I'm using bootstrap for toogle down menu bar. The code is:
<div class="row">
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="true">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Action</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Another action</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Something else here</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Separated link</a></li>
but it is not working properly. I'm facing the issue that whatever I'm displaying in these fields:
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#"></a></li>
It is not visible.
The items for the displaying are visible when I paste your code in my project. I think the problem is on your js. Try to add all the js for proper working of dropdown list.
I'm trying to implement a dropdown menu inside the navigation bar which should show up on user click and disappear on clicking anywhere outside on the ecommerce app I'm making, but the dropdown function is not working as intended.
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-toggleable-sm navbar-light bg-white border-bottom box-shadow mb-3">
<div class="container-fluid">
<a class="navbar-brand" asp-controller="Movies" asp-action="Index">eMovies</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse d-sm-inline-flex justify-content-between">
<ul class="navbar-nav flex-grow-1">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-controller="Movies" asp-action="Index"><i class="badge-info bi-film"></i> Movies</a>
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<i class="badge-info bi-gear"></i> Management
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
<a class="dropdown-item" asp-controller="Cinemas" asp-action="Index"><i class="bi bi-camera-reels"></i> Cinemas</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" asp-controller="Producers" asp-action="Index"><i class="bi bi-headset"></i> Producers</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" asp-controller="Actors" asp-action="Index"><i class="bi bi-person-square"></i> Actors</a>
<!-- etc -->
Here's my github repository for the project for reference, to get to code above go from eMovies/Views/Shared/_layout.cshtml
Help is much appreciated :)
Have to reference bootsrap correctly and make sure you're using the latest version of bootsrap css and js.
Latest compiled CSS and javascript(boostrap 5.2 should work as well):
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap#5.1.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap#5.1.3/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>
I have used Bootstrap 4.6 successfully and wanted to move to Bootstrap 5. I am trying and testing very basic functionality, keeping packages managed through NuGet.
The problem I am experiencing is that I do not get intellisense for some of the BS 5 collapse attributes. However, if I copy directly from the Bootstrap examples it seems to work as expected. It's almost like I'm missing a file reference of something, but nothing that breaks the functionality - only the intellisense.
For simplicity and testing, this is what I have done:
Create ASP.NET MVC 5 project in Visual Studio 2019 (framework 4.7.2)
Used NuGet package manager to update Bootstrap, jQuery to latest versions. BS=5.1.3, jq=3.6.0
Modified BundleConfig.cs accordingly:
//bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include("~/Scripts/bootstrap.js"))
bundles.Add(new Bundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include("~/Scripts/bootstrap.js"))
Replaced the relevant part of the <body> section from _Layout.cshtml (from default) to the following (copied from https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/components/navbar/):
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="container">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
<div class="container-fluid">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">
<ul class="navbar-nav me-auto mb-2 mb-lg-0">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link active" aria-current="page" href="#">Home</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a></li>
<li><hr class="dropdown-divider"></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a></li>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link disabled">Disabled</a>
<form class="d-flex">
<input class="form-control me-2" type="search" placeholder="Search" aria-label="Search">
<button class="btn btn-outline-success" type="submit">Search</button>
Ran the project. The navbar seems to work just as the example from bootstrap. However, note the 6th line containing data-bs-toggle="collapse" and data-bs-target="#navbarSupportedContent". If I re-create the code manually, intellisense does not recognize data-bs-toggle or data-bs-toggle or data-bs.
What am I missing?
In Visual Studio, I create a new ASP.Net Core Web App
then I add a dropdown menu (as per Bootstrap documentation)
the header porton of the html code looks like this:
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm navbar-toggleable-sm navbar-light bg-white border-bottom box-shadow mb-3">
<div class="container">
<a class="navbar-brand" asp-area="" asp-page="/Index">WebApplication1</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent"
aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse d-sm-inline-flex flex-sm-row-reverse">
<ul class="navbar-nav flex-grow-1">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="" asp-page="/Index">Home</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="" asp-page="/Privacy">Privacy</a>
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a></li>
<li><hr class="dropdown-divider"></li>
<li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a></li>
but the dropdown doesn't work. When I click it, no dropdown appears:
Be sure your Bootstrap version is v5.1, you can add the following css and js file to your project _Layout.cshtml:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha512-6KY5s6UI5J7SVYuZB4S/CZMyPylqyyNZco376NM2Z8Sb8OxEdp02e1jkKk/wZxIEmjQ6DRCEBhni+gpr9c4tvA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha512-ewfXo9Gq53e1q1+WDTjaHAGZ8UvCWq0eXONhwDuIoaH8xz2r96uoAYaQCm1oQhnBfRXrvJztNXFsTloJfgbL5Q==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
For Bootstrap v4.x, you need change your code to:
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a>
<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a>
In Bootstrap 5.1, for dropdown,
✅ data-bs-toggle="dropdown"
In Bootstrap 4.0, for dropdown,
✅ data-toggle="dropdown"
I have a dropdown from boostrap such as this:
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="true">
<i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i>
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Another action</a></li>
I'd like to add list items to this boostrap dropdown menu from my C# code behind. I'm adding items through a String foreach Loop. How do I access the dropdown id, since its not displayed in the code behind because it requires ASP controls?
You will need a repeater.
Repeater1.DataSource = yourdatasource
<asp:Repeater id="Repeater1" runat="server">
<HeaderTemplate><Ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1"></HeaderTemplate>
<li role="presentation">
<a role="menuitem" href="#"> <%# Eval("yourfieldfromcodebhind here") %> </a>
I want to build a Bootstrap styled dropdown and #HTML.Helper. I know there is a Bootstrap.MVC package, but we don´t wanna go into non standard packages.
We first tried the following:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.idSelectedEnterprise, Model.Enterprises, new { #class = "dropdown" })
But this didn´t gave us a real bootstrap style. On the other hand, if we use a normal bootstrap code like from the bootstrap documentation:
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn dropdown-toggle sr-only" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown">
<span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Action</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Another action</a></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Something else here</a></li>
<li role="presentation" class="divider"></li>
<li role="presentation"><a role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" href="#">Separated link</a></li>
We don´t know how to plug in the #Model helper that will return the current selected item from dropdown.
This may sound basic, but we need help.
Not sure why the insistence on "non-standard packages" - Bootstrap is built (and intended) to be extended as the community requires.
What you are looking for has a few different options; I prefer Bootstrap Select: http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/.
It also has a NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/bootstrap-select
It's simple to setup:
Create your <select> with the .selectpicker class.
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Foo, Model.Foos, htmlAttributes: new { #class="selectpicker" })
Then call: