I have an Excel worksheet which I'm adding conditional formatting to from an add-in written in C#.
The condition fires ok and I'm able to change the fill colour but the text always gets hidden.
If I remove the fill colour from the format, the text still gets hidden when the formatting is applied.
If I remove all the formatting and just apply the condition without any format changes, the text is still hidden.
When the format condition is no longer valid, the text appears as you would expect.
The cell value is definitely set correctly.
Why would this happen?
C# code as follows:
var disabledFormat = "IF(blah blah...),FALSE,TRUE)";
var formatCondition = (Excel.FormatCondition)cell.FormatConditions.Add(
Type.Missing, disabledFormat);
formatCondition.Font.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#C0C0C0");
formatCondition.Interior.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F0F0F0");
I have tried changing the colour to white, black, red etc. but it is still invisible when the conditional formatting applies.
Full disabledFormat string as requested:
(The code does not look exactly link this as it spans several classes, I've just tried to fill-in the blanks to be helpful :$)
const string FORMAT_DISABLED = "=IF(LEFT(MID('{2}'!{0},FIND(\"|\",'{2}'!{0},FIND(\"|\",'{2}'!{0})+1)+1,999),LEN(INDIRECT(\"'$lookup_grading'!\"&ADDRESS({1},1))))=INDIRECT(\"'$lookup_grading'!\"&ADDRESS({1},1)),FALSE,TRUE)";
var dropdownCell = "Q5";
var disabledFormat = string.Format(FORMAT_DISABLED, cellName, dropdownCell, controlSheetName);
Resolves to:
=IF(LEFT(MID('$controls_Distribution Grid'!W19,FIND("|",'$controls_Distribution Grid'!W19,FIND("|",'$controls_Distribution Grid'!W19)+1)+1,999),LEN(INDIRECT("'$lookup_grading'!"&ADDRESS(Q5,1))))=INDIRECT("'$lookup_grading'!"&ADDRESS(Q5,1)),FALSE,TRUE)
To try to clarify further, what this does is it looks up a value in a cell in another worksheet with the same address, grabs a value from a formatted string in that cell and compares it to the value indicated by the selected item in a dropdown. If there is a match TRUE is returned.
The same formula is also used to return 1 or 0 for the cell value so I know this works ok.
I've narrowed the problem down to the NumberFormat, which is "a";;;.
When the conditional formatting does not trigger this correctly shows a (or a tick with Webdings applied).
But when the conditional formatting triggers the output from the NumberFormat does not appear.
I can't think why this would be intentional so I'm guessing this is a bug in Excel, but I'll do some Googling to check
This is the formula in the cell which returns a 1 or 0 (hope it's clear enough!):
MID('$controls_Distribution Grid'!$V$19,
FIND("|",'$controls_Distribution Grid'!$V$19,
FIND("|",'$controls_Distribution Grid'!$V$19)+1
The definition of a number format is four fields separated by ;
Your number format "a";;; means if the value is positive display a , if it's zero, negative or text display nothing.
Your formula returns TRUE or FALSE, which are treated as text, so when your condition fires, the format hides the cell value.
I suggest you change your formula to return 1 or 0 which will then display a or nothing
try using this
formatCondition.Font.ThemeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#909090");
formatCondition.Interior.ThemeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F0F0F0");
formatCondition.Interior.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic;
I don't know if the PatternColorIndex is necessary or not, that is what I got from macro recording.
this is the macro if that helps you:
With Selection.Font
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
.TintAndShade = -0.499984740745262
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
.TintAndShade = -0.149998474074526
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
This sounds like it could be an error in the font file. Try a standard character A-Z to see it it disappears when formatted. If it doesn't disappear then you could have a corrupt font file. Might have to dump the wingdings font and re-install.
I got some problems with getting caret index of TextBox in Windows Store App(WP 8.1).
I need to insert specific symbols to the text when button is pressed.
I tried this:
text.Text = text.Text.Insert(text.SelectionStart, "~");
But this code inserts symbol to the beginning of text, not to the place where caret is.
I updated my code thanks to Ladi. But now I got another problem: I'm building HMTL editor app so my default TextBlock.Text is: <!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n<head>\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>
So for example when user inserts symbol to line 3, symbol is inserted 2 symbols before caret; 3 syms before when caret is in line 4 and so on. Inserting works properly when symbol is inserted to the first line.
Here's my inserting code:
Index = HTMLBox.SelectionStart;
HTMLBox.Text = HTMLBox.Text.Insert(Index, (sender as AppBarButton).Label);
So how to solve this? I guess new line chars making trouble.
For your first issue I assume you changed the TextBox.Text before accessing SelectionStart. When you set the text.Text, text.SelectionStart is reset to 0.
Regarding your second issue related to new lines.
You could say that what you observe is by design. SelectionStart will count one "\r\n" as one character for reasons explained here (see Remarks section). On the other hand, method string.Insert does not care about that aspect and counts "\r\n" as two characters.
You need to change slightly your code. You cannot use the value of SelectionStart as the insert position. You need to calculate the insert position accounting for this behavior of SelectionStart.
Here is a verbose code sample with a potential solution.
// normalizedText will allow you to separate the text before
// the caret even without knowing how many new line characters you have.
string normalizedText = text.Text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
string textBeforeCaret = normalizedText.Substring(0, text.SelectionStart);
// Now that you have the text before the caret you can count the new lines.
// that need to be accounted for.
int newLineCount = textBeforeCaret.Count(c => c == '\n');
// Knowing the new lines you can calculate the insert position.
int insertPosition = text.SelectionStart + newLineCount;
text.Text = text.Text.Insert(insertPosition, "~");
Also you should make sure that SelectionStart does not exhibit similar behavior with other combinations beside "\r\n". If it does you will need to update the code above.
I use interop.Word to create a Word document programmatically.
In the document I have a particular range which I would like to insert text to.
When I google it I see that the way to do this is :
range.Text=" Whatever...";
but I have no "Text" property for the range object.
Any ideas?
For the orignal question - this is just an intellisense bug, there is such property in the Range class.
For the problem from comments that
Range range=wordApp.ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures[i].Range;
range.Text=" Whatever...";
replaces the ToF instead of prepending it with text. If you just want to set a header of the table, you can use Caption:
wordApp.ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures[i].Caption = "Header text";
If however you need some text preceeding the ToF - check out this thread which is discussing similar case, but for the list instead of Table of Figures.
Another way to set caption is to select range you need and call InsertCaption:
Note that InsertCaption accepts various args of various types, make sure to try different.
If you want to insert text at a range position, you can use Range.InsertBefore.
Range range=wordApp.ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures[i].Range;
range.InsertBefore("My Text here. ");
I'm using Office Interop with MS Word (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word) and Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word to modify a word document in a Word Add-in. I have a Range which contains specific text I want to edit.
When I update the Text object, the paragraph formatting of the Range is reset, specifically the Alignment and the LeftIndent. I can save the Alignment and LeftIndent in temp variables and reset them, but this is not ideal. Is there a way to stop the ParagraphFormat from being reset and if not, are there any other properties that I may be forgetting that I need to save (I just realized the before and after paragraph spacing also gets reset...).
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range range = myObject.range;
var oldAlignment = range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment;
var oldLeftIndent = range.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent;
range.Text = "new text";
range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = oldAlignment;
range.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = oldLeftIndent;
Edit: I just tried saving the ParagraphFormat as a temp variable and then resetting the formatting with that, but the temp variable loses its formatting as well.
oldParagraphFormat = range.ParagraphFormat;
range.Text = "new text";
range.ParagraphFormat = oldParagraphFormat; // oldParagraphFormat's objects are reset
Try creating a duplicate of the Range.ParagraphFormat object prior to changing the text. You can do this via the ParagraphFormat.Duplicate object. This will retain the old ParagraphFormat value. After you change a range's text and its ParagraphFormat resets, you can restore the value from the duplicate.
// Get current value of ParagraphFormat.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range range = myObject.range;
var oldParagraphFormat = myObject.range.ParagraphFormat.Duplicate;
// Change the range's text. This will reset ParagraphFormat, so reapply the previous value.
range.Text = "new text";
range.ParagraphFormat = oldParagraphFormat;
Some background as to what's going on: Changing Range.Text essentially resets the Range object because a Range is text + formatting. So changing the text without including any formatting information will cause all previous formatting to be lost. (Much like how changing an HTML tag's innerText property causes that tag to lose all child tags.)
If duplicating the ParagraphFormat doesn't help then you may want to look into setting the Range.FormattedText property instead of Range.Text.
I am looking to have a validation in an excel sheet which is generated using C# such that it allows either date value or the text "train" in the excel cell. I found XlDVType.xlValidateDate for validating date in a cell and XlDVType.xlValidateList to allow text values. But I want a combination of both, user should either be able to enter date or a particular text in the cell. Can this be accomplished using XlDVType.xlValidateCustom ??
any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I want a combination of both, user should either be able to enter date
or a particular text in the cell.
The following code snippet sets the desired validation for cell A1 in your worksheet:
Excel.Range range = xlWorkSheet.Range["A1"];
Formula1: "=OR(EXACT(LEFT(CELL(\"format\",A1)),\"D\"),EXACT(A1,\"train\"))");
The most complicated part is the actual validation formula. It uses the following functions:
EXACT(cell,string) compares the contents of a cell with a literal string and returns TRUE only if they are exactly the same.
CELL("format",cell) returns a code containing the format of the indicated cell, where the code for a date always starts with a D. See Office help for CELL for an explanation and a list of all possible codes. This snippet only looks at the first character, which has to be a D in order for the contents to be formatted as some kind of date.
LEFT(text,count) returns the leftmost count characters in text, with count defaulting to 1. In this case, it returns TRUE if the contents are some kind of date.
OR(logical1, logical2) returns logical1 OR logical2, so TRUE if the contents are either a date, or exactly equal to the string "train".
This solution is not yet ideal, because A1 is hardcoded into the formula. There is a way around that using INDIRECT, described here. You might need that, for example if you want to apply the validation to a whole range of cells in one go. In that case, the hardcoded A1 needs to be replaced by INDIRECT("RC",FALSE), which is the mechanism to indicate the current shell. You can read it as a short-cut for INDIRECT("R"&ROW()&"C"&COLUMN(),FALSE).
With that adjustment, he last line of code then looks like this (tested in Excel, but not from C#):
Formula1: "=OR(EXACT(LEFT(CELL(\"format\",INDIRECT(\"RC\",FALSE))),\"D\"),EXACT(INDIRECT(\"RC\",FALSE),\"train\"))"
As the OP points out, there appears to be a problem with this approach if a date has first been entered into the cell, and then is changed to an incorrect string or number value -- see the comments below. Using the CELL function therefore does not seem to be the best approach.
However, if the cell format is explicitly set to the (more flexible) Text format, it is possible to impose the validation with the following lines:
range.NumberFormat = "Text";
Again tested in Excel, but not from C#.
Consider a RichTextBox which has 400 lines and includes a number of words and lines in diffident colours.
Is it possible to remove the first 100 lines of this text box, while the colour of remaining words are reserved. Currently, I am using the below code to remove lines, but It is not able to keep colours.
if (rtb.Lines.Count() > 400)
rtb.Lines = rtb.Lines.Skip(100).ToArray();
Use the SelectionText property. First select the lines you want to remove, then remove them by setting SelectionText to an empty string. Like this:
richTextBox1.SelectionStart = 0;
richTextBox1.SelectionLength = richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(200);
richTextBox1.SelectedText = "";
This preserves the formatting of all the other lines. This can cause visible flicker on the UI, you can suppress that by implementing the Begin/EndUpdate methods as shown here.
You can't use the Lines property if you want to preserve the formatting. Lines is derived from TextBoxBase. You need to use the Rtf property and parse the lines yourself in the string you get back. If you want to just get the line count and then parse the RTF then you could do something like:
// NOTE: I am using Length rather than Count() because the array already knows its length
if (rtb.Lines.Length > 400)
// Parse the rtf here to remove the unwanted lines and preserve the format
You would need to look at the RTF specification to accurately pull out the actual lines. A line break is indicated by the tag \par. The line that would be tricky to deal with is the first line because it may contain extra information before the actual first line text.
.SelectedText = "" throws a Windows ding in my application
So I found a second solution which is to play with .Lines property
if (nbLines > maxLines)
Array.Copy(rtfBox.Lines, 1,
rtfBox.Lines, 0, rtfBox.Lines.Length - 1);