IP fragmentation cause Checksum incorrect message - c#

I am using PcapDorNet DLLs and i try to fragment my traffic:
private IEnumerable<Packet> SplitPacket(Packet packet, int numberOfFragments)
IpV4Datagram ipV4Datagram = packet.Ethernet.IpV4;
Datagram datagram = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Payload;
TransportLayer transportlayer = GetTransportLayer(packet);
if (transportlayer != null)
EthernetLayer ethernet = (EthernetLayer)packet.Ethernet.ExtractLayer();
ILayer layer = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();
IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = (IpV4Layer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();
ipV4Layer.HeaderChecksum = null;
DateTime packetTimestamp = packet.Timestamp;
PayloadLayer payload = (PayloadLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Payload.ExtractLayer(); //extract the data
int totalLength = payload.Length;
int partialLength = totalLength / numberOfFragments; //split data into smaller segments
partialLength = (partialLength / 8) * 8; //make sure it's divisible with 8
if (partialLength == 0)
partialLength = 8;
ushort offset = 0; //send one by one
while (offset < totalLength)
int fragmentLength = partialLength; //get length for this fragment
IpV4FragmentationOptions options = IpV4FragmentationOptions.MoreFragments;
if (offset + fragmentLength >= totalLength) //is this the last fragment ? trim length if needed
options = IpV4FragmentationOptions.None;
fragmentLength = totalLength - offset;
byte[] newBuffer = ipV4Datagram.Payload.ToArray(); //copy the actual data into a new buffer
PayloadLayer newPayload = new PayloadLayer { Data = new Datagram(newBuffer, offset, fragmentLength) };
ipV4Layer.Fragmentation = new IpV4Fragmentation(options, offset); //change IP layer fragmentation options
transportlayer.Checksum = null;
yield return PacketBuilder.Build(packetTimestamp, ethernet, ipV4Layer, transportlayer, newPayload);
offset += (ushort)fragmentLength; //next offset
My input packet is TCP packet and the output is 4 packets: 3 IPv4 packets and the last is TCP but this packet i received is show under TCP layer field this message:
Checksum: 0x5d17 [incorrect, should be 0xabb7 (maybe caused by "TCP
checksum offload"?)]
with UDP it seems that also every UDP packet split into several IPv4 packet and the last one is UDP but in UDP case it look fine.
I am i doing something wrong ?
Please see the original packet and the fragmentation: http://www.filedropper.com/desktop_122

It seems there is a very similar question in Pcap.Net site with corrections to the code.
I believe following the advice there would help solve your issues.


Websocket - How does the Mask work For Clientside

i read the article on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API/Writing_WebSocket_server and found it very interesting as i have not done anything with websockets before. I have already managed that my client connects and the handshake takes place (was also the easy part).
However, I can't manage to set the mask on my client so that the message arrives correctly at the server. Somehow I don't quite understand this yet....
At the server it looks like this:
bool fin = (bytes[0] & 0b10000000) != 0,
mask = (bytes[1] & 0b10000000) != 0; // must be true, "All messages from the client to the server have this bit set"
int opcode = bytes[0] & 0b00001111, // expecting 1 - text message
offset = 2;
ulong msglen = (ulong)(bytes[1] & 0b01111111);
if (msglen == 126)
// bytes are reversed because websocket will print them in Big-Endian, whereas
// BitConverter will want them arranged in little-endian on windows
msglen = BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] { bytes[3], bytes[2] }, 0);
offset = 4;
else if (msglen == 127)
// To test the below code, we need to manually buffer larger messages — since the NIC's autobuffering
// may be too latency-friendly for this code to run (that is, we may have only some of the bytes in this
// websocket frame available through client.Available).
msglen = BitConverter.ToUInt64(new byte[] { bytes[9], bytes[8], bytes[7], bytes[6], bytes[5], bytes[4], bytes[3], bytes[2] }, 0);
offset = 10;
if (msglen == 0)
Console.WriteLine("msglen == 0");
else if (mask)
byte[] decoded = new byte[msglen];
byte[] masks = new byte[4] { bytes[offset], bytes[offset + 1], bytes[offset + 2], bytes[offset + 3] };
offset += 4;
for (ulong i = 0; i < msglen; ++i)
decoded[i] = (byte)(bytes[offset + (int)i] ^ masks[i % 4]);
string text = Encoding.Default.GetString(decoded);
I have written the client in C# as TcpClient. But I just can't get it to encode the message so that it is decoded correctly at the server.
can someone of you help me? What is the inverse function to what is done at the server to decode this?
I only found Articles in Javascript or in C# without masks...
Thank u very much!

Sending multiple files from C# to C

I have a wpf gui that I want to upload files from and send to a C client .
I want to send 3 files and for some reason 1 of them is being sent and written (but it adds 8 nulls in the end and removes 4 of the first letters in the file)
and in the other two when I try to receive the size it says their size is 0
I've been stuck on this problem for a while now and i'm becoming depserate as i'm probably missing a small thing , if any of u could give a hand that'll mean a lot ! I really wanna know whats the problem in my code.
I have the files paths in an array and sending it in main like so
C# Main
IPEndPoint ipPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5555);//switch the port
Socket listenSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
Socket clientSocket = listenSocket.Accept();
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
SendFile(clientSocket, filePaths[i]);
SendFile(C# side)
public static void SendFile(Socket clientSocket, string filePath)
if (File.Exists(filePath))
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filePath);
long file_size = fi.Length;
byte[] preBuffer;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream))
preBuffer = memoryStream.ToArray();
byte[] fixedBuffer = new byte[4];
Array.Copy(preBuffer, 0, fixedBuffer, 0, 4);
Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(fixedBuffer)); //fixing the problem i had with the converting to array that it added 4 useless zeros.
clientSocket.Send(fixedBuffer); // sending size
byte[] data = new Byte[4096];
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
int actualRead;
actualRead = fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
file_size -= actualRead;
} while (file_size - filePath.Length > 0);
MessageBox.Show("File for the program is missing! lua/pcap/csv");
C Receive(built from 3 functions)
General : function is responsible for receiving a length of data from the client
Parameters : sock - client socket to receive the data from
*buf - holds a pointer to the buffer that needs to update
bufsize - the length of the buffer
Return Value : returns TRUE when the data is read correctly
else, FALSE when there was a socket error or no bytes are received.
bool recv_raw(SOCKET sock, void* buf, int bufsize)
unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf;
while (bufsize > 0) {
int num = recv(sock, pbuf, bufsize, 0);
if (num <= 0) { return false; }
pbuf += num;
bufsize -= num;
return true;
General : receives the length of the file and updates it
Parameters : sock - client socket to receive the data from
*filesize - holds a pointer to the size of the buffer that needs to update
filesize_len - the length of the file size pointer
Return Value : returns TRUE when the size is read correctly
else, FALSE when there was a socket error or no bytes are received.
bool recv_file_len(SOCKET sock, long* filesize)
if (!recv_raw(sock, filesize, sizeof(*filesize))) { return false; }
return true;
================================================== =
General : writes to the lua file the data from the file
that was received in the socket
Parameters : sock - the socket between the client and server
*f - the file to write the data received to
Return Value : returns TRUE when everything was written to the file.
returns FALSE if there's no data received or detected a socket problem.
================================================== =
bool write_data(SOCKET sock, FILE *f)
long filesize;//size of address
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
if (!recv_file_len(sock, &filesize)) { return false; }
printf("file size (From C#) : %ld\n", filesize);
int n = recv_raw(sock, buffer, 8); // need to get the size of the name
if (filesize > 0)
do {
int num = min(filesize, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!recv_raw(sock, buffer, num)) {
return false;
int offset = 0;
size_t written = fwrite(&buffer[offset], 1, num - offset, f);
if (written < 1) { return false; }
offset += written;
} while (offset < num);
filesize -= num;
} while (filesize > 0);
return true;
C Main
FILE* luafhandler = fopen("test.lua", "wb");//the new lua file
if (luafhandler == NULL)
printf("GUI CONNECT lua file failed to open!\n");
FILE* pcapfhandler = fopen("test.pcap", "wb");//the new lua file
if (pcapfhandler == NULL)
printf("GUI CONNECT pcap file failed to open!\n");
FILE* csvfhandler = fopen("AlgoTest.csv", "wb");//the new lua file
if (csvfhandler == NULL)
printf("GUI CONNECT csv file failed to open!\n");
else {
SOCKET sock1 = open_socket(5555, SERVER_IP);
bool check = write_data(sock1, luafhandler);
bool check1 = write_data(sock1, pcapfhandler);
bool check2 = write_data(sock1, csvfhandler);

Playing a RTP stream to PC speakers

I'm using UdpClient to get a RTP stream from phone calls through Avaya DMCC sdk. I would like to play this stream through the computer's speakers. After a lot of searching I've only been able to find solutions that require saving to a file and then playing the file but I need to play the stream through the speakers without saving to a file. I'd like to send audio to the speakers as I receive it.
public void StartClient()
// Create new UDP client. The IP end point tells us which IP is sending the data
client = new UdpClient(port);
endPoint = new IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, port);
selectedCodec = new MuLawChatCodec();
waveOut = new WaveOut();
waveProvider = new BufferedWaveProvider(selectedCodec.RecordFormat);
listening = true;
listenerThread = new Thread(ReceiveCallback);
private void ReceiveCallback()
// Begin looking for the next packet
while (listening)
// Receive packet
byte[] packet = client.Receive(ref endPoint);
// Packet header
int version = GetRTPValue(packet, 0, 1);
int padding = GetRTPValue(packet, 2, 2);
int extension = GetRTPValue(packet, 3, 3);
int csrcCount = GetRTPValue(packet, 4, 7);
int marker = GetRTPValue(packet, 8, 8);
int payloadType = GetRTPValue(packet, 9, 15);
int sequenceNum = GetRTPValue(packet, 16, 31);
int timestamp = GetRTPValue(packet, 32, 63);
int ssrcId = GetRTPValue(packet, 64, 95);
int csrcid = (csrcCount == 0) ? -1 : GetRTPValue(packet, 96, 95 + 32 * (csrcCount));
int extHeader = (csrcCount == 0) ? -1 : GetRTPValue(packet, 128 + (32 * csrcCount), 127 + (32 * csrcCount));
int payloadIndex = csrcCount == 0 ? 96 : 128 + 32 * csrcCount;
int payload = GetRTPValue(packet, payloadIndex, packet.Length);
byte[] Payload = new byte[packet.Length - payloadIndex];
Buffer.BlockCopy(packet, payloadIndex, Payload, 0, packet.Length - payloadIndex);
byte[] decoded = selectedCodec.Decode(Payload, 0, Payload.Length);
private int GetRTPValue(byte[] packet, int startBit, int endBit)
int result = 0;
// Number of bits in value
int length = endBit - startBit + 1;
// Values in RTP header are big endian, so need to do these conversions
for (int i = startBit; i <= endBit; i++)
int byteIndex = i / 8;
int bitShift = 7 - (i % 8);
result += ((packet[byteIndex] >> bitShift) & 1) * (int)Math.Pow(2, length - i + startBit - 1);
return result;
I now successfully have audio from the call being played over the speakers by adding a byte[] containing just the payload to NAudio's BufferedWaveProvider
There's a demo of how to play audio received over the network included with the NAudio source code (see Network Chat Demo in the NAudioDemo project). Basically use an AcmStream to decode the audio, and then put it into a BufferedWaveProvider which the soundcard is playing from.

Get Timestamp rtp packet

I'm using PacketDotNet to retrieve data from RTP header. But there are times when the timestamp is a negative value.
GetTimeStamp(UdpPacket packetUdp)
byte[] packet = packetUdp.PayloadData;
long timestamp = GetRTPHeaderValue(packet, 32, 63);
return timestamp;
private static int GetRTPHeaderValue(byte[] packet, int startBit, int endBit)
int result = 0;
// Number of bits in value
int length = endBit - startBit + 1;
// Values in RTP header are big endian, so need to do these conversions
for (int i = startBit; i <= endBit; i++)
int byteIndex = i / 8;
int bitShift = 7 - (i % 8);
result += ((packet[byteIndex] >> bitShift) & 1) *
(int)Math.Pow(2, length - i + startBit - 1);
return result;
It could be caused by the RTCP packets. If the RTP data is coming from a phone, then phone send periodic RTCP reports. They seem to pop in about every 200'th packet. The format is different and your code is probably reading it the same way - you will need to handle the RTCP packets.
The packets format: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jac22/books/mm/book/node162.html

Split packet (fragmentation) using PcapDotNet

I try to Split packet (fragmentation) using PcapDotNet and found this
So this is my function:
private IEnumerable<Packet> SplitPacket(Packet packet, int numberOfFragments)
IpV4Datagram ipV4Datagram = packet.Ethernet.IpV4;
if (ipV4Datagram.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Tcp || ipV4Datagram.Protocol == IpV4Protocol.Udp)
EthernetLayer ethernet = (EthernetLayer)packet.Ethernet.ExtractLayer();
ILayer layer = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();
TcpLayer tcpLayer = (TcpLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.ExtractLayer();
tcpLayer.Checksum = null;
IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = (IpV4Layer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.ExtractLayer();
ipV4Layer.HeaderChecksum = null;
DateTime packetTimestamp = packet.Timestamp;
PayloadLayer payload = (PayloadLayer)packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Payload.ExtractLayer(); //extract the data
int totalLength = payload.Length;
int partialLength = totalLength / numberOfFragments; //split data into smaller segments
partialLength = (partialLength / 8) * 8; //make sure it's divisible with 8
ushort offset = 0; //send one by one
while (offset < totalLength)
int fragmentLength = partialLength; //get length for this fragment
IpV4FragmentationOptions options = IpV4FragmentationOptions.MoreFragments;
if (offset + fragmentLength >= totalLength) //is this the last fragment ? trim length if needed
options = IpV4FragmentationOptions.None;
fragmentLength = totalLength - offset;
byte[] newBuffer = ipV4Datagram.Payload.ToArray(); //copy the actual data into a new buffer
PayloadLayer newPayload = new PayloadLayer { Data = new Datagram(newBuffer, offset, fragmentLength) };
ipV4Layer.Fragmentation = new IpV4Fragmentation(options, offset); //change IP layer fragmentation options
yield return PacketBuilder.Build(packetTimestamp, ethernet, ipV4Layer, tcpLayer, newPayload); //return
offset += (ushort)fragmentLength; //next offset
The problem is that after play this file i can see the same number of packets like in the original Wireshark file so it mean that something not working and the protocol field in Wiresahrk recognized this packet as IPV4 and this is how this packet looks (i think i have build this packet in invalid way):
