Serialize a method invocation to JSON then deserialize and call the method - c#

I need to find a way to serialize a method call and it's associated parameter. This is because we'll be passing payloads onto a queue (like MSMQ) and then later on a process will pick up the message and need to deserialize the payload and call the method required.
Both sides of the queue use the same C# library, but one is inside a Web context and the other is inside a batch process / console app.
I have demonstrated below what I'd like to do, however, I realise it may not be possible. I know I could always encapsulate the meta data of what target method call and the have some huge switch statement that maps a parameter/payload to a method, however, it would be very cool and succinct if I could call any method I want (it doesn't matter whether it's static).
namespace SerializableMethodCalls
public class DTO
public string MyData { get; set; }
public int AnInteger { get; set; }
public class DTO2
public string MyData2 { get; set; }
public int AnInteger2 { get; set; }
class Program
private static Queue<string> _queue = new Queue<string>();
static void Main(string[] args)
DTO payload = new DTO
AnInteger = 45678,
MyData = "Test"
DTO2 payload2 = new DTO2
AnInteger2 = 534653,
MyData2 = "test2"
_queue.Enqueue(Serialize(DoSomething, payload));
while (_queue.Count > 0)
var message = _queue.Dequeue();
private static void DeserializeAndCallMethod(string message)
// somehow deserialize the method invocation and then call the method with the serialized payload!
public static void DoSomething(DTO2 payload2)
Console.WriteLine("Done2! {0}, {1}", payload2.AnInteger2, payload2.MyData2);
public static void DoSomething(DTO dto)
Console.WriteLine("Done! {0}, {1}", dto.AnInteger, dto.MyData);
public static string Serialize(Method method, object parameter)
// somehow serialize a method call!?
I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts
Many thanks

Convert with the demonstrated From/To... methods between your DTOs and reflective objects:
class TypeDTO {
public string AssemblyName;
public string ClassName;
public static TypeDTO FromType(Type type) {
return new TypeDTO() {
AssemblyName = type.Assembly.FullName,
ClassName = type.FullName
public Type ToType() {
return ToType(AppDomain.CurrentDomain);
public Type ToType(AppDomain domain) {
Assembly assembly = domain.GetAssemblies().Where(t => t.FullName == AssemblyName).Single();
return assembly.GetType(ClassName);
class MethodSignatureDTO {
public TypeDTO DeclaringType;
public string MethodName;
public TypeDTO[] ParameterTypes;
public static MethodSignatureDTO FromMethod(MethodInfo method) {
return new MethodSignatureDTO() {
DeclaringType = TypeDTO.FromType(method.DeclaringType),
MethodName = method.Name,
ParameterTypes = method.GetParameters().Select(t => TypeDTO.FromType(t.ParameterType)).ToArray()
public MethodInfo ToMethod() {
return ToMethod(AppDomain.CurrentDomain);
public MethodInfo ToMethod(AppDomain domain) {
Type[] parameterTypes = ParameterTypes.Select(t => t.ToType(domain)).ToArray();
return DeclaringType.ToType(domain).GetMethod(MethodName, parameterTypes);
class MethodCallDTO {
public MethodSignatureDTO Method;
public object Instance;
public object[] Arguments;
public object Invoke() {
return Invoke(AppDomain.CurrentDomain);
public object Invoke(AppDomain domain) {
return Method.ToMethod(domain).Invoke(Instance, Arguments);


Create wrapper around interface and get method/paramters called

Lets say I have this interface
public interface ITest
int Property1 { get; set; }
void Method1();
string GetMethod1();
void MethodWithParam(string str);
How can I create a wrapper object around this?
And then capture the methods called or paramters and values accessed etc.
For example:
var myWrapper = GetWrapper<ITest>();
myWrapper.Property1 = 7;
How would I be able to using reflection or whatever to know the following:
Paramter name being called and value being set
var data = myWrapper.GetMethod1("Test");
Get method name of "GetMethod1" along with paramaters and then return a value based on that?
Hope makes sense
Ok so answer quite simple using Castle Core proxy generator:
public interface ITest
int Property1 { get; set; }
void Method1();
string GetMethod1();
void MethodWithParam(string str);
public static class Wrapper
private class MethodInterceptor : IInterceptor
Action<IInvocation> OnIntercept;
public MethodInterceptor(Action<IInvocation> OnIntercept)
this.OnIntercept = OnIntercept;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
private static void CallAPI(IInvocation invocation)
var methodName = invocation.Method.Name;
var valuespassed = invocation.Arguments;
var retType = invocation.Method.ReturnType.FullName;
public static T Get<T>()
ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var interceptor = new MethodInterceptor(CallAPI);
var c = generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<ITest>(interceptor);
return (T)c;
public class Test123
public void Test()
var c = Wrapper.Get<ITest>();
c.Property1 = 7;
var propval = c.Property1;
Any action on c calls the intercept function where can get everything from method name being called to arguments passed.

Method Inference of Type T

How do I define an incoming Type T constraint that will allow me to call a static method on the class (of type T) to get the intended IndexModel object for passing to Mongo?
I'm currently trying to write a Mongo Provider class that will allow me to ensure my particular database and collection are present before doing any operations with them, since there is a potential that the container or server it resides in could be destroyed and recreated at any time, and I'd prefer to have a safe way in code to ensure that the external dependency is there (instance is beyond my control, so I have to trust that something is there).
One of the things I'm trying to do, since I've managed to do what I stated above for Database and Collection instantiation, is to also generate indexes. My idea was to have a static method on the classes that would return their specific definition of an index model. This way, each class would be responsible for their own Mongo indexes, rather than some convoluted switch-case statement in my Provider based on the incoming type of T.
My first idea was to have an interface that shared this method, but Interfaces don't allow you to declare a static method. Similarly, I tried an Abstract Base-class and found that the static implementation would call the base class that defined the method, rather than any overrides in an inheritor.
Sample Code
public class MyClass
public DateTime DateValue { get; set; }
public int GroupId { get; set; }
public string DataType { get; set; }
public static IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<MyClass>> GetIndexModel(IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<MyClass> builder)
yield return new CreateIndexModel<MyClass>(
builder.Descending(entry => entry.DateValue),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.GroupId),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.DataType)
I guess I should probably include a shell of my Mongo Provider class. See below:
Edit #2 due to questions about how this hasn't solved my problem, I'm updating the MongoProvider to have the problematic code. Note: Once this method is included, the class will no longer compile, since it isn't possible given what I've done thus far.
public class MongoProvider
private readonly IMongoClient _client;
private MongoPrivder(ILookup<string, string> lookup, IMongoClient client)
_client = client;
foreach(var database in lookup)
foreach(var collection in database)
Initialize(database.Key, collection);
public MongoProvider(IConfiguration config) :this(config.GetMongoObjects(), config.GetMongoClient())
public MongoProvider(IConfiguration config, IMongoClient client) : this(config.GetMongoObjects(), client)
private void Initialize(string database, string collection)
var db = _client.GetDatabase(database);
if (!db.ListCollectionNames().ToList().Any(name => name.Equals(collection)))
// The Problem
private void InitializeIndex<T>(string database, string collection)
IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<T>> models;
switch (T)
case MyClass:
model = MyClass.GetIndexModel();
await _client.GetDatabase(database)
Edit #3
As a stop-gap, I've gone ahead and done something terrible (not sure if it's going to work yet), and I'll supply the example so you can know my best solution thus far.
public static class Extensions
#region Object Methods
public static T TryCallMethod<T>(this object obj, string methodName, params object[] args) where T : class
var method = obj.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
if (method != null)
return method.Invoke(obj, args) as T;
return default;
This allows me to do the following (inside of MongoProvider)
private async void InitializeIndex<T>(string database, string collection) where T : new()
var models = new T().TryCallMethod<IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<T>>>("GetIndexModel");
await _client.GetDatabase(database)
Since it doesn't look like I'm going to get an answer to this, I figured I would provide my solution for future searches of this question. Basically, I added an extension method to the base object class, and used reflection to determine if the method I was looking for was there. From there, I returned a value of true or false, depending on if the method was found, and output the return value to a parameter, in the traditional TryGet pattern.
Note to Future Readers
I do not recommend this approach. This is just how I solved my problem for accessing a method on a type of T. Ideally, an instance method would be implemented, and a signature defined in a common Interface, but that wasn't going to work for my use case.
My Answer
public static class Extensions
#region Object Methods
public static bool TryCallMethod<T>(this object obj, string methodName, out T result, params object[] args) where T : class
result = null;
var method = obj.GetType().GetMethod(methodName);
if (method == null)
return false;
result = method.Invoke(obj, args) as T;
return true;
My data class looks like this (obfuscated from actual usage)
public class DataClass
#region Private Fields
private const string MongoCollectionName = "Data";
#region Public Properties
public string CollectionName => MongoCollectionName;
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public DateTime DateValue { get; set; }
public int GroupId { get; set; }
public string DataType { get; set; }
public long SummaryCount { get; set; }
public long FlaggedCount { get; set; }
public long ErrorCount { get; set; }
#region Constructor
public DataClass()
public DataClass(int groupId, string dataType = null, long summaryCount = 0, long flaggedCount = 0, long errorCount = 0)
Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId();
DateValue = DateTime.UtcNow;
GroupId = groupId;
DocCount = summaryCount;
DataType = dataType ?? "default_name";
FlaggedCount = flaggedCount;
ErrorCount = errorCount;
#region Public Methods
public static IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<AuditEntry>> GetIndexModel(IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<AuditEntry> builder)
yield return new CreateIndexModel<AuditEntry>(
builder.Descending(entry => entry.DateValue),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.GroupId),
builder.Ascending(entry => entry.DataType)
I would then call the method in the following fashion, inside my MongoProvider class. The ellipses are present to identify that more code exists within the class.
public class MongoProvider : IMongoProvider
#region Private Fields
private readonly IMongoClient _client;
#region Constructor
#region Private Methods
private void Initialize(string database, string collection)
var db = _client.GetDatabase(database);
if (!db.ListCollectionNames().ToList().Any(name => name.Equals(collection)))
private async Task InitializeIndex<T>(string database, string collection) where T : new()
if(new T().TryCallMethod<IEnumerable<CreateIndexModel<T>>>("GetIndexModel", out var models, new IndexKeysDefinitionBuilder<T>()))
await _client.GetDatabase(database)
private static void ValidateOptions<T>(ref FindOptions<T, T> options)
if(options != null)
options = new FindOptions<T, T>
AllowPartialResults = null,
BatchSize = null,
Collation = null,
Comment = "AspNetWebService",
CursorType = CursorType.NonTailable,
MaxAwaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
MaxTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
Modifiers = null,
NoCursorTimeout = false,
OplogReplay = null
private static FilterDefinition<T> GetFilterDefinition<T>(Func<FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>, FilterDefinition<T>>[] builders)
if(builders.Length == 0)
builders = new Func<FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>, FilterDefinition<T>>[] {b => b.Empty};
return new FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>()
.Select(b => b(new FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>()))
#region Public Methods
public async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<T>> SelectManyAsync<T>(string database, string collection, FindOptions<T, T> options = null, params Func<FilterDefinitionBuilder<T>, FilterDefinition<T>>[] builders) where T : new()
ValidateOptions(ref options);
await InitializeIndex<T>(database, collection);
var filter = GetFilterDefinition(builders);
var find = await _client.GetDatabase(database)
.FindAsync(filter, options);
return await find.ToListAsync();

How can i get the parameter values of an anonymous method passed as a func?

I am calling methods on a remote system. The remote system implements an interface that both systems have a copy of (via shared nuget repository). At the moment i am sending the requests like this:
var oldRequest = new FooRequest("GetEmployeeById", new object[] { "myPartner", 42, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) });
Here is the interface:
public class FooResponse<T> { }
public interface IFooController
FooResponse<string> GetEmployeeById(string partnerName, int employeeId, DateTime? ifModifiedSince);
As you can image, sometimes programmers passes arguments in the wrong order to the array in the constructor, and things start to fail. To resolve this I have created the following code to have intellisense support when creating the FooRequest:
public static FooRequest Create<T>(Func<FooResponse<T>> func)
return new FooRequest(null, null); // Here goes some magic reflection stuff instead of null.
It is now possible to create a FooRequest like this:
public static IFooController iFooController => (IFooController)new object();
public static FooRequest CreateRequest<T>(Func<FooResponse<T>> func)
return FooRequest.Create(func);
var newRequest = CreateRequest(() => iFooController.GetEmployeeById("myPartner", 42, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
My question then is: How will i be able to get the name of the method and the value of the parameters in the FooRequest.Create-method?
I have exhausted both my reflection and google-skills trying to find the values, but no luck so far.
Complete compiling code can be found here if someone wants to give it a shot:
Here is a sketch of how you can do this with expressions:
public class Test {
public static IFooController iFooController => (IFooController) new object();
public static FooRequest CreateRequest<T>(Expression<Func<FooResponse<T>>> func) {
return FooRequest.Create(func);
public static void Main() {
var newRequest = CreateRequest(() => iFooController.GetEmployeeById("myPartner", 42, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)));
public class FooRequest {
public static FooRequest Create<T>(Expression<Func<FooResponse<T>>> func) {
var call = (MethodCallExpression) func.Body;
var arguments = new List<object>();
foreach (var arg in call.Arguments) {
var constant = arg as ConstantExpression;
if (constant != null) {
else {
var evaled = Expression.Lambda(arg).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
return new FooRequest(call.Method.Name, arguments.ToArray());
public FooRequest(string function, object[] data = null) {
//SendRequestToServiceBus(function, data);
Console.Write($"Function name: {function}");
public class FooResponse<T> {
public interface IFooController {
FooResponse<string> GetEmployeeById(string partnerName, int employeeId, DateTime? ifModifiedSince);

Getting property values from a static class using reflection

I have a class that is used for storing user data to a file. It works well, but can't really be placed into a PCL library easily. Outside of the PCL, it's all fine.
The class looks like this
public static class UserData
public static object GetPropertyValue(this object data, string propertyName)
return data.GetType().GetProperties().Single(pi => pi.Name == propertyName).GetValue(data, null);
public static object SetPropertyValue<T>(this object data, string propertyName, T value)
data.GetType().GetProperties().Single(pi => pi.Name == propertyName).SetValue(data, value);
return new object();
private static string pUserSettingsFile;
private static UserSettings userSetting;
public static bool AccountEnabled
return UserSettings.account_enabled;
UserSettings settings = UserSettings;
settings.account_enabled = value;
UserSettings = settings;
public static UserSettings UserSettings
if (userSetting == null)
if (File.Exists(UserSettingsFile))
userSetting = Serializer.XmlDeserializeObject<UserSettings>(UserSettingsFile);
userSetting = new UserSettings();
Serializer.XmlSerializeObject(userSetting, UserSettingsFile);
return userSetting;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value is null!");
userSetting = value;
if (File.Exists(UserSettingsFile))
Serializer.XmlSerializeObject(userSetting, UserSettingsFile);
public static string UserSettingsFile
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pUserSettingsFile))
pUserSettingsFile = Path.Combine(GroupShootDroid.Singleton.ContentDirectory, "UserSettings.xml");
return pUserSettingsFile;
public class UserSettings
public bool account_enabled { get; set; }
public string address { get; set; }
public string country { get; set; }
It's not rocket science, but does what I need it to do.
What I'm trying to do is use the Get/SetPropertyValue methods to return or set any of the properties within the class.
Currently, to access the Get/SetPropertyValue methods I'm using this
public string GetStringValue(string valToGet)
string rv = (string)UserData.GetPropertyValue(valToGet);
return rv;
public void SetStringValue(string name, string val)
UserData.SetPropertyValue(name, val);
On compiling though, the GetPropertyValue method is giving an error that No overload for method GetPropertyValue takes 1 argument with the SetPropertyValue complaining that there isn't an overload that takes 2
I'm not sure that the code I'm using will do what I need it to do (from what I've read on here it should be), but I'm more perplexed as to why the errors are showing.
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do? The application is a Xam.Forms app, so the PCL accesses the class through an interface using injection.
You are defining extension method, you need an instance of the class to call them:
var o = new Object();
string rv = (string)o.GetPropertyValue(valToGet);
// or, but no sure
string rv = (string)UserData.GetPropertyValue(o, valToGet);
or more probably in your case:
public string GetStringValue(string valToGet)
string rv = (string)this.GetPropertyValue(this, valToGet);
//string rv = (string)UserData.GetPropertyValue(this, valToGet);
return rv;
I think you're getting confused between the UserData class and the object class. Your extension methods extend object.

pass value through custom attribute for method access

Can any one please tell me about custom attribute for method.I need to pass a string to attribute.If the string is true then i will access the method otherwise don't access the method.
I am not sure, if I understood your question wrongly. But are you talking about following kind of attribute which decorates the method. I had created this code when I was exploring attributes. I am pasting it here. Hope it helps.
In this, I have created the attribute, [Allow("Valid")] if it is valid we can call the method , else not.
namespace ConsoleApplication1
using System;
public class AllowAttribute : System.Attribute
public readonly string SomeString;
public AllowAttribute(string someString) // your string is passed in custom attribute
this.SomeString = someString;
public interface IAllowAttributeInvoker
object AllowAttributeInvokeMethod<T>(string methodName, T classInstance, object[] parametersArray);
public class AllowAttributeInvoker: IAllowAttributeInvoker
public object AllowAttributeInvokeMethod<T>(string methodName, T classInstance, object[] parametersArray)
System.Reflection.MemberInfo info = typeof(T).GetMethod(methodName);
if (IsAttributeValid(info))
var method = (typeof (T)).GetMethod(methodName);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking method");
var result = method.Invoke(classInstance, parametersArray);
return result;
Console.WriteLine("Can not invoke this method.");
return null;
private static bool IsAttributeValid(MemberInfo member)
foreach (object attribute in member.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (attribute is AllowAttribute && ((AllowAttribute)attribute).SomeString == "Valid")
return true;
return false;
public class EmployeeService :AllowAttributeInvoker
public object PaySalary()
return AllowAttributeInvokeMethod("PaySalaryInvoke", this, null);
public void PaySalaryInvoke()
Console.WriteLine("Salary Paid.");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EmployeeService service = new EmployeeService();
1-You can define public user access list:
public List<string> AccessRules = new List<string>();
2-Set user access rules in constructor :
AccessRules.AddRange(new[] { "GetCurrentDateTime", "GetCurrentDate" });
3-In secure methods check user access rule
public DateTime GetCurrentDateTime()
bool haveAccess = AccessRules.Any(c => c == "GetCurrentDateTime");
if (haveAccess)
return DateTime.Now;
return null;
