I have the following classes domain and Dto classes:
public class Profile
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SchoolGrade { get; set; }
public class ProfileDTO
public string Name { get; set; }
public SchoolGradeDTO SchoolGrade { get; set; }
public enum SchoolGradeDTO
[Display(Name = "Level One"]
[Display(Name = "Level Two"]
I used the following method:
Mapper.CreateMap<Profile, ProfileDTO>()
.ForMember(d => d.SchoolGrade , op => op.MapFrom(o => o.SchoolGrade))
Afterwards, I get the following error:
Requested value 'Level Two' was not found.
How do I map it correctly?
Since you're mapping from the display name and not the enum name you'll need to build a custom mapping function to scan the attributes to find the enum with that display name. You can use ResolveUsing instead of MapFrom to use a custom mapping function:
Mapper.CreateMap<Profile, ProfileDTO>()
.ForMember(d => d.SchoolGrade,
op => op.ResolveUsing(o=> MapGrade(o.SchoolGrade)));
public static SchoolGradeDTO MapGrade(string grade)
//TODO: function to map a string to a SchoolGradeDTO
You could cache the names in a static dictionary so you don't use reflection every time.
A few methods of doing that can be found here.
Expanding on D Stanley's answer from above in a little more detail, and modified the EnumHelper class from this other discussion to focus on your specific situation as this question really spans two areas, AutoMapper and correctly obtaining an Enum's value from a string.
Enhancing D Stanley's original answer:
public static class QuestionAutoMapperConfig
public static void ConfigureAutoMapper()
Mapper.CreateMap<Profile, ProfileDTO>()
.ForMember(d => d.SchoolGrade,
op => op.ResolveUsing(o => MapGrade(o.SchoolGrade)));
public static SchoolGradeDTO MapGrade(string grade)
//TODO: function to map a string to a SchoolGradeDTO
return EnumHelper<SchoolGradeDTO>.Parse(grade);
I have adjusted the EnumHelper from the mentioned example to quickly show an option where by you could modify the Parse method to first try the standard Enum.Parse(), and failing that to try to do a more detailed comparison of the Enum type by creating a dictionary of the values based either on the enum value name, or it's Display attribute text (if used).
public static class EnumHelper<T>
public static IDictionary<string, T> GetValues(bool ignoreCase)
var enumValues = new Dictionary<string, T>();
foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
string key = fi.Name;
var display = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false) as DisplayAttribute[];
if (display != null)
key = (display.Length > 0) ? display[0].Name : fi.Name;
if (ignoreCase)
key = key.ToLower();
if (!enumValues.ContainsKey(key))
enumValues[key] = (T)fi.GetRawConstantValue();
return enumValues;
public static T Parse(string value)
T result;
result = (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);
catch (Exception)
result = ParseDisplayValues(value, true);
return result;
private static T ParseDisplayValues(string value, bool ignoreCase)
IDictionary<string, T> values = GetValues(ignoreCase);
string key = null;
if (ignoreCase)
key = value.ToLower();
key = value;
if (values.ContainsKey(key))
return values[key];
throw new ArgumentException(value);
in mapping configuration
CreateMap<string, CUSTOM_ENUM>().ConvertUsing<StringToEnumConverter<CUSTOM_ENUM>>();
public class StringToEnumConverter<T> : ITypeConverter<string, T>, ITypeConverter<string, T?> where T : struct
public T Convert(ResolutionContext context)
T t;
if (Enum.TryParse(source, out t))
return t;
var source = (string)context.SourceValue;
if (StringToEnumBase<T>.HasDisplayAttribute())
var result = StringToEnumBase<T>.Parse(source);
return result;
throw new ConverterException();
T? ITypeConverter<string, T?>.Convert(ResolutionContext context)
var source = (string)context.SourceValue;
if (source == null) return null;
return Convert(context);
public static class StringToEnumBase<T> where T:struct
public static T Parse(string str)
var type = typeof (T);
var enumMembers = type.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
var enumMembersCollection = enumMembers
.Select(enumMember => new
attributes = enumMember.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false)
.Select(t1 => new
t1, value = ((DisplayAttribute) t1.attributes[0]).Name
.Select(t1 => new Tuple<string, string>(t1.value, t1.t1.enumMember.Name))
var currentMember = enumMembersCollection.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Item1 == str);
if (currentMember == null) throw new ConverterException();
T t;
if (Enum.TryParse(currentMember.Item2, out t))
return t;
throw new ConverterException();
public static bool HasDisplayAttribute()
var type = typeof (T);
var attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false);
return attributes.Length > 0;
Consider the following classes:
public class Potato
public string Farm { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; }
public string Trademark { get; set; }
public class Haybell
public string color { get; set; }
public int StrawCount { get; set; }
public class Frog
public bool IsAlive { get; set; }
public bool IsVirulent { get; set; }
public byte LimbCount { get; set; } = 4;
public ConsoleColor Color { get; set; }
Each class has properties with [Key] attribute. Is it possible to dynamically group an IEnumerable of any of these classes by their respective [Key] attributes?
I would go for adding extension methods for each your types, like
Option 1:
static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<IGrouping<Tuple<string, int>, Potato>>
GroupByPrimaryKey(this IEnumerable<Potato> e)
return e.GroupBy(p => Tuple.Create(p.Farm, p.Size));
public static IEnumerable<IGrouping<Tuple<bool, bool>, Frog>>
GroupByPrimaryKey(this IEnumerable<Frog> e)
return e.GroupBy(p => Tuple.Create(p.IsAlive, p.IsVirulent));
If there are lots of types, you may generate the code using t4.
Usage: .GroupByPrimaryKey().
Option 2:
A simpler variation:
static class Extensions
public static Tuple<string, int> GetPrimaryKey(this Potato p)
return Tuple.Create(p.Farm, p.Size);
public static Tuple<bool, bool> GetPrimaryKey(this Frog p)
return Tuple.Create(p.IsAlive, p.IsVirulent);
Usage: .GroupBy(p => p.GetPrimaryKey()).
Option 3:
A solution with reflection is possible, but will be slow. Sketch (far from production-ready!)
class CombinedKey : IEquatable<CombinedKey>
object[] _keys;
CombinedKey(object[] keys)
_keys = keys;
public bool Equals(CombinedKey other)
return _keys.SequenceEqual(other._keys);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is CombinedKey && Equals((CombinedKey)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return 0;
public static CombinedKey GetKey<T>(T instance)
return new CombinedKey(GetKeyAttributes(typeof(T)).Select(p => p.GetValue(instance, null)).ToArray());
private static PropertyInfo[] GetKeyAttributes(Type type)
// you definitely want to cache this
return type.GetProperties()
.Where(p => Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, typeof(KeyAttribute)) != null)
Usage: GroupBy(p => CombinedKey.GetKey(p))
The challenge here is that you need to build an anonymous type in order to have a GroupBy Expression that can translate to SQL or any other LINQ provider.
I'm not sure that you can do that using reflection (not without some really complex code to create an anonymous type at runtime). But you could create the grouping expression if you were willing to provide an example of the anonymous type as the seed.
public static Expression<Func<TSource, TAnon>> GetAnonymous<TSource,TAnon>(TSource dummy, TAnon example)
var ctor = typeof(TAnon).GetConstructors().First();
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, TAnon>>
(x, i) => Expression.Convert
Expression.Property(paramExpr, x.Name), // fetch same named property
), paramExpr);
And here's how you would use it (Note: the dummy anonymous type passed to the method is there in order to make the anonymous type a compile-time Type, the method doesn't care what the values are that you pass in for it.) :
static void Main()
var groupByExpression = GetAnonymous(new Frog(), new {IsAlive = true, IsVirulent = true});
var frogs = new []{ new Frog{ IsAlive = true, IsVirulent = false}, new Frog{ IsAlive = false, IsVirulent = true}, new Frog{ IsAlive = true, IsVirulent = true}};
var grouped = frogs.AsQueryable().GroupBy(groupByExpression);
foreach (var group in grouped)
Which produces:
Param_0 => new <>f__AnonymousType0`2(Convert(Param_0.IsAlive, Boolean), Convert(Param_0.IsVirulent, Boolean))
{ IsAlive = True, IsVirulent = False }
{ IsAlive = False, IsVirulent = True }
{ IsAlive = True, IsVirulent = True }
Somebody had posted a valid answer and removed it later for some reason. Here it is:
Combined key class:
class CombinedKey<T> : IEquatable<CombinedKey<T>>
readonly object[] _keys;
public bool Equals(CombinedKey<T> other)
return _keys.SequenceEqual(other._keys);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is CombinedKey<T> key && Equals(key);
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = _keys.Length;
foreach (object o in _keys)
if (o != null)
hash = hash * 13 + o.GetHashCode();
return hash;
readonly Lazy<Func<T, object[]>> lambdaFunc = new Lazy<Func<T, object[]>>(() =>
Type type = typeof(T);
var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(type);
var arrayExpr = Expression.NewArrayInit(
.Where(p => (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, typeof(KeyAttribute)) != null))
.Select(p => Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(paramExpr, p), typeof(object)))
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object[]>>(arrayExpr, paramExpr).Compile();
}, System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
public CombinedKey(T instance)
_keys = lambdaFunc.Value(instance);
Caller function and the actual usage:
public static class MyClassWithLogic
//Caller to CombinedKey class
private static CombinedKey<Q> NewCombinedKey<Q>(Q instance)
return new CombinedKey<Q>(instance);
//Extension method for IEnumerables
public static IEnumerable<T> DistinctByPrimaryKey<T>(this IEnumerable<T> entries) where T : class
return entries.AsQueryable().GroupBy(NewCombinedKey)
.Select(r => r.First());
Yes, it is relatively slow, so if it is a problem, then Klaus Gütter's solutions are the way to go.
I am having trouble saving a particular class with MongoDB.
My abstract class is as follow:
public abstract class Enumeration : IComparable
public string Name { get; }
public int Id { get; }
protected Enumeration(int id, string name)
Id = id;
Name = name;
public override string ToString() => Name;
public static IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T>() where T : Enumeration
var fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
return fields.Select(f => f.GetValue(null)).Cast<T>();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var otherValue = obj as Enumeration;
if (otherValue == null)
return false;
var typeMatches = GetType().Equals(obj.GetType());
var valueMatches = Id.Equals(otherValue.Id);
return typeMatches && valueMatches;
public override int GetHashCode() => Id.GetHashCode();
public static int AbsoluteDifference(Enumeration firstValue, Enumeration secondValue)
var absoluteDifference = Math.Abs(firstValue.Id - secondValue.Id);
return absoluteDifference;
public static T FromValue<T>(int value) where T : Enumeration
var matchingItem = Parse<T, int>(value, "value", item => item.Id == value);
return matchingItem;
public static T FromDisplayName<T>(string displayName) where T : Enumeration
var matchingItem = Parse<T, string>(displayName, "display name", item => item.Name == displayName);
return matchingItem;
private static T Parse<T, K>(K value, string description, Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : Enumeration
var matchingItem = GetAll<T>().FirstOrDefault(predicate);
if (matchingItem == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{value}' is not a valid {description} in {typeof(T)}");
return matchingItem;
public int CompareTo(object other) => Id.CompareTo(((Enumeration)other).Id);
The derived class:
public class SeatState : Enumeration
public static SeatState Free = new SeatState(1, nameof(Free).ToLowerInvariant());
public static SeatState Booked = new SeatState(2, nameof(Booked).ToLowerInvariant());
public static SeatState Reserved = new SeatState(3, nameof(Reserved).ToLowerInvariant());
public static IEnumerable<SeatState> List() => new[] { Free, Booked, Reserved };
public SeatState(int id, string name)
: base(id, name)
public static SeatState FromName(string name)
var state = List().SingleOrDefault(s => string.Equals(s.Name, name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
if (state == null)
throw new Exception($"Possible values for SeatState: {string.Join(",", List().Select(s => s.Name))}");
return state;
public static SeatState From(int id)
var state = List().SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);
if (state == null)
throw new Exception($"Possible values for SeatState: {string.Join(",", List().Select(s => s.Name))}");
return state;
When I try to save a class that have SeatState as a property, mongo throw this error:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The memberInfo argument must be for class SeatState, but was for class Enumeration.
I tried also with BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Enumeration>() (with and without IsRootClass) and BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<SeatState>()
but without success. It seems that the problem lie in the static properties, but I need them.
Any clarification in what I am doing wrong is greatly appreciated.
For others who may have the same problem, the solution is as follow:
BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Enumeration>(cm =>
cm.MapMember(m => m.Id);
cm.MapMember(m => m.Name);
BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<SeatState>(cm =>
cm.MapCreator(c => new SeatState(c.Id, c.Name));
I'm attempting to create a mapper so PetaPoco can hydrate and persist POCOs with Enumeration class properties. See more about Enumeration classes here or here.
For instance, Take this class.
public class PetType : Headspring.Enumeration<PetType>
public static readonly PetType Frog = new PetType(1, "Frog");
public static readonly PetType Cat = new PetType(2, "Cat");
public static readonly PetType Fish = new PetType(3, "Fish");
public static readonly PetType Dog = new PetType(4, "Dog");
private PetType(int value, string displayName) : base(value, displayName) { }
Which can be used like so:
var MyPet = PetType.Dog;
Here is the Poco I want to hydrate/persist with the database:
public class Pet
public int ID { get; set; }
public string OwnerName { get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public string PetName{ get; set; }
public PetType PetType{ get; set; }
I have designed a custom mapper that will work with PetType:
class EnumClassMapper : PetaPoco.StandardMapper
public override Func<object, object> GetFromDbConverter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo targetProperty, Type sourceType)
if (targetProperty.PropertyType == typeof(PetType))
return (x) => PetType.FromValue((int) x);
return base.GetFromDbConverter(targetProperty, sourceType);
public override Func<object, object> GetToDbConverter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo sourceProperty)
if (sourceProperty.PropertyType == typeof(PetType))
return (x) => ((PetType)x).Value;
return base.GetToDbConverter(sourceProperty);
However suppose I create another Enumeration subclass for disposition.
public class Disposition: Headspring.Enumeration<Disposition>
public static readonly Friendly = new Disposition(1, "Friendly");
public static readonly Timid = new Disposition(2, "Timid");
public static readonly Aggressive = new Disposition(3, "Aggressive");
private Disposition(int value, string displayName) : base(value, displayName) { }
I don't want to have to update my mapper every time I create a new subclass of the Enumeration class. I prefer that the mapping code could recognize that the property type is a descendent of the Enumeration class, and map accordingly. I assume the answer is to make use of reflection, but I don't know how to proceed.
What about
public class EnumClassMapper<T> : PetaPoco.StandardMapper
where T : Headspring.Enumeration<T>
public override Func<object, object> GetFromDbConverter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo targetProperty, Type sourceType)
return (x) => Enumeration<T, int>.FromValue((int) x);
public override Func<object, object> GetToDbConverter(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo sourceProperty)
return (x) => ((T)x).Value;
var builder = DatabaseConfiguration.Build()
.UsingDefaultMapper<ConventionMapper>(m =>
m.FromDbConverter = (targetProperty, sourceType) =>
if (targetProperty == null)
return null;
var t = targetProperty.PropertyType;
if (t.BaseType == null || ! t.BaseType.IsGenericType)
return null;
if (t.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(Headspring.Enumeration<>))
return null;
return ((IMapper)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EnumClassMapper<>).MakeGenericType(t))).GetFromDbConverter(targetProperty, sourceType);
m.ToDbConverter = sourceProperty =>
if (sourceProperty == null)
return null;
var t = sourceProperty.PropertyType;
if (t.BaseType == null || !t.BaseType.IsGenericType)
return null;
if (t.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(Headspring.Enumeration<>))
return null;
return ((IMapper)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(EnumClassMapper<>).MakeGenericType(t))).GetToDbConverter(sourceProperty);
var db = builder.Create();
Normally when I want for example to find the first or default item of a List I use this way:
myList.SingleOrDefault(x=>x.MyPropery01 == "myCondition");
However, I would like to know if it is possible, for example by reflection, if I set the the property MyProperty dynamically, something like:
myList.SingleOrDefault(x=>x.GetType().GetProperty("MyProperty01") == "myCondition");
Because sometimes I need to search for MyProperty01, sometimes for MyProperty02, MyProperty03, etc..
EDIT: in visual studio I get this error:
"Operator '==' can't be applied to operands of type System.reflection.PropertyInfo and string".
Yeah you can do that. You were pretty close, here is a demo you can drop in linqpad. Note that the important part is
Single(l => l.GetType().GetProperty(prop).GetValue(l).ToString() == "Condition")
void Main()
var myList = Enumerable.Range(0,10).Select(i => new Xmas(i,"name"+i)).ToList();
string prop = "name";
Console.WriteLine(myList.Single(l => l.GetType().GetProperty(prop).GetValue(l).ToString() == "name6").name);
public class Xmas
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public Xmas( int id, string name )
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
Working example:
public class Apple
public string Color { get; set; }
public List<Apple> ApplesList {get;set;}
public void Process()
PropertyInfo pi = typeof(Apple).GetProperty("Color");
ApplesList = ApplesList.Where(r => (string)pi.GetValue(r) == "Red").ToList();
You could also write an Extension method, that allow to get the property on every object, returning null when it doesn't exist, or doesn't have a GetMethod. You could keep a Cache if you want
public static class ObjectExtension
static IDictionary<KeyValuePair<Type, string>, PropertyInfo> propertyCache = new Dictionary<KeyValuePair<Type, string>, PropertyInfo>();
public static object GetProperty(this object source, string propertyName, bool useCache = true)
if (source == null)
return null;
var sourceType = source.GetType();
KeyValuePair<Type, string> kvp = new KeyValuePair<Type, string>(sourceType, propertyName);
PropertyInfo property = null;
if (!useCache || !propertyCache.ContainsKey(kvp))
property = sourceType.GetProperty(propertyName);
if (property == null)
return null;
var get = property.GetGetMethod();
if (get == null)
return null;
if (useCache)
propertyCache.Add(kvp, property);
property = propertyCache[kvp];
return property.GetValue(source, null);
public static T GetProperty<T>(this object source, string propertyName)
object value = GetProperty((object)source, propertyName);
if (value == null)
return default(T);
return (T)value;
A small test class could then be:
public class Item
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
public string MyProperty3 { get; set; }
public string MyProperty2 { protected get; set; }
public Item()
MyProperty = "Test propery";
MyProperty3 = "Test property 3";
MyProperty2 = "Yoohoo";
With a main class for testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Item item = new Item();
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
string key = "MyProperty" + (x > 0 ? x.ToString() : "");
string value = item.GetProperty<string>(key);
Console.WriteLine("Getting {0} = {1}", key, value);
which gives the expectable output of:
Getting MyProperty = Test propery
Getting MyProperty1 =
Getting MyProperty2 =
Getting MyProperty3 = Test property 3
Given a string with the same name of an object field, how can I get the reference to the object field?
For example, say I pass in a string called "field1" to the GetFieldByStr method, and the object has an field name field1, how can I get a reference to the field1 object? I'm assuming using reflection somehow.
class Example {
private FieldExample attr1;
void GetFieldByStr(String str) {
// We get passed in "field1" as a string, now I want
// to get the field1 attribute.
You need to use Reflection:
FieldInfo field = typeof(Example).GetField(str);
object value = field.GetValue(this);
(For properties, use PropertyInfo)
Note that value is an object; in order to do anything useful with it, you'll need to cast it to some class or interface (or use dynamic in C# 4).
Here's an idea that doesn't rely on reflection. The downside is that it requires some setup. You could possibly even define some custom attributes and use some clever code to perform the setup automatically on application start.
interface IAttributeStore
T GetAttribute<T>(string key);
class Example : IAttributeStore
public int ExampleID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
static Dictionary<string, Delegate> _AttributeAccessors;
static Example()
_AttributeAccessors = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>();
_AttributeAccessors.Add("ExampleID", new Func<Example, int>((example) => example.ExampleID));
_AttributeAccessors.Add("FirstName", new Func<Example, string>((example) => example.FirstName));
_AttributeAccessors.Add("LastName", new Func<Example, string>((example) => example.LastName));
#region IAttributeStore Members
public T GetAttribute<T>(string key)
Delegate accessor;
if (_AttributeAccessors.TryGetValue(key, out accessor))
Func<Example, T> func = accessor as Func<Example, T>;
if (func != null)
return func(this);
throw new Exception(string.Format("The attribute with the given key \"{0}\" is not of type [{1}].", key, typeof(T).FullName));
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No attribute exists with the given key: \"{0}\".", key), "key");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Example example = new Example() { ExampleID = 12345, FirstName = "Funky", LastName = "Town" };
Update: This seemed interesting to me, so I threw together an alternative implementation that utilizes attributes and extension methods instead of an interface. The nice thing about this is that it requires very little code per class (you just need to add the attributes), and the code that sets up the delegates only runs if the application actually requests an attribute from a particular class.
I have to give credit to Marc Gravell's answer to this question for how to dynamically create a delegate for getting a property given a PropertyInfo object.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
class AttributeStoreAttribute : Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
class StoredAttributeAttribute : Attribute
public string Key { get; set; }
public static class AttributeStore<T>
static Dictionary<string, Delegate> _AttributeAccessors;
public static void Initialize()
_AttributeAccessors = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>();
Type type = typeof(T);
// let's keep it simple and just do properties for now
foreach (var property in type.GetProperties())
var attributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StoredAttributeAttribute), true);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
foreach (object objAttribute in attributes)
StoredAttributeAttribute attribute = objAttribute as StoredAttributeAttribute;
if (attribute != null)
string key = attribute.Key;
// use the property name by default
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
key = property.Name;
if (_AttributeAccessors.ContainsKey(key))
throw new Exception(string.Format("An attribute accessor has already been defined for the given key \"{0}\".", key));
Type typeOfFunc = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(type, property.PropertyType);
Delegate accessor = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeOfFunc, null, property.GetGetMethod());
_AttributeAccessors.Add(key, accessor);
public static object GetAttribute(T store, string key)
if (_AttributeAccessors == null)
Delegate accessor;
if (_AttributeAccessors.TryGetValue(key, out accessor))
return accessor.DynamicInvoke(store);
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No attribute exists with the given key: \"{0}\" on attribute store [{1}].", key, typeof(T).FullName), "key");
public static TResult GetAttribute<TResult>(T store, string key)
if (_AttributeAccessors == null)
Delegate accessor;
if (_AttributeAccessors.TryGetValue(key, out accessor))
Func<T, TResult> func = accessor as Func<T, TResult>;
if (func != null)
return func(store);
throw new Exception(string.Format("The attribute with the given key \"{0}\" on attribute store [{1}] is not of type [{2}].", key, typeof(T).FullName, typeof(TResult).FullName));
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("No attribute exists with the given key: \"{0}\" on attribute store [{1}].", key, typeof(T).FullName), "key");
public static class AttributeStoreExtensions
public static object GetAttribute<T>(this T store, string key)
return AttributeStore<T>.GetAttribute(store, key);
public static TResult GetAttribute<T, TResult>(this T store, string key)
return AttributeStore<T>.GetAttribute<TResult>(store, key);
class Example
public int ExampleID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Example2
[StoredAttribute(Key = "ID")]
public int ExampleID { get; set; }
[StoredAttribute(Key = "First")]
public string FirstName { get; set; }
[StoredAttribute(Key = "Last")]
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Example example = new Example() { ExampleID = 12345, FirstName = "Funky", LastName = "Town" };
Example2 example2 = new Example2() { ExampleID = 12345, FirstName = "Funky", LastName = "Town" };
// access attributes by the default key (property name)
// access attributes by the explicitly specified key
You can do so with the Reflection library (either FieldInfo or PropertyInfo depending if you want a field or a property)
void GetAttributesByStr(String str) {
FieldInfo attributeInfo = this.GetType().GetField(str); // you might want to use some Binding flags here like BindingFlags.Instance and BindingFlags.Public
attributeInfo.GetValue(this); // assign this to something or return it as an object
For properties.
var prop = this.GetType().GetProperty(str);
prop.GetValue(prop, null);