Regex replace multiple groups with wildcards - c#

I found an answer when we do not use wildcard characters. So question is - how to perform multiple replaces by regex. This code shows what i want to do
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var rules = new Dictionary<string, string>
{#"F\S+", "Replace 1"},
{#"\S+z", "Replace 2"},
string s = "Foo bar baz";
string result = ProcessText(s, rules);
private static string ProcessText(string input, Dictionary<string, string> rules)
string[] patterns = rules.Keys.ToArray();
string pattern = string.Join("|", patterns);
return Regex.Replace(input, pattern, match =>
int index = GetMatchIndex(match);
return rules[patterns[index]];
private static int GetMatchIndex(Match match)
int i = 0;
foreach (Match g in match.Groups)
if (g.Success)
return i;
throw new Exception("Never throws");
but match.Groups.Count is always 1.
I'm looking for the fastest alternative. Perhaps, it shouldn't use regexes.

I don't understand why are you concatenating patterns and then performin so many searches in an array.
Can't you just apply each pattern individually like this?
var rules = new Dictionary<string, string>
{#"F\S+", "Replace 1"},
{#"\S+z", "Replace 2"},
string s = "Foo bar baz";
var result = rules.Aggregate(s, (seed, rule) => Regex.Replace(seed, rule.Key, m => rule.Value));
Your match.Groups.Count is always one because there are no groups defined in your matches and the values is the entire matched string as described on MSDN. In other words, your GetMatchIndex method does nothing.
You could try transforming your patterns into named groups like this:
var patterns = rules.Select((kvp, index) => new
Key = String.Format("(?<{0}>{1})", index, kvp.Key),
Value = kvp.Value
Having this array, in GetMatchIndex method you'd just parse the group name as being the index of the matched pattern:
private static int GetMatchIndex(Regex regex, Match match)
foreach(var name in regex.GetGroupNames())
var group = match.Groups[name];
return int.Parse(name); //group name is a number
return -1;
Now, you can use it like this:
var pattern = String.Join("|", patterns.Select(x => x.Key));
var regex = new Regex(pattern);
return regex.Replace(input, pattern, m =>
var index = GetMatchIndex(regex, m);
return patterns[index].Value;

To make it (probably way) faster extract
var keyArray = rules.Keys.ToArray()
before you use it in:
return Regex.Replace(input, pattern, match =>
int index = GetMatchIndex(match);
return rules[keyArray[index]];


How to find match letter in (mystring after match letter)

I have need to check complex property in c#. I get the complex property List of string are:
Employee.FirstName // these is complex property
Employee.LastName // these is complex property
I know about regex.match() but i have doubt about how to check the string in after placed in dot value that means i want to check in Employee and after placed dot value. can you please help any idea about this?
Using regex, you can match complex properties like this:
List<string> properties = new List<string>()
"Employee.FirstName", // these is complex property
"Employee.LastName", // these is complex property
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"Employee\.(.*)");
var results = new List<string>();
foreach(var prop in properties)
foreach (var match in rgx.Matches(prop))
If you just want what is after the . (FirstName and LastName), replace the pattern like this:
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"(?<=Employee\.)\w*");
Without regex:
List<string> listofstring = { .... };
List<string> results = new List<string>();
const string toMatch = "Employee.";
foreach (string str in listofstring)
if (str.StartsWith(toMatch))
If you just need to match .
List<string> listofstring = { .... };
List<string> results = new List<string>();
const string toMatch = ".";
int index = -1;
foreach (string str in listofstring)
index = str.IndexOf(toMatch);
if(index >= 0)
results.Add(str.Substring(index + 1));

C# Use Regex to split on Words

This is a stripped down version of code I am working on. The purpose of the code is to take a string of information, break it down, and parse it into key value pairs.
Using the info in the example below, a string might look like:
"DIVIDE = KE48 CLACOS = 4556D DIV = 3466 INT = 4567"
One further point about the above example, at least three of the features we have to parse out will occasionally include additional values. Here is an updated fake example string.
"DIVIDE = KE48, KE49, KE50 CLACOS = 4566D DIV = 3466 INT = 4567 & 4568"
The problem with this is that the code refuses to split out DIVIDE and DIV information separately. Instead, it keeps splitting at DIV and then assigning the rest of the information as the value.
Is there a way to tell my code that DIVIDE and DIV need to be parsed out as two separate values, and to not turn DIVIDE into DIV?
public List<string> FeatureFilterStrings
// All possible feature types from the EWSD switch.
return new List<string>() { "DIVIDE", "DIV", "CLACOS", "INT"};
public void Parse(string input){
Func<string, bool> queryFilter = delegate(string line) { return FeatureFilterStrings.Any(s => line.Contains(s)); };
Regex regex = new Regex(#"(?=\\bDIVIDE|DIV|CLACOS|INT)");
string[] ms = regex.Split(updatedInput);
List<string> queryLines = new List<string>();
// takes the parsed out data and assigns it to the queryLines List<string>
foreach (string m in ms)
var features = queryLines.Where(queryFilter);
foreach (string feature in features)
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(workLine, valueExpression))
string key = m.Groups["key"].Value.Trim();
string value = String.Empty;
value = Regex.Replace(m.Groups["value"].Value.Trim(), #"s", String.Empty);
AddKeyValue(key, value);
private void AddKeyValue(string key, string value)
// Check if key already exists. If it does, remove the key and add the new key with updated value.
// Value information appends to what is already there so no data is lost.
if (this.ContainsKey(key))
this.Add(key, value.Split('&'));
this.Add(key, value.Split('&'));
catch (ArgumentException)
// Already added to the dictionary.
Further information, the string information does not have a set number of spaces between each key/value, each string may not include all of the values, and the features aren't always in the same order. Welcome to parsing old telephone switch information.
I would create a dictionary from your input string
string input = "DIVIDE = KE48 CLACOS = 4556D DIV = 3466 INT = 4567";
var dict = Regex.Matches(input, #"(\w+?) = (.+?)( |$)").Cast<Match>()
.ToDictionary(m => m.Groups[1].Value, m => m.Groups[2].Value);
Test the code:
foreach(var kv in dict)
Console.WriteLine(kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value);
This might be a simple alternative for you.
Try this code:
var input = "DIVIDE = KE48 CLACOS = 4556D DIV = 3466 INT = 4567";
var parts = input.Split(new [] { '=', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var dictionary =
parts.Select((x, n) => new { x, n })
.GroupBy(xn => xn.n / 2, xn => xn.x)
.Select(xs => xs.ToArray())
.ToDictionary(xs => xs[0], xs => xs[1]);
I then get the following dictionary:
Based on your updated input, things get more complicated, but this works:
var input = "DIVIDE = KE48, KE49, KE50 CLACOS = 4566D DIV = 3466 INT = 4567 & 4568";
Func<string, char, string> tighten =
(i, c) => String.Join(c.ToString(), i.Split(c).Select(x => x.Trim()));
var parts =
tighten(tighten(input, '&'), ',')
.Split(new[] { '=', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var dictionary =
.Select((x, n) => new { x, n })
.GroupBy(xn => xn.n / 2, xn => xn.x)
.Select(xs => xs.ToArray())
xs => xs[0],
xs => xs
.SelectMany(x => x.Split(','))
.SelectMany(x => x.Split('&'))
I get this dictionary:

I want substring from set of string after a pattern exist in c#

I have 3 string ---
and I want R0RKE_52_GU, R10KE_52_TCRER,R0HKE_52_NT.
Note: m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434 is varying so I want to find substring if R0RKE or R10KE or R0HKE exists
I would suggest using a Regular expression for this, it is much more versatile for pattern matching.
var matches = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(text, #"(R0RKE|R10KE|R0HKE).*");
I want to find substring if R0RKE or R10KE or R0HKE exists
This LINQ query returns the desired result:
var strings=new[]{"m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_R0RKE_52_GU","m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_R10KE_52_TCRER","m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_R0HKE_52_NT"};
string[] starts = { "R0RKE", "R10KE", "R0HKE" };
var result = strings
.Select(str => new { str, match = starts.FirstOrDefault(s => str.IndexOf("_" + s) >= 0)})
.Where(x => x.match != null)
.Select(x => x.str.Substring(x.str.IndexOf(x.match)));
Console.Write(String.Join(",", result)); // R0RKE_52_GU,R10KE_52_TCRER,R0HKE_52_NT
I write it into static method:
private static string TakeIt(string inputString)
if (!Regex.IsMatch(inputString, "(R0RKE|R10KE|R0HKE)"))
return string.Empty;
var regex = new Regex(#"_");
var occurances = regex.Matches(inputString);
var index = occurances[3].Index + 1;
return inputString.Substring(index, inputString.Length - index);
void Main()
var string1 = "m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_R0RKE_52_GU";
var string2 = "m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_R10KE_52_TCRER";
var string3 = "m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_R0HKE_52_NT";
var string4 = "m60_CLDdet2_LOSS2CLF_060520469434_hhhhh";
Hope this help.
Update: added .Any - it simplifies the code and it's just as same efficient.
If you just need to check for three strings inside string array you can do :
static string[] GetStrings(string[] dirty, string[] lookUpValues)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < dirty.Length; i++) if (lookUpValues.Any(dirty[i].Contains)) result.Add(dirty[i]);
return result.ToArray();
Usage: string[] result = GetStrings(dirty, new[] {"R0RKE", "R10KE", "R0HKE"});
Also you can use LINQ query and Regex.Matches as others advised.

How can I speed this loop up? Is there a class for replacing multiple terms at at time?

The loop:
var pattern = _dict[key];
string before;
before = pattern;
foreach (var pair in _dict)
if (key != pair.Key)
pattern = pattern.Replace(string.Concat("{", pair.Key, "}"), string.Concat("(", pair.Value, ")"));
} while (pattern != before);
return pattern;
It just does a repeated find-and-replace on a bunch of keys. The dictionary is just <string,string>.
I can see 2 improvements to this.
Every time we do pattern.Replace it searches from the beginning of the string again. It would be better if when it hit the first {, it would just look through the list of keys for a match (perhaps using a binary search), and then replace the appropriate one.
The pattern != before bit is how I check if anything was replaced during that iteration. If the pattern.Replace function returned how many or if any replaces actually occured, I wouldn't need this.
However... I don't really want to write a big nasty thing class to do all that. This must be a fairly common scenario? Are there any existng solutions?
Full Class
Thanks to Elian Ebbing and ChrisWue.
class FlexDict : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>>
private Dictionary<string, string> _dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private static readonly Regex _re = new Regex(#"{([_a-z][_a-z0-9-]*)}", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
public void Add(string key, string pattern)
_dict[key] = pattern;
public string Expand(string pattern)
pattern = _re.Replace(pattern, match =>
string key = match.Groups[1].Value;
if (_dict.ContainsKey(key))
return "(" + Expand(_dict[key]) + ")";
return match.Value;
return pattern;
public string this[string key]
get { return Expand(_dict[key]); }
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var p in _dict)
yield return new KeyValuePair<string,string>(p.Key, this[p.Key]);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
Example Usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var flex = new FlexDict
{"h", #"[0-9a-f]"},
{"nonascii", #"[\200-\377]"},
{"unicode", #"\\{h}{1,6}(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?"},
{"escape", #"{unicode}|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-f]"},
{"nmstart", #"[_a-z]|{nonascii}|{escape}"},
{"nmchar", #"[_a-z0-9-]|{nonascii}|{escape}"},
{"string1", #"""([^\n\r\f\\""]|\\{nl}|{escape})*"""},
{"string2", #"'([^\n\r\f\\']|\\{nl}|{escape})*'"},
{"badstring1", #"""([^\n\r\f\\""]|\\{nl}|{escape})*\\?"},
{"badstring2", #"'([^\n\r\f\\']|\\{nl}|{escape})*\\?"},
{"badcomment1", #"/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*"},
{"badcomment2", #"/\*[^*]*(\*+[^/*][^*]*)*"},
{"baduri1", #"url\({w}([!#$%&*-\[\]-~]|{nonascii}|{escape})*{w}"},
{"baduri2", #"url\({w}{string}{w}"},
{"baduri3", #"url\({w}{badstring}"},
{"comment", #"/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/"},
{"ident", #"-?{nmstart}{nmchar}*"},
{"name", #"{nmchar}+"},
{"num", #"[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+"},
{"string", #"{string1}|{string2}"},
{"badstring", #"{badstring1}|{badstring2}"},
{"badcomment", #"{badcomment1}|{badcomment2}"},
{"baduri", #"{baduri1}|{baduri2}|{baduri3}"},
{"url", #"([!#$%&*-~]|{nonascii}|{escape})*"},
{"s", #"[ \t\r\n\f]+"},
{"w", #"{s}?"},
{"nl", #"\n|\r\n|\r|\f"},
{"A", #"a|\\0{0,4}(41|61)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?"},
{"C", #"c|\\0{0,4}(43|63)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?"},
{"D", #"d|\\0{0,4}(44|64)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?"},
{"E", #"e|\\0{0,4}(45|65)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?"},
{"G", #"g|\\0{0,4}(47|67)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\g"},
{"H", #"h|\\0{0,4}(48|68)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\h"},
{"I", #"i|\\0{0,4}(49|69)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\i"},
{"K", #"k|\\0{0,4}(4b|6b)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\k"},
{"L", #"l|\\0{0,4}(4c|6c)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\l"},
{"M", #"m|\\0{0,4}(4d|6d)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\m"},
{"N", #"n|\\0{0,4}(4e|6e)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\n"},
{"O", #"o|\\0{0,4}(4f|6f)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\o"},
{"P", #"p|\\0{0,4}(50|70)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\p"},
{"R", #"r|\\0{0,4}(52|72)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\r"},
{"S", #"s|\\0{0,4}(53|73)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\s"},
{"T", #"t|\\0{0,4}(54|74)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\t"},
{"U", #"u|\\0{0,4}(55|75)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\u"},
{"X", #"x|\\0{0,4}(58|78)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\x"},
{"Z", #"z|\\0{0,4}(5a|7a)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\z"},
{"Z", #"z|\\0{0,4}(5a|7a)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\z"},
{"CDO", #"<!--"},
{"CDC", #"-->"},
{"INCLUDES", #"~="},
{"DASHMATCH", #"\|="},
{"STRING", #"{string}"},
{"BAD_STRING", #"{badstring}"},
{"IDENT", #"{ident}"},
{"HASH", #"#{name}"},
{"IMPORT_SYM", #"#{I}{M}{P}{O}{R}{T}"},
{"PAGE_SYM", #"#{P}{A}{G}{E}"},
{"MEDIA_SYM", #"#{M}{E}{D}{I}{A}"},
{"CHARSET_SYM", #"#charset\b"},
{"IMPORTANT_SYM", #"!({w}|{comment})*{I}{M}{P}{O}{R}{T}{A}{N}{T}"},
{"EMS", #"{num}{E}{M}"},
{"EXS", #"{num}{E}{X}"},
{"LENGTH", #"{num}({P}{X}|{C}{M}|{M}{M}|{I}{N}|{P}{T}|{P}{C})"},
{"ANGLE", #"{num}({D}{E}{G}|{R}{A}{D}|{G}{R}{A}{D})"},
{"TIME", #"{num}({M}{S}|{S})"},
{"PERCENTAGE", #"{num}%"},
{"NUMBER", #"{num}"},
{"URI", #"{U}{R}{L}\({w}{string}{w}\)|{U}{R}{L}\({w}{url}{w}\)"},
{"BAD_URI", #"{baduri}"},
{"FUNCTION", #"{ident}\("},
var testStrings = new[] { #"""str""", #"'str'", "5", "5.", "5.0", "a", "alpha", "url(hello)",
"url(\"hello\")", "url(\"blah)", #"\g", #"/*comment*/", #"/**/", #"<!--", #"-->", #"~=",
"|=", #"#hash", "#import", "#page", "#media", "#charset", "!/*iehack*/important"};
foreach (var pair in flex)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\n\t{1}\n", pair.Key, pair.Value);
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
foreach (var str in testStrings)
Console.WriteLine("{0} matches: ", str);
foreach (var pair in flex)
if (Regex.IsMatch(str, "^(" + pair.Value + ")$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture))
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", pair.Key);
Console.WriteLine("\nRan in {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
For building complex regular expressions that may extend eachother. Namely, I'm trying to implement the css spec.
I think it would be faster if you look for any occurrences of {foo} using a regular expression, and then use a MatchEvaluator that replaces the {foo} if foo happens to be a key in the dictionary.
I have currently no visual studio here, but I guess this is functionally equivalent with your code example:
var pattern = _dict[key];
bool isChanged = false;
isChanged = false;
pattern = Regex.Replace(pattern, "{([^}]+)}", match => {
string matchKey = match.Groups[1].Value;
if (matchKey != key && _dict.ContainsKey(matchKey))
isChanged = true;
return "(" + _dict[matchKey] + ")";
return match.Value;
} while (isChanged);
Can I ask you why you need the do/while loop? Can the value of a key in the dictionary again contain {placeholders} that have to be replaced? Can you be sure you don't get stuck in an infinite loop where key "A" contains "Blahblah {B}" and key "B" contains "Blahblah {A}"?
Edit: further improvements would be:
Using a precompiled Regex.
Using recursion instead of a loop (see ChrisWue's comment).
Using _dict.TryGetValue(), as in Guffa's code.
You will end up with an O(n) algorithm where n is the size of the output, so you can't do much better than this.
You should be able to use a regular expression to find the matches. Then you can also make use of the fast lookup of the dictionary and not just use it as a list.
var pattern = _dict[key];
bool replaced = false;
do {
pattern = Regex.Replace(pattern, #"\{([^\}]+)\}", m => {
string k = m.Groups[1].Value;
string value;
if (k != key && _dict.TryGetValue(k, out value) {
replaced = true;
return "(" + value + ")";
} else {
return "{" + k + "}";
} while (replaced);
return pattern;
You can implement the following algorithm:
Search for { in source string
Copy everything upto { to StringBuilder
Find matching } (the search is done from last fond position)
Compare value between { and } to keys in your dictionary
If it matches copy to String builder ( + Value + )
Else copy from source string
If source string end is not reached go to step 1
Could you use PLINQ at all?
Something along the lines of:
var keys = dict.KeyCollection.Where(k => k != key);
bool replacementMade = keys.Any();
foreach(var k in keys.AsParallel(), () => {replacement code})

Replace named group in regex with value

I want to use regular expression same way as string.Format. I will explain
I have:
string pattern = "^(?<PREFIX>abc_)(?<ID>[0-9])+(?<POSTFIX>_def)$";
string input = "abc_123_def";
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string replacement = "456";
Console.WriteLine(regex.Replace(input, string.Format("${{PREFIX}}{0}${{POSTFIX}}", replacement)));
This works, but i must provide "input" to regex.Replace. I do not want that. I want to use pattern for matching but also for creating strings same way as with string format, replacing named group "ID" with value. Is that possible?
I'm looking for something like:
string pattern = "^(?<PREFIX>abc_)(?<ID>[0-9])+(?<POSTFIX>_def)$";
string result = ReplaceWithFormat(pattern, "ID", 999);
Result will contain "abc_999_def". How to accomplish this?
Yes, it is possible:
public static class RegexExtensions
public static string Replace(this string input, Regex regex, string groupName, string replacement)
return regex.Replace(input, m =>
return ReplaceNamedGroup(input, groupName, replacement, m);
private static string ReplaceNamedGroup(string input, string groupName, string replacement, Match m)
string capture = m.Value;
capture = capture.Remove(m.Groups[groupName].Index - m.Index, m.Groups[groupName].Length);
capture = capture.Insert(m.Groups[groupName].Index - m.Index, replacement);
return capture;
Regex regex = new Regex("^(?<PREFIX>abc_)(?<ID>[0-9]+)(?<POSTFIX>_def)$");
string oldValue = "abc_123_def";
var result = oldValue.Replace(regex, "ID", "456");
Result is: abc_456_def
No, it's not possible to use a regular expression without providing input. It has to have something to work with, the pattern can not add any data to the result, everything has to come from the input or the replacement.
Intead of using String.Format, you can use a look behind and a look ahead to specify the part between "abc_" and "_def", and replace it:
string result = Regex.Replace(input, #"(?<=abc_)\d+(?=_def)", "999");
There was a problem in user1817787 answer and I had to make a modification to the ReplaceNamedGroup function as follows.
private static string ReplaceNamedGroup(string input, string groupName, string replacement, Match m)
string capture = m.Value;
capture = capture.Remove(m.Groups[groupName].Index - m.Index, m.Groups[groupName].Length);
capture = capture.Insert(m.Groups[groupName].Index - m.Index, replacement);
return capture;
Another edited version of the original method by #user1817787, this one supports multiple instances of the named group (also includes similar fix to the one #Justin posted (returns result using {match.Index, match.Length} instead of {0, input.Length})):
public static string ReplaceNamedGroup(
string input, string groupName, string replacement, Match match)
var sb = new StringBuilder(input);
var matchStart = match.Index;
var matchLength = match.Length;
var captures = match.Groups[groupName].Captures.OfType<Capture>()
.OrderByDescending(c => c.Index);
foreach (var capt in captures)
if (capt == null)
matchLength += replacement.Length - capt.Length;
sb.Remove(capt.Index, capt.Length);
sb.Insert(capt.Index, replacement);
var end = matchStart + matchLength;
sb.Remove(end, sb.Length - end);
sb.Remove(0, matchStart);
return sb.ToString();
I shortened ReplaceNamedGroup, still supporting multiple captures.
private static string ReplaceNamedGroup(string input, string groupName, string replacement, Match m)
string result = m.Value;
foreach (Capture cap in m.Groups[groupName]?.Captures)
result = result.Remove(cap.Index - m.Index, cap.Length);
result = result.Insert(cap.Index - m.Index, replacement);
return result;
The simple solution is to refer to the matched groups in replacement. So the Prefix is $1 and Postfix is $3.
I've haven't tested the code below but should work similar to a regEx I've written recently:
string pattern = "^(?<PREFIX>abc_)(?<ID>[0-9])+(?<POSTFIX>_def)$";
string input = "abc_123_def";
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string replacement = String.Format("$1{0}$3", "456");
Console.WriteLine(regex.Replace(input, string.Format("${{PREFIX}}{0}${{POSTFIX}}", replacement)));
In case this helps anyone, I enhanced the answer with the ability to replace multiple named capture groups in one go, which this answer helped massively to achieve.
public static class RegexExtensions
public static string Replace(this string input, Regex regex, Dictionary<string, string> captureGroupReplacements)
string temp = input;
foreach (var key in captureGroupReplacements.Keys)
temp = regex.Replace(temp, m =>
return ReplaceNamedGroup(key, captureGroupReplacements[key], m);
return temp;
private static string ReplaceNamedGroup(string groupName, string replacement, Match m)
string capture = m.Value;
capture = capture.Remove(m.Groups[groupName].Index - m.Index, m.Groups[groupName].Length);
capture = capture.Insert(m.Groups[groupName].Index - m.Index, replacement);
return capture;
var regex = new Regex(#"C={BasePath:""(?<basePath>[^\""].*)"",ResultHeadersPath:""ResultHeaders"",CORS:(?<cors>true|false)");
content = content.Replace(regex, new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "basePath", "" },
{ "cors", "false" }
All credit should go to user1817787 for this one.
You should check the documentation about RegEx replace here
I created this to replace a named group. I cannot use solution that loop on all groups name because I have case where not all expression is grouped.
public static string ReplaceNamedGroup(this Regex regex, string input, string namedGroup, string value)
var replacement = Regex.Replace(regex.ToString(),
replacement = replacement.Replace("${" + namedGroup + "}", value);
return Regex.Replace(input, regex.ToString(), replacement);
