainer[featureName].Create();
You can inject all this stuff in this way:
The main idea is that you have only one instance of feature factory for application and you store injected factories of your features. So when you access to IFeatureFactory first time Ninject will create a singleton instance of it. But your features instances will create only when you'll call GetInstance() method.
To make this code work you should add new interface:
public interface ITypeFactory<out T>
T Create();
And install NuGet package:
I have to apply the following methods for Ninject, IoC and factory pattern.
Step 1:
Added binding to IOC container
Step 2:
Create an extension method to resolve your dependency
public class Resolver
public IKernal kernal { get; set; }
public T Resolve<T>(string type)
return kernal.TryGet<T>(type);
Step 3 Create an instance of your class
IFeature feature = null;
switch (typeOfFeature)
case Feature.SomeFeature:
feature = Resolver.TryResolve<IFeature>(nameof(SomeFeature));
case Feature.OtherFeature:
feature = Resolver.TryResolve<IFeature>(nameof(OtherFeature));
throw new Exception("Type not supported");
return feature;

Dependency property and constructor parameters with Unity

Let's say in C# I have a class called A
public class A : IInterfaceA
B _b;
Then in B class I have a constructor like this:
public class B
public B(string someParam) { ... }
Now, I register class A like this:
_unityContainer.RegisterType<IInterfaceA, A>("RegistrationA");
and to resolve the interface I do:
_unityContainer.Resolve<IInterfaceA>("RegistrationA", new ParameterOverride("someParam", "The param."));
Now I want to know if it is good practice to resolve the class and pass the parameters like this or I should do it another way.
Thanks a lot :)
First of all the code you posted does not work: in fact you're overriding the parameter of class A, while in your code the constructor with the parameter is B.
Generally speaking, using parameter override is not a good practice in my opinion (unless some very specifical context like a console application or a web service using an existing container but it's avoidable in most cases) for these reason:
Using Resolve looks like a Service locator: anti-pattern nowadays. You will find a lot of discussion googling about.
Using ParameterOverride means that the client (the caller of Resolve) knows exactly the type mapped in the container and wants that type initialized with a specific parameter. But this is just the opposite of inversion of control.
The best way is to use an abstract factory. You can add in your code and use a more flexible and SOLID abstract factory:
public interface BFactory {
B Create(string bparam);
public class BFactoryUnity : BFactory {
private IUnityContainer container;
public BFactoryUnity(IUnityContainer container) {
this.container = container;
public B Create(String bParam) {
var b = new B(bParam);
return b;
So you can register:
_unityContainer.RegisterType<IInterfaceA, A>("RegistrationA")
.RegisterType<BFactory, BFactoryUnity>();
Now the client can resolve only the factory and use it:
var bFactory = _container.Resolve<BFactory>();
var b = bFactory.Create();
Now, in a big application you will need a lot of similar factories. To avoid the boilerplate code of abstract factories and implementations you can find in the web some implementation of automatic abstract factory extensions.
