Exclude constructor from obfuscation in .NET - c#

There is ObfuscationAttibute in .NET. But I don't understand, how to exclude code inside constructor from obfuscation.
// Obfuscated class
class MyClass {
[Obfuscation(Exclude = true)] // "Attribute 'Obfuscation' is not valid on this declaration type"
public MyClass() {
//some code, I need to exclude this code from obfuscation
// Obfuscated method
public void Method1() {
//some code
// Obfuscated method
public void Method2() {
//some code
UPD: The question is NOT about renaming constructor. It's name obviously became ".ctor". I need to prevent obfuscation of code itself. Yes, some obfuscators not only rename symbols, but change code, too. Yes, I know I can't do it with this attribute. Compiler says the same. I already know what I cannot do. I am asking what i can do, prefferably using only standard .net instruments.

You can do what you want using only ObfuscationAttribute, but it's tedious: apply [Obfuscation(ApplyToMembers=false)] to the class, and [Obfuscation] to every individual member except the constructor.
Alternatively, use your obfuscator's configuration to exclude the constructor from consideration. Since ObfuscationAttribute offers only very limited control (just turning features on and off, basically) most have separate configuration for fine-grained control.
Finally, consider making your constructor so simple and uninteresting that it doesn't matter if the flow is obfuscated or not. This should ideally be the case anyway -- if your constructor only performs member initialization, there isn't much to obfuscate in the first place. You can call member functions for the more involved stuff, and you can control obfuscation of those using the attribute.

Constructors are always renamed to .ctor internally, you can't use an obfuscated name (but you can't use the original name either). And decompilers will name the constructor with the obfuscated class name.
I suppose you mean obfuscation of the code inside the function, not the member name? Presumably a more advanced obfuscator that supports code rearrangement and not just name obfuscation will have its own attribute to control that... because System.Reflection.ObfuscationAttribute isn't suitable for control of more powerful obfuscation techniques.
In particular, the AttributeUsageAttribute on the ObfuscationAttribute class doesn't include AttributeTargets.Constructor as an allowed usage.

I very much agree with the comments noting that obfuscation is not all about renaming, and it does seem to be an oversight that constructors were not considered a valid target for [Obfuscation]. I have run into the problem with dead code removal, where the obfuscator can remove code that is not reachable (I'm simplifying). Overriding this behaviour is sometimes necessary, for example for reflection/serialization scenarios, and can equally apply to constructors as much as any other code element. Note that [AttributeUsage] is only advisory, and is enforced by the C# (or VB) compiler. It is not enforced by the CLR. So if your obfuscator is designed to look for [Obfuscation] on constructors (which might well be the case by accident given that some obfuscator logic might treat all methods equally), and you can use some kind of post-compilation IL processing framework (eg, PostSharp), then you can put [Obfuscation] onto constructors. For PostSharp users, here is a multicast version of ObfuscationAttribute that will happily apply [Obfuscation] to constructors:
using System;
using PostSharp.Aspects;
using PostSharp.Extensibility;
using PostSharp.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
/// <summary>
/// A multicast adapter for <see cref="ObfuscationAttribute"/>. Instructs obfuscation tools to take the specified actions for the target assembly, type, or member.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.Constructor, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false )]
MulticastTargets.Assembly | MulticastTargets.Class | MulticastTargets.Struct | MulticastTargets.Enum | MulticastTargets.Method | MulticastTargets.Property | MulticastTargets.Field | MulticastTargets.Event | MulticastTargets.Interface | MulticastTargets.Parameter | MulticastTargets.Delegate | MulticastTargets.InstanceConstructor | MulticastTargets.InstanceConstructor,
AllowMultiple = true,
PersistMetaData = false)]
public sealed class MulticastObfuscationAttribute : MulticastAttribute, IAspectProvider
bool _stripAfterObfuscation = true;
bool _exclude = true;
bool _applyToMembers = true;
string _feature = "all";
bool _stripAfterObfuscationIsSpecified;
bool _excludeIsSpecified;
bool _applyToMembersIsSpecified;
bool _featureIsSpecified;
static readonly ConstructorInfo ObfuscationAttributeCtor = typeof( ObfuscationAttribute ).GetConstructor( Type.EmptyTypes );
IEnumerable<AspectInstance> IAspectProvider.ProvideAspects( object targetElement )
var oc = new ObjectConstruction( ObfuscationAttributeCtor );
if ( _applyToMembersIsSpecified )
oc.NamedArguments[ nameof( ObfuscationAttribute.ApplyToMembers ) ] = _applyToMembers;
if ( _excludeIsSpecified )
oc.NamedArguments[ nameof( ObfuscationAttribute.Exclude ) ] = _exclude;
if ( _featureIsSpecified )
oc.NamedArguments[ nameof( ObfuscationAttribute.Feature ) ] = _feature;
if ( _stripAfterObfuscationIsSpecified )
oc.NamedArguments[ nameof( ObfuscationAttribute.StripAfterObfuscation ) ] = _stripAfterObfuscation;
return new[] { new AspectInstance( targetElement, new CustomAttributeIntroductionAspect( oc ) ) };
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value indicating whether the obfuscation tool should remove this attribute after processing.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <see langword="true" /> if an obfuscation tool should remove the attribute after processing; otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
/// </returns>
public bool StripAfterObfuscation
get => _stripAfterObfuscation;
_stripAfterObfuscationIsSpecified = true;
_stripAfterObfuscation = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value indicating whether the obfuscation tool should exclude the type or member from obfuscation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <see langword="true" /> if the type or member to which this attribute is applied should be excluded from obfuscation; otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
/// </returns>
public bool Exclude
get => _exclude;
_excludeIsSpecified = true;
_exclude = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Boolean" /> value indicating whether the attribute of a type is to apply to the members of the type.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <see langword="true" /> if the attribute is to apply to the members of the type; otherwise, <see langword="false" />. The default is <see langword="true" />.
/// </returns>
public bool ApplyToMembers
get => _applyToMembers;
_applyToMembersIsSpecified = true;
_applyToMembers = value;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a string value that is recognized by the obfuscation tool, and which specifies processing options.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A string value that is recognized by the obfuscation tool, and which specifies processing options. The default is "all".
/// </returns>
public string Feature
get => _feature;
_featureIsSpecified = true;
_feature = value;

Why [ObfuscationAttribute] is not allowed on constructors
You can't put [Obfuscation(Exclude = true)] onto a constructor because obfuscation renames symbols, not the contents of methods (usually - more advanced obfuscators can change the flow of code, modify constants, etc. to make reverse-engineering harder).
For example, consider the following:
// obfuscated class
public class MyClass
public MyClass()
public void MyMethod()
// unobfuscated class
public class CallingClass
public static void TestMyClass()
MyClass class = new MyClass();
The obfuscator would rename MyClass to something else (e.g. qfghjigffvvb) and MyMethod() to something else (e.g. ghjbvxdghh()) and change all references so that the code still works the same, i.e.
public class qfghjigffvvb
public qfghjigffvvb()
public void ghjbvxdghh()
// unobfuscated class
public class CallingClass
public static void TestMyClass()
qfghjigffvvb class = new qfghjigffvvb();
If you put the [Obfuscation(Exclude = true)] attribute onto the constructor for MyClass, then CallingClass.TestMyClass() would look like this:
public class CallingClass
public static void TestMyClass()
qfghjigffvvb class = new MyClass(); // ?
If you need the contents of the MyClass constructor to not be obfuscated, you'd need to put the [Obfuscation(Exclude = true)] attribute onto everything that it calls so that the symbols won't be renamed.
Thought experiment: excluding the contents of the constructor
Say you had a [ContentObfuscation] attribute which you could use to stop the contents of a method (or constructor or property) from being obfuscated. What would you want it to do here?
public class MyClass
[ContentObfuscation(Exclude = true)]
public MyClass()
// SecurityCriticalClass is obfuscated
var securityCriticalClass = new SecurityCriticalClass();
If the contents of the constructor are not obfuscated, then SecurityCriticalClass would also have to be not obfuscated, possibly creating a security issue.


C# NET Looping over object properties stored in List

At the moment I'm working on funcionality that involves exporting and importing data to Xlsx file. Here's what I want to do: I want to have an attribute I can put above a property like this.
public class MyClass
[XlsxColumn("Column 1")]
public string myProperty1 { get; set; }
public int myProperty2 { get; set; }
So far I don't have problems, but then I want to "store references" to properties marked with the XlsxColumn attribute. I'm using reflection
to store properties data in List
var propsList = MyClass.GetProperties().Where(
prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(XlsxColumn)));
I have a list with all properties marked with XlsxColumn (only myProperty1 in this example).
EDIT: The problem is I don't know how to loop over properties in MyClass, but only properties with XlsxColumn attribute (so all PropertyInfo objects stored in propsList variable), without resorting to reflection with each object saved to Xlsx file.
I'm restricted to .NET 4.0.
Thanks for your time.
MyClass.GetProperties() does not work because you have to get the type of the class to invoke the GetProperties method. Otherwise you are invoking a static method called GetProperties defined in the MyClass class.
var propsList = typeof(MyClass).GetProperties().Where(
prop => prop.IsDefined(typeof(XlsxColumnAttribute), false)).ToList();
If you just want the names (IList<string>):
var propsList = typeof(Excel).GetProperties().Where(
prop => prop.IsDefined(typeof(XlsxColumnAttribute), false))
.Select(prop=> prop.Name)
to use .Where you have to include System.Linq
I must say that I am not sure if this is the solution you are looking for. Because I could not quite make out what your question is. Well I have tried to provide an answer as much as I could figure out.
I went for a static class for CachingPropetyProvider but you can go for an instance class and use a dependency injection library and use it as a Singleton too. Moreover, I have written extensive comments so It is as self explanatory as possible.
Let us define MyClass. I also deliberately changed it a little bit.
public class MyClass
[XlsxColumn("Column 1")]
public string MyProperty1 { get; set; }
[XlsxColumn("Column 2")]
public int MyProperty2 { get; set; }
I also defined a MetaInfo class to hold the cached information.
public class MetaInfo {
/// <summary>
/// Immutable class for holding PropertyInfo and XlsxColumn info.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info">PropertyInfo</param>
/// <param name="attr">XlsxColumn</param>
public MetaInfo(PropertyInfo info, XlsxColumn attr) {
PropertyInfo = info;
Attribute = attr;
/// <summary>
/// PropertyInfo. You may want to access the value inside the property.
/// </summary>
public PropertyInfo PropertyInfo { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Attribute. You may want to access information hold inside the attribute.
/// </summary>
public XlsxColumn Attribute { get; }
And lastly the main guy. This guy is responsible for providing all the data about classes
public class CachingPropProvider {
/// <summary>
/// Holds the meta information for each type.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, List<MetaInfo>> TypeCache;
/// <summary>
/// Static constructor is guaranteed to run only once.
/// </summary>
static CachingPropProvider() {
//Initialize the cache.
TypeCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, List<MetaInfo>>();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the MetaInfo for the given type. Since We use ConcurrentDictionary it is thread safe.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type parameter</typeparam>
public static IEnumerable<MetaInfo> GetCachedStuff<T>() {
//If Type exists in the TypeCache, return the cached value
return TypeCache.GetOrAdd(typeof(T),Factory);
/// <summary>
/// Factory method to use to extract MetaInfo when Cache is not hit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Type to extract info from</param>
/// <returns>A list of MetaInfo. An empty List, if no property has XlsxColumn attrbiute</returns>
private static List<MetaInfo> Factory(Type #type) {
//If Type does not exist in the TypeCahce runs Extractor
//Method to extract metainfo for the given type
return #type.GetProperties().Aggregate(new List<MetaInfo>(), Extractor);
/// <summary>
/// Extracts MetaInfo from the given property info then saves it into the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="seedList">List to save metainfo into</param>
/// <param name="propertyInfo">PropertyInfo to try to extract info from</param>
/// <returns>List of MetaInfo</returns>
private static List<MetaInfo> Extractor(List<MetaInfo> seedList,PropertyInfo propertyInfo) {
//Gets Attribute
var customattribute = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute<XlsxColumn>();
//If custom attribute is not null, it means it is defined
if (customattribute != null)
//Extract then add it into seed list
seedList.Add(new MetaInfo(propertyInfo, customattribute));
//Return :)
return seedList;
Finally let us see how to use the solution. It is pretty straightforward actually.
//Has 2 values inside
var info = CachingPropProvider.GetCachedStuff<MyClass>();

Automapper is not transferring my collection items

I am using AutoMapper 4.x.
I have a couple of classes as follows:
/// <summary>
/// All service outputs need to descend from this class.
/// </summary>
public class OzCpAppServiceOutputBase : IOzCpAppServiceOutputBase
private readonly OzCpResultErrors _OzCpResultErrors;
public OzCpAppServiceOutputBase()
_OzCpResultErrors = new OzCpResultErrors();
public OzCpResultErrors ResultErrors
get { return _OzCpResultErrors; }
public bool ResultSuccess
get { return _OzCpResultErrors.Messages.Count == 0; }
/// <summary>
/// Return from the booking service when a simple booking is made.
/// </summary>
public class OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput : OzCpAppServiceOutputBase
public int OzBookingId { get; set; }
public class SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput : OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput
My issue comes in when I call AutoMapper to translate between OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput and SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput is that the ResultErrors is cleared.
public SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput SimpleManualCruiseBooking(SimpleManualCruiseBookingInput aParams)
OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput result = _PlatformBookingService.SimpleManualBooking(Mapper.Map<OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingInput>(aParams));
result.ResultErrors.AddFatalError(1, "Oh Dear!!!!");
//**As soon as I perform the mapping the ResultErrros collection loses the item I have added above
return Mapper.Map<SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput>(result);
I am guessing it is because it is a read only property, but I cannot figure out how to make it transfer the collection.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I have also tried adding the items in the collection myself so changing my mapping from:
Mapper.CreateMap<OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput, SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput>();
to using the after map function as follows:
Mapper.CreateMap<OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput, SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput>()
.AfterMap((src, dst) => dst.ResultErrors.Messages.AddRange(src.ResultErrors.Messages));
but this then results in the destination having TWO items in the list instead of 1 viz:
which are both the same entry of "Oh Dear!!!!"
Using the private setter approach suggested by DavidL (and an upgrade to Automapper 4.x) meant I got the required behaviour. So this is what I ended up with:
/// <summary>
/// Defines the contract for all output DTO's to platform
/// application services.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="OzCpAppServiceOutputBase" />
public interface IOzCpAppServiceOutputBase : IOutputDto
/// <summary>
/// Contains a list of errors should a call to an application service fail.
/// </summary>
OzCpResultErrors ResultErrors{ get; }
/// <summary>
/// When TRUE the underlying call to the application service was successful, FALSE
/// otherwise. When FALSE see ResultErrors for more information on the error condition.
/// </summary>
bool ResultSuccess { get; }
public class OzCpAppServiceOutputBase : IOzCpAppServiceOutputBase
public OzCpAppServiceOutputBase()
ResultErrors = new OzCpResultErrors();
/// <remarks>The private setter is here so that AutoMapper works.</remarks>
public OzCpResultErrors ResultErrors { get; private set; }
public bool ResultSuccess
get { return ResultErrors.Messages.Count == 0; }
So while needing to add a private setter "just for" AutoMapper that is a small price to pay to have this work and not use complicated mappings to deal with the issue.
With the current inheritance structure, AutoMapper will NOT be able to do what you want it to do. Since your destination structure has the same properties as your source structure, the properties are also readonly. AutoMapper will not map to readonly properties that do not have a setter declared.
You have a few options:
Make the property setter explicitly private. This answer suggests that later versions of AutoMapper support this functionality. In this case it works for 4.x.
Make the property setter internal, so that only members of this assembly can set it. Since latest versions of AutoMapper will map to private setters, they should also map to internal setters.
Make the property settable.
Downcast the object instead of mapping (you've mentioned you don't want to do this because your object structures will eventually diverge).
Shadow the property on the destination object with a public setter. Ugly and a good source of strange bugs.
public class SimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput : OzCpSimpleManualCruiseBookingOutput
public new OzCpResultErrors ResultErrors { get; set; }
Create a helper that maps your read-only properties via reflection. DO NOT DO THIS!
PropertyInfo nameProperty = aParams.GetType().GetProperty ("ResultErrors");
FieldInfo nameField = nameProperty.GetBackingField ();
nameField.SetValue (person, aParams.ResultErrors);

C# expression tree the right tool for the task?

My sample project is a MVC WebApi project.
The standard AuthorizeAttribute takes a Roles = "" or Users = "" parameter.
I didn't have a look at the implementation yet, but I don't want to either :)
Can you make this a little bit more dummy proof with expressions?
In a way that you get a compile time error when you decide to rename the attribute's "Roles" property to anything else?
public interface IControllerContext
int MagicNumber { get; }
int ScaryNumber { get; }
string Version { get; }
public class AppAuthorizationAttribute : FilterAttribute
public IControllerContext SomeControllerContext
get; // implementation omitted
// ...
// This is my sample class which needs to be validated using the attribute.
public class TestClass : BaseClass
[AppAuthorization((n) => n.MagicNumber == 13)] // or literally: which property and how to validate it"
protected void SomeMethodWhichRequiresPreProcessingValidation()
// do something.
// inside here I have access to an instance of ISomeContext
// and can do anything I want.
Optional bonus question: Would it somehow be possible to access a field of the current controller (not static) from within the attribute definition? It would be a cool thing to inject a controller field into the validation lambda expression. Something like that: AppAuthorization((controller) => controller.SomePropertyHere.MagicNumer == 13)
Attribute declaration can only use simple types and constants. The compiler will not allow you to use expressions so your planned approach will not work.
You also cannot reference fields or properties, just constants. The closest you could get is something along the lines of
public const MagicNumberPropertyName = "MagicNumber";
public enum Operator
[AppAuthorization(MagicNumberPropertyName, Operator.Equals, 13)]
protected void Method() {}
Here is the example , where you can use Enum for Authorise attribute , you can write your logic inside authorise
/// <summary>
/// Class RoleAuthorizeAttribute.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class RoleAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RoleAuthorizeAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="roles">The roles.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">The roles parameter may only contain enums;roles</exception>
public RoleAuthorizeAttribute(params object[] roles)
if (roles.Any(r => r.GetType().BaseType != typeof (Enum)))
throw new ArgumentException(
"The roles parameter may only contain enums",
Roles = string.Join(",", roles.Select(r => Enum.GetName(r.GetType(), r)).ToList());

WCF service proxy not setting "FieldSpecified" property

I've got a WCF DataContract that looks like the following:
namespace MyCompanyName.Services.Wcf
[DataContract(Namespace = "http://mycompanyname/services/wcf")]
public class DataContractBase
public DateTime EditDate { get; set; }
// code omitted for brevity...
When I add a reference to this service in Visual Studio, this proxy code is generated:
/// <remarks/>
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "2.0.50727.3082")]
public partial class DataContractBase : object, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
private System.DateTime editDateField;
private bool editDateFieldSpecified;
/// <remarks/>
public System.DateTime EditDate {
get {
return this.editDateField;
set {
this.editDateField = value;
/// <remarks/>
public bool EditDateSpecified {
get {
return this.editDateFieldSpecified;
set {
this.editDateFieldSpecified = value;
// code omitted for brevity...
As you can see, besides generating a backing property for EditDate, an additional <propertyname>Specified property is generated. All good, except that when I do the following:
DataContractBase myDataContract = new DataContractBase();
myDataContract.EditDate = DateTime.Now;
new MyServiceClient.Update(new UpdateRequest(myDataContract));
the EditDate was not getting picked up by the endpoint of the service (does not appear in the transmitted XML).
I debugged the code and found that, although I was setting EditDate, the EditDateSpecified property wasn't being set to true as I would expect; hence, the XML serializer was ignoring the value of EditDate, even though it's set to a valid value.
As a quick hack I modified the EditDate property to look like the following:
/// <remarks/>
public System.DateTime EditDate {
get {
return this.editDateField;
set {
this.editDateField = value;
// hackhackhack
if (value != default(System.DateTime))
this.EditDateSpecified = true;
// end hackhackhack
Now the code works as expected, but of course every time I re-generate the proxy, my modifications are lost. I could change the calling code to the following:
DataContractBase myDataContract = new DataContractBase();
myDataContract.EditDate = DateTime.Now;
myDataContract.EditDateSpecified = true;
new MyServiceClient.Update(new UpdateRequest(myDataContract));
but that also seems like a hack-ish waste of time.
So finally, my question: does anyone have a suggestion on how to get past this unintuitive (and IMO broken) behavior of the Visual Studio service proxy generator, or am I simply missing something?
It might be a bit unintuitive (and caught me off guard and reeling, too!) - but it's the only proper way to handle elements that might or might not be specified in your XML schema.
And it also might seem counter-intuitive that you have to set the xyzSpecified flag yourself - but ultimately, this gives you more control, and WCF is all about the Four Tenets of SOA of being very explicit and clear about your intentions.
So basically - that's the way it is, get used to it :-) There's no way "past" this behavior - it's the way the WCF system was designed, and for good reason, too.
What you always can do is catch and handle the this.RaisePropertyChanged("EditDate"); event and set the EditDateSpecified flag in an event handler for that event.
try this
public DateTime EditDate { get; set; }
This should omit the EditDateSpecified property since the field is specified as required
Rather than change the setters of the autogenerated code, you can use an extension class to 'autospecify' (bind the change handler event). This could have two implementations -- a "lazy" one (Autospecify) using reflection to look for fieldSpecified based on the property name, rather than listing them all out for each class in some sort of switch statement like Autonotify:
public static class PropertySpecifiedExtensions
private const string SPECIFIED_SUFFIX = "Specified";
/// <summary>
/// Bind the <see cref="INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged"/> handler to automatically set any xxxSpecified fields when a property is changed. "Lazy" via reflection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entity">the entity to bind the autospecify event to</param>
/// <param name="specifiedSuffix">optionally specify a suffix for the Specified property to set as true on changes</param>
/// <param name="specifiedPrefix">optionally specify a prefix for the Specified property to set as true on changes</param>
public static void Autospecify(this INotifyPropertyChanged entity, string specifiedSuffix = SPECIFIED_SUFFIX, string specifiedPrefix = null)
entity.PropertyChanged += (me, e) =>
foreach (var pi in me.GetType().GetProperties().Where(o => o.Name == specifiedPrefix + e.PropertyName + specifiedSuffix))
pi.SetValue(me, true, BindingFlags.SetField | BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, null, null);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new entity and <see cref="Autospecify"/> its properties when changed
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="specifiedSuffix"></param>
/// <param name="specifiedPrefix"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static T Create<T>(string specifiedSuffix = SPECIFIED_SUFFIX, string specifiedPrefix = null) where T : INotifyPropertyChanged, new()
var ret = new T();
ret.Autospecify(specifiedSuffix, specifiedPrefix);
return ret;
This simplifies writing convenience factory methods like:
public partial class MyRandomClass
/// <summary>
/// Create a new empty instance and <see cref="PropertySpecifiedExtensions.Autospecify"/> its properties when changed
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static MyRandomClass Create()
return PropertySpecifiedExtensions.Create<MyRandomClass>();
A downside (other than reflection, meh) is that you have to use the factory method to instantiate your classes or use .Autospecify before (?) you make any changes to properties with specifiers.
No Reflection
If you don't like reflection, you could define another extension class + interface:
public static class PropertySpecifiedExtensions2
/// <summary>
/// Bind the <see cref="INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged"/> handler to automatically call each class's <see cref="IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged.Autonotify"/> method on the property name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entity">the entity to bind the autospecify event to</param>
public static void Autonotify(this IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged entity)
entity.PropertyChanged += (me, e) => ((IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged)me).WhenPropertyChanges(e.PropertyName);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new entity and <see cref="Autonotify"/> it's properties when changed
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public static T Create<T>() where T : IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged, new()
var ret = new T();
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Used by <see cref="PropertySpecifiedExtensions.Autonotify"/> to standardize implementation behavior
/// </summary>
public interface IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged : INotifyPropertyChanged
void WhenPropertyChanges(string propertyName);
And then each class themselves defines the behavior:
public partial class MyRandomClass: IAutoNotifyPropertyChanged
public void WhenPropertyChanges(string propertyName)
switch (propertyName)
case "field1": this.field1Specified = true; return;
// etc
The downside to this is, of course, magic strings for property names making refactoring difficult, which you could get around with Expression parsing?
Further information
On the MSDN here
In her answer, Shreesha explains that:
"Specified" fields are only generated on optional parameters that are structs. (int, datetime, decimal etc). All such variables will have additional variable generated with the name Specified.
This is a way of knowing if a parameter is really passed between the client and the server.
To elaborate, an optional integer, if not passed, would still have the dafault value of 0. How do you differentiate between this and the one that was actually passed with a value 0 ? The "specified" field lets you know if the optional integer is passed or not. If the "specified" field is false, the value is not passed across. If it true, the integer is passed.
so essentially, the only way to have these fields set is to set them manually, and if they aren't set to true for a field that has been set, then that field will be missed out in the SOAP message of the web-service call.
What I did in the end was build a method to loop through all the members of the object, and if the property has been set, and if there is a property called name _Specified then set that to true.
Please ignore my previous answers, was explaining how to suck eggs. I've voted to delete them.
Could you tell me which version of Visual Studio you're using, please?
In VS2005 client - in the generated code, I get the <property>Specified flags, but no event raised on change of values. To pass data I have to set the <property>Specified flag.
In Visual Web Developer 2008 Express client - in the generated code, I get no <property>Specified flags, but I do get the event on change of value.
Seems to me that this functionality has evolved and the Web Dev 2008 is closer to what you're after and is more intuitive, in that you don't need to set flags once you've set a value.
Here's a simple project that can modify the setters in generated WCF code for optional properties to automatically set the *Specified flags to true when setting the related value.
Obviously there are situations where you want manual control over the *Specified flag so I'm not recommending it to everyone, but in most simple use cases the *Specified flags are just an extra nuisance and automatically setting them saves time, and is often more intuitive.
Note that Mustafa Magdy's comment on another answer here will solve this for you IF you control the Web Service publication point. However, I usually don't control the Web Service publication and am just consuming one, and have to cope with the *Specified flags in some simple software where I'd like this automated. Thus this tool.
Change proxy class properties to nullable type
ex :
bool? confirmed
DateTime? checkDate

Obsolete attribute causes property to be ignored by XmlSerialization

I'm refactoring some objects that are serialized to XML but need to keep a few properties for backwards compatibility, I've got a method that converts the old object into the new one for me and nulls the obsolete property. I want to use the Obsolete attribute to tell other developers not to use this property but it is causing the property to be ignored by the XmlSerializer.
Similar Code:
public class MySerializableObject
private MyObject _oldObject;
private MyObject _anotherOldObject;
private MyObject _newBetterObject;
[Obsolete("Use new properties in NewBetterObject to prevent duplication")]
public MyObject OldObject
get { return _oldObject; }
set { _oldObject = value; }
[Obsolete("Use new properties in NewBetterObject to prevent duplication")]
public MyObject AnotherOldObject
get { return _anotherOldObject; }
set { _anotherOldObject = value; }
public MyObject NewBetterObject
get { return _anotherOldObject; }
set { _anotherOldObject = value; }
Any ideas on a workaround? My best solution is to write obsolete in the XML comments...
Update: I'm using .NET 2.0
EDIT: After reading a MS Connect article, it appears that .Net 2.0 has a 'feature' where it makes ObsoleteAttribute equivalent to XmlIgnoreAttribute without any notification in the documentation. So I'm going to revise my answer to say that the only way to have your cake and eat it too in this instance is to follow #Will's advice and implement serialization manually. This will be your only future proof way of including Obsolete properties in your XML. It is not pretty in .Net 2.0, but .Net 3.0+ can make life easier.
From XmlSerializer:
Objects marked with the Obsolete Attribute no longer serialized
In the .NET Framework 3.5 the XmlSerializer class no longer serializes objects that are marked as [Obsolete].
Another workaround is to subscribe to XmlSerializer.UnknownElement, when creating the serializer for the datatype, and then fix old data that way.
Maybe consider to have the method for subscribing as a static method on the class for datatype.
static void serializer_UnknownElement(object sender, XmlElementEventArgs e)
if( e.Element.Name != "Hobbies")
var target = (MyData) e.ObjectBeingDeserialized;
foreach(XmlElement hobby in e.Element.ChildNodes)
target.HobbyData.Add(new Hobby{Name = hobby.InnerText});
I have struggled with this a lot - there is no solution other than doing serialization manually or using another serializer.
However, instead of writing shims for each obsolete property which quickly becomes a pain, you could consider adding an Obsolete prefix to property names (e.g. Foo becomes ObsoleteFoo. This will not generate a compiler warning like the attribute will, but at least it's visible in code.
1) WAG: Try adding the XmlAttributeAttribute to the property; perhaps this will override the ObsoleteAttribute
2) PITA: Implement IXmlSerializable
Yes I agree with marking things with the name "Obsolete" we do this with Enum values
/// <summary>
/// Determines the swap file location for a cluster.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This enum contains the original text based values for backwards compatibility with versions previous to "8.1".</remarks>
public enum VMwareClusterSwapFileLocation
/// <summary>
/// The swap file location is unknown.
/// </summary>
Unknown = 0,
/// <summary>
/// The swap file is stored in the virtual machine directory.
/// </summary>
VmDirectory = 1,
/// <summary>
/// The swap file is stored in the datastore specified by the host.
/// </summary>
HostLocal = 2,
/// <summary>
/// The swap file is stored in the virtual machine directory. This value is obsolete and used for backwards compatibility.
/// </summary>
ObseleteVmDirectory = 3,
/// <summary>
/// The swap file is stored in the datastore specified by the host. This value is obsolete and used for backwards compatibility.
/// </summary>
ObseleteHostLocal = 4,
You may try the following workaround:
add a method named
ShouldSerializeOldObject ()
return true;
ShouldSerializeAnotherOldObject ()
return true
this may override the obsolete Attribute
