Parse City and State from a String [closed] - c#

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I'm creating a search similar to the one at where I need to parse the city name and state name from a text box. City can be multiple words and state can be a full name or abbreviation. There may be a comma between city and state but there also might not be.
Grand Rapids, New Mexico
Grand Rapids New Mexico
Grand Rapids, NM
Grand Rapids NM
This is pretty easy to do if there is a comma involved but I'm not sure at all how to do this if there is no comma.

Try this code:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PrintCityState(GetCityState("Grand Rapids, New Mexico"));
PrintCityState(GetCityState("Sacremento California"));
PrintCityState(GetCityState("Indianpolis, IN"));
PrintCityState(GetCityState("Phoenix AZ"));
public static void PrintCityState(CityState cs)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1} ({2})", cs.City, cs.StateAbbreviation, cs.StateName);
public static CityState GetCityState(string input)
string truncatedInput = input;
var statesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"AZ", "Arizona"},
{"NM", "New Mexico"},
{"CA", "California"},
{"WA", "Washington"},
{"OR", "Oregon"},
{"MI", "Michigan"},
{"IN", "Indiana"}
// And so forth for all 50 states
var cityState = new CityState();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in statesDictionary)
if (input.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(" " + kvp.Key.ToLower()))
cityState.StateName = kvp.Value;
cityState.StateAbbreviation = kvp.Key;
truncatedInput = input.Remove(input.Length - 1 - kvp.Key.Length);
if (input.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(" " + kvp.Value.ToLower()))
cityState.StateName = kvp.Value;
cityState.StateAbbreviation = kvp.Key;
truncatedInput = input.Remove(input.Length - 1 - kvp.Value.Length);
cityState.City = truncatedInput.Trim().Trim(',').Trim();
return cityState;
public class CityState
public string City { get; set; }
public string StateName { get; set; }
public string StateAbbreviation { get; set; }
This code uses a dictionary of state names and abbreviations. I only added 7 states for brevity, but you can add all 50. It searches the input string for a match on either the dictionary keys or dictionary values. If it finds one, it removes the state and whats left is the city.
Make sure you add West Virginia before Virginia in order for it to parse correctly.

It actually required more logic than I thought, but this should be working.
var entries = new List<string[]>(); // List of entries
foreach (var e in str.Split('\n')) // Splits by new line .. Can be modified to whatever ...
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e) || !e.Contains(" ")) // If the string is empty, whitespace or doesn't contain a space
continue; // Skip to next line
string[] entry; // Entry holder ...
if (e.Contains(",")) // If the entry contains ","
entry = e.Split(','); // Split it by ,
entries.Add(new string[] { entry[1].Trim(), entry[0].Trim() }); // The two entries should be the state and city, so add it to the entries
continue; // Skip to next line
entry = e.Split(' '); // Splits the entry by space
if (entry.Length < 2) // If there is less than two entries
continue; // Skip to next line
if (entry.Length > 2) // Checks if there are more than two entries Ex. "Grand Rapids New Mexico"
var statePart1 = entry[entry.Length - 2]; // Gets the first part of the state
var statePart2 = entry[entry.Length - 1]; // Gets the second part of the state
// Note: statePart1 is invalid if the state only has one "word", statePart2 is valid in this case
if (statePart1 == "North" || statePart1 == "South" || statePart1 == "West" || statePart1 == "New") // Checks if statePart1 is valid
int stateSize = statePart1.Length + statePart2.Length + 2; // Gets the state string size
var state = string.Format("{0} {1}", statePart1, statePart2); // Creates the state string
var city = e.Substring(0, e.Length - stateSize); // Gets the city string
entries.Add(new string[] { state, city }); // Adds the entry to the entries
// If statePart1 is not valid then the state is a single "word"
int cityLength = e.LastIndexOf(' '); // Gets the length of the city
entries.Add(new string[] { statePart2, e.Substring(0, cityLength) }); // Adds the entry to the entries
// If there is only two entries then both the city and state has only one "word"
entries.Add(new string[] { entry[1], entry[0] }); // Adds the entry to the entries
You can use the entries like this after
foreach (var e in entries)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", e[0], e[1]);
Which could result in something like:
string str = #"Grand Rapids New Mexico
Grand Rapids, NM
New York City New York
Jacksonville Florida
Bismarck North Dakota
Las Vegas Nevada";
Output ...
New Mexico, Grand Rapids
NM, Grand Rapids
New York, New York City
Florida, Jacksonville
North Dakota, Bismarck
Nevada, Las Vegas
Of course this is assuming you're parsing American states / cities.


Parse a multiline email to var

I'm attempting to parse a multi-line email so I can get at the data which is on its own newline under the heading in the body of the email.
It looks like this:
Marketing ID Local Number
------------------- ----------------------
GR332230 0000232323
Dispatch Code Logic code
----------------- -------------------
GX3472 1
Destination ID Destination details
----------------- -------------------
It appears I am getting everything on each messagebox when I use string reader readline, though all I want is the data under each ------ as shown
This is my code:
foreach (MailItem mail in publicFolder.Items)
if (mail != null)
if (mail is MailItem)
MessageBox.Show(mail.Body, "MailItem body");
// Creates new StringReader instance from System.IO
using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(mail.Body))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) !=null)
//Loop over the lines in the string.
if (mail.Body.Contains("Marketing ID"))
// var localno = mail.Body.Substring(247,15);//not correct approach
// MessageBox.Show(localrefno);
//var conexid = mail.Body.Replace(Environment.NewLine);
var regex = new Regex("<br/>", RegexOptions.Singleline);
//var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
//foreach (var s in mail.Body.Split(' '))
// stringBuilder.Append(s).AppendLine();
MessageBox.Show("Nothing found for MailItem");
You can see I had numerous attempts with it, even using substring position and using regex. Please help me get the data from each line under the ---.
It is not a very good idea to do that with Regex because it is quite easy to forget the edge cases, not easy to understand, and not easy to debug. It's quite easy to get into a situation that the Regex hangs your CPU and times out. (I cannot make any comment to other answers yet. So, please check at least my other two cases before you pick your final solution.)
In your cases, the following Regex solution works for your provided example. However, some additional limitations are there: You need to make sure there are no empty values in the non-starting or non-ending column. Or, let's say if there are more than two columns and any one of them in the middle is empty will make the names and values of that line mismatched.
Unfortunately, I cannot give you a non-Regex solution because I don't know the spec, e.g.: Will there be empty spaces? Will there be TABs? Does each field has a fixed count of characters or will they be flexible? If it is flexible and can have empty values, what kind of rules to detected which columns are empty? I assume that it is quite possible that they are defined by the column name's length and will have only space as delimiter. If that's the case, there are two ways to solve it, two-pass Regex or write your own parser. If all the fields has fixed length, it would be even more easier to do: Just using the substring to cut the lines and then trim them.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
public class Record{
public string Name {get;set;}
public string Value {get;set;}
public static void Main()
var regex = new Regex(#"(?<name>((?!-)[\w]+[ ]?)*)(?>(?>[ \t]+)?(?<name>((?!-)[\w]+[ ]?)+)?)+(?:\r\n|\r|\n)(?>(?<splitters>(-+))(?>[ \t]+)?)+(?:\r\n|\r|\n)(?<value>((?!-)[\w]+[ ]?)*)(?>(?>[ \t]+)?(?<value>((?!-)[\w]+[ ]?)+)?)+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var testingValue =
Marketing ID Local Number
------------------- ----------------------
GR332230 0000232323
Dispatch Code Logic code
----------------- -------------------
GX3472 1
Destination ID Destination details
----------------- -------------------
var matches = regex.Matches(testingValue);
var rows = (
from match in matches.OfType<Match>()
let row = (
from grp in match.Groups.OfType<Group>()
select new {grp.Name, Captures = grp.Captures.OfType<Capture>().ToList()}
).ToDictionary(item=>item.Name, item=>item.Captures.OfType<Capture>().ToList())
let names = row.ContainsKey("name")? row["name"] : null
let splitters = row.ContainsKey("splitters")? row["splitters"] : null
let values = row.ContainsKey("value")? row["value"] : null
where names != null && splitters != null &&
names.Count == splitters.Count &&
(values==null || values.Count <= splitters.Count)
select new {Names = names, Values = values}
var records = new List<Record>();
foreach(var row in rows)
for(int i=0; i< row.Names.Count; i++)
records.Add(new Record{Name=row.Names[i].Value, Value=i < row.Values.Count ? row.Values[i].Value : ""});
foreach(var record in records)
Console.WriteLine(record.Name + " = " + record.Value);
Marketing ID = GR332230
Local Number = 0000232323
Dispatch Code = GX3472
Logic code = 1
Destination ID = 3411144
Destination details =
Please note that this also works for this kind of message:
Marketing ID Local Number
------------------- ----------------------
GR332230 0000232323
Dispatch Code Logic code
----------------- -------------------
GX3472 1
Destination ID Destination details
----------------- -------------------
Marketing ID = GR332230
Local Number = 0000232323
Dispatch Code = GX3472
Logic code = 1
Destination ID =
Destination details = 3411144
Or this:
Marketing ID Local Number
------------------- ----------------------
Dispatch Code Logic code
----------------- -------------------
GX3472 1
Destination ID Destination details
----------------- -------------------
Marketing ID =
Local Number =
Dispatch Code = GX3472
Logic code = 1
Destination ID =
Destination details = 3411144
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var lines = email.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int starts = 0, end = 0, length = 0;
while (!lines[starts + 1].StartsWith("-")) starts++;
for (int i = starts + 1; i < lines.Length; i += 3)
var mc = Regex.Matches(lines[i], #"(?:^| )-");
foreach (Match m in mc)
int start = m.Value.StartsWith(" ") ? m.Index + 1 : m.Index;
end = start;
while (lines[i][end++] == '-' && end < lines[i].Length - 1) ;
length = Math.Min(end - start, lines[i - 1].Length - start);
string key = length > 0 ? lines[i - 1].Substring(start, length).Trim() : "";
end = start;
while (lines[i][end++] == '-' && end < lines[i].Length) ;
length = Math.Min(end - start, lines[i + 1].Length - start);
string value = length > 0 ? lines[i + 1].Substring(start, length).Trim() : "";
dict.Add(key, value);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Email is not in correct format");
Live Demo
Using Regular Expressions:
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var lines = email.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int starts = 0;
while (!lines[starts + 1].StartsWith("-")) starts++;
for (int i = starts + 1; i < lines.Length; i += 3)
var keys = Regex.Matches(lines[i - 1], #"(?:^| )(\w+\s?)+");
var values = Regex.Matches(lines[i + 1], #"(?:^| )(\w+\s?)+");
if (keys.Count == values.Count)
for (int j = 0; j < keys.Count; j++)
dict.Add(keys[j].Value.Trim(), values[j].Value.Trim());
else // remove bug if value of first key in a line has no value
if (lines[i + 1].StartsWith(" "))
dict.Add(keys[0].Value.Trim(), "");
dict.Add(keys[1].Value.Trim(), values[0].Value.Trim());
dict.Add(keys[0].Value, values[0].Value.Trim());
dict.Add(keys[1].Value.Trim(), "");
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Email is not in correct format");
Live Demo
Here is my attempt. I don't know if the email format can change (rows, columns, etc).
I can't think of an easy way to separate the columns besides checking for a double space (my solution).
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var emailBody = GetEmail();
using (var reader = new StringReader(emailBody))
var lines = new List<string>();
const int startingRow = 2; // Starting line to read from (start at Marketing ID line)
const int sectionItems = 4; // Header row (ex. Marketing ID & Local Number Line) + Dash Row + Value Row + New Line
// Add all lines to a list
string line = "";
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
lines.Add(line.Trim()); // Add each line to the list and remove any leading or trailing spaces
for (var i = startingRow; i < lines.Count; i += sectionItems)
var currentLine = lines[i];
var indexToBeginSeparatingColumns = currentLine.IndexOf(" "); // The first time we see double spaces, we will use as the column delimiter, not the best solution but should work
var header1 = currentLine.Substring(0, indexToBeginSeparatingColumns);
var header2 = currentLine.Substring(indexToBeginSeparatingColumns, currentLine.Length - indexToBeginSeparatingColumns).Trim();
currentLine = lines[i+2]; //Skip dash line
indexToBeginSeparatingColumns = currentLine.IndexOf(" ");
string value1 = "", value2 = "";
if (indexToBeginSeparatingColumns == -1) // Use case of there being no value in the 2nd column, could be better
value1 = currentLine.Trim();
value1 = currentLine.Substring(0, indexToBeginSeparatingColumns);
value2 = currentLine.Substring(indexToBeginSeparatingColumns, currentLine.Length - indexToBeginSeparatingColumns).Trim();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", header1, value1, header2, value2));
static string GetEmail()
Marketing ID Local Number
------------------- ----------------------
GR332230 0000232323
Dispatch Code Logic code
----------------- -------------------
GX3472 1
Destination ID Destination details
----------------- -------------------
Output looks something like this:
Marketing ID,GR332230,Local Number,0000232323
Dispatch Code,GX3472,Logic code,1
Destination ID,3411144,Destination details,
Here is an aproach asuming you don't need the headers, info comes in order and mandatory.
This won't work for data that has spaces or optional fields.
foreach (MailItem mail in publicFolder.Items)
MessageBox.Show(mail.Body, "MailItem body");
// Split by line, remove dash lines.
var data = Regex.Split(mail.Body, #"\r?\n|\r")
.Where(l => !l.StartsWith('-'))
// Remove headers
for(var i = data.Count -2; lines >= 0; i -2)
// now data contains only the info you want in the order it was presented.
// Asuming info doesn't have spaces.
var result = data.SelectMany(d => d.Split(' '));
// WARNING: Missing info will not be present.
// {"GR332230", "0000232323", "GX3472", "1", "3411144"}

Optimizing processing of data stored in a flat file

At my office we use an old third-party tool to handle some data processing and export work. The output of this tool is unfortunately in a really clunky format, so for us to put it into a meaningful form and work with it, we have to have an intermediate processing step between the raw export of this data and our ability to act further on it.
This problem was one that I pretty concisely solved some time ago in Python with itertools, but for reasons, I need to relocate this work into an existing C# application.
I've super-generalized and simplified the example data that I've posted here (and the corresponding code), but it's representative of the way the real data is set up. The raw data spit out by the tool looks like this, with some caveats (which I'll explain):
Zip Code: 11111
First Name: Joe
Last Name: Smith
ID: 1
Phone Number: 555-555-1111
Zip Code: 11111
First Name: John
Last Name: Doe
ID: 2
Phone Number: 555-555-1112
Zip Code: 11111
First Name: Mike
Last Name: Jones
ID: 3
Phone Number: 555-555-1113
There are no unique separators between records. They're just listed one right after the other. A valid and actionable record contains all five items ("Zip Code", "First Name", "Last Name", "ID", "Phone Number").
We only need first/last name, ID, and phone number for our purposes. Each unique record always begins with Zip Code, but thanks to some quirks in the underlying process and the third-party tool, I have some things I need to account for:
Records missing a phone number are invalid, and will show up with a value of "(n/a)" in the "Phone Number" line. We need to ignore the whole record in this case.
Records (rarely) may be missing a line (such as "Last Name") if the record was not entered correctly prior to processing. We ignore these cases, too.
If there was an error with some linked information to the underlying data, the record will contain a line beginning with "Error". Its exact position among the other items in a record varies. If a record contains an error, we ignore it.
The way I solved this in C# is to start with the first line and check to see if it begins with "Zip Code". If so, I drop into a further loop where I build a dictionary of keys and values (splitting on the first ":") until I hit the next "Zip Code" line. It then repeats and rolls through the process again while current line < (line count - 5).
private void CrappilyHandleExportLines(List<string> RawExportLines)
int lineNumber = 0;
while (lineNumber < (RawExportLines.Count - 5))
// The lineGroup dict will represent the record we're currently processing
Dictionary<string, string> lineGroup = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// If the current line begins with "Zip Code", this means we've reached another record to process
if (RawExportLines[lineNumber++].StartsWith("Zip Code"))
// If the line does NOT begin with "Zip Code", we assume it's another part of the record we're already
// working on.
while (!RawExportLines[lineNumber].StartsWith("Zip Code"))
// Append everything except "Error" lines to the record we're working on, as stored in lineGroup
if (!RawExportLines[lineNumber].StartsWith("Error")
string[] splitLine = RawExportLines[lineNumber].Split(new[] { ":" }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);
lineGroup[splitLine[0].Trim()] = splitLine[1].Trim();
// Validate the record before continuing. verifyAllKeys is just a method that does a check of the key list
// against a list of expected keys using Except to make sure all of the items that we require are present.
if (verifyAllKeys(new List<string>(lineGroup.Keys)) || (lineGroup["Phone Number"] != "(n/a)"))
// The record is good! Now we can do something with it:
This works (from my initial testing, at least). The problem is that I really dislike this code. I know there's a better way to do it, but I'm not as strong in C# as I'd like to be so I think I'm missing out on some ways that would allow me to more elegantly and safely get the desired result.
Can anyone lend a hand to point me in the right direction as to how I can implement a better solution? Thank you!
This may help you, the idea is grouping entries based on their id by dictionary, then you can validate enitries with appropriate conditions:
static void Main(string[] args)
string path = #"t.txt";
var text = File.ReadAllLines(path, Encoding.UTF8);
var dict = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
var id = "";
var rows = text
.Select(l => new { prop = l.Split(':')[0], val = l.Split(':')[1].Trim() })
foreach (var row in rows)
if (row.prop == "ID")
id = row.val;
else if (dict.ContainsKey(id))
dict[id].Add(row.prop, row.val);
dict[id] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dict[id].Add(row.prop, row.val);
//get valid entries
var validEntries = dict.Where(e =>e.Value.Keys.Intersect(new List<string> { "Zip Code", "First Name", "Last Name", "Phone Number" }).Count()==4 && e.Value["Phone Number"] != "(n/a)").ToDictionary(x=>x.Key, x => x.Value);
In case ID is related to previous properties and emerges after them you can use below code as If block :
if (row.prop == "ID")
var values=dict[id];
id = "";
I would try to solve the problem in a bit more of an object oriented manner using a factory-ish pattern.
//Define a class to hold all people we get, which might be empty or have problems in them.
public class PersonText
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string ID { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public bool Error { get; set; }
public bool Anything { get; set; }
//A class to hold a key ("First Name"), and a way to set the respective item on the PersonText class correctly.
public class PersonItemGetSets
public string Key { get; }
public Func<PersonText, string> Getter { get; }
public Action<PersonText, string> Setter { get; }
public PersonItemGetSets(string key, Action<PersonText, string> setter, Func<PersonText, string> getter)
Getter = getter;
Key = key;
Setter = setter;
//This will get people from the lines of text
public static IEnumerable<PersonText> GetPeople(IEnumerable<string> lines)
var itemGetSets = new List<PersonItemGetSets>()
new PersonItemGetSets("First Name", (p, s) => p.FirstName = s, p => p.FirstName),
new PersonItemGetSets("Last Name", (p, s) => p.LastName = s, p => p.LastName),
new PersonItemGetSets("Phone Number", (p, s) => p.PhoneNumber = s, p => p.PhoneNumber),
new PersonItemGetSets("ID", (p, s) => p.ID = s, p => p.ID),
new PersonItemGetSets("Zip Code", (p, s) => p.ZipCode = s, p => p.ZipCode),
foreach (var person in GetRawPeople(lines, itemGetSets, "Error"))
if (IsValidPerson(person, itemGetSets))
yield return person;
//Used to determine if a PersonText is valid and if it is worth processing.
private static bool IsValidPerson(PersonText p, IReadOnlyList<PersonItemGetSets> itemGetSets)
if (itemGetSets.Any(x => x.Getter(p) == null))
return false;
if (p.Error)
return false;
if (!p.Anything)
return false;
if (p.PhoneNumber.Length != 12) // "555-555-5555".Length = 12
return false;
return true;
//Read through each line, and return all potential people, but don't validate whether they're correct at this time.
private static IEnumerable<PersonText> GetRawPeople(IEnumerable<string> lines, IReadOnlyList<PersonItemGetSets> itemGetSets, string errorToken)
var person = new PersonText();
foreach (var line in lines)
var parts = line.Split(':');
bool valid = false;
if (parts.Length == 2)
var left = parts[0];
var right = parts[1].Trim();
foreach (var igs in itemGetSets)
if (left.Equals(igs.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
valid = true;
person.Anything = true;
if (igs.Getter(person) != null)
yield return person;
person = new PersonText();
igs.Setter(person, right);
else if (parts.Length == 1)
if (parts[0].Trim().Equals(errorToken, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
person.Error = true;
if (!valid)
if (person.Anything)
yield return person;
person = new PersonText();
if (person.Anything)
yield return person;
Have a look at the code working here:

Pick Random string from List<string> with exclusions and non-repetitive pick

im trying to write a program that would let a user:
Load a set of string.
Loop through the set, and pick another string from the same set.
Avoid a picked string from being picked again.
Have specific strings not be able to pick specified strings.
Example is table below:
And below table is a sample scenario:
How am i supposed to do this the easy way?
i have below code, but it is taking like forever to generate a valid set since it restarts everything if there are nothing left to pick, while not eliminating the possibility.
private List<Participant> _participants;
var pickedParticipants = new List<Participant>();
var participantPicks = new List<ParticipantPick>();
foreach(var participant in _participants)
var pickedParticipantNames = from rp in participantPicks select rp.PickedParticipant;
var picks = (from p in _participants where p.Name != participant.Name & !Utilities.IsInList(p.Name, pickedParticipantNames) select p).ToList();
var pick = picks[new Random().Next(0, picks.Count())];
if(pick == null)
UpdateStatus($"No Available Picks left for {participant.Name}, Restarting...");
goto AllOverAgain;
var exclusions = participant.Exclusions.Split(',').Select(p => p.Trim()).ToList();
UpdateStatus($"No Available Picks left for {participant.Name}, Restarting...");
goto AllOverAgain;
participantPicks.Add(new ParticipantPick(participant.Name, pick.Name, participant.Number));
return participantPicks; // Returns the final output result
The Participant Class consists of these Properties:
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
public string Exclusions { get; set; }
The ParticipantPick Class consists of these Properties:
public string Participant { get; set; }
public string PickedParticipant { get; set; }
public string Number { get; set; }
One way you can solve this is by using a dictionary, using a composite key of a tuple and the matching value of a datatype bool.
Dictionary<Tuple<string, string>, bool>
The composite key Tuple<sring,string> will contain every permutation of participants and match them to their appropriate bool value.
For example, the dictionary filled with values such as:
Dictionary<Tuple<"Judith","James">, true>
...would be indicating that Judith picking James is valid.
So lets create a dictionary with every single possible combination of participants, and set the value of them to true for them being valid at the start of the program.
This can be accomplished by a cartesian join using an array with itself.
Dictionary<Tuple<string, string>, bool> dictionary = participants.SelectMany(left => participants, (left, right) => new Tuple<string, string>(left, right)).ToDictionary(item=> item, item=>true);
After getting every permutation of possible picks and setting them to true, we can go through the "not allowed to pick" lists and change the dictionary value for that composite key to false.
dictionary[new Tuple<string, string>(personNotAllowing, notAllowedPerson)] = false;
You can remove a participant from picking itself by using a loop in the following way:
for(int abc=0;abc<participants.Length;abc++)
//remove clone set
Tuple<string, string> clonePair = Tuple.Create(participants[abc], participants[abc]);
Or by simply changing the value of the clone pair to false.
for(int abc=0;abc<participants.Length;abc++)
dictionary[Tuple.Create(participants[abc],participants[abc])] = false;
In this example program, I create a string[] of participants, and a string[] for the respective list of people they do not allow. I then perform a cartesian join, the participants array with itself. This leads to every permutation, with an initial true boolean value.
I change the dictionary where the participants are not allowed to false, and display the example dictionary.
Afterward, I create 10 instances of random participants who are picking other random participants and test if it would be valid.
Every time a participant picks another participant, I check that composite key to see if it has a value of true.
If it does result in a valid pick, then every combination of the resulting participant who was picked gets set to false.
for(int j=0; j<participants.Length;j++)
//Make the partner never be able to be picked again
Tuple<string, string> currentPair2 = Tuple.Create(partner, participants[j]);
dictionary[currentPair2] = false;
This concept is better illustrated with running the code.
The demo:
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create participants set
string[] participants = {"James","John","Tyrone","Rebecca","Tiffany","Judith"};
//Create not allowed lists
string[] jamesNotAllowedList = {"Tiffany", "Tyrone"};
string[] johnNotAllowedList = {};
string[] tyroneNotAllowedList = {};
string[] rebeccaNotAllowedList ={"James", "Tiffany"};
string[] judithNotAllowedList = {};
//Create list of not allowed lists
string[][] notAllowedLists = { jamesNotAllowedList, johnNotAllowedList, tyroneNotAllowedList, rebeccaNotAllowedList, judithNotAllowedList};
//Create dictionary<Tuple<string,string>, bool> from participants array by using cartesian join on itself
Dictionary<Tuple<string, string>, bool> dictionary = participants.SelectMany(left => participants, (left, right) => new Tuple<string, string>(left, right)).ToDictionary(item=> item, item=>true);
//Loop through each person who owns a notAllowedList
for (int list = 0; list < notAllowedLists.Length; list++)
//Loop through each name on the not allowed list
for (int person = 0; person<notAllowedLists[list].Length; person++)
string personNotAllowing = participants[list];
string notAllowedPerson = notAllowedLists[list][person];
//Change the boolean value matched to the composite key
dictionary[new Tuple<string, string>(personNotAllowing, notAllowedPerson)] = false;
Console.WriteLine(personNotAllowing + " did not allow " + notAllowedPerson);
//Then since a participant cant pick itself
for(int abc=0;abc<participants.Length;abc++)
//remove clone set
Tuple<string, string> clonePair = Tuple.Create(participants[abc], participants[abc]);
//Display whats going on with this Dictionary<Tuple<string,string>, bool>
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" \n", dictionary));
//Create Random Object
Random rand = new Random();
//Now that the data is organized in a dictionary..
//..Let's have random participants pick random participants
//For this demonstration lets try it 10 times
for (int i=0;i<20;i++)
//Create a new random participant
int rNum = rand.Next(participants.Length);
string randomParticipant = participants[rNum];
//Random participant picks a random participant
string partner = participants[rand.Next(participants.Length)];
//Create composite key for the current pair
Tuple<string, string> currentPair = Tuple.Create(partner,randomParticipant);
//Check if it's a valid choice
if (dictionary[currentPair])
Console.WriteLine(randomParticipant + " tries to pick " + partner);
//add to dictionary
for(int j=0; j<participants.Length;j++)
//Make the partner never be able to be picked again
Tuple<string, string> currentPair2 = Tuple.Create(partner, participants[j]);
dictionary[currentPair2] = false;
Console.WriteLine(randomParticipant + " tries to pick " + partner);
//otherwise exception happens because the random participant
//And its partner participant are the same person
//You can also handle the random participant picking itself differently
//In this catch block
//Make sure the loop continues as many times as necessary
//by acting like this instance never existed
i = i - 1;
This code will always give you output that adheres to your criteria:
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var gathering = new Gathering();
foreach (var item in gathering.participants)
Console.WriteLine( + ":" + item.selectedParticipant);
public class Participant
public string name;
public List<string> exclusions;
public string selectedParticipant;
public class Gathering
public List<Participant> participants;
public List<string> availableParticipants;
public List<string> usedNames;
public Dictionary<string, string> result;
public Gathering()
//initialize participants
participants = new List<Participant>();
participants.Add(new Participant
name = "James",
exclusions = new List<string> { "Tiffany", "Tyrone" }
participants.Add(new Participant
name = "John",
exclusions = new List<string> { }
participants.Add(new Participant
name = "Judith",
exclusions = new List<string> { }
participants.Add(new Participant
name = "Rebecca",
exclusions = new List<string> { "James", "Tiffany" }
participants.Add(new Participant
name = "Tiffany",
exclusions = new List<string> { }
participants.Add(new Participant
name = "Tyrone",
exclusions = new List<string> { }
//prevent participants from selecting themselves
foreach (Participant p in participants)
//create list of all the names (all available participants at the beginning)
availableParticipants = participants.Select(x =>;
public void MakeSelections()
Participant currentParticipant;
Random randy = new Random();
//Sort Participants by the length of their exclusion lists, in descending order.
participants.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.exclusions.Count.CompareTo(p1.exclusions.Count));
//Get the first participant in the list which hasn't selected someone yet
currentParticipant = participants.FirstOrDefault(p => p.selectedParticipant == null);
while (currentParticipant != null)
//of the available participants, create a list to choose from for the current participant
List<string> listToChooseFrom = availableParticipants.Where(x => !currentParticipant.exclusions.Contains(x)).ToList();
//select a random participant from the list of eligible ones to be matched with the current participant
string assignee = listToChooseFrom[randy.Next(listToChooseFrom.Count)];
currentParticipant.selectedParticipant = assignee;
//remove the selected participant from the list of available participants
//remove the selected participant from everyone's exclusion lists
foreach (Participant p in participants)
if (p.exclusions.Contains(assignee))
//Resort Participants by the length of their exclusion lists, in descending order.
participants.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.exclusions.Count.CompareTo(p1.exclusions.Count));
//Get the first participant in the list which hasn't selected someone yet
currentParticipant = participants.FirstOrDefault(p => p.selectedParticipant == null);
//finally, sort by alphabetical order
participants.Sort((p1, p2) =>;
In the simpler version, the items can just be shuffled:
string[] source = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" };
string[] picked = source.ToArray(); // copy
var rand = new Random();
for (int i = source.Length - 1, r; i > 0; --i)
var pick = picked[r = rand.Next(i)]; // pick random item less than the current one
picked[r] = picked[i]; // and swap with the current one
picked[i] = pick;
Console.WriteLine(i + " swapped with " + r);
Console.WriteLine("\nsource: " + string.Join(", ", source) +
"\npicked: " + string.Join(", ", picked));
sample result:
5 swapped with 4
4 swapped with 2
3 swapped with 0
2 swapped with 1
1 swapped with 0
source: A, B, C, D, E, F
picked: F, D, B, A, C, E
or, the source can be optionally shuffled, and each person can pick the person that is next in the list.

How to parse this following string? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have to parse this string
"Cust =Customer CustCR =Customer Credit Prod=Product SalesRep=Sales Rep TaxCat=Tax Category TaxId=Tax ID VolBill=Volume Billing"
as Code, Description like Code=Cust and Description=Customer
split on basis of space is not working for this because there is also a space in description too .
Instead of splitting on space you can split on the equals sign. Then the code will be the value after the last space of the previous item and the description will be everything up to the last space making sure to trim the spaces that might show up before the equals. And you can replace the Dictionary with whatever data type you want to load the values into. Also you have to handle the first and last values as special cases. Note this will only work if the codes do not contain spaces.
string str = "Cust =Customer CustCR =Customer Credit Prod=Product SalesRep=Sales Rep TaxCat=Tax Category TaxId=Tax ID VolBill=Volume Billing";
var separated = str.Split('=');
string code = separated[0].Trim();
var codeAndDescription = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int i = 1; i < separated.Length - 1; i++)
int lastSpace = separated[i].Trim().LastIndexOf(' ');
var description = separated[i].Substring(0, lastSpace).Trim();
codeAndDescription.Add(code, description);
code = separated[i].Substring(lastSpace + 1).Trim();
codeAndDescription.Add(code, separated[separated.Length - 1]);
foreach (var kvp in codeAndDescription)
[Cust, Customer]
[CustCR, Customer Credit]
[Prod, Product]
[SalesRep, Sales Rep]
[TaxCat, Tax Category]
[TaxId, Tax ID]
[VolBill, Volume Billing]
A little modification for another case if description is empty, also used custom Item class to store output in a list
class Item {
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string str = "0= 1=Full Time 2=Part Time 3=Seasonal 4=Variable";
var separated = str.Split('=');
string code = separated[0].Trim();
var codeAndDescription = new List<Item>();
foreach (var sep in separated.Skip(1).Take(separated.Length - 2))
int lastSpace = sep.Trim().LastIndexOf(' ');
var description = lastSpace != -1 ? sep.Substring(0, lastSpace).Trim(): "" ;
codeAndDescription.Add(new Item { Code=code,Description=description });
code = sep.Substring(lastSpace + 1).Trim();
codeAndDescription.Add(new Item { Code = code, Description = separated.Last() });
foreach (var kvp in codeAndDescription)
Console.WriteLine("Code={0} Description={1}", kvp.Code, kvp.Description);

How to read file that contains one row with multiple records- C# [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have this text file that only has one row. Each file contains one customer name but multiple items and descriptions.
Record starting with 00 (Company Name) has a char length of 10
01 (Item#) - char length of 10
02 (Description) - char length of 50
I know how to read a file, but I don't have any idea of how to loop through only one line, find records 00, 01, 02 and grab the text based on the length, finally start at the position of the last records and start the loop again. Can someone please give me an idea of how to read files like this?
companyName 16622 Description
companyName 15522 Description
input text file example
00Init 0115522 02Description 0116622 02Description
This solution assumes that the data is fixed width, and that item number will preceed description (01 before 02). This solution will emit a record every time a description record is encountered, and deals with multiple products for the same company.
First, define a class to hold your data:
public class Record
public string CompanyName { get; set; }
public string ItemNumber { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
Then, iterate through your string, returning a record when you've got a description:
public static IEnumerable<Record> ReadFile(string input)
// Alter these as appropriate
int index = 0;
string companyName = null;
string itemNumber = null;
while (index < input.Length)
string recordType = input.Substring(index, RECORDTYPELENGTH);
if (recordType == "00")
companyName = input.Substring(index, COMPANYNAMELENGTH).Trim();
else if (recordType == "01")
itemNumber = input.Substring(index, ITEMNUMBERLENGTH).Trim();
else if (recordType == "02")
string description = input.Substring(index, DESCRIPTIONLENGTH).Trim();
yield return new Record
CompanyName = companyName,
ItemNumber = itemNumber,
Description = description
throw new FormatException("Unexpected record type " + recordType);
Note that your field lengths in the question don't match the sample data, so I adjusted them so that the solution worked with the data you provided. You can adjust the field lengths by adjusting the constants.
Use this like the following:
string input = "00CompanyName 0115522 02Description 0116622 02Description ";
foreach (var record in ReadFile(input))
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", record.CompanyName, record.ItemNumber, record.Description);
If you read the whole file into a string, you have a couple options.
One, it might be useful to use string.split.
Another option would be to use string.indexof. Once you have the index, you could use string.substring
Assuming fixed-width as specified, lets create two simple classes to hold a client and its related data as a list:
// can hold as many items (data) as there are in the line
public class Client
public string name;
public List<ClientData> data;
// one single item in the client data
public class ClientData
public string code;
public string description;
To parse a single line (which is assumed to have a single client and a successive list of item/description), we can do this (note: for simplification I'm just creating a static class with a static method in it):
// this parser will read as many itens as there are in the line
// and return a Client instance with those inside.
public static class Parser
public static Client ParseData(string line)
Client client = new Client (); = new List<ClientData> (); = line.Substring (2, 10);
// remove the client name
line = line.Substring (12);
while (line.Length > 0)
// create new item
ClientData data = new ClientData ();
data.code = line.Substring (2, 10);
data.description = line.Substring (14, 50); (data);
// next item
line = line.Substring (64);
return client;
So, in your main loop, just after reading a new line from the file, you can call the above method to receive a new client. Something like this:
// should be from a file but this is just an example
string[] lines = {
// loop through each line
// (lines can have multiple items)
foreach (string line in lines)
Client client = Parser.ParseData (line);
Console.WriteLine ("Read: " +;
Contents of Sample.txt:
00Company1 0115522 02This is a description for company 1. 00Company2 0115523 02This is a description for company 2. 00Company3 0115524 02This is a description for company 3
Note that in the code below, the fields are 2 characters longer than those specified in the original question. This is because I am including the headings in the length of each field, thus a field of a length of 10is effectively 12 by including the 00 from the heading. If this is undesirable, tweak the offsets of the entries in the fieldLengths array.
String directory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
String file = "Sample.txt";
String path = Path.Combine(directory, file);
Int32[] fieldLengths = new Int32[] { 12, 12, 52 };
List<RowData> rows = new List<RowData>();
Byte[] buffer = new Byte[fieldLengths.Sum()];
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path))
while (stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) > 0)
List<String> fieldValues = new List<String>();
Int32 offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldLengths.Length; i++)
var value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, offset, fieldLengths[i]);
offset += fieldLengths[i];
String companyName = fieldValues[0];
String itemNumber = fieldValues[1];
String description = fieldValues[2];
var row = new RowData(companyName, itemNumber, description);
Class definition for RowData:
public class RowData
public String Company { get; set; }
public String Number { get; set; }
public String Description { get; set; }
public RowData(String company, String number, String description)
Company = company;
Number = number;
Description = description;
The results will be in the rows variable.
You would have to split rows based on a delimiter. It would seem that in your case you are using whitespace as a delimiter.
The method you are looking for is String.Split(), it should cover your needs :) Documentation is located at - It also includes examples.
I'd do something like this:
string myLineOfText = "MyCompany 12345 The description of my company";
string[] partsOfMyLine = myLineOfText.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Best of luck! :)
